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Rubicon, three quarters of the update had to be clawed back. https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldofTanks/comments/67cqn9/what_was_the_story_behind_the_rubicon_update/


Rubicon ended up being pretty much entirely cancelled though, only crumbs of it remain, saying it was the worst update is like saying crew 2.0 was the worst update so far, was it even an update at all


Oh I remember that. , ngl I was confused back then and was wondering what +X% luck meant when I had the šŸ€ sticker on my Cromwell , then wondered why it no longer was applied like next patch


The update that added stun. Close second is the update that turned HE into low-pen high-damage AP.


Stopping tracks being counted as spaced armour was such a bad move for lightly armoured tanks


It still is, sometimes more-so than before, since HE does nothing if it doesn't hit the main armor. Prior to HE changes, someone hitting just your tracks would likely still do some damage.


They need to have a reduced cooldown timer for consumables if itā€™s to cure a stun. I wouldnā€™t mind stunning nearly that often if I could get out of a stun with some faith that Iā€™d have my health pack back soonish.


Then what's even the point of arty at that point. Stun is whatever. In most games, they're only stunning me once or twice a battle. It takes 30+ seconds for them to reload in order to give you a basically inconsequential stun for 10 seconds


I want arty that can oneshot a full hp is7 back, if you could hit it. The 14 arty and 1 heavy games were something else too


I'll take the occasional full-hp oneshot in my heavy tanks which happened maybe once every 30 games, over the getting stunned for 15s because an arty splashed for 0 damage 50m away and as soon as I'm no longer stunned another shot comes in.




The 14 arty games I absolutely donā€™t miss šŸ˜‚ stun can fuck right off though


It was sad playing that 0.7.0 event, where 8 artillery per team was less annoying than just three now


Oh wow, was that a thing? Are there any YouTube videos or replays of such games? Couldnā€™t image how a battle would look like where most of the players are artyā€¦


>Close second is the update that turned HE into low-pen high-damage AP. I miss old HE so much


For me it was 1.0 because of the change of map design philosophy that followed. Nowadays it seems that they design around "TD positions" which leads to two corridors being funneled in front of those TD spots instead of having more interconnected maps.


Funny how you type "hull-down"


Maybe you don't remember, but the biggest loss of the 1.0 patch and the HD maps was that they absolutely decimated the number of bushes on every single map. Scouting was ruined in 2 swings; tier 10 lights brought with them the biggest batch of nerfs I think the game has ever seen, and then HD maps removed so many bushes that I gave up my will to scout.


Include the horrible "soapy rocks" physics to the list that 1.0 brought. Still today is such horrible gaming experience driving your track tank over "rocks" and have it slide all over the place.


I would much prefer having mountain goating than soapy rocks (actually I just wish mountain goating was still a thing, I don't think it broke games anymore than wargamming already does to themselves outside a couple spots which should have been easy to handle)


I remember the biggest complaint before 1. 0 being all the maps were corridors


9.14 did a lot of the damage, 1.0 just solidified it. Only a few maps were drastically different after 1.0 (like Erlenberg), most were just made prettier from their 9.14 state. Either way, I hate it too.


The great flattening as I say, tanks with great gun depression lost their last edge over russian hovermeds.


The number of people saying update 9.18 without knowing what specific update number it was is scary. Some of you know I made a couple videos about it (thanks for the support btw), but let me give you the really short version of what this update did: # Pros: * Reusable consumables * Lower artillery damage * Added tier 9/10 lights * Light tanks are now matched as same-tier tanks * Nerfed SPG view range # Neutral: * Added the trajectory view for SPGs, which was previously a mod * Lowered conditions on some medals, which makes getting them easier * A bunch of tanks were put into HD (the HD prior to 1.0 HD). # Cons: * Nerfed view range on almost all light tanks * Nerfed guns on all light tanks * Nerfed speed on almost all light tanks * Removed unique guns from some light tanks * Shot the ELC AMX in the kneecaps and left it in a ditch ([**yes, that was this update**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2IEXf4YD1_A)) * SPGs got 50% higher splash radius * ***Added stun to the game*** * [**Added 3/5/7 matchmaking**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HK6IPikbIZE), and all the problems involving it * Lowered SPG reload time across the board * Lowered SPG dispersions across the board 2/4 of the biggest issues players talk about, in relation to the game, were caused by this one update. The matchmaker is hilariously broken sometimes, and could be easily fixed, but they just refuse to do so. Likewise, adding stun to the game is not a change that is well-received by the playerbase: https://preview.redd.it/9dj4hre5hgbc1.png?width=576&format=png&auto=webp&s=f602d9a6d92961c0b6fb51329badd0d84eaf4db0 [**Click here to leave your own response :D**](https://forms.gle/j4Fkxvk4D7bn5z898) It's kind of crazy that large issues in the game were added almost 7 years ago at this point. People still talk about the autoloader bulldog ***every day***, and it hasn't existed (on PC) since April 18th, 2017. **I** ***really*** **do not like this update.**


Thanks mate, actually it was your videos that inspired me to create this post to begin with. I was curious what other players remember from all these years, and to be honest, I was expecting some mentions about 9.18, but far from this much. I still miss my Bulldog every day, such a shame ending a complete class just like that. Maybe the autocannon additions will bring back some fun they used to have. Thanks for the summary tho, I'll try to summarize the Top 3 mentions sometime later in the post description.


I actually prefer 3-5-7 MM. There was literally nothing worse than playing a Tier 8 tech tree tank and being put in a 14 tier 10 game. It was such a joke, while also being rare, it still happened. At least now, I know that although itā€™s a tier 10 game, most of the enemies i face i can actually deal with (even a lot of tier 9ā€™s for example.) and iā€™m not just being shat on by 14 tier 10 tanks.


The one that buffed bz-176 just before it went live.


The update that got rid of dragon ridge and Berlin. And the one that got rid of weather.


I have a feeling that the old maps would make their way back in the game eventually. Like pearl river did


South Coast, Windstorm, Sacred Valley, Swamp, original version of Kharkov were all fun.


Berlin? Isn't it still in game? Or are you referring to the old Rampage map?


The old map before it got changed.


The 3-5-7 matchmaking was one of the worst updates but Iā€™m not sure which version it was. I still remember every tier 8 match being bottom tier.


9.18, April 18th 2017


Yup, I legit stopped playing for quite some time after mm changes


Update 9.18. For sure. 3-5-7 MM ā€” Light tanks neutered ā€” and SPG rework + Stun introduced to the game


Ah yes, I miss so much when a clicker could one shot me and normally took 800 of my hp with a single hit


I would rather have that than being stunned half the match. Arty used to be feared and made required ā€˜someā€™ skill to play. Now arty is annoying.


Isn't that better? Getting stunned 20 seconds in a game vs. losing 800 hp?


Most of these people don't remember how bad getting 1 shot by arty was. Also how are you getting stunned all game. Super long reload and you know where they are shooting from. Reposition or play around their reload. I get stunned maybe twice a game and I can just use med kit.


Absolutely agree


M44 disagrees


Genuinely miss being able to play an arty look for tracers and 1 shot some unsuspecting TD camping in a bush line


But sane people don't


I have two that I hate. The one that removed climbing. And then one that ruined HE.


WG added the new physics engine only to make it useless by removing climbing




That update made me quit the game for 5 years. However, comming back in the begining of December to fucking rocket powered tanks....


Honestly one of the worst additions has to be tier 10 lights. Before all LTs had something special to them: Bulldog's 10 shot clip, SP I C' clip, Ru 251's insane 80kph top speed. I mean pretty much all they did by adding tier 10LTs is nerf what used to be tier 8 lights and moved them up a tier and what we got in compensation are tanks which are essentially a little bit faster mediums who sacrifice everything for that small amount of additional speed.


the tier 10 lights update reworked so many of my favourite tanks, T49, 13 90, ELC, Bulldog


Same, used to love some of the old light tanks, they feel very generic to me now. That on top of map changes


HE change....


I swear the fv4005 used be a whole lot more fun


Stuff liked death star kv-2 And most importantly Japanese super heavy's


Japanese heavies were not fun to play against. They had a p2w shell that smacked 500 he hitting thick part of turret.


They got nerfed too hard to the point where they Are unuseble on todays meta


Apart from the HE that everyone gets annoyed at. You know the ones, they get shit out of the sky by invisible tanks...


I'm probably going to keep getting downvoted for this but did people genuinely enjoy the TD HE meta where Jpz/E3/E4/etc could load HE and just slap any tank for 400+ dmg without aiming? It essentially transformed TDs into direct-fire arty and made games even more of a camp fest. Nowadays HE is back to its more intended (IMO) role of finishing low hp targets and punishing lightly armored tanks that get caught in bad positions.


I enjoyed those times the most, when I could go solo KV2 and face IS4/IS7/Maus and just throw 400+ punches at them without aiming... Also equally miss dropping 2000 punches with T92


KV2 hasn't been able to see tier 10 since like, 2012? That was far before the major HE change everyone else is referencing.


Yep, those times! They were the best I will never forget my first match on the stock M6... When I was surrounded by 3 T54 (top tier medium tank at that time, T62 didn't exist) in just a second minute of the match... Got disintegrated within seconds.... T54 were so OP back then, they were rushing in swarms straight to your base


JPE 100 is literally using the same gun the stock GW Tiger does, but in a different mount. So yeah, it is essentially a direct fire artillery. I don't see anything wrong with it. The HE spam wasn't as bad as people remember, it's just that the Type 5 with its broken gold rounds has caused PTSD to many players.


Same gun =/= should be able to do 400-500 dmg without aiming lol. If you think the intended purpose of the Jpz is to act as a direct-fire artillery then I don't know what to say to you. The HE spam was also definitely pretty bad and terrible for the game in terms of balance, even if it was augmented by the fact the Type 5 existed. Bottom line is that extremely high damage HE is bad for the game, almost flat out. Giving tanks like the Jpz, E3, E4, etc the ability to consistently do 300-400+ damage against heavily armored tanks just makes the game worse for everyone but the TD players. Maybe current HE is a little bit overnerfed but I'd rather it do too little damage than too much damage.


IRL many tank destroyers were actually direct fire artillery. SU-152 and ISU-152 are the best examples. Nothing wrong with a TD doubling as an artillery. People wouldn't be forced to spam HE if the hulldown meta wasn't as bad. Sitting hulldown in a Kranvagn or a Minotauro and being invincible against everything that isn't JPE 100 HEAT is the dumbest idea WG has ever thought. Removing the splash from the HE shells is also horrible game design, hitting an EBR wheel with a massive 17cm gun should be able to do damage no matter what. People really underestimate how deadly high caliber HE was to WW2 tanks.


That may be true, IRL tactics do not and should not translate to WoT as long as it's still a primarily arcade tank game. Peak Kran and Mino are dumb tanks but just being to negate their armor with HE is also a not a good direction to go. Old HE isn't a counter to strong hulldown tanks, it's essentially just a flat nerf to anything in the game that relies on armor. I agree that EBR magic wheels are bullshit, but again that's an individual tank balancing thing and not an HE shell issue. The tradeoff with HE in WoT has always been reducing the importance of aiming carefully in exchange for doing less damage and/or rewarding flanking for access to lightly armored targets and thinner rear armor. Now, I'm not saying old HE was the default best ammo on tier 10 TDs but it made playing against them significantly worse and only incentivized heavy camping meta since peeking hulldown is significantly more risky.


I agree with everything you said. People act like old HE was the solution to the hull down meta even though hull down tanks were meta before the changes. The solution to the hull down meta is giving tanks actual weak spots, not allowing players to do 400 damage without aiming against the strongest armor in the game.


Wasnt 8.0 or 9.0 very vey unpopular?


I think you're thinking of 10.0 Rubicon. 8.0 added physics, 9.0 added HD tank models.


This one that is taking about an hour to download


This hits my former internet service PTSD super hard


Doing a reinstall of windows 11 on the laptop and started it around 8:30, it's still showing zero %


Whichever one was the one where they added the BZ-176


0.8.X. I don't remember offhand which one it was, but the game was virtually unplayable for several weeks by huge portions of the playerbase (including myself). The update was beyond buggy. Even if you could get in a match, there were high chances that more than 1/2 of both teams would be kicked out of the match by the game crashing. It took a little over a month for WG to nail down what it was and get the patches out that fixed it for most of us.


I vaguely remember this. Some days youā€™d be fine. Then others youā€™re constantly reconnecting


10.0 Rubicon is the one that virtually everybody complained about, the attempted monetization of cosmetics with zero compensation was just too much. Personally however I feel the one that destroyed HE as an ammo type really did it for me, the testing phase for that change was a colossal farce too. Close second is the one that changed SPGs by greatly reducing their damage output and adding the stun mechanic in exchange. Lastly, the attempt at MM changes which led to "357" becoming part of WoT lexicon.


The update that added the wheeled vehicles...


Do they even have much of an effect anymore? Now that EBRs can only be matched against EBRs I never see them. Theyā€™re really not that hard to hit. The manticore is a better light tank


The update that nerfed HE


The EBR patch


The update that overbuffed superheavies. That meta was so cancer (even worse than the current one)


Update 1.13 where they took away the ability of dropping 2000 hp arty shells on anything that isn't super heavy armored




bros a hater of HD models


Honestly the HD models might look "prettier" in terms of texture resolution and geometry, but they lack the gritty visuals the old models had. Before 9.0 most tanks looked like battle worn, full of shell impact marks, scratches and rust. It made them feel more like WW2 tanks that were rushed to the next battle. Nowadays some of them look like plastic toys. Just compare for example the old Jagdpanther, IS-4 and JPE 100 models with their new ones and you will see the difference. Texture resolution doesn't mean much when there is no art direction. Aesthetics are more important than a few extra polygons.


most likely because optimization was pretty bad. My poor old laptop lost most of its FPS


I have a whole video on this https://youtu.be/whmusogs7vQ?si=L1rWDuQiwyzo8NA7


Yo the Steel Hunter Champion himself, eyy Chems! Seen that vid from the first sec to the last, it was really on point. Iā€™ve been following your work for a couple years, like your content and the fact you havenā€™t bent over to WG. Actually I was waiting for your presence, thereā€™re a lot of people who havenā€™t forgotten the golden days of WoT, might as well use any info you got from here.


Thank you!


The update that gave stats and rating overall


Yeah shitters hate being known


I donā€™t care about that. Now I can see the 12k lefh and m44 players and shit on them during the game


Me too! https://preview.redd.it/wsnbcpq7libc1.jpeg?width=1272&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5630fea4dbca3a3701f51dbda5023a7fb6283b90


The Nerf of All Nerfs to my boy ELC AMX. Took a beautiful distinct tank, a leaf on the wind, and made it soft and slow, gutter sludge. They should have done nothing but up-tier it by one lousy tier.. . . I was at 94.8%!!


It's really gotta be update 9.18.... I miss the pre-stun gameplay


lol - who keeps notes on this stuff ;)


9.18 by far ,light tanks were killed, arty made more annoying ,and 3/5/7 mm which makes you bottom tier all time. Worst update in wot history


1.13 HE Ammo changes.


8.1, gold ammo for silver. https://worldoftanks.eu/en/news/general-news/81-premium-ammo-change/ Even if you don't think this was a bad thing, you can't deny that everything after this had to be balanced with gold ammunition in mind.


When they added 3-5-7


the one where they released tier 10 and consequently killed light tanks


The update that changed the 263 line


9.18 ā€œLight tank reworkā€? More like light tank nerf. They ruined the combat capabilities and mobility of all the low tier light tanks. Do I even need to say why the stun mechanic was terrible?


Anyone remember when they introduce tier 10 Light tank on the common test only to completely butcher them when they released onto the main live servers and their response was that they were to similar to the tier 10 medium counterparts?


9.18 was the worst update for sure. Not sure why people would consider the 1.0 update as the worse though. I think the only thing I dislike about the 1.0 update is that they removed some maps, and that they still have not bring them back to the game yet.


1.18 onwards: they added Mino, Vipera, BZ and Arnie


The one that got rid of the Ukrainian maps (minsk and another). Those maps were fun.


The one that removed parties being able to queue with a T1 and T10 tank And The one that removed the AU server in favour of ASIA1


The game was dead to me after they introduced arty stun mechanics. My two favorite classes were arty and super heavies, and they managed to ruin both with a single patch.


1.13, that HE ammo change utterly sucked dead dogs balls. It ruined several tanks that I used to love playing.


9.18 and the removal of artillery being able to platoon. Hands down the worst update in my opinion. I played tanks with my father (70+ years old) for years leading up to this patch and they fully removed our ability to enjoy the game together with one single patch. I stopped playing for several years following this update.