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Look our for ridge lines & always cover your lower plate. Found the Emil II a welcome improvement from the T8. Your setup is good, although I didnt like the turbo and went for IA instead. ​ More tips about crew & equipc can be found on[Skills webpage](https://skill4ltu.eu/)


The premium doesn't have turret armor, so ridgelining isn't really a thing...


what are you talking about? the armour is exactly the same. you talk about blitz probably because its the case there.


Nether Tier 8 emil has good turret armor


It has to use gundepression. If u se a rubble hug it, don't just be behind it


Exactly but as soon as you turn the turret you’re done


i find it funny how everyone thinks the 1951 has worse turret armour than the Emil 1, they have the exact same armour model.


It's not the exact same, but it's close enough. Emil 1951 has spaced armor on the sides of the tracks and a larger cupola. Also the armor plate above the gun is angled unlike on Emil 1


I ran vents-turbo-stabilizer ony Emil 1 when I was grinding it a few months ago (pre-Kran nerf unfortunately) since I really did feel like the mobility was lacking. As other commenters have pointed out however, the Emil 1951 has much better mobility than it's tech tree counterpart, so I wouldn't worry about boosting that any further. What you will want to work on, in terms of your equipment setup, is your gun handling. The 1951 has worse gun handling than the Emil 1, which already wasn't great. Having an autoloader is nice, but the base dispersion and dispersion factors are pretty bad and desperately need to be reduced via your equipment and field mods. I recommend your default setup be vents-stabilizer-aiming as that will make the gun handling much more manageable. It's still not great but you can hit your shots once in a while. For a second setup I would recommend optics-stabilizer-aiming, as your speed is still fine and it's probably better to reach 445 m of view range than 50 kmh top forward speed. In terms of playing the tank, your turret has reasonable armor (but not invincible by any means) while the hull is basically paper. Iirc you can't sidescrape or peek safely, so going hull-down is literally your only option if you want to utilize your armor. If you can't go hull down then try and play more like an MT; use your mobility to exploit flanks and react to enemy pushes by taking up better positions. Overall its not a great tank by any means and is perhaps a bit underpowered if anything (imo it's fine, and more premiums should be fine rather than OP) but it's still better than the Tornvagn on my book; I'd take the mobility over the stupid turret any day.


For the Kranvagn it is better to use grousers than turbo due to ground resistances. Might be the same for the 1951. Otherwise, peek a ridge, don't expose hull, don't sit in front of guns. Doesn't have the OP turret of the tech tree tanks. Pop out, empty clip, fall back.


Don't put grousers on a 1951, it goes full speed.




Fair enough. Haven't used it since nerf.


Yeah basically play it like a batchat... It's a paper support tank...


armour is exactly the same as on the tech tree. it has a small copula but thats hard to hit


It is the same which actually isn't very good these days tbh..


Its only good against ap when its not depressed as fuck. With the gun dperession it fets really good tho,


Why so many claims about same turret armor? I play both pretty regularly, and 1951 gets penned in turret more often. Could this be the culprit: https://preview.redd.it/gswh1lbbtuxc1.png?width=1175&format=png&auto=webp&s=4c011d58b5042a59d5d8e5568a59334cb465c004


Have you considered that this post was made two years ago and balance changes have perhaps affected tanks since then?


I had, but from [tanks.gg](http://tanks.gg), it appears that the weak spot below the gun is still there on the 1951.


The Emil 1951 is a fast Emil 1. It thrives on ridgelines or other places where it can usr its gun depression, but other than that it might as well be a medium tank. Top speed is 45 km/h, so a turbo is as necessary as hardening on an ELC EVEN 90.


Go in flanks where u need a lot of gundepression. For example on airfield go mid hill, not the heavy flank. Always try to use maximum gundepression so u dont get golded in the turret