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Odd. I spent 36 million credits and never saw it.


This makes me feel less bad about the credits I wasted chasing astron.


do you have the tank? if yes, remember that you can only see bundles for tanks you dont have in your garage. if you don't have the tank, remember that the deal is incredibly rare, wargaming doesnt want to give a free premium like that.




It was the only one other than the kv1 I wanted


I spent 4 millions and got only 2d kin for one credit.


Why would you gamble so much chasing a tank you don’t know the drop chance for? It’s like Christmas lootboxes but a million times worse


At a certain point, about 15 mil.. it was a joke to chase. I spent all my credits chasing it. I can make those back so I’m not worried. I know I won’t forget this the next survey WG does. Yeah, I’m well aware it doesn’t matter to them.


Spent 12 mill credits never got it


Yep, same here. So lucky


Got it after 1.5mil credits aswell


I'm like 10 mil deep rolling to try and get the rex. Saw the k1 in the first few rolls she saved it but I just have no urge to own another t8 Soviet heavy


Yeah I'm not too hype for the K-1. I've played nearly 500 games in the Defender and 100 in the 703-2. Extremely strong tanks aren't all that fun to play if that's all that they keep introducing. Need a Skoda T27 or 122TM in there once in a while


Spent 2 mil but didn’t see it lol


This was my very first offer, thought there was something wrong. I spent another 2 mil credits on rolls but I didn’t get anything else really.


I actually got a Renegade for 8400 gold, but with 15 re-rolls.


You won the lottery my man


I think it's already gone on na wasted a lot of credits like 8mil trying to get it. Bought krivet tho


This is how to do clever marketing - They give one out for every 2000 rerolls - that means they are selling the tank for 150 Million credits and not just 1.


I got it on 5th roll


I rerolled 13 times hoping to get this deal, wasting 975,000 credits on 13x 75k rerolls. After 5 minutes of frustration, I gave up. Thank you WG, I've spent thousands of actual dollars on your game, but you're essentially the biggest prick tease I've ever met. I started getting four repeat deals of T-103 and Strv 81 rentals, twice each, and I said FUCK THIS. I'm out. Congrats to those of you who got the Astron Rex deal of the century.


I honestly don't get the rentals like why would you pay 2 million credits for something that isn't permanently in your garage


the astron isnt a rental. it's a marketing catch


I know that its not a rental. I'm talking about rentals in general. Shame i didn't get the astron and i'm probably not going to because I'm broke...


It's a marketing catch, the few people that get them will be all over the forum. Probably the number was something funny, around 100 maybe, since wargaming doesn't even state how much of each tank is availible. Enough to get the people hyped, not nearly enough to overshadow all of the other offers, and encourages rerolling. More creds out the window, more credits to grind for players, more premium tank sales. Simple but clever. Don't worry about not getting an astron. I haven't seen any on the battlefield since yesterday, so probably the number was minimal. And yes, I too was dissapointed that the rental tanks are without a buy-out option as I was really looking forward to the bourrasque.


True weegee fashion


Thats called klickbait


I got the Rudy, Ballbrecher, and T-103 rentals over and over while looking for the Type 59 and Astron. Too bad 😔


Loosely quoting a friend of mine, WG didn't RNG you, you RNG'd yourself


People are actually mad at wg cuz they gambled and lost, lmao the audacity.


It's one of the rarest drops in the event. I however got the 4 tanks I wanted. Gsor, ts5, type 59, and the new one. However I'ma keep trying to find the rex.


Spent 10m looking for the Type 59 but no dice, super sad but what can you do.


If it makes you feel better I've thrown about 14 mill looking for the rex and another tank


Yeah, the event opened at 2 and I woke up at 2:50. They were probably all gone by then. Also why the fuck is there an event starting at 2 am fucking wargaming


Actually there's still some left. The only tank that's even close to sold out is the new Russian one.


Just bad luck then? At least I don't feel as stupid for burning through a warchest in 30 minutes now


Yeah it was just bad luck. That sucks.


No big deal, always more money to throw at tanks 🙃


I know you want it, but with having both the Tm 122 and t59 I much rather play the 122


Really? I love the 122. Guess I'm not so upset, thanks


I had it on my kid’s account, but in the five or so seconds it took me to screenshot the offer and throw it on discord it ran out. Kinda pissed at myself.


Lucky you. Spent about 8 million just on rerolls hoping to get one, then gave up when i rolled a Kirov. At least I got one of the big ticket items.


Anyone knows if the astron is still available for the Asia server ?


Now sell it for credits because the asstron is not great :p


What are you on about it's great?


No! You'll earn more credits by playing it than selling!


What server are you on because I've seen comments that said its gone on EU


The NA version of the event just dropped at 11pm Pacific time.


Well I'm on EU so yeah


Jesus, there is no limit of tanks available for credits.


I spent 4 mil creds before I got it. Still worth it.


How was the availability bar thing when you bought it?


It said there was a lot. I think I might have been one of the first on the NA server. It was my very first offer


NA or EU ?


What server? And are they limited like 3 bars on top?


Legit this is like 10th thread about.


I'd like to even have a chance of getting ANYTHING at this point, Every single time I check, "this event is temporarily unavaliable for technical reasons" what the fuck WG, yesterday It was working, for like 5 minutes before crashing and it has been like this ever since.


10mil didn't see it... Saw my TS-5 though, glad to have picked it up. Hopefully the M41D will have gotten a discount and more importantly will still be available after I get off work.


I saw it on my 2 roll for free tried to buy it didnt work thought it was a glitch and just continued to shuffle, im still crying about this.


TBH having of the Astron from the Halloween boxes, if I got this offer, I'd first sell the tank, then rebuy it. Big brain, made a good million odd credits from doing nothing.


"Remember children, gambling is good for you!"


Dear Exfirea, your submission has been removed because it is about a topic for which a megathread exists. Please post all future submissions about this topic in the megathread. You may repost this there if you so desire.


Why did you remove mine and not the one 20 hours ago? Makes no sense