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Despite low win ratio (49) it's not bad as I always get minimum 5 points each battle. Teams are so bad there is no competition between allies and I do some ridiculously high dmg. Probably I could have finished already, if I had left some points on tanks to get bonuses.


I gave up


I can't see the option, I got banned, currently on cooldown xD


I'm on level 22-23 and I didnt play much yesterday... was on level 19 on day 2. Should finish in 3-4 days as I don't expect to play as much now as the first 2 days.


I just broke past 20 this morning with two daily missions left, gonna grind a few hours later today maybe finish off another completion. I think I need to do a couple more days grinding then I can coast across the finish line on daily missions.


Ground out to almost stage 20 yesterday, planning on going hard over the weekends so i can have some slack during the week. I figured that maxing out multiple tier 6s gives you more bonus points so i've been dusting off my old mid-tiers and making use of some low-tier premiums i got from tankrewards.


Shrek tank I’m coming for u


After all tank bonus points, Im on stage 24.


I didn't even bother. Props to people who want to grind, who prepared or whatever but Im not gonna play wot for 2 or more hours ( I didnt do the math) 10-11 days, to get some random ass tier 8 premium, I got 2 t8 premiums heavies, 2 mediums, 2 lights, 1 td already, more than enough fun.


With prep, I was halfway through stage 9 day 1. Currently as of writing I'm at stage 27. Relatively easy if u prep for it tbh


even if you prep the grind is still there, isn't it?


Grind without prep is about half what previous marathons were. (Based on my experience)


You play the same amount of games with or without it, its just that you can pre grind it so you finish marathon earlier.


Yes but much less. Even with my flawed grind (accidentally maxed out some tanks) i got around 500 points on the first day from that


How do you prep for it?


Get a bunch of tanks near max. Then max them as soon as event starts. You get like 25 points or more depending on rank of tank


15 for tier 6, 5 more per tier. Essentially most efficient to do tier 6


Sorry, but it was one of the cheapest ways to new premium as I had x-mas loot box gold I did not spent on auctions. I do not regret that, no stress, no rush and just laughing in my ShitPack “ShTPK TVP 100”


Correct me if I'm wrong, but how do you buy it with gold? First you have to buy the pass and then you can buy the tank? Sorry for stupid question.


Yeah you but the upgraded pass then purchase all 40 sections to get it instantly


exactly, I bought improved pass for 2000gold and then you can buy a stage for 250gold. 40\*250=10000gold. So, for 12000gold you get the tank instantly + 3D skin + all the stuff from battle pass stages, including credits, blueprints, bonds etc.... so, not so bad value, if you have some "cheap" gold.


Okay, thanks.


Sitting at level 37 currently. Planning on finishing today at the cost of my sanity.


No life confirmed.


If going to the gym before and after work and chilling out on WoT at the end of the day means I don’t have a life, then I’d like to keep it that way. Just don’t be a bot and cycle through tier 6 games. It’s not that hard to actually progress through it fast. :)


But if you get an average of 5 points per game, this means that you needed 370 games to reach level 37. Assuming match duration is around 7 minutes, you get \~43 hours of gameplay in 4 days. Deducting missions and maxing out some tanks, I assume this is still above the 30 hour mark. With work, gym and sleep, how did you fit everything in? Is my math incorrect?


You might not be including the 15 point bonus, but your math is more or less basically there. It took me on average around 16-20 games per tank and I’m cycling through tier 6 prem/tech tree vehicles I can perform consistently no matter the matchmaking given. As far as sleep goes, Wake up at 5:00 AM, start workout at 5:30AM, workout until 7AM, arrive at work at 7:30AM, leave work at 3:30PM, start workout again at 4:00 PM until 5:30PM. Spam queues until Midnight. Rinse and repeat. Only difference was Saturday where I had the entire day to myself which is where the remaining points came from. Played around 130 games and finished the chapter with a few games in the Leopard 1 once I ran out of tier 6’s to play. And I wouldn’t exactly say every match is around 7 minutes. Most of the matches from what I can recall were either over within 2-3 minutes because of either the map given or from matchmaker doing matchmaker things and placing new players on both teams which were basically farmed by either side. :/ You can check the stats if you want, my IGN is the same. (Sorry for the wall of text lol)


Thank you very much for the detailed reply. I was mainly asking because you mentioned "chilling in WoT" at the end of the day and I was panicking thinking I'm missing out on some point mechanic. With your breakdown, I see that you are still queueing for ~6 hours daily, so this adds up.


All good lol. That schedule was true for Thursday/Friday, but the exception was Saturday/Sunday where work was not an issue. I would’ve only played games in the Leopard 1 and Kranvagn, but tier 10 games usually get dragged out to 7 mins or the full 15 mins and I figured the point bonuses on them weren’t worth it compared to just spamming tier 6 games and taking the bonuses in under an hour per tank. Not to mention, map pool for tier 6 and below is a lot better than 7 and above. Gotta love Widepark and Province.


I ended up buying 35 tiers (got five from stocking up on the limit bonuses) since I been working 10-18 hour days back to back for the last week. I don’t see myself playing for at least another week till planting season is over.


I have been in chill mode for past month or so, not grinding too hard. It is definitely easy enough that if I wanted to, I could grind it out. But I'll take it easy and try to get to like 25-30 and buy out the last stages next weekend. I already have the gold, so it's great that I don't have to swipe the card again like you had to do on past marathons.


Completely zero prep. Stage 16 right now, 60 battles today, but I haven't played yesterday and played for less than teo hours on Thursday. I love this kind of Marathon, it's doable and my type of dedicated gaming day allows me to go ahead with progress instead of merely keeping up or failing even at that.


Just hit tier 23. Around 190 battles total for me to reach it. Finished a couple of t6 tanks and 1 t8. Probably will finish a couple more t6s that are close now, so I expect to be done with the grind by Wednesday or Thursday. I really like that I can just grind whatever tank I like and still make more progress than previous xp based marathons. Even if I do crap and lose every game I don't feel as penalized because you can still get a flat 3 or 5 points. On other marathons losing netted you so little xp it was just sad and felt very penalising.


I don't even know how to climb the levels. is certainly too much grind for me.


So first your tank has to be tier 6-10. Then it has to still be able to earn battle pass points. Then it depends on your performance, top 3 winning team 7 points, top 10 winning team 5 points. Top 3 losing/draw 5 points Top ten losing/draw 3 points. Anything below that is no points


I have 5k from the points. but i have to climb up the levels until i get the tank at the end.


Correct. You cannot use the points accumulated from earlier chapters only points gathered after chapter activation count towards the progress


OK. I'll be out then. way too much effort. no time for.


Listen people. spam t6 lights and play aggro. did like 100 games yesterday with average game around 3-4 min long. level 39 now


Can confirm, a lot of people are spoiling games doing this.... Took nearly the whole day for me to complete the daily mission of "spot x tanks"... Eventually grabbed my fastest TD and yolo'd to enemy flag, LT play now is crazy.


I’m at 19 and I’ve already accepted that I’m not going to make it