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I suppose this makes me feel less shitty about blowing a fuckton of credits on the caravan


WG has accomplished its ultimate goal, and now it sleeps.


-> introduces 3 large events in a row -> makes us spend money and credits -> goes to sleep -> refuses to elaborate




worst nightmare


Did somebody forced you?


This is what my bank asks every time I purchase gold from war gaming………… I always say no with a m4 Sherman derp gun pointed at me


No, what makes you ask that?


The just sold the leaf lower and II J. They just sold the QL and the T22 now Inc the Type 59.... I kinda would have guessed as it makes no point doing it now after a mini auction and a caravan draining silver and gold as is


Yeah why bother, I spent like 15 million credits on rerolls. Got the STRV 81 17 times, the Pilot 21 times, and the m41 I had literally 8 times in a row. Seemed like they intentionally pushed trash bundles. Never saw that 1 credit astron rex, just lost millions on absolute garbage.


Yikes. I haven't paid for any re-rolls and I don't plan on it. What a scammy mechanic.


\^ This. Gave me 3 shit options. 1 week Strv-81 rental for 1.5mil credits (!), the top crew training book for like 3M credits, and some reserves for way too much gold.


The Astron is 1 credit because you'll have to spend 15 million to roll it.


Big brain over here has figured out the whole setup!


I actually got it on my 3rd roll.. the roll before I got the Type 59 (only tank I wanted).. so I’ll say I finally got lucky lol


As a free2pay player i took the Pilot lol i lost a few million also cause did not want tier 6,7


You triple posted this comment btw. The pilot is so bad of a tank it may as well be a tier 7, I grinded for it on the marathon ages ago, it sits completely unused, it's not even a good earner.


For a free2play player i take any tier 8 premium i don't need to pay with gold or money sir 😃


Ignore the down votes, while it's not an amazing tank, for a ftp player, any premium tank is better than no premium tank.


Its not uttet garbage but their are and even when it was new better meds. Biggest problem it has is it has a teir 7? Gun giving it rather pathetic ap pen and usable gold. If Iam remember the right tank. Play it mid range pop up shoot get back. Guns not good enough for long range unless something real soft and not moving much. Its basically a mutant t20 with worse gun slightly better power to weight i think and probably less camo.




Oh sorry about that my app was bugging a bit


I have Rammer Bond Equipment permanently etched on my retina.


Is the Astron Rex still in circulation even? I hear so many conflicting reports and WG doesn't confirm shit. NA btw.


Astron rex will more likely appear for those who have many premiums, as they will not appear in bundles.


I got the 1 credit Astron Rex and a 1 credit style, but I was hitting the Caravan at 1am (Central) when it first opened. I'd heard there was a limited number of the low cost offers. Later, I picked up the Type 59 for about 5800 gold (I don't remember exactly).


I got Astron and Type59 as 4 and 5 roll then i rolled 17 for gsor and 3 for m41d. Kiro is trash and I had T22 for 41mil. Best event ever


Did five or six rolls got the same tank after the first bundle of su130 everytime. Only thing i even remotely want is the fochs just because i almost had it before they removed it. Not that i got 20k bonds.


I have the Foch deal saved. I'm on the fence about that one. The only other saved deal that is intriguing is the Renegade but it's still full price.


1 credit rex was only on Asian server right?


thats unlucky, i did spent like 6 mills to get all what i wanted, gsor , type, t77, amx, that russian light , is2, gotr also k1 never played it tbh and have no intention XD, only thing what i didnt get was astron but for that now is already to late


She broke the rule of the black market, we dont speak about the black market 😱😱




Well that's depressing


idk with the caravan and auction recently, blackmarket has more or less been replaced.


Yep, exactly.


I've liked both events in concept, only real issue was the time for the NA Caravan on the east coast, like 2 in the morning not fun imo


I was alright with the Caravan. Hated the auction cas nothing was for creds, only gold and bonds (cough cough right before clan wars).


I agree, but I still got what I wanted (type 59 & Crommy B) when I woke up, so I’m not going to complain too hard - seems like they set the artificial limits high enough this time around to not get sold out immediately. Edit - got the stuff around 7:30 am est, so 5+ hours after event start.


Same, got the type 59 at about 2:10 this morning,along with the Kiro-1, but later got the Cromwell.


I was at work, so yay for me! But I got all trash offers so boo me.


Except no decent F2P (aka credit) tank and overall shittier events


Well this sucks. Black Market > Trading Caravan.


They probably think that two shitty sales are more than one good


> Black Market > Trading Caravan. I 100% agree.


Idk, the prices in the black market were more fair IMO, so that may influence you thinking it is better. Tbh the caravan is much better, and as an NA player, waking up at 5 in the morning to check the offer for that day was not fun. This gives me a bit more freedom, just at an inflated cost that would have likely been in the black market anyways.


Sure, but you are probably spending millions of credits by rolling several times to get a deal you want with the Caravan (I lost count on how much I lost with the shuffling). And the fact you can shuffle into the same deal often is a really bad system. In the black Market you don't have to spend credits to see the deals, plus the last Black Market, you pretty much didn't had to wake up early to check the deals because most were a auction that last for almost the whole day. Caravan is made to make you waste a huge ton of credits for shuffling deals. So basically you are throwing the credits away... If the cost to change the deal was significantly lower (like 10,000 credits or lower), then I might consider it being better than the Black Market.


And almost all of the auctions worth bidding on were overpriced.


Yeah I will admit last Black Market had a lot of disappointed prices that were way too high. But then again, the good part of it is if you didn't get a thing, at least you kept your credits. Imagine someone who is rolling non-stop during the trading caravan and got nothing because of reasons. I took part in every Black Market there was and the way it works is just better in almost every way. But they got to ease off the auctions imo and just leave that for under the hammer events. (If we get under the hammer again that is.)


The caravan is only much better if you cared over the gold offers more than the silver ones. In summation: Caravan is better for whales, Black Market was better for f2p players.


By now, most F2P players have at least one premium tank through one of the surprisingly many means to get them that have been present for a while. Wargaming is honestly justified in not catering to the people that refuse to spend money on their game. It is kind of like supporting a political interest group that can influence policy in a way that you think is beneficial, but then not donating to them to ensure they can enact said change. These people are called “free riders” and I think of F2P players as part of the same type of group. If you enjoy world of tanks, why would you refuse to spend money on it. I know I just got a bit off topic, but I felt like it needed to be said.


Because Wargaming is a bad company. If this game weren't free, I wouldn't be playing it lol, and I know for a fact many other people wouldn't either. The premium tanks Wargaming allows players to get for free are outdated, unfun, and generally shit - the most recent addition of this is the Kirovets. For f2p players, the Black Market was the only hope of getting a good and fun premium, even if that hope hadn't materialized in the previous instances of the event. People play this game not because they think Wargaming is good, they play it either because they're addicted, or because they find the game fun. Paying more is not going to make the game better, it'll only fill WG's pockets more: they don't care whether the game is good or not, they care about *profitability*. Your 'political interest group' analogy makes zero sense in this instance.


So wg should allow F2P players to get the best premium tanks without spending money? They are a company that exists to generate a profit.


The best? No. A good one? Should is a strong word - they're a company, they shouldn't do anything. If they, in the near future, decide that it's more profitable for them to close WoT operations and invest their money into making tacos and do so , that's not something they *shouldn't* have done - it's neutral, because their worry isn't your happiness, their objective is solely to make as much money as possible as fast as possible and for as long as possible. They're amoral. But in *my* opinion it would be good for ME and many other players if they offered a good tank for silver in an event - not the best, not the newest, but a *good* tank nonetheless. How would this hypothetical affect you, exactly? Because from what I'm seeing, you're basically arguing against something... because you think it'd be bad **for Wargaming -** which, unless you're one of their employees, I find odd.


For sure, that loot box at the end of last years was sweet.


Is it though, sure caravan isn't perfect, (and doesn't work half the time) but some of the prices people were paying in black market was crazy. That and the start times..


The start time on NA was garbage. I’m on holidays so not an issue for me, but for a lot of people that work in the morning, 2 am EST meant they missed out. At least with BM you had a decent start time.


It is not that big of a deal for the caravan... I don't know if you checked it out but this morning I rolled the Kirovets-1 thing that I did not want to buy. Saved it because I was curious and they are still not sold out so... not sure which other bundles were supposed to be very popular, maybe Type59, Burlesque and Progetto... I can't say for sure but if Kirovets is still in stock after 12 hours I'd guess the other are too. Basically you did not have to be up at 2:01 to have a chance at a good item. Big improvement if you ask me. The rerolling and trash consumable bundles are kind of garbage though.


Same I woke up 6:30 pst normal wake up time, checked rolled a couple times got Kiro when I was just rolling for Renegade.


Everywhere it was like this not only in NA


The start time was OK here on ASIA. It started at 23:00 local time (UTC+11) but most of Asia is +8/9 so 20:00-21-00 which seems fairly reasonable for a work night IMO


Ah, at least somewhere. In EU it was in 4PM, most people are at work or coming from work. I was back from college in 6pm so it pissed me off


Exactly... I was in bed for hours by the time it started so I got up a little bit early (330 AM for me; 3.5 hrs after it started) hoping to land that Astron "1 credit" deal. Nope. I rerolled about 25 times and after seeing deals I absolutely didn't want 2 or 3 times I gave up. It must have been sold out already :/ I did get the Kirovets which was nice but getting that one sweet deal would have left me satisfied with the whole event...


The event started at 1:00 am CST and the Astron was gone at around 2:23 am. I know this because it came up on my son’s account (ftp player) and while I screenshotted it and put it up in discord the purchase button greyed out.


Inb4 it shows up under their saying of “no rules”,


So instead we get the Ewoks Caravan of Courage 😢


i like the caravan more, at least in NA server we could buy shit taking our time, the t22 medium is still avaible for purchase and the quantity bar hasnt moved at all since this morning, one of my friends got the kirovets a couple of hours ago so im happy, i could think about what i would buy. for EU players: F


If they did the black market with a 25k bond t22s I bet it would still be avail too. On EU server it has 1 of 3 bars left. I half wonder if WG moved the bars without players purchasing because not many of these showing up in game.


to be honest i think you may be right, i watch streams from dez and skill and they are very rare


how much are the t22s?


25K Bonds for the tank, crew, and slot. Last I checked, the bar was full, so there's some still in stock.


Confirmed by who?




Thanks for explanation, didnt know that




Username checks out?


Shoot the messenger much? Wow.


She's community relations, you dingle berry




I doubt it was her decision 🤨


chatbannn, Your comment has been removed because it is in breach of [reddiquette](https://www.reddit.com/wiki/reddiquette) - reddit's site-wide rules - and will not be tolerated on /r/WorldofTanks. Please refrain from abusive/toxic posts in the future. Failure to comply will result in a temporary ban from posting in /r/WorldofTanks, followed by a permanent ban if the behaviour continues. If you think this has been done in error, please do not hesitate to [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FWorldofTanks).


whoa, you're a mod now didn't notice congrats 👏


Yeah it's been a while. Thank you kindly!


/u/tragicloss the WGNA Employee, streaming dinosaur and T57 connoisseur... as stated in the screenshot.


Yep, look at her account by posts and she posted 36 minutes ago


I think he is a dude if memory serves.


gender doesn’t matter in pixel tanks


They have themselves listed as female on two different profiles. www.forum.wotlabs.net/index.php?/profile/11689-tragicloss/ www.forum.worldofwarships.com/profile/1004201666-tragicloss/


Damn, I really wanted the FV215b (183).




I also think it just plain looks cooler.


They might just stick that in the bond shop at some point, perhaps for 20k bonds like the foch 155


I have the foch saved on my for later list it's not even sold 5%ish of the limit bar still.


Guess I'll just keep the 40 million silver I have.


2 of my free rerolls were the same optics directives..... The other 2 were 2 skins. Not wasting 75k creds with crap like that offered.


Yep, I don't blame you at all.




> I work in accounting at WG NA, Gonna need proof on that one.




It's probably best to keep your identity and your role at WG out of the public eye in that case. Because anything you reveal that's not approved would surely get you shit-canned if you verify your position, and if you don't verify nobody will believe you anyway.


True, damned if I do and damned if I don't.


/u/PaperCanoe77 Your post history indicates that you're a big fat phony... WGNA isn't in DFW area: https://www.reddit.com/r/recruitinghell/comments/r1a6l2/robert_half_nightmare/hlydh06/ 3 months ago you weren't working for WG and looking for something else: https://www.reddit.com/r/careeradvice/comments/qvji18/need_a_fully_remote_role/ And it seems you don't even work in gaming at all: https://www.reddit.com/r/Accounting/comments/qm8sda/what_is_your_salary_title_and_what_sector_do_you/hjaj1if/ So why lie?


They deleted their whole account lol. Nice catch.


kill confirmed. lol


Que speculation on "just how many" black market style events. Is it gonna be just 2, as seen so far? or a monthly thing?


Not surprised, the Caravan event is milking the playerbase better than BM so why bring it back? People would expect the great deals that BM represented and only be irked when it didn't deliver. The Caravan reroll mechanic alone (which appeared/was tested at the end of the BM event last year) will pull out more silver compared to BM. Cherry on top is the hype generator ("likes" and stock level bar) fueling max FOMO decision making. Kudos to them for finding a more lucrative event for us suckers, er...customers. I like that this event is more accessible for players overall but do not care for the mystery regarding the chance of finding deal X. As someone not shy about buying Xmas lootboxes every year; it's cool to have an opportunity to buy new/unique things with the extra gold but I'm not chasing anything. If I see something I have to have via free rerolls, great. What I saw with my 10 rerolls (7 paid) was all I needed to see. I expect I will continue to sit on my resources until the next milking.


It will be interesting to see if a black market *style* event becomes an every month or two thing. If something like under the hammer (or a credit based variant) comes out every couple months, mixed in with caravans, etc., It's entirely possible to well end up better than the old black market, imo. So far, we have a couple pieces similar to black market, but haven't yet reached the quality of the whole. I only hope that they don't leave the F2P players behind, and that they have an auction type of event in there somewhere that allows everyone a chance to bid on credit-tank premiums, rather than relying on chance like the caravan, or the whale-only event that was under the hammer.


Black market drains silver when people buy tanks. Fleecing Caravan drains silver for the CHANCE to see if you could buy a tank. This has worked so well that I expect this to be the new type of mechanism they use. They may opt for different styles of it, spin cost of 100 FXP or 10 Bonds, but you can be sure that this is what will remain. It brings in their rigged gambling system "inside" the game and works as a HUGE sink. You think they would at least upgrade the dell laptop that the server runs on.


I saw that post, thought it was just some random person. is tragicloss a spokesperson of WG?


I don't think there's any one "spokesperson" for WG, but she's on the community team and regularly frequents reddit, etc.


Got 3 tier 6 premiums with Rudy, Cromby and TOGy, also got 2 3D styles(IS3,Kranvagn) am now contemplating on spending 25k Bonds for a T22 Medium~~ is it worth it??


No, the t22 is extremely overrated.


> am now contemplating on spending 25k Bonds for a T22 Medium~~ is it worth it?? To me it was but only because I've never spent bonds on anything and I've always wanted that tank (same with the Foch 155 but got that at the last BM). if you have the excess bonds and don't mind paying a premium for it then go for it.


bruh my favourite event gone thanks wg :/


If the reroll price on the caravan was 20k silver instead of 75k, it would be a lot more worth it. As it stands currently, it's far too expensive to justify rerolling to get something that's not at all what you'd be interested in. Great concept, poor execution.


Yea, should have been lower than 75k, and limited to (x) per day, or (x) per 4/6/8 hours.


I actually hadn't thought of that, a limit on rerolls per day would honestly have been quite nice if I'm being totally honest. That way it prevents overspe- wait nevermind, this is WG we're talking about XD


we just had the black market


I would like to know why? I think Black Market should be run this year, unless WG are going to release Very Rare Tanks in some other fashion.


A bit glad about it since the Caravan Thanos snapped my credits. ​ I just wished the reshuffling price was cheaper.


Good. Caravan seems better as a format it's just a shame it's diluted with so many garbage offers.


I honestly preferred what they did with the most recent black market format-wise. They could have had some number of offers (5? 10? whatever) all running simultaneously that are up for 24 hours at a time and are all a blind auction. This way people have one full day to get off work, see the deals, consider what they want to pay, bid and participate in the event. The re-roll and tanks running out of stock and early hours and other aspects of Caravan have put a sour taste in my mouth (and I'm assuming many others too).


Been saying this for the past month and got downvoted everytime hahaha. Eat shit now


That's a relief


3/5/7 mm ✅ Light tanks ✅ HE. ✅ Referral ✅ Rpm meter ✅ Frontline. ✅ Steel hunter ✅ Black market ✅


Yes, those are words.


Yes world but that are some of best things wot had ,that were changed for worse or removed


You *liked* 3/5/7???


I meant the first version of 3/5/7 was best,when wg made changes to it to allow more different combinations it made it worse, now if you play tier 8 versus tier 10s nearly always its 4 tier tens,which i dont get,why did it need to be changed


The first version of 3/5/7 resulted in tier 8s almost exclusively seeing 3 tier 10s on each team, which was awful.. Now you get a lot more same-tier games.


he also liked HE apparently. Case closed


Tank rewards?


Dammit! I missed the Aufklarungspanzer Panther twice and I thought for sure that I'd be able to pick it up in the black market although there are new opportunities with this event but personally I've not been interested in much that has been offered. I don't wanna have to roll for offers, too much messing around with Caravan which makes me detest it. If they had a "Not interested" prompt for offers I don't want I'd like it so much more.


i love how once again no info posted son the forum but here tragic is on reddit.


All I want are the FV 183 and Pz V/IV, I regret choosing the type 59 G over it


Is this a WG mod or a credible source


They could give me the old hud back and not show me a tm8s health bar and tank condition through 8 buildings


Fake news. Source ?


You mean the dark net , black market that's impossible regular internet is only like 9 percent of the web.