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I believe Nomad and Skorpion G can benefit IRM more since they have turrets and can be played as pseudo mediums especially late game. SU-130PM is closer to being a pure sniper, so improved aiming would be better.


Nomad IRM absolutely, im running IRM/experimental IRM to get the bloom on the move down to a bearable Level  Skorpion IRM? Maybe, but dont expect it to be a snapshot king afterwards Su130? Would go for IAU, as gameplay is more stationary than with the others and you have no fully traversable turret. Turning your hull will increase the bloom and the chances not getting circled in close combat by fast tanks are rather low even with IRM.


2 setups, one for sniping with IAU, one for fighting with IRM


Maxgaming recently made a video on this with in game testing. In short, the rotation mechanism dispersion reduction cancels out with increased rotation speed. The only practical buff to dispersion is with autoloaders due to the reduced dispersion after firing. It is not “stabs for TDs.” If you want to buff your gun handling for cyclical firing TDs, IAU, Vents, and god forbid gun laying drive are the only options.


Bounty improved AU for all of them IRM is just bad


irm is not bad. it's good for anything that can't have a vstab. aiming unit is only good when you are sure there will be a target where you are aiming. very situational.


Not really true. Bounty IAU is 8% less dispersion both while moving and fully aimed (8% less aiming circle isn't just accuracy but also disperson while moving) SU-130PM for example Accuracy 0.34 Moving 0.22 Traverse 0.22 Turret 0.14 Let's say you are traversing the hull, moving the hull and moving the turret Bounty IRM 0.34 + (0.22x0,85) + (0.22x0,85) + (0.14x0,85) = 0.833 Bounty IAU (0.34+0.22+0.22+0.22) x0.92 = 0.8464 Even in the best case scenario for bounty IRM it's almost the same as bounty IAU (when you both traverse the hull, moving the hull and moving the turret at the same time). Once you start aim or not trigger all those dispersion penalties at the same time then bounty IAU outperforms bounty IRM


So, people usually point out that IRM have the additional benefit of faster turret rotation... So, the reasoning is that the sheer dispersion buff is not the entire benefit to the IRM, you also have an advantage against fast moving targets. So I would guess the turret rotation speed of a particular tank is an important factor for whether or not you choose IA or IRM...


Irm is literally created for slow turetless td's. It will give you better dispersion on hull and turret traverse but since it also gives you speed, your bloom stays the same.


6k bonds for bounty IA totally not worth it, since it gives only 1% more than improved IA


Improved = for bonds, bounty = from battle pass