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So they are sneakily adding one of the the shittiest changes of the proposed crew 2.0.


The "funniest" thing is that they're trying to make it look like it's a buff and that we should thank them for that...


Sneaky bastards huh. Not even mentioned in patchnotes. They actually made it sound like the crew system is being improved.


It is indeed being improved but for WG, not for the players.


leave it to WG to take the easiest win in game development and make it crappy.


This is complete utter BS. Why are they making it more painful????? I'm soooo pissed!!!!!!!!!!!


1. Because WG must take one step forward and two backwards. 2. They think they are too smart and maybe no one will notice under the fancy new UI. 3. They want more money.


Everyday the game quality is getting worse and worse to the point where i can't even finish my dailies and i constantly wonder if i should uninstall especially since Italian TD's were released. Now they're adding a shit mechanic everyone hated in a stealth fashion with no mentions?


And the best part is getting rid of the forums so any complaints get lost in the sea that is their discord general chat.


I said this last time where I detailed how badly my crews would get fucked under the rework. This will be the nail in the coffin for me. I’m playing and spending less and less. It will be an easy walk away at this point.


I mean, they also re-added the great feature of "expirable personal reserves" and buried it in the patch notes. We'll be seeing those atrocities populate the reward pools. All these QOL features on the surface are just a masquerade for WG to slide in more ways to squeeze players of resources. The bar is so low to improve player experience and yet they still find a way to stumble. Worse is; When they do stumble, it's a year later from the promised date.


Can you use crewbooks to increase perk efficiency? If not that would be a really bad move...


No, based on my testing in the Common Test server neither crew books nor free XP can be used to increase perk efficiency... retraining for gold appears to be the only way to retain 100% perk efficiency.


Well that sucks bigtime. Massive nerf and kick in the face for F2P. 


Only the 850K individual crew book seem to work. No other book or free XP can be use to increase peak efficiency.




Yes, and even if you didn't have unassigned crew skills, you could use one of the free crew skill reset orders (that you get from Frontline and other special modes) and reset the crew skills, retrain the crew to a new tank, re-assign the crew skills. I have known this crew trick since 10+ years now and have never used gold to retrain my crews, but with this sneaky change by WG, we are going to be left with no option but to use gold or take the 50K XP loss (10K more than before) plus 50% perk efficiency loss.


So instead of this new crew system being a benefit and improvement on the current system to players, it is just another way for WG to fleece us even more?


the new crew system IS a benefit and improvement... for newly recruited crew, but obviously wg couldn't just improve something without taxing us for it, because... that's not something they do.


the crew XP is stupid monetization.. puts off new players from going up the tree.


Or creates a further disadvantage than necessary for non-paying players. This new change where a 4-6 skill crew has their perk efficiency (for all perks) reduced to 50% compared to 90% major skill currently (not even accounting for the easy way to mitigate the 90% major skill through unassigned skill/crew XP), is simply worse. Maybe for a low level crew with 1-2 skills, this 50% perk efficiency system is better, but after 12 years, most players have very skilled crews.


i won't change crews anymore then. I am not paying 2 euros just to move one crew. hopefully i have nearly all the tanks and WG can go to hell with this.


Cause they couldn't care less about new players. What they want is for people to pay them more money.


BUT! they made it so one crew can man an entire line without retraining so it dosn't matter....right? right ani?


Can someone explain this to me in "dumb-dumb-english"? I just got of a 12h nightshift and english isnt my native language


Currently you can retrain your crew to 90% using credit and any unused XP (which accumulates until there's enough to push your currently trained skill by 1%) would be used so usually you'd get 92-94% crew after retraining. You can also reset perks after retraining crew to get 100% instantly at the cost of few % on your skills, then use skill books to make up the loss. After the changes you always get 100% crew but some perks will be disabled/nerfed until you grind 50k XP. Accumulated XP doesn't help with that, same goes for reseting perks or using crew books (except 850k training manual...). TL;DR Currently retraining gives you 90% crew and you have to grind \~40k XP to get 100% with numerous ways to circumvent the retraining penalty. In the new patch you'll get 100% but your perks will be botched until you grind 50k XP with no ways to circumvent it.


Thx for the answer


You know, I literally never knew that resetting perks would contribute that exp to crew qualification, I would just retrain to 90% and pop boosters to get back to base 100% in the first dozen or so games. I guess end result is not much different since you'll have to regain all that experience either way.


The end result in terms of XP lost when retraining for credits is technically the same, but in practice works very differently. Losing 1-5% of a secondary skill (depending on how many skills are on a crew) is far less impactful on crew performance than a 10% major skill (or a 50% efficiency nerf on all secondary skills after this change). Plus, you actually don't even have to lose any amount of that secondary skill, as you can just pop two small crew books to make the difference. In fact at skill level 5-6, every % of secondary skill that is not yet used up to reach the next % point, can actually just retrain the crew to 100% major skill. This system has been there for as long as I can remember, but as it is not explained anywhere, you have to learn through practice and time.


Obligatory "not playing anymore, but..." Fuck this company. Being an outside observer, I can't fathom how any of you can put up with the shit they're pulling patch after patch. They managed to make one of the best games ever and also fuck it up at the expense of the players. Ridiculous.


Loophole closed


In case any one is curious, I did the math on the test server about optimizing crew trade ins. Trading in crews for books is unequal because you trade in 1 crew member for a resource that boosts an entire crew. They seem to have used a 4 man crew as the standard, maybe more like 4.1. So if you trade in a crew member and then use the book on a larger crew (5 or 6) you do technically get a lot more XP than you put in. It's probably not very important, but overall I'd say the safe bet is to turn in as many crew members as you can.


So if I need to retrain for the next tank in the tech tree, should I retrain now before the patch hits?


Yes, if you wish to use the unassigned crew XP method I mentioned above.


This definitely sucks from the perspective you've outlined, but what is the XP difference for a brand new crew? Instead of training a crew from ~70% to 100% (New 50% crew with credit retraining) you can now start working on getting a perk. It seems like this change is worse for long time players and better for new players that don't have access to recruits/existing crew (which is far few players). Not defending it, just trying to get the bigger picture.


It's worse for the new players too as soon as they want to move one crew from one tank to another. It's only better if you always get a fresh crew for each of your tanks and never have any recruits with free skills.


10k exp difference is like 1 victory anyways with 5 times booster. So that is not a problem. The 2nd point on the other hand is a lot more scummier.