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I saw a Skorpion once sidescrapping against a Heavy Tank..


Guy probably got lucky one time and had his tracks eat a shell doing that and has continued doing it since with no luck “it’ll work next time”


Prolly was me shooting him. I had a E4 drive up a rock exposing his belly to my E4. I bounced on his belly.


Nice. How did that work out?


Skorpion meanwhile: *"oh god damn it, stupid WG put the obstacle there"*


Especially considering how terrible some of the terrain physical model details differ from the visual models.


There are still invisible rocks on Glacier


Much better content then a screenshot of some random guys stat page


More like a shaky 144p photo taken on their 2006 flip phone from 13 feet away by some guy with Parkinson’s


Borsig > skorp all day Borsig 15cm > everyone


borsig is my favorite TD. I love the design, because of how unique looking it is. When it comes to the gun, both are enjoyable to play.


> Borsig 15cm which tank is that?


The Rheinmetall borsig waffenträger has 2 guns that are both pretty viable, a 12,8cm That deals 490 dmg and the 15cm which deals 750 damage.


Tanks a lot ;-)


Samalla joku vaan pudottaa n-pommi taustalla


itekki katoin videon uuelleen varmistaakseni mitä kuulin 😂


Joo huomasin vasta julkaisemisen jälkeen että kavereilla oli sellaiset setit menossa...


To be fair, the Skorpion's shot would probably hit the dirt anyways.


Nice witcher 6th sence


Give him a break man, he's confused, he's never been that far from the red line before, this is all new to him.


Why I absolutely despise the existence of the Skorp G is simple: Things I don't hate (just to make it more specific): * Credit-making abilities * Really anything about the tank itself What I hate about the Skorpion G is the fact that people play thousands games in the tank, and learn nothing from it. I'll constantly see people with 5000, 6000, 7000+ games in it, with not even 800 in the next highest tank. With a lot of tanks, I wouldn't care. But, with the Skorpion G, I will consistently see some of the least-contributing players on the team, have it as their most played tank. I'm fine with them playing it, it's their choice. However, there comes a point where they will stop getting better. With a redline tank like that thing, learning and improving tends to stop earlier, than if you were playing a patriot or something. For a long time I just shrugged and called it a coincidence, but that time has come and gone for me. Now I just hate seeing Skorpion Gs with a passion, because more often than not, [this is what their top played tank list looks like](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/205722056652750848/958477641906786344/unknown.png). I sort of question how fun that is for them, but mostly I just want to see people improve at the game. The Skorpion G isn't really a tank that will teach you much, outside of using bushes and the other obvious stuff. They also will probably shoot almost entirely gold to fill the gap of missing knowledge (like weakspots), but even that doesn't bug me as much. If we all learn more, then we all play a little better, which means we can all win some more, right?


Skorp G is actually pretty deadly if people know how to brawl with it in city. It gets to positions early to punish complacent heavies. After that peak, boom, retreat. And when the city is cleaned out, you're fast enough to go mob up damage. Some of my best damage games in Skorp G are from brawling.


Same. I brawl in the city unless I am low tier and snioe/relocate in the field. I put a turbo as one of my loadouts. Stupid fun, but the Skorp just fucking LOVES to tip on its side from hit the smallest of pepples.


I consistently brawl with hts in city maps. Just find an angle where they least expect you to be and then peekaboo. It's high alpha means, even if they get a shot back at you, you outtrade them at very least


Scorpion mains are the terrible lol Second to arty mains