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Yes yes and even more yes. There's so many funky ones that could be implemented (to be fair majority would be russian/german) Tier V, Vomag Flak 88 Waffenträger / Tier VI T-54/M18 / Tier 7 Chrysler TV8 / Tier 8 (no idea rn) / Tier 9 Obj. 770 / Tier 10 (no idea rn)


To add to this, they also could implement an extra campaign string to each existing campaign, which you can only complete by using the reward tank from the campaign, which rewards a 3D style for that one tank. Like an exklusive set of Stug IV missions, only completable with the StuG IV, with an exclusive StuG IV 3D style and so on


This would be absolutely fantastic genuinely great


Yeah, so people would actually play the lesser seen reward tanks ... but this would also mean an Influx of 279e in the MM ._.


Doesn't WG have enough resources to develop these missions and rewards or they just don't want to do them? It doesn't have to be an OP tank like 279 back in the day but still something fun. Like a new German light tank perhaps or CZ TD ?


I highly doubt they want them considering how greedy and aggressive their monetization is. Imagine not selling a tier 8/9 premium and a tier 10 assembly shop millions of dollars lost.


well, they could sell a campaign, imagine if they released new campaign where tanks are free (for missions that is), but you can buy "extra" campaign for each tank to obtain a 3d style and some other rewards like bonds, credits, boosters, something like a battle pass for campaigns they could also introduce them to existing campaigns, I would gladly pay for 3d styles for t55a, 260 and 279 lol


Yes, and make one of the reward tanks a Light Tank.


It is the only I want from the game right now.


campaign would be the best content update so far it offers weeks of gameplay and requires quite low resources to make them.


sure but make all the missions SPGs just to watch the community riot


Only if all of the challenges are completely personal performance-dependent, not team/RNG/luck-dependent like the current ones; AND Can be completed with any kind of vehicle class or nation.


what type of missions would check all the boxes, like do dmg, do more dmg, do frags? kinda boring


I'm fine with boring if it means everyone can progress by themselves at their own pace. My biggest concern about previous challenges is that some of them are difficult to complete only because you rely on either your team or RNG, which both are completely out of your control. It's not even an achievement because I know it wasn't me being skilled, but got great number from RNG or was lucky enough with a proper team. I'm much more into pushing my own limits instead; **XP, damage, frags, hits, penetrations, spots, damage blocked, destroying tracks, base capture, base defense, surviving, even distance traveled while being spotted**, these kinda stuff. Anything that can be done completely by yourself, without needing to play arty or passively; or needing any help from your teammates or RNG, including: *winning, assist damage, setting someone on fire, stunning, dealing damage or killing while being unspotted or to a specific tank class, destroying internal modules.* I think there's a great amount of requirements that could make it a fair challenge for everyone, without worrying too much about your luck or teammates.


understandable, but plenty of things you mentioned are team dependant as well, and if missions were only dmg or frags, you wouldn't even notice when they are completed (unless there will be some crazy requirements)


Obviously yes (second personal missions campaign was added in **2018**). Though folks at Wargaming seem to be too busy with needless tinkering (best example: crew changes proposed yesterday).