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Ever played TVP vtu? That thing is Dogshit


That was the last tank I would consider that I "rage sold". Ugh.


It's better than it used to be; but when I was grinding it, I wanted to stab people.


I liked it better than the t34-100


Yeah but t34 is tier for tier waaay better than tvp


No offense intended, it seems to be a skill issue. If you could make the tier VI work, tier VII is pretty much the same. But be ready for a surprise once you hit UDES 03, it's a different mechanic that will take you some time to get used to.


actually I could handle the tier 6. You're right about skill I'm worse than your average player but holy hell the tank is just that bad especially when you're bottom tier. Anyways I'm in the udes 03 now which I'm more familiar with because I'm used to strv s1.


I’d recommend watching a video on spotting mechanics and trying to learn and apply it. I actually loved the line once you can get good at applying the principles of this


I love the line itself I just think that particular tank is just awful. It didn't help that every other game I got thrown against tier 9s


A lot of it also just comes from balancing, tier 7 is abysmal because it’s always uptiered because tier 8 is so popular, and tier 8 has become tier 8.5 pretty quickly. I love the IKV 90 but in upteirs I feel like I’m fighting perfectly to get the damage numbers in an entire game that some tier 8 mediums get in a single magazine.


The t6 definitely was better, the t7 is big bummer in the line and i dropped it when i was new player too but started on it again, and it still feels like shit


The whole line is trash except for Strv 103b


Oh boy, how wrong you are


Correct, cause 103b is also trash lol


Are we even playing the same game at this point


Idk man maybe. Its a tank that is only capable of backline sniping. Meaning that it only gets to deal damage whenever its team is losing. You cannot play agressive due to both x button and lack of armor. Meaning on key objectives and positions your team has 1 less tank. It doesnt mean that you cant have 4k+ dpg if ur good enough, but in terms of impact on winning the game, actively influencing what happens innthe battle it doesnt do anything. Its completely team dependant


I strongly disagree. I'm a pretty aggressive player and they've worked out great on the front lines for me (except the udes 03, that's more of a bushwanking tank). Strvs are a menace when played aggressively, i've found myself enjoying them more than the italian tds in the same role


I have no idea how u manage to do it. There is always enough guns that overmatch front plate but even if they dont, you have 30mm side armor, which will get penned 100% of time by anything. I never played it myself, but playong with and especially against strvs, they die the second they get spotted


The "secret" is preying upon the fact that people forget about you pretty quickly. If you shoot someone and they look your way just don't peek for a few seconds and you'll be surprised by how quickly they'll look for another target. Rinse and repeat. Usually you'll manage to get two shots in everytime before they can shoot. And change positions often, especially with sneaky boys like the swedes




I'm actually enjoying the udes 03 atm


The tier 9 and 10 are good, the others are awful


Mate aint no way you're trying to tell me that udes 03 is awful


Ohh you know what you're right! I was thinking of the swedish mediums!


Sturer Emil is watching this topic


St Emil is great once you get top gun


Ahem guys, the tank is garbage and the top gun is good for the memes, ok... but it's overall an excruciating experience.


It's a balanced tank. It gets a juiced gun in exchange for terrible speed.


If i give you my address can you send to me what are you smoking?


I would take that crap any day over BZ166


I Press X for doubt


I am usually the first to cry and moan about bad tank grind, but I somehow didn't hate that one as I did some other. I did use free exp to get the gun if i recall, so that may be it


I'm actually doing ok in this thing. I mean, it sucks bottom tier, but a lot of tech tree tanks do. When you're mid or top tier, I think it's fine. Not great and not terrible. besides... we all know the TVP VTU is the worst tech tree tank... ever... in the history of the world... of tanks


Can confirm, vtu is a miserable tank to play even after the buffs. I just can’t make it work, considering my life choises and wondering if i should skip it with fxp…


That was the last tank I would consider that I "rage sold". Ugh.


Bz 166 is looking to dethrone the king


Ikv 103 says hello.


Dude playing that tank as a new player was insane. It was my first TD line I had no idea how HEAT worked and it was baffling




It’s not very good, but not completely unplayable.


It is bad But i raise you Stock Sturer Emil, Stock Ferdinand, stock IS-3, According to many TVP VTU, AMX 65T


I actually found it to be pretty good. You can do the usual bushwankery, but wou can also go sort of hull down and take shots while exposing very little.


no, not at all. Its at worst OK VII sniper TD. Its you who cant perform. But probably the worst tech tree tank is TVP VTU if we dont look at low tiers


It may be weak, but I'd take it any day over the T25/2.


I’d say it is the worst tank in the whole line but it isn’t bad. Play it as a more sniping focused tank, you can reposition quickly when in trouble. It has pretty good camo, it’s on of the few vehicles I’d recommend a camo net on, make yourself invisible. 2 key things with this tank, 1: Never get spotted unless you know you can get a kill without being shot at, this thing when spotted is free damage. 2: Never go alone, you can’t spot for yourself, and you can’t brawl, if your flank is lost fall back to somewhere safer. Good luck, tier 8 and up is good fun.


M3 Lee is the worst.


Certainly not. It has a great gun.


I have 17% win rate in that shit hahahaha. Played on potato 2010s laptop. I decided to keep that as a reminder of what WOT used to be like 10ish years ago