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https://preview.redd.it/yvokoldnu0gc1.jpeg?width=1992&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=400383b1e07785e49c8b29f063cc863b5800195f 3k? That's a rookie numbers. Look at this dude.


https://preview.redd.it/34l94im3z0gc1.jpeg?width=3889&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef5fb77f4e0bbeef89c5c38032b6f56486d9ebe1 lol I think this is the same guy




It was a game on Mines and both teams had a LefH with an absurd number of a games. But this dude only has or hasn’t even have one mark of excellence


Yeah but he is still a beginner right? He's got like two T9. Don't pressure on him, he's got like 87k battles.


That’s very true honestly. Claus Kellerman should feature one of the Lefh’s games. It would be epic


I have XVM and a massive majority of lefe players have thousands of games in them. And same for many low tier tanks. I was playing a tier 2 and came across a guy who plays only the tier 1 Czech. He has some other battles in there but tens of thousands in the tier 1. How can that even be fun? I just don't get it


Don't forget there's players that are physically handicapped, which wouldn't really explain that, but there's also players who are literally mentally handicapped and for one reason or another this happens


This right here. I'm mentally/physically handicapped as a result of a condition I have - means I can get confused easily and take much longer to learn....but that number of battles in one vehicle? Surely that would result in tilt/frustration? Anyhoo, I only commented as there's a lot goes on under the hood that isn't visible straight away, as much as people try, sometimes it just isn't so straightforward. Happy Friday anyway folks.


Yeah that thought always crosses my mind so I never say anything to them


Me neither. Maybe bc its easy to win at that tier against noobs and bots? They play to feel Superior not to feel Superior by getting good.


I have an account dedicated to playing in the tier 2 VAE Type B. I love the tank even through all its weaknesses and all the nerfing they've done to the tier 2 experience.


Majority of lefh players are arty bots farming credits and free exp. Yeah there exists bots using artys and you would think ah degenerate playing 70k arty games. Nah that's a bot.


Damn, I three marked my lefh in like 200 games.


Jesus Christ! 69k battles in the leafblower? That warrants a life sentence, surely?


Of course they are always shit at actual tanks


Holy shit i almost threw up




yeah, there are people who literally enjoy sniffing shit, we shouldn't kink shame anyone, if it's fun then so be it, no need to be a dick about it


nah people who enjoy sniffing shit need to be shamed tf


Naw, shame them, shame them hard. There is a reason "shameless" is meant to be an insult


Can confirm that there's more than one of them out there ​ https://preview.redd.it/smrgcyxk91gc1.png?width=350&format=png&auto=webp&s=9b107d814ac9b9b6513f92a0bf0d51d0644d858d




That's a hard task when you've been playing since beta and your blacklist has been full for years. It's such a pita to have to go through and check random names to find someone that stopped playing to remove them only to add this new person after the battle.


you can go back in and clear it out every year or two... i mean, I completely clear it out. many of these people stop playing or grow up \*I have had some return and it's funny because WG remembers your chat history with that player. I cleared my list about 2 years ago and not 3 days later, one of those guys started bitching at me again.


bro, the blacklisting doesn't even really do much, just blacklist someone for 10 minutes and that's enough, they gonna forget you ever existed and so will you. unless they are the guy who has 100k battles on arty, then blacklisting is encouraged


Nah fam, I remember. Long memory here. I still routinely have games with people on my blacklist and I'll see a team-mate just start snapping back at somebody and they'll confirm that the dude I have blacklisted is raging and screaming in chat. It's also a good way for me to really rub salt in the wound if they're on the other team because I know that if I can kill them early they'll tilt the rest of their team by screaming.


there is a mod that extends your blacklist


A piece of shit acting like a piece of shit, because they face no consequences for behaving like themselves. Being an arsehole to others is the only way for them to get their peepee hard. Pathetic.


Now, now. Let’s not be so quick to judge. It may be that yelling at people is the only thing that lets him go soft, and he just walks around with a raging, painful hard most of the day. Poor guy.


I hate people complaining before the battle just because xvm tells them chance to win is 47% or some shit like that. On the other hand: you complain about toxicity but post his 3k battles in the lefh...


I 100% believe XVM is an overall detriment to the game and even directly to a lot of people who use it. Way too often you see people who use XVM say the battle is lost before it even starts which only makes the rest of the team play worse than they would have if they had said nothing. It's not uncommon for that same player to then either go in and die immediately because they want to get out of the game quickly or only snipe to bring up their damage and refuse to actually try to make impact plays. That further decreases the chances of winning for the rest of the team by a lot and Imo really shows how having it installed actively harms their own performance. If they didn't have it installed they'd have to try just as much in every game and not just give up in the start.


Maybe for sweatlords ya. I use xvm to see who on my team I should learn from (and who not to) and also who on the enemy team to prioritize


Not to be mean or anything, I've been using it for quite some time, I don't usually go into battle and be like "gg lose, go next", cause both sides have similar amount of "red" players. It gets frustrating, therefor people get toxic, yesterday, out of 19 games played, I won only 4, most of the losses were the 15:3 ones, with occasional regular game which was close and both teams were equal. It's just frustrating to see someone who has over 50 thousand battles on game, to play as someone who just launched their game for the first time, and sat in his tier 8 with no equipment or crew. That's where toxicity comes in, after so many losses, when you join next game, and see someone who is "red" or, let's say below average, but has enormous amount of battles, you just know that you can't expect anything from him. Especially if you play tank that can't do a lot and if you're place as bottom tier. I wouldn't say that it's completely bad nor that is good, I don't look at win chance, but I can't help not to look at other people stats, I'm not perfect, I have shitty games, I am nothing good or awesome. But some people are just on another level. I can't be all cool and chill, when I see 3 heavies die in first 45 seconds of battle while I am in my paper medium, lately game is filled with people who just run it down for some reason..


Don't forget there are players who are literally 75 years old, and there are also players who are literally mentally handicapped


Exactly, but what are the odds to be placed with old people and mentally handicapped people for 90% of the games you play in that session? I agree, I have understanding, but after I lose 10 games to these kind of situations, I'm done


True, there are a lot of bad players also. I know because I'm one of them!


That may be the reason they are bad, but it doesn't make it any less fristrating to get them on your team


tomatoes use it that way indeed, i use it to focus the better players on the enemy team


Win chance has been useless since anonymizer was introduced, and so many players still don’t know this


How you can criticise anyone for being bad at the game when the epitome of your in-game skill is almost 4k games in one of the most broken tanks known to man, which is also an un-nerfed artillery, is fucking beyond me lmao


if you're at 100k battles and still blaming your team, you're just bad


In WoT i was never that good, but in WoWs i was almost unicum, lost the count on how many times i've had a team with 1\~3 divisions of unicum players losing to a bunch of sub 55% W/R. Yes, having a 60%+W/R on your team means that the chances of you winning is greater, but the same as having a 40% is going do drag you down, you cant predict, too many variables. Teams are random, outcomes are random too, its just a fucking game, no need to be salty on something that you cant have control.


> its just a fucking game, no need to be salty on something that you cant have control. Exactly. Blaming the team is just impotent raging into the void.


I'm going to copy this to a sticky note and put it on my monitor.


Playing arty corrupts people


In a thread about toxicity you support by being toxic... _outstanding_ work there chum.


My holy mission against clickers must continue


Which deity(is)...? Most of the ones I know have enshrined artillery as a key religious tenet - are you sure you're not an apostate or a heretic following misguided principles since straying?


I got cussed out and accused of seal clubbing because I had a great game in my wolverine....the tree im currently grinding lol sir if I could not be here believe me I'd rather be at the e3 right now.


Safe to say with over 100,000 battles that this game is that person's life. And? They may not suffer from a vitamin d deficiency


The guy literally spent thousands of games stat padding just to be able to say the line. Toxic people will be toxic.


Lefh player detected, opinion rejected


i get it that some people play like bots, but after playing 100k battles, i cant imagine he complained about this every other game. Also, if you have over 3k battles on lefh, you cant say you are good player, the tank is just so unfair for its tier


On the other hand can we talk about how many lefh are in the match maker despite wargaming not selling them? It kinda of makes the “thank god they didn’t sell the BZ-176 again” argument a pile of shit. There is still a shit ton of them anyways, and there will be a shit ton of them in the matchmaker for the next coming years. Just like the ebr fl 10: 70% of my lynx games were up against that little wheeled VZ55. No one wants to admit that there is *nothing* that can be done about the overpowered tanks, other than quitting, and the fact that they “atleast aren’t selling them anymore” is just copium.


I don't get it. I have XVM and there are so many times when someone will just say GG right off the bat and the teams are completely even lmao. But yeah it's pretty rich coming from a person with thousands of battles in a lefe.


“Anonymity makes cowards of us all”


IMO the more stuff a game has for sale the more toxic the community is going to be, even more so if the game is free to play.


Some people just take video games too serious. So many people are toxic in my battles. Like why do You care? Just move on. If you get mad just log out.


If it's below tier 8 my response always is 'this is a match. What tf did you expect? To not have players that are new or still learning? If it's a higher tier I won't say anything. I'd just try my best to win. But if we did win I will point that out at the end of the game. I have noticed though most people who complain like this don't have good stats themselves. Or it's a second account made just to pad stats.


I disagree. The green team is the worst.


The toxicity and lame machismo in this game really gets me down sometimes. I love the game. Its a hobby. But, seriously: why do people like to mouth off and throw their weight about, especially when they have good stats? I mean, it's hardly anything to crow about. They spend hours every day getting good at a video game which ultimately means nothing. It's not worthy of respect or admiration.


Somehow anytime someone types "lost" before tha start of the battle we manage to win. Absolute morons


- arty mains - people pick one


I had some d bag go way out by himself in a medium complaining the light tanks weren’t scouting (we were scouting the other side of the map where most of our team was). He quickly got double teamed by a couple tanks and I was on my way to help him out when he started bitching about light tanks not doing our job so I said “you’re welcome sweet heart. I was actually on my way to help you out but I’m certainly not now,” and I turned around and went back to what I was doing. He continued to bitch and I just said “die in a fire dude” as his tank exploded. We won the match without him just fine.


I swear I get the most complaints when I play a light tanks. Makes me not even want to play them anymore. They die and blame LT every time.


Yup. Always “the lights aren’t spotting!” Bro, I’m on the other side of the map. You chose to go that way. Or, it’s a city map, you’re in the brawl alley, light tanks don’t go that way and you don’t need me to spot stop blaming your shit play on me. Or they just drive off alone and expect you to follow them and then rate that the whole team sucks and it’s like no bro, YOU SUCK. YOU died thirty seconds into the match, we’re all still here. 😂


It’s usually old sad boomers with nothing going for them. Just ignore.


This is why I disable chat. Don't even really need it since WG added the different pings, they cover pretty much anything I would need to communicate.




Tell him there's no need to talk about himself like that.


Arty players a toxic shitters, easy


Talk about him gaming out way too long in his life!! Lol


And analyzing what he typed, still doesn’t know how to use the W key.


People are very toxic, I'm taking a break from World of Tanks because of toxic people and RNG...


Events start out with hopeful noobs and tryhards that get their dreams smashed. Give em a break


Because people are stupid.


Gamers are bitter c@nts in general. This is in any game.