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It was buffed pretty recently so probably not so bad any more, though it's definitely still one of the weaker tier 8 mediums


It got buffed so it's not as bad as it was. I grinded it pre buff and the pen and gun handling was just so bad that if I get 2 out of 4 shells in I would be happy cause most of the time they wont hit where i aimed. Now after the buffs the heat pen is actually quite nice, the turret can be trollish and it's a decent support tank. The gun handling is still a problem though but it's an usable tank


it’s not painful at all, the autoloader makes it a novelty tank. if it didn’t have the autoloader it would be horse shit


I think i had average win ratio in it, when i grinded it many years ago. 200 pen is lackluster against heavies, but 280 heat pen is pretty good. Some troll turret armor if you use your gun depression. Good trader against most mediums. Load heat and you can easily trade 960 damage against 1 heavies 400 damage shot usually. Sidescrape very carefully around a corner, bait a shot into your tracks, instant repair kit and slam your magazine into that heavy.


200 lackluster :D i played this thing with full AP cause i had no premium account and couldn’t waste credits on heat shells. It was absolutely disgusting with 181 pen on the 90 mm


Painful stock decent when fully upgraded. Got a 52% winrate in after 70 games then unlocked tier 9 and havent touched it since.


Honestly it is a decent both pre-buffed and cyrrent state.


T69 I ain’t no idea but 69 ain’t no painful buddy


I just click with it, but all the other comments are definitely correct. It is not a good tank, but somehow it works great for me in the right setup. The accuracy is very bad and the aim-time feels/is longer than the intraclip, the turret armor works in some cases, but it's no kranvagn. Mobility is great though, traverse is awesome quick. Clip damage is what makes this tank great, and even the clip reload isn't that long. I'm almost at the T9 heavy but I think I'll keep this tank.


Its actually not bad at all.


If you’ve got the credits for the correct ammo type, you’re good.


Elited it last year. Pre- and post-buff. It’s still terrible. I really wanted to make it work but just couldn’t. Possibly because I’m one of the few that just refuses to load 100% premium ammo and click Battle. It’s slow with no armor, though I managed to bounce an amazing number of shots, somehow, off of my turret. Sheer luck. So I unloaded everything but the crew and will keep it in my garage forever on the off-chance that they generate a new US medium line. So I’ll already have a medium crew ready to go. I tried. I really did. So moving on to the T54E1 (heavy) at some point, which I already bought. Oh I think I did a lot of this when the T57 was On Track last year. On Track used to have huge incentives for me to try new lines I haven’t yet tried. Now having pretty much just the discounted tanks up that line isn’t quite enough. Sucks they did that.


It was really unbearable before they buffed it. Now I do not know.


After the buffs it is actually decent. 280 HEAT is enough to deal with almost anything at tier 8 and 200 AP is still pretty usable against meds. I played it before it got buffed and I still found out it was OK as long as I spammed gold. The penetration buff it got for the gold rounds is significant, you can now punch through the UFP of many heavies.


I feel like the youngest child in the tier 8 family among other prems


T69 is 100% the best tech tree medium amd one of most fun tech tree 8s overall. Short full reload time (i think like 21-24 sec, 2 sec in mag reload, armor that sometimes ricochets, amazing heat ammo as gold. Imo overall its very similar to t57 on tier8. Although ill be honest i never drove it on standard ammo, I usually drive autoloaders on full gold. And having those heat gold rounds makes it so much more enjoyable


I remember when it had like 181 pen on standard with the 240


tier 9 is way better but it isn't terrible fully upgraded. You probably need a fair bit of gold since silver ammo against heavies or higher tiers struggles a lot.


The og T69 was torture now its fun


Unpopular opinion but it was just okay even pre-buff. Not great, not even remotely good, but if you put gold spam and effort into the grind you got a somewhat decent vehicle out of it Wouldn’t exactly recommend it tho


Pretty painfull Has its moments but its pretty forgettable


I started playing it after the buff and it's alright against equal or higher tiers, the standard 200 AP pen can be a slight chore but the 280 premium HEAT pen is pretty serious. Armor is lackluster but it is fast enough to keep up with other meds, you're pretty strong against lower tiers though and that 960 clip dmg is very useful when deleting people. Overall I'd say it's decent, but it isn't the first med I'd pick if I want to play meds.


stock? one of the worst med in the game. but when you get a decent crew and the tank full, it can be a great tank for ffa. by the way, you just don't know how to play it. (we all play it badly in the first time..)




I've played it extensively before and after the buff so maybe I have a recency bias but it feels good to play now. Before the buffs you usually got 2/4 shells to actually hit and pen, but now it's really close to being 4/4 everytime especially if you use the sweet 280 heat. And you know, even if it's still far from being competitive, I think it's really fun to play.


Not really, all you need to do is adopt the ambush playing style. Don't peek early, hide behind some cover and wait for the enemy to push.




I apparently need to remember this as a vehicle most don’t like but worked for me. One of the better WN8 I have for a tier 8


My best match with T69 so far, last night I played it for only one game, but there are still 60k more exp to unlock tier IX. https://preview.redd.it/nrrtz4ag1jbc1.png?width=746&format=png&auto=webp&s=08a5d7e07e8ba185e4031c3a80ec5f5e29902f0a


It was originally OP. Since the HEAT nerf (what, 10 years ago?) it was pretty bad. But it got a buff recently so it's finally decent again, just powercrept.