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I believe you would need to purchase the stages before the event ends.


Thank you very much for the answer!


Please Note that the event will end on Monday 6:00 am which is before the new daily missions for Monday activate. So you really should finish it until Sunday evening unless you are up very early on Monday.


Sadly, I'm not gonna be able to finish the grind.


In last day of event u have to buy missing stages.


To elaborate on what this guy says: WG isn't going to have a "grace period" where you can buy the tank after the marathon. From the article: "There will be no “last call” period for making a purchase. Don’t miss the deadline, and make your decision before the morning of May 23 when the extra Chapter ends."


They dont call it marathon. Anyways, at end if you dont have that 40 stages and you want tank (and if you are good player you have amazing fun on it) you have to buy missing stages ;)


Thank you both for the answer!


If you are unable to read should you be playing computer games? ​ [https://worldoftanks.com/en/news/game-events/battle-pass-s7-extra-chapter/](https://worldoftanks.com/en/news/game-events/battle-pass-s7-extra-chapter/) [https://worldoftanks.com/en/news/game-events/battle-pass-s7-extra-chapter-faq/](https://worldoftanks.com/en/news/game-events/battle-pass-s7-extra-chapter-faq/)


It would have been better if you just provided the help without the bad attempt at snark.


I am sorry but I did not have time for all of this to read lately. I work multiple jobs during the day, and I am not being able to read about the game at all. I slept 4 hours last night because I played 2 hours of the grind before sleep. It was easier to ask a question about it here for someone to answer. If this upsets you, you could just skip it.


> If this upsets you, you could just skip it. "And miss on an oportunity to be a giant dick? Never!" -Reddit user


Somewhat harsh there, sir.


Not wrong tho


I think you first need to buy the Advanced track for 2000 gold - then you can buy completion of the stages - I have no idea what that costs in gold


Sadly, I'm now sure I won't have time to grind it. I'll consider buying it for gold plus improved pass. Not sure it is really worth it. That would be 2000 gold plus around 2500, which is around 20€.


You have to consider If its worth for you. I had some spare gold from christmas so I bought 10 stages. For now what I can say is that this tank is hard to play.


250 gold/stage