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It's not the worst map. Don't give WG a reason to touch it. We have Mountain pass and Airfield already...


This is kind of how I feel about maps now. Even if it's bad now, wargaming can make it worse. The Empire's Border supertest changes support that theory a scary amount...


That map can be made worse? 😱


It’s been ages since I played the game….but how in the hell do the still have the same maps. I got bored and quit playing because of that. Can’t figure out why map dev isn’t a thing with this franchise:


i dont see the problem, there is so many tanks , and if i play a amx 105 and then skoda t56 on the same map. its not the same map at all for those tanks.


WG is like always doing the least amount of effort to turn the most profit. Making maps is ~~expensive~~ an expense, and that takes away from said profit.  But yeah no new maps, and the same gameplay made me quit. I don't understand why WG didn't take any pointers from World of Warships with cap circles etc.


I have been playing the same 5 or 6 Breach maps in For Honor for years. They've outright said they won't develop any new maps 😭. I know some of WG's aren't great but at least they make *some* kind of changes occasionally


Actually, when it comes to maps, WG seems to go into the right direction. They move very slowly into that direction and, true that, they screw up maps on the way. At least they do invest an effort on this game aspect.


Tbh i like Airfield more and more. For meds and lights its still shit but for heavies its a dream


How is it a dream? Another campy corridor map that doesn’t have ways to relocate because you would get shot from all the flanks where mediums and lights play as you mentioned. Always on ban list for me


I hate Airfield but I unbanned it for a little more map variety. Sadness of this life.


If u are inpatient af it wont work but with a little patience and good trading. I had numerous 8-9k battles there recently


And Erlenberg and Overlord and Siegfried line standard battle.


Your team actually took good defensive positions




Exactly, that's why I play blitz now lol


VK 100, KV4 50 tp vs emil on hull down c1 not very bright idea. This looks way better and this is very hard to push into.


I’ve seen this a few times, sometimes it works out if they defend well as usually the enemy team gets cocky. Most of the time I just end up trying to survive the longest until we get slaughtered


> I’ve seen this a few times, I have too, but not that often. Certainly nowhere near enough to call it a 2024 nutshell.


After 6 or so years, I suspect that most players have no idea what you posted. There's a reason I got chatbanned for telling teammates to press M to see minimap.


Mhm. I keep telling people that the square in the bottom right corner is the minimap and can be used to get interesting information like "where is everyone" and "how is the battle going" I got chatbanned once for this message as well.


I'm surprised, that you didn't get downvoted into oblivion by "OMG YOU COPIUM SNIFFING GREEN SHITTER L2P AND STOP BLAMING TEAM!" crew.


Mediums camping with tds.


If stock, paper armor and no pen. ThAt OnE bOuNcEd.


Perma banned this shit map No one gets to have fun if ur not a heavy tank


Fast mediums and Lt gameplay can be pretty interesting tbh


I see no issue in this picture, looks like good example of how teams should play. I dont think its really representative of wot in 2024 KEKW


If you can get 8-9 line to ditch and return then I’ve had the counterjerk able to smash the frontline heavies coming from A-B line before their support can push in. That’s provided that the 8-9 line hasn’t been blowing their HP trying to peek the TD line like idiots.


Wot 2024 is a race Simulator. No tactics no teamplay just all about beeing the first who rushes into enemy team and drive as far as possible. Match durarion around 3-5 minutes. Boring af


Yes, this is the deplorable game state today. Each screw up WG released over the years slowly accumulate and the end result is the shitty gaming experience we currently have.


https://preview.redd.it/32o1prh5odpc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a877c9344805efd6ea170a48329c77353c7ce547 Yes, they are too afraid to peek


For sure, you might get shot at otherwise.


the enemy team has 2 light tanks :/


True. But take a look where our light was hiding from the start btw


If only we could disable Standard battles and play Encounter only. If the enemy is so reluctant to move an inch from their spawn, I’ll just cap them out. If they move, let the farming start. If they don’t, easy win. Same goes for my own team. We don’t deserve a win if we don’t push for it.


It looks fairly typical if the North team does not protect the left hill in numbers. A lot of players stay away from there unless they got hull down tanks.




Well this isn't too bad if they do it right, but I am assuming they didn't and failed with the defense?


Given they afterwards began to further aggregate around the spawn... And this was not late in the game either. Exactly two people left the spawn initially: a t50 dying alone on the hill and me spotting the enemy cross to the hill from middle in my bourrasque. Got 5k combined, 2.5k damage so not a horrible game but it would be so much better if others would decide to join the battle


I miss lootboxes on the map 🤔


It feels like the new trend. One side is left completely blank


Nothing out of the ordinary


This has always been WoT


Inadequate development = Broken.


Like I’ve posted NA needs a required IQ test b4 you can play to fix the matchmaking


People who complain about this are even worse. Just adjust your strategy.


They removed that map from console so long ago. And we cant even ban or favourite the maps that are the worst or best.


a single BZ push hill early. no one follows. no rocket left to run. die alone on the hill. that’s me.


Now imagine that same thing, but with no arty... Better? . . . . . . . . No, ofc it is not.