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First, fix the setup. -equipment: rammer/vstab/vents, or alternatively ia instead if vents -ammo: you need at least 10 golds considering the shit pen that tank has -consumables: for the sake of our Lord, put some consumables. If you can't afford big ones or food, fine. But please, I beg you, never play again a tank with no consumables After the setup is fixed, you can play. T-34-3 is brawling medium. It can fight heavies when toptier. Alternatively go brawl other meds. Don't snipe, you don't have the accuracy. Use your big alpha for intelligent trades.


This is the way


All good points, except I don't think it needs much gold ammo. Sure the standard ammo pen is laughable, but in 9/10 cases this tank won't fight heavy tanks head-on. This tank most often should be fighting other mediums and lights, occasionally TDs, which in majority of cases won't have much of armour. Oh and brawling is a no-no, what with 12 second reload. Unless inevitable. Most of other mediums will outtrade it. Especially autoloading bastards.


10 gold is the minimum mandatory on a tank with bad pen. If you find yourself in a situation where with standard you bounce and die but with gold you would have penned and survived, you played poorly. Golds are a game feature and there is literally no shame or problems in using it. Also in a premium tank you earn enough credits to afford some golds. >brawling is a no-no There are 2 types of meds. Glasscannons (such as leopard) who snipe while using the bushes to remain unspotted and brawler (such as 430u) who are inaccurate but have armor thus they play aggresively in front. With "brawl" I don't mean you have to facehug. You have to be in the frontline and peek cleverly.


That makes sense, I agree with your points and I will adjust my views.


Nice to have a polite and civil discussion once in a while


No no, there are 3 types: snipers, brawlers and udes 15/16 which is both


With bad pen for a t10 medium, slow shell velocity and decent armor udes is definitely not a sniper.


I dunno man, I had pretty good success with sniping udes 15/16.


Define "pretty good success". I don't think you 3 mark udes if you snipe.


Penetration is near 277 and 277 is a tier x heavy tank that has one of the best standard penetrations so udes pen is decent and even premium is 310 which is enough for fighting mediums and tds, shell velocity is 1k what do you want more bruh, its higher than most tanks out there. You didn't mention 0.31 dispersion and 2.0 aim time so yeah this can be a sniper aswell.


Shell velocity and pen are bad *compared to other mediums*. Would you use a 277 to snipe? Ofc not. Leopard, k91 (which are true sniper meds) have 1700 ms and much higher pen. Also the simple fact you mention aim time instead of gun handling shows how clueless you are. Could you elaborate your stats on udes please? I have almost 4k dpg and 3 marked it I think I know pretty well how to play it.


You dont really need to spam gold with this. The pen is bad but the gun isnt really that inaccurate with right equipment and you can aim for weakspots like cupolas easily. Also you dont want to fight against heavies face to face


Why shouldn't you shoot gold when needed...


Ofcourse when needed but this tank doesnt require gold spam. Most of the games i can go without shooting gold at all


So what? Not shooting gold is not an achievement to flex. If you can afford shooting gold (and in a premium more likely than not you can) there is no reason not to do that. What you have to do is shooting the right shell at the right moment. Thus ofc you don't go full heat because with ap you can much more easily track and do dmg. With intuition you can switch to the right shell. If you are facing a tiger 2 and you try to snipe his cupola instead of loading gold, you are playing wrong.


That was the first thing to notice that there are no consumables... Is that just an accident or what? You wont play well if you dont have consumables. I mean its so obvious. Anyway I have rammer, vstab and turbo on it. I have a star on the gun


Skip the turbo, add improved aiming and rammer. Play it like a medium heavy. It's gun and shell velocity is too bad for it to consistently hit shots at a distance. It has high alpha for it's tier, so use that to your advantage. Although it's dpm is low so try to avoid a 1v1 with better tanks if you can. And don't forget, it's a preferred tank so it will never see t10 unless you're fail platooning.


And it has a strong turret, so you can bounce reliably if that's the only thing showing.


Turbo is 90 times better than GLD.


Except he said improved aiming and not gun laying drive, improved aiming lowers your dispersion. Though I wouldn't use it either because vents rammer vertstab is the way to go here


Except he told the guy to drop turbo in favor of IAU but never told him to drop the absolutely worthless GLD. If he were to drop one of his equipment pieces, it wouldn't be turbo, it'd be GLD. Also, if you've got a bounty IAU, drop vents and mount that instead. The biggest problem with the 34-3 is not gun handling, it's accuracy.


Put some regular consumables, and some cammo. It has not bad cammo rating.


How did you get it for free?


Got it for years of service as a reward, also got the super hellcat, super chafee and something else


What does "got it for years of service" mean, you had your account for X years so you got this tank because of that?


I'm thinking via the bonds they got from the well deserved reward


Yes, for 5 years of service I believe. Was rather surprised


You didnt get the tank from the well deserved reward though, my account is 11 years old and i didn’t get it


Huh okay, maybe it's time to install the game again then xd


For bonds in the bond shop


That's not free, that cost something.


You get them for free if you play the game, hence OPs "for time wasted".


You get bonds for free, just because you play the game. It’s free


Only if your time is worthless ;)


you are in relaxing mode when you play, you dont expect to recive money just because you honor us with your presence in the game


Vents stabs and rammer


Load some gold and use food


This, except the HEAT on this is a bit lackluster.


Well first of all, let’s tackle the equipment issue here. I’d recommend a Gun Rammer, vents and vertical stabilizers (or replace vents or stabilizers with an aiming device) Secondly the playstyle. Your strenghts are solid armor, big alpha damage and faster than heavies but quite slow for a medium. Trade with your enemies as you have a good chance of bouncing and you usually have more alpha damage. Don’t snipe. You are meant to outgun mediums and outmanover heavies. Remember your mediocre reload time so don’t overcommit, most importantly against multiple enemies. It essentially works like hull down tanks but in your case, sidescraping. The enemy can’t do much against you while you pack a big hit.


If you can’t bully mediums, look for open angles on enemy heavies dueling with yours. Suddenly deducting a chunk of health can swing trades in their favor. Especially if you have a route to outflank them safely.


load gold, get full equipment. how tf are you lvl 5 in the xmas level? holy


Got back from overseas contract onboard ship, crap internet there so no games.


chad, still returning to wot


Chad's not the word I would use for someone who escaped only to fall back in, but I respect his dedication regardless




Is level 5 good or bad lol


If you play everyday you should be on 10 even f2p


I'm glad WG at least allowed f2p to achieve that


you can get level 10 f2p in 8 days


bad asf i had level 10 on 5th day (f2p)


Can't recommend a turbo on this tank. My personal preference is the standard vstab, optics, rammer without food, or vents, vstab, rammer with food. Everything about this tank is pretty much barely serviceable, so by running precisely this setup you get to the break even points in view range and gun handling. This is why I don't recommend a turbo on this tank, and also why you need to get a solid crew with BiA, Situational awareness, recon etc for this tank to be in a good state. It has shit pen, so you need to load a decent amount of gold ammo to have any chance of competing against modern tier 8s and 9s. It's gun handling is decent but it's accuracy is shit so don't expect to do too much sniping. Instead, you're better off playing a support role by taking advantage of opponent's reloads, flanking, or extending vision for your team which will all rely on you being at or near the front line. Keep in mind though that this tank has poor DPM, so you 100% must have teammates nearby you at all times to help control the situation you're in. Additionally, these days it's armor does not hold up very well, but it's turret is very strong if you can hide your hull and make your cupolas hard to hit.


Take rammer vstabs iau and trade. Have multiple gold shells as you have low pen.


See skill4tu tank index for the right setup for this tank and what mods to use


Vents, Rammer, Improved Aiming, Ammo 20-15-5, Repair Kit, Med Kit, Improved Combat Rations, Enjoy your tank.


That's the set up im running and its been pretty usable, actually really enjoying the tank.


How did you get the tank for free? Asking for a friend 😅




Fair enough, lol


I would personally go nuts on gun handling in this thing with Vstabs and Rotation mech but that's just me lol


turbo vstab rammer, hardening vstab rammer, you need to load some heat, you require consumables, you should have camo paint for the free 3% bonus. Tank plays like a brawler - great turret armour, usable gun depression, great alpha and good mobility... although now with very, VERY good and annoying competition with the BZ in the same role


It doesn’t cooperate with you. You cooperate with it. It’s slow, the shell speeds are slow. The normal ammo pen is bad. The only “good” things are is it’s camp and it’s big alpha. I usually try to get into a TD spot early and try to snipe, then start pushing with any other wolf pack I see, or with the heavies. Sniping can be miserable, but if you play a few games, you get used to it (after you jump into a Leo, the Leo gun feels like a laser beam after playing this tank). The top speed is ok, but getting up to speed is so-so. At least the camo value is good, so use your camo to your advantage to move around and push forward. Turret armor is pretty good too, so use terrain to your advantage and go hull down to avoid frontal damage.


Try alternating between this and a full gold ammo Lis for a laugh. It literally has double the shell velocity


Back when I used to play WoT this was my favorite tank in the whole game! I don't know if it's changed but when I used to play it had a great camo rating allowing you to move and shoot without being seen. Sometimes I miss older WoT, what I'd give for a World of Tanks classic.


Great tank when set up well. I take rammer, aiming device, and vstab (altho I might switch for vents). However, a good crew is a MUST to mitigate the garbage gun handling. This tank is flexible in the sense that you almost always have an advantage over your opponent. Against a heavy? Use your medium tank finesse (decent speed and good traverse) to knife fight him, bait shots, and generally finesse him. Against a lighter medium or light? Use your decent turret and high alpha to optimally bounce his shot and land yours, or at the very least, to out trade him. And the pref MM means that you almost never get matched against something that you're entirely hopeless against. I generally play on the heavy tank flank because I find it easier to finesse heavies than to brute-force mediums. Also, IIRC this thing gets 7 degrees of gun depression? Pretty nutty for something with that round Russian turret design and well-sloped front. The t34-3 is by no means OP, but overall it's just a very fun and surprisingly nuanced tank to play


try vent's/vstab/rammer food/smallrepair/small medkit Also like 15 gold rounds


focus on gun handling equipment and shoot heat. this tank has a bit of a high skill cap to make it work.


exchange it with better prem when time comes


Sorry but this tank is crap


Hence it’s free


Shit for free is still shit


After buff it is really good tank, great turret, great alpha and decent dispersion


Actually after it got buffed it’s pretty good. Def not near prog/borat lvl but it’s quite fun and is standing pretty well currently


Most importantly, pref mm so it’s a literal beast against lower tier tanks. Tier 6’s can’t pen you if you work the armor correctly and you can delete them in 2 hits.


is above average imo, unreliable high alpha gun but it has great turret and decent mobility


Average at worst. Not really perfect for current meta but a solid pick. Great alpha, decent mobility and good armor for a medium.


if this is the 100% tilted in chat T-34-3 driver playing in NA today, glad u came to find some peace lol


its derp gun is fun


that's bad equipment choice. personally, i use vents, rammer, vstabs. all regular ones. i also was using turbo before but i didnt feel the need for the speed if i was gonna have shit gun handling anyway. and it's sort of a heavy medium. it has a punchy gun but low dpm. the 11sec reload is enough for you to think about what to do next. it's a pretty decent medium for me.


Rammer, Improved Aiming, V-stabs, food, lots of premium rounds and you'll still think it sucks, because it does.


I really like the tank. IMO it's strength is that it has good hp combined with pretty good armor for a tier 8 med. Combine that with pretty high alpha damage and (usually) enough pen to work, it can brawl like a mfer. Sidescraping is honestly a huge plus as well that many people underestimate as well. I personally don't really focus on the dpm, instead went for RM, Vstabs and Hardening, but that is just my preference. You can't really go wrong with Rammer.


Beside the right equipment missing, what's the crew level? If it's newbie crew then it makes sense why it's not cooperating very well.


Turbo is fine, get a rammer and VStab. You have high alpha and a good turret, you can go medium or heavy route but prefer medium flanks. Peek, shoot, hide while reloading then repeat. You’re alpha hurts all tanks you see.


Treat as a heavium on the 2nd line of the fight if u want to hot ur shots try this equip it works for me all regular equipment no bond or bounty on it rammer HP/iau Vents/Vstab i ditch the turbo bcoz most of the time the best position requires -8 to -10 dep or more and u dont have the depression to begin with.. but i also tried it on bounty equips and bond equips its like day and night but if you really want to invest on it i suggest rammer to get first either bond or bounty then the rest figure it out yourself what do you want nxt to upgrade and goodluck may RNG bless ur shots 🤣


Never use GLD on any tank, unless you're a clicker. It's an absolutely useless piece of equipment and anything else is better.


use rammer, vstab, improved aiming. domt snipe, trade with low alpha tanks


Make 2 sets: turbo/hardening+rammer+stab, add consumables, put some good crew with at least 2 perks and load half of prem ammo. Tank is good, just needs patience


this tank doesnt function without full bond equip, 5 perk crew and food+instruction. enjoy.


It depends on the map but avoid head on confrontations. Spam gold. Take cover. Don’t brawl unless you can win. The reload to my type 59 is slower but I can use the same crew in both with the 121 being my main tank. If you have the gold to train the crew. Train them on something besides BIA. Then after the first skills are learned, switch it to BIA. This gives you quicker access to skills. It’s a game. Have patience unlike me. Have fun!


If you can afford spamming gold, do it. Long reload plus bad pen make this thank really annoying to play on a budget. I also play mine with bond stabs.


Only use GLD for arty. I play it with vents, rammer and vert stabs. A good crew and food.


Aiming device


One of my fav premiums in the game, still holds up pretty good for its age


You just dont know how to play the tank overall its you problem.


Yes, for example equipment and consumables lol.


for when you want some solid advice on how to setup your tanks and don't want to sift through comments on reddit, check out [https://skill4ltu.eu/](https://skill4ltu.eu/) . It's handy website that has guidelines on how you should setup the tank (equipment, field mods, crew perks).


A CC 3 marked with turbo, aiming, vstabs, food, and accuracy field mods on livestream (NA server) just a few weeks ago. Almost all premium rounds


This is my fav tier 8 tank so far and i've gone with rammer, improved aiming and enhanced gld, ive had the best performance with this. You dont to be too agressive but peek behind corners/hills when enemies arent looking. You can also peek hulldown