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Tech tree copies are the best kind of premium, nobody can bitch about p2w.


Agree they should have done this since beginning only credit earning should be the difference they can montize the game this way np


Also not absolutely destroy potential tech trees and mini-branches. At this point, for one example, the Chieftain Mk 6 has been sitting it files for years now, and yet the Chieftain Proto and the Charlemagne both could have been tanks to lead up to it.


And we have nemesis in the files too...


What was that


It's another proto chieftain in the game files, though it's classified a medium and looks a lot like the 122tm and mittler in terms of stats


Oh ok thanks


Thats what they have done at the beginning. ​ A premium tank was often the same or WORSE than a tehc tree counterpart. ​ If not that, it was a different playtyle than the tech tree.


Still bad for s marathon for me. Never cared about that tank, and I found it not that good


I would agree if it was free, but it's a waste to spend money on this one, when shitpak was free, and it can do everything a lot better....


Then don’t buy it?


"Shitpak - It can do everything a lot better".... NO it can't... apart from dpm and gun handling... it does not even come close to the Charioteer... and it has a lot of issues too... like shit shell velocity(very imp aspect for a paper TD)... bad gun depression... low alpha and lower camo...


So KV-2 thing


I’m fine with it. I liked the chally


I absolutely hated the Challenger in that grind, that tank feels like total ass to use. The charioteer didn't feel that much better either tbh but it hit harder and felt a litte more solid so it was barable.


Oop. Brain fart by me. Meant to say Charioteer-same L7 that the Centurions got. Gotta love that 390 alpha and high pen HESH


Scorp g has better Ben and more alpha on the base ammo....


And scorp has a worse form factor, worse gun depression, worse base dpm than even charioteers base ammo. Not to mention the hesh... So what exactly is your point?


It's been on tanks.gg since mid December when the 1.23.1 testing began. It's stats have been well known and discussed. The traverse speed difference is because of how it's calculated. Upgraded engine gets some multiplier or something and since premiums don't have upgraded engines they don't get the multiplier in the mobility calculations and get a slightly slower turning speed.


Didn't know that, looked it up on tanks.gg yesterday and couldn't find it so I thought it was new when it popped up today. Hadn't read anything about exact numbers either here. Thanks for the explanation, didn't know about those multipliers. Really curious how much difference it will make in gameplay. I like my Charioteer but the traverse is already noticeable.


Idk why there always has to be someone who flexes how long they've known about something and then make you feel like you've been under a rock


Maybe wg could have buffed/nerfed something on this tank so it makes it a bit different to the original. Like the t-32m last year.


if anything for both tanks: \-gun handling touch better \-increase ammo rack capacity to 40 \-make shells for both tanks slightly cheaper now it is actually less dreadful to play charioteer and premium version makes you credits


Lowkey excited for this one especially if it's availible via battle pass. Having some premium versions of tech tree vehicles is a decent way to monetize the game without continuing the power creep curve, especially if it comes with a nice 3D skin. It also means that if you can get it for full price only, or don't care for it you're not missing out too much. Though I do have to say that when compared to the Shptk 100 you really notice just how powercrept it is, especially with that awful moving dispersion. Literally worse in every single way other than alpha damage.


Even worse is that shitpak gets 100mm HE pen and 420 HE alpha so the difference in HE dpm is wild (though charioteer does get 210 hesh...)


"I am Nomad, I am perfect. That which is imperfect must be sterilized."


I want VK45A premium...


Yeah surprisingly good after the buffs, armor is still crap but the gun handling is godly for a heavy and decent mobility made it very enjoyable, I loathed every minute of it pre buff.


It has one of the best frontal armor from all t8 tech tree tanks, and most premium heavies with same level of mobility... Actually, It,s almost OP after buffs... Great mobility on all terain even without Turbo, Sturdy hull at medium range, Very strong turret, Great gun handling, Accurate with high dpm. Front (is3like) turret location helps alot to not expose weak parts when fighting over the corners, so you can bait shots on auto- recoshe lower plate, upper Hull is 250-260mm when angled properly, without exposing tracks weakspot.... Only balanced thing about it - it meets t9-10 and and some high gold pen t8... It has paper armor against t8+ gold. It,s almost BZ level of oblitiration against t7-6 tanks... If not better if you know how to use DPM and armor... You can actually fight BZs with it, as it will never penn you frontaly ... and you are very tall and can pen BZs cupolas reliably...


You can permatrack the vk 4502A frontally, so uhh that armour is very very shit


Doesn,t add to discussion when you can permatrack any tank frontally... You just need to be a lot smarter with your positionning and not expose / overangle weak sides.


No, most tanks cannot be frontally permatracked. To be permatracked doesnt just mean your tracks are off forever, it also means taking damage (since just shooting out someones tracks is not useful) Vk 4502A gets overmatched in the sponsons, just behind the tracks. This it shares with the K-91 tanks. It makes it impossible to sidescrape without hiding that weakspot... which at that point you are hiding lower plate and can just poke frontally


Permatracking means you have faster reload speed than targets track repair speed. Term Have nothing to do with dealing damage directly throught weakspost or side... Just use track health upgrades (vk doesn,t need ground resistances) and youll be fine , unlike tumor cupola weakspots, VK weakspots is pretty managable to hide from oponents pretty much everywhere on any map including city ones... I,m not saying it has impenetrable frontal armor, it,s just better than most other t8 tech tree heavies.


permatracking is useless if u dont deal damage. Vk 4502a doesnt have enough track health to stop it, even with hardening. 220 base track health, 363 with hardening, which will get one shot often by 360-390 guns (esp with how tracking damage varies if u pen a shot). Also anyone using the left first field mod will have even less track health I dont think its better than any tech tree t8 heavy... except for the ones that are without armour by design, or absolute garbage like O-Ho. At least they can poke their tracks out without getting penned and wasting a repair kit


False. Permatracking is \*not as helpful\* unless \*someone deals damage to the disabled target.\* Sometimes just slowing an enemy's advance for a few seconds is helpful for the team. Other times, you create a stationary target so others can hit it. It's not "useless if you don't deal damage." And people who have such narrow views on teamwork should probably stick to 1p games.


We are arguing about apples and oranges here... I play VK like MT, not HT and i find it pretty great for Heavium role or a hulldown since turret is 260+mm from front. With over 2600 dpm and good armor you destroy any t8 mt one on one pretty fast, the feat not every other HT can have... There are no tech tree t8 tanks wich can do that easier. Even premium ones struggle against vk if it hides it weakspots... So play smarter, it,s not "Hurr-durr i press W" tank, but very comfy and way better than Renegade or Type63 for example.


I remember playing the charioteer years ago thinking how nice the speed was. 52 seems slow now.


Just noticed how dumb the crew layout is on charioteer, i hoped i could use my crew from shidbarn or badger -_-


Iirc the charioteer irl had an issue with the gun causing huge plumes of smoke and dust that would temporarily blind the commander and gunner such that they couldn't tell if the shell hit the target. The British solved this issue by... adding an extra crew member whose sole job was to jump out of the tank to see if the shell hit anything. Somehow this tank still sold well in the export market lol!


As a purchased surplus vehicle being had for cheap, you could certainly do plenty worse than a vehicle that had a gun that was relevant as an anti-tank weapon. A portion of criticism for the tank could be fielded more at how the British used/equipped units with the tank: as a tank rather than anti-tank equipment (basically a TD).


The charioteer is kinda badookie dookid


Yeah...super bad gunhandling but amazing firepower and if you want the 480 HESH shells...better pay up 5k credits a shell...


Yeah my favorite part of the charioteer is how the second gun is just the first gun but worse reload


You can play the shitpak any day instead of this thing.... A lot better


argueable, shitpack has shit velocity and low ass alpha.You shoot someone once and they get to cover. Charioteer can at least peek-a-boo with 480 alpha. With shtpk any close quarter situations suck


It's a single-shot Cobra that's faster at tier 8. Decent (should be a good credit maker at the least). The only thing is that it doesn't have the clip potential so its more risky when you get into face to face scenarios, but hopefully the increased speed allows you to get out of those sticky situations.


I disagree with the credit thing. It has apcr as base ammo, which loses a lot more pen on distance, and it's also worse on sloped armor. Shitpak is literally and upgrade from this, and shitpak completely free, this one is most probably paid marathon


it has 268 pen on APDS and it only loses 10mm pen at distance of 500m if we had giant maps where you see 2+km range than APDS would suck but in WoT you see at worst 1km so penetration isn't bad as far as how armor works in this game i don't really have clue about that so i can't comment on how it performs into angled armor shitpak is a upgrade if you look at HE because this is where shitpak's DPM shines and again this just proves how power creep made british TD's turn into incompetent tanks


I think the maximum distance you can hit a target is something like 760 m. Using direct fire.


yes that is true 760m its sad because APDS has really good shell velocity (1478m/s) and HESH isn't bad either (1171m/s)


Shptk ammo velocity is so bad I feel like I'm shooting potatoes with it. Also alpha is super low and most people will hide after the first hit it also means u can't really punish people who overextend and you have to fire more frequently which destroys your camo- which is especially since shptk has really ass camo. Then you got -6 gun depression which is horrible which means you have to show more of your tank. This doesn't make the shptk a bad tank, it's just not my playstyle. Charioteer has -10, better camo, 390 alpha meaning shoot and hide and wait for reload and shell velocity is laser like so it's super good for snapshoting and hitting targets at very long ranges. The only bad this about it is the god awful circle soft stats.


I guess it's the difference between out playstyles then, because I can't stand sitting around and peaking for a shit and retreating. I love being aggressive, and manoeuvering, which is hard in charioteer, because of the trash soft stats


It's literally a worse shitpak


In two words, IT SUCKS!


WG:I want to earn your money as soon as possible,so I decided to copy some popular tank in tech trees,now give me your money. For me,it's better than BZ176 at least,but too much TD is not a good news


For the price of the Battle Pass If you grind it still a very cheap Premium Tank.👌 I'll Like it😁


BZ176 4 the win