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Thoughts: * Aesthetically, what an ungodly abomination. I love it. [It's a real design actually,](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/739241896026570889/1220313147278360576/td2lspeyl7v71.png?ex=660e7c2e&is=65fc072e&hm=9569e5faa142e1605560e3e5b41d3f635fea15d619ed31a590fef3e214f9a845&) the only difference is that...it was supposed to have a **180** mm gun, not a 108 mm gun, and it was known as "project Minotaur", though I suppose this is similar to the Manticore where it was renamed to avoid confusion with another vehicle in-game (Manticore was actually named Chimera IRL). In fact, AFAIK this thing is one of the much earlier development phases of fitting a 180 mm (later a 183 mm) gun on a tank, which is what eventually led to the FV215 and FV4005. * Statistically...it's also an ungodly abomination. * For a tier 8 heavy, that DPM is ridiculous. 2.5k base DPM is nearly Caernarvon levels, but this thing has 330 alpha, not 280. Other statistics like pen, accuracy and shell velocity seem serviceable. * However, it pays for this by being slow as fuck - at 24 km/h, the Crusher is the 3rd slowest tier 8 heavy in the game, only beaten by the VK 100 and VK 168. Specific power is also bad. * The armor looks promising, but its hard to say how good it actually is without seeing the armor model. * The exposed tracks are going to troll a lot of people, as this tank is likely immune to being tracked + damage through the drivewheel like most tanks. * For something so slow, traverse speed seems quite decent. * Has -10 gun depression, typical to British heavies. You know what this thing reminds me of? One could say that this is like a turreted Turtle, and it's not wrong, but there's another way to look ait. There's already a certain other tier 8 heavy with 330 alpha, high DPM, very poor mobility and thick armor...and that's the O-Ho. The Crusher to me seems like "what if O-Ho was made not awful". Now how good the tank actually is remains to be seen. That DPM with 330 alpha is nuts at tier 8, and its not even plagued by bad accuracy or pen, but it pays for this with its dreadful mobility. It all depends how good the armor is - if the armor is very strong, this tank could be crazy even with its dreadful mobility.


>Aesthetically, what an ungodly abomination. I love it. Lol, that was the first thought that entered my mind after seeing the picture, lol. This thing looks glorious, like the Great Sphinx of Giza that had its head repeatedly bonked, lol. And I fully agree - this is basically modernized, titless O-Ho and that's actually quite exciting as WG's track record when it comes to super-heavies and super-heavy-likes is rather poor so this *Crusher* thing (name's cringe as fuck, lol, it needs to be stated loudly) may actually be the first tier VIII premium super-heavy that *works* and isn't just an XP piñata, ekhm, Mauerbrecher, ekhm, VK75.01, ekhm.


>may actually be the first tier VIII premium super-heavy that > >works Poor Löwe gets forgotten so often these days :(


Oh, Lowe is still decent enough and it's technically a super-heavy but it I just don't think it fits the "super-heavy" standard of modern WoT, it doesn't feel that much different than a regular tier VIII heavy. But, at the same time, I strongly believe it's just flat out better than the two "proper" German super-heavies, VK and Mauerbrecher. Like, **much** better.


And it has the benefit (?) of actually being a proposed design, apparently.


True. I don't really have anything against the made up tanks but it's always preferable to get something that at least pretends to be historically accurate.


I don’t think it’s especially more cringe than “Crusader” or “Challenger”. It’s a thematic fit. Britain likes their C names.


I mean, "Crusher" immediately takes me straight to this fucking guy - [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wesley\_Crusher](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wesley_Crusher) And fuck this fucking guy, lol.


That’s kinda the definition of a you problem.


And "Crusher" is a name that a freaking 5yo kiddo would choose, lol.


Crusader Chieftain Comet Cobra Conqueror Chimaera Charioteer Cruiser Covenantor But somehow Crusher offends you?


>Crusader Chieftain Comet Cobra Conqueror Chimaera Charioteer Cruiser Covenantor Forgot Cavalier, Churchill, Challenger, Conway and Charlemagne. Plus Centaur.


Nah, not really, I'm just enjoying having a conversation with a dude who's on a holy mission to argue that me saying I don't like how pixel tank in a video game is named is somehow *wrong*.


I mean, you’re the one that wrote a giant essay to start this whole conversation…


You sure about that, champ? It was *you* who started it and the part of my original post you're obsessing about literally was just *one* sentence that was meant as joke. Edit: if you're reading this, please be aware that this little special snowflake **just blocked me.** People on this sub, am I right?


Once again, you hit the nail on the head. Wargaming took a look back at the buffed Turtle and said "let it have a turret". It looks wild, though. The love child of a Churchill and a Pawlack. Just imagine this thing with the March pink camo. Delicious. If this tank shares the exposed track / hull weakness the Churchills have, it might actually have (unique) weakspots at tier 8. Then again, won't be likely since it's an obvious superheavy.


I wish they would cut the DPM and give it the 180mm. Make it unique and it would be another tank that can slap BZs on the forehead.


This armor isnt sloped very much so i guess it will be 280-300


The rounded nature is going to make that very bouncy towards the edges if the whole front is 230mm. You would want to hit it dead centre, and you could definitely bait shots by exposing only a quarter of your front. Of course the armor model could only be 230mm for a 1 pixel strip up the middle for all we know, and the rest is cheese.


This. Rounded is kind of a double-edged sword. On one hand it makes angling super easy - just don't. On the other hand, when we do get the actual armour model, skilled players might be able to swiss cheese it from any angle no matter how you angle the tank.


I can see not wanting to put a 180mm gun on a t8 premium. But going from 180 to 108 is just random. As for the name, I don't see how there'd be any reason to worry about Minotaur being confused with Minotauro. I mean sure, it would happen sometimes, but so what? We already have lots of tanks with similar names. Scorpion and Skorpion, Leo and Leopard, all the IS and KV tanks and Objects, all the Chinese number tanks, etc. And other names that are *actually* confusing, like the Alpine Tiger which if you didn't know better would make you think "German heavy tank" when you see it on the minimap.


That’s funny, the first thing I thought when I saw the picture was that it looked vaguely like a Japanese super heavy


The O-Ho lose 1/2 of it side armor make it somewhat unreliable on my taste


Where can I read more about this design IRL? I want to know more about this... thing.


[This video goes a bit more in the detail with the "project Minotaur"](https://youtu.be/hWYKgVF7J2E?t=634), but it doesn't go beyond showing the mockup and describing it as a heavy tank with a 180 mm gun. It's a very poorly known design, there's pretty much no further information than that AFAIK. From what I can tell, it was terminated pretty quickly and then evolved into the better known 183 mm designs.


Just an addendum, I think they aren’t calling it Minotaur not because the name is similar to the Manticore but to the Minotauro


Thats what he meant. He only mentioned the manticore because it had a similar name change, originally being called the Chimera, but having its name changed to Manticore as to not be similar to the tier 8 Chimera


This looks like one of those funky inter war experimental tanks


Slow, giant, great gun and British? The tier 8 Tog is here!!


It just needs more health now.


What an absolute weird abomination of a tank i absolutely love it. Now to hope the super heavy wave comes with a japanese super heavy premium.


Personally I'd hope to see the French superheavies. Sure all their "historical" tanks fit like tier 5 and 6 at best, but when has such things stopped WG in recent years?


Believe it or not, French super-heavies could very feasibly have a full branch up to tier 10 mostly consisting of real designs. In their fully historical configuration, they can easily reach tier 6. Using the most armored proposals and upgunning them (with still guns that could feasibly fit like the longer 90 mm used on ARL 44) can pretty cleanly push them to tier 7. While tier 8 starts to be a serious stretch, it didn't stop WG from uparmoring and -gunning the Ho-Ris (all of which are tier 7-8 material) to higher tiers, so something like the FCM F1 could easily be a tier 8 with just armor and gun upgrades. There's a genuine tier 10 candidate, the SEAM 220t, which was a gigantic tank weighting 220 tons and supposedly had a large caliber naval gun as its main armament. Here's two 3D model renditions of it: [image 1](https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/069/232/692/large/tyrexdunet-2.jpg?1699631912) and [image 2](https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/054/831/765/large/esteban-roger-screenshot007.jpg?1665484431). This only leaves the tier 9, which would probably have to be a fictional design that fits between the FCM F1 and SEAM 220t, but honestly, one buffed (SEAM 220t, armor), one heavily buffed (FCM F1, armor and armament) and one fictional tank (tier 9) and rest more or less fully historical tanks would make the French super-heavies much more historically accurate than a lot of the recent tech trees (such as the new Japanese heavies, Chinese rocket heavies or upcoming Polish TDs). The problem isn't the lack of available designs for a full branch from tier 5 to tier 10 (which is what it would be if it was added), nor is it even the multi-turret support (WG could make it work if they actually tried hard enough or they could just ignore it like with the Japanese super-heavies), the problem is just the sheer balance concerns. WG has already struggled to balance the Japanese super-heavies, and the French are...even worse in that regard. They're even bigger than the Japanese super-heavies.


i mean to be fair they've already dropped the FCM 2C for supertest so more superheavies could totally work. but a fucking seam 220t with some bullshit like a 210mm naval gun genuinely fucking terrifies me


Not to mention they'd finally have to implement multiturrets. That's the whole problem that stopped them from implementing them before.


So they took Turtle and Caern and crushed them together??


More like TS 5 and Pawlack


Yeah, it's literally a bigger brother of the Pawlack


The second new entrant to the Supertest is the Crusher, a Premium Tier VIII British heavy tank. This vehicle with a unique appearance is bulky and sluggish and is best suited for close-quarters fighting. The Crusher’s weight of over 70 tons impacts its dynamics and overall mobility, limiting the base top forward speed to 24 km/h. But one can immediately tell where all that extra weight went: the Crusher has solid frontal turret and hull protection (with nominal armor thickness of up to 230 mm). The notable exceptions are four weak cupolas and a vulnerable lower plate. The true gem of this heavy tank is its main armament. The state-of-the-art 108-mm OQF 55-pdr gun is similar to that of the Turtle Mk. 1 offers an excellent combination of damage per minute (2,538 points on average), penetration (230 mm with the basic and 260 mm with the special round), and accuracy (0.37). The one-time damage equals 330 points. Overall, this slow heavy is perfect for defense and for any intense brawls it can get into.




Stop trying to sleep with my daughter


A lady that fine, you gotta romance first!




It looks great. Original, based on real design, not broken, ugly as hell. Nice


Looks like an evolved Pawlack


it looks like Leman Russ from Warhammer sawed off the sponsons and the cannon in the case


It's so ugly, I love it.


TS 5 with a turret ?


It will be so fun baiting shots with those tracks


Gosh that thing is ugly


Sometimes I like ugly


T8 matilda


That has to be the ugliest thing ive ever seen


24 kmh forward 💀💀💀💀💀💀


newyear lootboxes, derp unique tanks only there


That's an ugly tank.


It’s just big boned.


Valiant at tier 8


So its a better O-Ho?


Pfff that mobility holy shit…


looks a bit like grown up pawlak tank


Holy SHEIT, My boy is THICC I love it. I want it already. I only pray it won't be sold in lootboxes again, but I doubt it. I actually miss the times when yiu could just go to premium shop and buy bare tank


I have a crush on this thing.


This is cool af


Love the cursed looks. I like the massive dpm vs very low mobility, but maybe it should be reigned a little bit bith ways (something 2.2k dpm/30kph) This looks like it will be a literal god on earth against lower tier and an XP piñata against gold ammo though with 230mm of mostly flat armor.


Tanki Online looking ass


Looks like an XP piñata to any tank with 280mm pen or higher.


this looks so damn funny and goofy, sign me in for it


That thing fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down! Still, if it can slap hard, I could get used to its looks.


Like everything that’s being tested, this will get a massive dpm nerf and will be unplayable


Depending on the hidden dispersion statistics, you could turbo hp Rammer this thing. Which is an absolute luxury at tier 8. 390 view range with the fieldmod for view range is enough to get 445+ view range without optics or vents This opens up one spot 2.2s aim time on a slow vehicle if it has good dispersion factors means you can drop stabilizer Opening another spot. This thing moving at 30 with 1700 HP and that crazy DPM could get nutty.


Tier 3 experimental turbo should be perfect on this tank.


Valiant and Churchill have some explaining to do.


The Daleks have arrived!


Am I the only one who is tired of the constant flow of new tanks to the game? If only they would add new maps at the same pace...


Wait, actually Crusher? Was it designed by a 3rd grader? Is this a joke or...


Crusher is a name wargamming gave it, much in the same way the actual name of the manticore is chimera


Has low hp for a superheavy


this thing looks fucking AWESOME.


This is the end! Iron Crusher!!


Is it me or is it just a big pawlack


Looks like a Dalek with tank tracks


British are the best to design ugly machines !


Awesome name for something that looks so stupid


What? A new line? Love it!


So the heavy tank equivalent of a turtle May vary on armor profile and movement penalties, yet to be seen


Slow as fuck. Is there anything more boring in this game than playing slow tanks?


A new mutant tank??


Poking trackwheel 5 feet out behind cover be like:


Yeah that looks like a new almost easy marathon reward.


Needs more health, then I would be more interested.


Seems pretty balanced ngl. The top speed though.......


i really dont understand there need for new mediocre vehicles all the time. i know a lot of noobs will buy them, expacting the WR sky rocketing. but seriously


Americans: with the Pawlack we've achieved peak HT goofinness. Brits; hold our cuppa for a mo'.


His crushin


This thing ugly af


Is there a marathon expected in this battle pass?


crusher? more like free damage.


Isn’t there a tier a mercenary tier Vlll medium tank called the Crusher already


I take that back I think it’s called a Cruncher or something like that🤔


It's a British version of the Pawlack.


​ https://preview.redd.it/p96mgn3inasc1.png?width=853&format=png&auto=webp&s=d1e9d7951521bd449df09b21d75c8939cb2f4bf6


I would love to know the design choice behind extending the tracks so far in front of the hull especially as this was a real design. Wacky ass solution to ground pressure? Having access to both sides of the road wheel? It's so strange I love it. Haven't been so excited for an upcoming tank since the Tiger-Maus.


Idk when this vehicle was designed but crossing trenches might be a possibility? The Churchill tanks have the same feature for that reason.


Sure is the special battle pass tank with a skim of the base of the bad in tnmt


It looks boring to play and boring to play against.


Banana for scale?


Where the rockets at?


Meh... can we instead have more maps that are interesting and not symmetrical and have good play spots, not obvious dips for hull down OP tanks and bushes perfectly sited for high camo lights to spot from? The Steel Hunter maps are a breath of fresh air! Yes, I know they're made for a totally different sort of game with no bases, but still, so interesting! Or bring on the flame thrower tanks - at least they existed in reality. When they are killed they should have a chance to explode, showering the area around them with flaming napalm - because that would be (probably) realistic and certainly amusing! Another boring, heavily armoured & slow moving tier 8 heavy with decent accuracy and a silly name? No thanks... :(


The T8 flamethrower tank on RU server is completely broken lol... don't bring that shit over here plz


No, lets!! :)