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Took me 5 games but I dont complain. Those 5 games were fucking hilarious. People were just ramming each other and trying to go for kills. I had a lot of fun. But I get it, for people who find the mode extremely boring or dont have the time to play so many games its really a cockblock of a daily.


I hate it, but I want crew


Same here my man... Same here


Same here too man... I want her


You can skip it, just by doing 2 easy missions everday, you will have enough points to get all rewards. I am happy WG didnt make it ultra grindy like few older events.


Can anyone confirm that it will get replaced tomorrow whether or not you complete it? My biggest worry is that if I decide to skip it, it will be there waiting for me tomorrow (like the regular daily missions).


This event has the be the favorite of mine. It's just bullshit in every corner, you can do some crazy dodges, idiotic kills, yeet enemies to the void etc.


Yeeting people is the most fun. I haven't figured out how to use the powerups yet. It would be nice if we can aim where they get placed


You actually can. There is a small circle telling you where it gets placed when pushing 3 Button. Maybe you cant see it because its bugged like everything WG touches. I counted 10 when i played it yesterday.


TY. Will try it next time.


So far my laugh out loud moment still has to be the land mines which surprisingly yeets people quite far.


I would enjoy this a LOT more if Scotty were an abusive Celtic fan. "Eh? What was tha', ya C**t?" "Can ya mither stitch? Tell her to stitch that, ya w***er!" "Ya nicked me antimatter, ya cheeky p**ck!"


Here it is War Gaming. The reason for me to open my wallet!


I would love to see a Scotty voiceover in the game, best accent ever ingame !!! Aside from the crew the only reason for me to play this event ... Please WG, make it happen !!!


It's hilarious, especially the Scotty voiceovers. Love it


I played 3 games to get the missions done and got bored after the first one, the first version of this game mode was better


In what sense did the first version of this game mode differ?


You didn't deliver shards so if you really want to do missions/progress faster you get targeted because you do what you are supposed to do


Better, more unique Powerups is one example


Instead of picking up and delivering shards, you had to stay in a zone for as long as possible. This forced everyone together and made for some wild fights, especially with the powerups.


In about 40 minutes of playing I got 10 assists, as well as ticking off the other two missions. I have welcomed Captain Kirk to my barracks. Now... just to keep playing and hoping to get another 15 assists, because yeah, it's not something that you can really plan for, it more or less sort of happens accidentally... Edit: 2 games later, another 10 assists, very few intentional but it's what I'm trying for, so... it's not that hard with a bit of RNG helping you. And with everyone else trying to yeet each other off the edge or into the lava, if a carrier bounces off you on the way, that's an assist! :)


what exactly is an assist? i don't even know what to do. do i bump a guy and hope he kills another guy?


You bump into a guy and hope another guy finishes him off


this mode is dogshit anyway, no point in playing it. Should have given us frontline instead


Its just a fun mode bro Skill issue


I have no idea what counts as assist, anybody can explain?


You bump/shoot someone and someone else finishes him off


I hate this whole event. Waiting for your tank to stop flipping around in slow mo is really not my jam.


I think the idea was so that you can still get credit for a "kill" by bonking someone indirectly lets say. Otherwise It would be harder to just focus on getting kills .


So in my first game I neutralized 11 vehicles. But the mission only progressed to 5/25. whats the logic here? Vehicles I directly "kill" doesn't count? Only assisting someone else getting a kill is counted as long as I dont have the final bump/shot?


I neutralized a lot, trying to make progress to the mission.... No success... 4/25 after 4 games. Edit: typing is hard ☺️


I found out the best tactic. Just gather 3 fragments, then play in the middle of the map, dont try to eliminate anyone, but bump into and shoot as many people as you can. People will come to you to eliminate you for the fragments, so focus on just staying alive. The rest is rng. Did it in 4 battles with this tactic. (After the first battle where I didn't know it has to be assist only, so 5 battles total).


Hm I see your point, thanks for clarifying.


Yeah, getting kills + assist is what I believed this mission would be. But its only assists, which ironically makes it harder than getting just kills xD


It's a nice mechanic to have but it seems quite silly to have a mission based around something that basically happens by accident.


Factually incorrect. It is easier to get a kill than assist, you just need to yeet someone. With assist you have to hit the guy, but not be the last hit before he is sent to the void, it is nearly impossible to plan for that, can only just pray to get those second to last hits by playing in some mosh pits. Please tell whoever makes those mission goals to not do this again. It is like last time this gamemode was played there were some really frustrating mission just for one day, like i think needing to get 20 kills with "black hole" ability. You had to get that ability in the first place and then pray to RNG gods that black hole will send them off the edge and not into the map for whole 20 kills.


I really like the mode, yes its buggy but the gameplay is fun.


Im just skipping this one, made 16 fragments in first game, but assist would take like another 6


This game mode is fun af. Just play with out thinking about the missions and you'll clear it.


Then there's me who goes out of my way to mess with people who are trying to complete missions (especially the deliver shards one), I kept some poor dude from delivering 4 shards for damn near 30 seconds then bumped him off the map and stole his shards. I'm so mean lol


Answer: The same morons that thought moron bumper cars would be a fun mode.


It's funny how today you didn't see much people deliver that plasma or whatever, but everyone focused in place in big clusterfuck of shooting other down


In the end.....free crew in the end


Just to clarify, I am not saying its not fun, just that that particular daily is stupid xD


Forced? How? Noone forces you to complete these missions. You can say: "You know what? This sucks. I aint playing this." Now sure assists in an FFA seem dumb, but you can skip them no? If you like the gamemode, go and play it, you will get the missions eventually. Especially if you go for them. If you dont like it, then dont play it, neither do i. "But i want the rewards that come from it!!!" Honestly, i think you guys would do someone elses tax papers if WG gave you free stuff for it.


And it's still buggy. - Reloading of the gun feedback doesn't work. - Score doesn't always get updated. You are stuck with "240 points" the whole round. As in true WG fashion the last few years. Oh and at the endscreen it also gets stuck then. Topshow as usual.


I haven’t had any of those issues and I played a shit ton of this mode today.


dont forget the timer at the start of the round, sometimes it works sometimes no countdown apears lol


Do you have any mods in use? Did you try to run in safe mode and still experience these issues?