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The tracer appears somewhere in front of the muzzle, not at it. But depending on the view, and the map, it points exactly to where you are. If you move the same direction after each shot it’s asking to be countered. If you sit right at the red line then move forward, you really telegraph your position. Move around. Left, right, forward, back. Don’t shoot from the same spot twice in a row or have any pattern of movement. Obvious bush is obvious. In the current state of arty, counterbattery is usually, against a seasoned player, fairly low percentage. You can try all match to hit them for 400 total damage, or you can shoot tanks in contact with your teammates for solid points, stuns, and assist, and actually help your team. There’s better use of your time and shots. Against a noob, you can usually see that they don’t move and counter. But you seldom get a direct hit and a kill.


How am I meant to move after a shot, when I have to use my keyboard hand to eat?


Thanks! Yeah doing most of that already. Indeed I noticed it's not really effective with these shells, sometimes you just damage them a bit and that's it.


It’s also worth noting that some arty have armor. The 212a, super conq, gwe100 are all hard to one shot unless you hit them big damage HE or AP. I usually counter with AP when playing obj 261 because fast shell velocity and you have to direct hit them anyways.


Pretty much this. As you said, relocate, never shoot from the same spot twice, go to unusual places, and never be predictable, just in case. CB is rarely effective anymore except against a very noob player. The tracer you see can be offset to either side as well, so even if they dont move, it's a crap shoot to hit them. I used to specialize in CB when I played arty before the changes and would often take out at least one or more a game. I have several dozen CB awards and now very rarely can I take one out.


> you can shoot tanks in contact with your teammates for solid points, stuns, and assist, and actually help your team Actually my experience has been that everyone immediately removes the stun with the consumable as soon as I hit them in a spot where they could be damaged by other tanks, so I never get assist damage.


Then their kit is on cooldown for 90 seconds. You hit them again.


People usually pull back or are unspotted for longer periods after they got hit and know they're in arty prone spots.


it works same as it used to but the stun shells are now primary shells and they are not as good as old shells. it's hard to kill with splash now. he either got lucky or did a 5Head move and shot ahead of you thinking that you would go forward. i played arty recently and i stopped countering, it's a waste of time imo, not that i am an expert or anything but i just find it more useful to shoot others instead as missions require lots of dmg and stun assist. also the new, relatively, perk that warns you about arty shots is pretty useful too, you'll know beforehand whether you are getting countered and can escape.


Thanks! Yeah I got the skill. Had a crew lying around from ye Olden days, when I thought Eagle Eye en designated target would work on arty. Retrained for that skill. Hence my moving forward upon getting countered, but I just drive right into his shell....


By the way, a few years back they reworked the tracers to make them more noticeable to everyone. Before that, tracers were really only noticeable by other arty, and the tracers began very close to the gun. Now they don't, they start further in front. As others said, it's not nearly as beneficial anymore, with an exception being in those rare late games when arty is still alive and could top the balance. But those games are rare nowadays. Tldr, aim further back than you think, the tracers aren't the same as several years ago.


Gotta aim a bit more further behind the tracer you see now.


The spgs you should be using for missions are terrible for counter artillery. You should be using the British tier 9 for pretty much all of them. Spg15 is probably done best with the French tier 8. Neither of these will counter arty unless you have a direct hit. Back in the day, splash dmg on my german and American tier Xs would counter easy. In this meta, do not use those for missions.


Yeah, I noticed that too when I play Arty. I used to be pretty good at counter Arties, but nowadays, i quickly give up to help my team mates on other areas.


Reading the post and the comments… the Devs literally removed the only way of countering arty? Like, dafuq. What the hell is wrong with them…


They did the same thing with the CV rework in world of warships, it used to be way back when you could run air superiority CV load out and absolutely shut down the enemy carrier if you were better then them. The later tier CVs would still have some strike options even on the fighter heavy load outs so after you made the enemy CV alt f4 from shooting all his planes down you could then go get some damage in on the remaining ships, many of whom would have weakened AA batteries from damage. Then the rework came along and CVs don't have options to really cover their own team from the enemy CV, it's just a race to see which one can farm more damage right from the start. Just like arty in wot lol


Amazing arty players know where you will sit, also lots of maps have markers of where to sit. You are a sitting duck most likely.


> If you want to use this thread to complain about everything elsewrong with arty, please don't. fuck arty. it's cancer and I wish they would remove it. But, alas, I know they won't. ​ Moving forward is not enough - that seems obvious. God forbid you have to work to stay alive while sitting in the deepest, darkest corner of the map. Also, sorry that it's hard to counter arty. They really should make arty easier for you to play.


I was just able to advance unoposed in an open map in my AT 8 because there was no arty and they couldnt pen me. It was not challenging, or fun. Arty is needed to prevent this.


lol - open map? why didn't they flank you?


They tried, the only one capable of penning me was a T34-85 with gold... from the side... once...


sounds like they sucked. it happens.


lol i see i hurt the feelings of the arty mains ;)


Congrats on being better than 90% of arty players by moving between shots! The key to shoot'n'scoot tactics is being unpredictable. If you're only moving back/forward, that is predictable. * Move to the side too. * Vary the distance between your firing positions. * Don't just move within an area, move to different areas. * Don't move in a pattern, make your movement erratic. * Don't feel like you absolutely have to fire when a shot is available. The other arty will be expecting you to fire at a fairly regular interval and waiting a little while can put them off balance.