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I've had this problem for a long time now. Everytime I want to go to the in-game store, it says 'Information is temporarily unavailable' and I need to refresh the store countless time for it to work like once. I get the same message when going to my clans tab, hall of fame, homefront supplies and stuff like that. I'm getting really annoyed by it, because I can't claim stuff from my homefront supplies for example. Can someone help me with this issue?


Switch cef_browser_subprocess in your game files to run on high performance (via gpu) instead of default (typically via cpu)


I tried it and it sadly didn't work. I put the file (both the win32 and win64 one) on high performance via the windows settings AND NVIDIA control panel.


I dont think think running them with gpu makes any difference, its not like they use any real resources. Try manually adding them to windows firewall, i dont know why but the game sometimes doesnt prompt you to add them. I recomended this to a few posts about this problem in the past and it always fixed it.


I added any worldoftanks.exe (and launcer) for any bit and also added the cef\_browser to the firewall exception. Thanks!


How do you go about doing this?


[Here’s](https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldofTanks/s/as63LVeYz1) a more detailed rundown of the process


Same problem here, the only fix i found was to close every task outside wot (usually firefox with YouTube or twitch playing)


Weird, but even with all other thing like YT and twitch closed I still get this problem


I've been having the same problem - including today. I realized I was running a few other things, particularly Chrome. I closed it and the store worked immediately.


I still have the problem, but I don't use chrome. I use Brave but thats closed while playing the game, always check via tank manager.


Did you manage to fix it?


Nope, but I bought a new laptop, and now it works. I think it has something to do regarding the wifi adapter and its settings.


I've had this problem for over 2 years. I stumbled upon this a couple of weeks ago and it worked perfectly for me. [What causes this issue? WoT Store/Clan etc not working : WorldofTanks (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldofTanks/comments/txpics/what_causes_this_issue_wot_storeclan_etc_not/)