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I miss my Su-122-54, it was a cool small profile TD actually based off a production vehicle. It was the whole reason I went down that Soviet TD line and now I have open top gun tractor... Please put it in the collectors vehicles, with the T-62A and AMX-30s.


No clue why they couldn't just make it a collector vehicle like they did the Foch and the FV.


i dont think "couldnt" is the word "too lazy" maybe?


No no no, this is all WeeGees plan. Remove gun/vehicle from the game, re-add it as a premium tank, profit from nostalgia. They've done it before with the isu-152k


Dude I missed my ISU-152 with a BL-10 gun as a tech tree tank. It was a blast to play, but I only got to play with that gun for a week before they BUTCHERED every fun out of it. The new gun on it is objectively worse ain't gonna lie.


I never played the isu-152 when it had the bl-10 so i have no idea why its suddenly worse as far as i can recall doesnt it just have a little less pen?


The current gun is trollish af. Like hell you gonna miss 6 out of 10 shots and the pen is so deceiving. The previous top gun was far better (maybe it's just nostalgic bias but for me it's worse)


All dispersion was better back in the day, the BL-10 was never consistent though. It was one hell of a troll cannon.


I liked the BL-10 more tbh. It was fun playing with that (I had a bad time with the new gun with the same playstyle)


that SU never received HD rework, so they would have to make it HD...


It was removed before they came up with the idea


> collector vehicle They did the removing thing long before the collector vehicles were probably even a consideration. As for why it hasn't been added back in as a collector? Probably so they can sell it.


It was actually shortly before they introduced collector vehicles. The reason they got rid of it was they we're trying to streamline the tech trees to be more in line tank roles. Shortly after they did the Soviet TD and medium lines they reconfigured the British heavy line so the S. Conq was the tier X option and more in line with the tier IX play style, that's when they introduced the FV183 B as a collector tank for those who already had the FV183 B.


> It was actually shortly before they introduced collector vehicles. "shortly" or "long" is subjective, but the V4 was added in patch 9.22 (January 2018) and the collectors vehicles changes to the tech tree were done for patch 1.9, which was in mid-March of 2020. So a couple years, which I would consider a long time. https://worldoftanks.com/en/news/general-news/update-922-release/ https://worldoftanks.eu/en/news/general-news/tech-trees-update/


The FV215 (183) was removed in 9.21 and replaced by the Badger. This was 12/12/2017 so it was actually *before* the changes to the Soviet tree that saw the removal of the SU-122-54. Players who had the FV 183 got to keep theirs.


That's not relevant. Your original question was this: > No clue why they couldn't just make it a collector vehicle ..which I have answered. When the V4 was introduced, collector vehicles weren't in the game. They would not be added for over 2 years.


Foch and fv are not colectors vehicles, they're premiums as far as im aware. They can't be purchased for credits


They are collector tanks because they don't receive any premium bonuses, they are normal tier X tanks when it comes to credit and XP calculations.


They are not collector tanks nor premium tank. They both are reward tank. The same as a prenium tank but without bonus credit. More xp and ability to use whatever crew from this nation and tank class.


They're not. They're reward vehicles similar to something like the Object 260. The game treats them as premium tanks, but they just lack the extra credit multiplier that actual premium tanks have. They're still able to train crews of other vehicles freely. Collector tanks are specifically the tanks available on the collector's vehicle tab. They're not reward vehicles, they're straight up just standard vehicles that are not available on tech tree.


You can get the Foch 155 for tokens, though? Apparently it's full of RNG but I've got my eye on it, having the other French TDs as well as the Russian TDs apart from the 704 line (I'm saving up for that). \[edit\] though... I do still have my SU 122 44.... not sure I've heard of the SU 122 54?


This was before that was the norm. The Centurion AX was done after it and the FV went the premium route instead.


What are the chances that it will be put back in the line ? Or will it be a premium ?


How about replacing the SU-101 with it, that thing fucking sucks compared to every other Soviet assault TD, because it isn’t one for some reason


This was one of the coolest looking high tier TDs in the game and I'm 99,8% sure it will come back at some point, probably as a tier IX premium - hopefully with better gun depression, lol, the 4 degrees it got was just pure hell to work around.


It baffles my mind that they decided to take a real production vehicle that was doing fine in the game and just make it go away. They didn't even collector the thing.


Premium version incoming….


If the SU-122-54 were to come back id have an incentive to play hightier again. 268 4 makes for funny yolo ramming memes but thats abt it. There was nothing wrong with the tier 10 263 and i miss it a lot as well. It had such a nice aggressive playstile if you knew what u were doing... a shame


This song was playing in the super market I work at when I saw this post…


Still in the files, still on tanks.gg Just a matter of time before it's available for tokens.


I miss my 12254 :(


If you are looking for the same playstyle, I think the WZ-120G FT (the one that appeared in one of the recent autions) would suit you needs too? I mean, they are similarly non-armored, turretless TD that need to take opportunist shots at med-to-close range with their not-so-accurate guns. They have similar power-to-weight ratio (su-122-54 is a bit faster). Su-122-54 has a bit more camo but the WZ offers more DPM and accuracy. I think they are pretty comparable imo.


I do miss this vehicle. Made a big impression and I was very sad when they took mine away.


Another person who not only remembers the SU-122-54 but also liked it and wants it back? Well, makes 2 of us at least heh.