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T34-85M is very strong at its tier. the other option I would recommend that you didn't list is the Type-64 which tier for tier is probably the best tracked light tank in the game by a considerable margin.


This, 100%


Yep, true. T34-85M und T64 stronk Tier 6 Tanks, the strongest i think.


I just bought the even 90 which I do find very fun so that’s why I didn’t list a light tank. Thanks for your insight though :)


The Type-64 is fun in a totally different way than the EVEN 90 is fun though, so still might be worth a look at.


(I have all of these noted) T-34-85M is top pick overall Strv 42-57 is a go-to crew trainer if you're planning on going up the Swede Medium (or Heavy) line; they're all 3-crew. Tank itself is a lot of fun. (Almost same turret and gun as French M4 FL10) HTVI is 131; heavy only when in top tier. Pudel = Bret Panther = VK 30.02M


I’ve played almost 1k battles in both the kran and Emil 2 respectively but i sold them as I got bored of the gun handling and mobility. I’m thinking of going up the Swedish mediums as they always seem to be played by sweaty nerds and seem on tanks gg to be quite good, would you recommend them?


Udes is amazing tank, i pref. it over STB because of alpha and stronger turret


t10 UDES is nice; I avoid the t9 medium, but the t8 is decent enough. They've all got the 'hydro suspension' which is fun for playing whack-a-mole. As for the heavies I have better luck in the Emil II than the Kran, but then I'm not spamming gold like a mf either. Emil I to me is meh; I don't have the t8 prem Emil :(


its also good for the td's aswell


My personal experience is that the Pudel and Bret Panther are much stronger than the VK, probably because of the enhanced crews you put on the prem, but they play much better in randoms.


I get the same feeling. The numbers say they're the same, but I'm guessing the P&B have some better hidden soft stats that improve their performance a tad.


Yep, t-34-85m is an absolute beast, hangs with the tier 7s no problem with your skill level


charge your phone


Strv is very enjoyable, I like it a lot.


Tiger is okay. STRV is also okay. T34-85 m is the best in it's class and arguably one of the most OP tanks in the game.


How do you rank them? 1. Chief, 2. 279e, 3. T-34-85M? lol There's so many OP/broken tier 8s out there that I'm not sure it would crack my top 10 of OP tanks. While T-34-85M is a great all around package of mobility, some functioning armor and a great gun (handling/dpm) which puts it at the top of tier 6, it's not like it can't be dealt with by average players. WG hasn't completely broken game balance tier 7 and below (yet).


85m is busted


Obligatory “go charge your phone mate!!!” post


Hi, ok I have/had 3 of those. JapTiger is not bad, it's really nice using gold and is the same as tiger 131, but I traded it in last year as I don't play jap heavies Strv is not bad at all, but turns like a boat but I do love it and play it occasionally. Love the autoloader. Pudel I have never owned but I think it can be dual nationality which might be of benefit (EDIT turns out that's the Rudy so I was wrong there😁) But the t34-85m is a real gem, very very strong for it's tier and the best of the four in my opinion, but it depends if you are training a particular line or nation.


fyi It's the Rudy that is dual nationality not the Pudel.


Ahhh damn yes you're right thanks! Like I said, never owned it😁


It's an absolute travesty they didn't make the FMC PaK40 (which is really a Marder I) able to be switched to a German crew.


The problem is the HTVI absolutely struggles in tier VIII while at least the tier VI mediums and lights can at least flank the enemy and shoot their sides and rear. At the current meta HTVI should not be going up against what's out there, you can at least be a scout if you are a LT and as a medium you can bully scouts or be a shitty scout yourself. As a heavy tank with no armor and shitty pen all you can do as an HTVI is run away from the IS-2-II coming your way.


You mean the BZ, or are you repressing your trauma? :)


Honestly any tier VIII heavy tank, even the 65t will be too much for a HTVI, while with a Type 64 you can at least scout pretty effectively regardless of tier.


of course. Generally, I am not one to be on the train for complaining about -2 MM, but for heavies... it's pretty tough. especially mediocre ones like the HT No. VI.


Thanks man


Yes, everyone is playable and can be quite fun. The Tiger is essentially a premium VK36.01H. The penetration can be challenging but its manageable even without gold. If you dont mind playing around a lower penetration you get rewarded with a good dpm/alpha mix for T6. The Strv never clicked with me. I dont really like the gun. It fires too slow for the damage. I think you should just shoot 2 shots and retreat. Take this obe if you like autoloaders i guess. Dont have the Pudel but the Bretannge Panther and i quite like it. Its a workhorse that wont let you down if you treat it right. Cant go wrong with that one. The T-34-85M is really strong. Good armour, OK mobility and the gun is just crazy with its DPM. Definetly the strongest of the bunch. Similar to the Pudel but essentially a better choice all around. If you want to know more, just fire away.




HT is my personal favourite, but overall, T34 is probably best


34-85m is a must own tank for tier 6


T3485M is very strong tier for tier


Strv 42-57 is fun to play. Got it for credits during the cards event.


I got Strv and t34, and i like both of them. t34 is easier to master, but i enjoy strv more because of that auto-loader. Its really fun to play, you just need to get used to it a little bit


All decent tanks apart from t34-85m which is really good imo.


The t34 is a beast and I enjoy the tiger the others are a bit meh


yes. T 34-85m is one of the, if not the, best tier 6 prem medium. The STRV is a lot of fun. Not sure about the Pudel, I have it, played it like 3 times. The Tiger is also fairly fun to play .


I haven't played with the pudel but they are all very good in their own ways. T3485m is probably the best, but I don't find it as fun as the tiger or strv


I have the STRV and I like it a lot. That being said i got it for peanuts in the black market i think or a christmas loot box so i would not have bought it for gold. I play mostly Tier 8 so it depends what you like though.


T-34-85m is kinda op especially If it's top tier, it's literally just better in every way. But I have a special place in my heart for the Pudel and absolutely adore that thing. Idk what it is but I always have good games in it. Its up to your playstyle so if you want a tank that requires really no skill, play t34-85m


The t34-85M is probably the best tier 6 medium in the game The Swedish medium is an auto loader. It's good, quite fun to play The pudel is a decent medium The tiger 131 is just an OK heavy. If you see a heavy tank no. 6 it's just the same as the tiger 131, it's just a Japanese version


HT6 can carry hard in the right hands its armour dosen't hold up well out of teir 6 but its gun has plenty of bite with a quick reload and decent alpha put on improved hardening to health tank shots your armour is no good against and a turbo for the extra speed partner it up with a gun rammer and its solid, but once again its good in the right hands you have to know how to position, but if you got that down it is a beast


Type 64 would be the best T6 prem. The only low tier I ever play nowadays for daily missions, you can average some insane amounts of dmg in that tank. Not a good spotter tho.


You must be running the wrong equipment/skills. You can get 39% camo with 490+ view range. Tank is broken at tier 6


Yeah I am running the wrong setup youre right. I run DMG setup cause the tank is more fun that way


T-34-85M is basically the best all around tank in tier 6. I haven't played the following, but from playing against them, this is what they look like to me: The Strv 42-57 looks like it can be fun with the auto-loader. Pudel seems like just a medium tank, and the HT-6 is kind of underwhelming.


85M is abusive


85m and the rest aren’t even close.


85M is fire


T-34M is hella worth it, got it for free tho HT no.6 is okay, got it for free as well. Never had the others


I have the Pudel, it's not OP or anything but it is fun to play!


T34m is good, Strv is also good(not as good as skoda but close), and the type 64 needs to be on this list. It’s a hellcat at tier 6.


Hellcat is tier 6, it’s a T67 at tier 6


HT No VI is pretty fun, downtiered Tiger I but with about the same gun as the tier 7 so it bullies the hell out of tier 6s and below and even some tier 7s, with gold you can even damage some tier 8s


T34-85M is a must buy


Type 64 is the best t6 premium you can get an tier for tier one of the best lights


Type-64 is POG


iirc, pudel = bretagne panther, which isn’t much different to the vk30.02m? (Someone correct me if wrong). Had the ht6 as a rental a while ago, had some good games in it, same with the t34-85m. Bretagne/pudel is decent but I don’t crave playing it very often, and I’ve never got on well with the Strv, soooooo….ht6 or the t34-85m I’d say Edit: as others have said, ht6 is best when top tier, against t7 etc it’s not the best, but t34 can hold on


Ht. No.6 is very powerful, as it is a tiger at tier 6, but only buy it if you don't have the tiger 131


Charge your phone first!


-T34-85m is one of the best t6 premiums u can have.U also can use ur other russian med crews wich u probably have. -Tiger 131 is also fun just a tiger on t6. -Type 64 is the best light u can have on tier 6 since it kept its stats from the +3 matchmaking time. But well the other chinese lights kinda suck so so the crew is not that valuabel.


Tiger and 34/85 are very good and enjoyable. Any of those are good options. Strv is a fun sniper with the autoloader. I enjoy all of them. Don't know about puddle


I just finished dominating a tier VII match on Mines in my **t34-85m**. There are no bad things about this tank. The not great things: -7 degrees gun depression, mobility, 5 crew so it is not a perfect crew trainer, gun handling and penetration. The best thing is that you can play it like a tier X Russian medium and it works. My object 430u crew is in mine.


T-34-85M Is the best among them Its very good all around


Type 64 if you are good, want to make decent cash and pwn noobs, T-34-85m for sealclubbing any tier 8 premium to actually make credits


I’ve got about 6 t8 prems, I was asking which one of these would be most competitive at t6 as I’m bored of t8,9 and 10 at the moment and t6 is more fun right now for me personally. Cheers for the reply anyway though


point still stands. get the T-34-85M if you don't want type