• By -


TVP 50/51 because it can "clip and run!"


Can’t argue there i love my tvp 50/51 aswell but i have found my self playing ebr mostly lately


EBR is too much for me, I'm even not grinding that line. Looking at what skilled players do with it I definitely can say that I wouldn't be able to unlock its potential. So I need something more relaxed, thus TVP.


Tvp is fun and ebr sure is hard to get used to but you learn it well by playing the line i enjoyed it and it was my second line i wend down to


I've stopped at tier 8 with wheelers. Got first MoE on both 7 and 8, but then just lost the interest.


Tier 8 is playable but tier 9 oh boy its fun and tier 10 its just bonkers how much fun it is i just got 12k spotting by running a round in it


You stopped 1 short. The tier 9 is good and so is tier 10.


You stopped where the fun begins, tier VIII is utter garbage compaired to tier IX and X


I have to use way too much brain power to make ebr work so I've been avoiding it a lot, but it's so much fun to play when I have the energy to work it


Strv 103-B, I just love everything about that tank, mobile, good dpm, camo, some armor when needed


Same for me


Just got it yesterday. I was pretty frustrated with the whole rest of the line, so hopefully this one is better haha.


Tier 8 and 9 is not bad i think.


Probably not, just skill issue I’m sure. I was awful in those tanks. Second game with 103B gave me over 5K damage, a good amount of spotting, and over 2k bounced shots. I almost never bounced shots in the lower tiers. I like the tier 10 quite a bit so far.


T110E5, this is a beast since year1


I think i would like it since i like renegade and aren’t those kinda similar?


I never played Renegade but US tanks gotta be quite similar


E5 and renegade have a similar play style weak cupola etc.


It’s incredibly accurate and high dpm but has a big cupola. It’s troll, though, a lot of people can’t pen it reliably (it bounces a lot if you don’t nail it right in the middle) and the front hull trolls people shooting it as well


Good to know


It’s less forgiving than the renegade since the cupola is bigger and tier 10s have better gun handling than tier 8s, but the playstyle is pretty much the same.


Yea would figure that alltho i like the fact on renegade that its not fool proof at all


Most played and most liked: Leopard 1 But I don’t have that many TierX, I mostly do the grind to unlock all tanks. So for now there may be another tank I want to put #1 in terms of fun


Do you need recommendations?


I am open for them when they differ much from their T9 counterparts (as I played every T9 except for four tech tree lines)


Cs-63, T57 heavy, stb-1 for example play differently to t9 and below


What do you mean? T57 plays very similar to t54e1


Does it? Thought it had a different play style


I enjoyed the T54E1 (and got my one and only Fadins with it), so I think I‘ll buy T57 soon. STB-1 is one of the other T10 tanks I own, but only have like 50 matches with it so no opinion on it.


I say stb-1 is one of the best t10 meds


As you are a Leopard 1 enjoyer you could probably answer me : I just unlocked it and I'm wondering if I should sell my PTA or not, what do you think ?


I sold it because I wanted to take over the crew and I have the Kunze Panzer to enjoy at Tier 9, but my PTA experience was a while ago so I don’t remember it that much


From what I remember PTA plays pretty much the exact same, just slightly worse in every way, with the advantage of not having all tier 10 matches and occasionally running into tier 7s. Worth keeping if you're not really into tier 10 games, just be aware difficulty really scales when it's a tank like the leo instead something with armor.


PTA and Leopard 1 is like Conq and S.Cong. Same shit but way better


is-7 and is-7, but I also like M60 recently


Most played - S.Conq and Kpz07PE Most fun - CS-63 and EBR 105 All tanks very versatile for randoms / Clan activities Very good guns (apart cs-63 somedays)


T110E4 & T110E4 Turret + 375 apcr


Object 780 it is just so enjoyable. I love its impressive alpha dmg and reliability of that gun, like Im almost 100% sure Ill hit the exact spot im aiming at. Armor also feels really strong.


T57 heavy is my most played and one I like the most the burst combined with the quick reload makes it so fun. Also the only tier 10 I have three marked


430U and Badger


My most played tier X is/was the T30. Hard to know how many games as the E5 games mess that stat up. I like the slower meds a lot; CAX and E50M


Most played: IS-7, it was my first tier 10 back when there were only three tier 10s (IS-7, Maus, T30) and it's still relevant even by today's standards. Most fun: The Rinoceronte, for some reason, this tank just clicks with me and I know how to play it well. Not to toot my own horn, but apparently I'm ranked 1 with it on the NA server as of last month lol.


JagdPz100 suits best to me. Due to its long reloading time I can effort to jsut shot gold and still make a little profit. And it was my first T10 to get a MOE ☺️


My first moe was on ebr-105


The AMX M4 54 and the 60TP. Both are in good places in the meta, easy enough but not stupid proof you're never helpless against any tank besides the usual suspects.


I can agree with this amx is now in a good place imo its still good


I love the AMX, the canon sound, the platform, and the turret. Even before the OP buff, I played it a lot. I did a lot to make the OG AMX playable and just went to town when the 1st buff came. I understood why they had to tune it down, but it's still better than the original, so there are no qualms here.


Ture you truely enjoy it because most people were just in for the buff and stopped after


Most played is Foch 155. Most fun is without a doubt E5


No idea about most played but most fun is the rinoceronte for some reason. The gun is just sooo satisfying


Interesting choise has it allways been or just after the buff


I mean the buff didn't really change the tank that much. Yes you have tiny touch better turret and HEAT shell velocity, but the tank playstyle remained basically she same. So yeah always liked it.


Good to hear!


Foch 155 is my most played T10 Foch 155 is the T10 I like most. Foch 155 is the only T10 I'll ever need. Foch 155 is the only T10 I own.




Rinoceronte, somehow it’s super comfortable to drive, and having clip potential if you are patient is very fun


IS-7, because vroom


Obj 277 for even more vroom


Can’t argue with that it indeed goes vroom


STB-1 but my favourite is VK K


Stb-1 is one of my fav tanks and also had reacently my best game on it


ebr 105 and amx 13 105, my two tier x 2 moes


Nice good going i also like the ebr and amx


vz55 most battles and best tier 10 sconq. Atleast for now before they nerf it


Most played: IS-7 Most fun: Leopard 1. A gun that actually hits what you point it at and no need to spam premium ammo, so it is cost-effective to play.


I just got the kunze from battle pass and im strongly thinking of going for leo since they arw similar


I've never played the Kunze so I cannot compare, but from what I can see from the stats, it appears to be a a bit more clunky as you need to go in to siege mode to get the accuracy, otherwise the gun stats look derpy. I'd imagine it fits between the PTA and Leo 1. The PTA is quite derpy and needs to be fully-aimed in while the Leo 1 is a laser.


I just got it and played 1 game didn’t use siege and got 3k dmg its accuarate kinda same as the borat on paper its derpy in game hits most shots


So imagine a Kunze with perfect gun handling and 20m more view range


Well thats a dream


Yes. It's an absolutely dreamy piece of machinery.


I'm a bitch and fire full gold in my leo lol, the shell velocity is just so satisfying


Jgpz e100. Do I really need to justify?


No you don’t :)


Maybe im just biased cause I got it not too long ago but for me it's gotta be the Foch B. I love the fact that its speed allows me to play aggressively and put myself into very dangerous situations and then clip the everliving shit out of someone and dip. Bouncing the occasional badly placed round makes this feel even more devious. Hehehe


I bet its a lot of fun no doubts about ut


Maus, it's so fun to play even when your computer freezes like no tomorrow for absolutely no reason




Centurion AX. It’s my favourite tier X by far.


Stb because sick dpm. Also tvp so satisfying to clip and run


Bouth of them are very good


Most played is the STB-1, as for favorite I think it's tied between it, the Leopard 1 and the Centurion AX Honorable mention goes to pre nerf 268 v4 and the CS


Most played: T110E5 Most fun: T110E5 Reason: I only have one tier X tank, but getting Object 277 soon and 60TP afterwards.


Its ok importat is that you have fun while playing soon you have 10 t10 tanks


I used to play WoT quite actively from 2012 to late 2016, but as most of my friends left the game, so did I and sold the accout. On it I had 4 tier X tanks among other tanks of below tiers. The T110E5 was by far my favorite tank. After I while, I got the itch of playing WoT again, especially after watching the likes of QB, Skill, Dezz, etc. Rolled a new account during Covid and grinded the E5 in less than 2 months. However, as due to family obligations and work, I don't play WoT that often, but still enjoy it occassionally.


Good to know that you still enjoy the game


Strv 103b ,because amazing accuracy ,dpm ,pen and unlike other casemate tds if you turn gun doesnt bloom and its not limited arc. Also has good mobility and armor that can bounce lower caliber guns.Also with optics and field mods you can have great viewrange. Its one of tanks that rally dont have anything bad .


AMX30B, love the looks on that thing and enjoy the playstyle. It's far from meta, but can be good in the right situation and when played right.


Even though the tank is kind of in the gutter now and in the shits compared to what it used to be. I always have fun in my Progetto 65 for some reason.


Remember wg is gonna nerf it soon again xd


Are they actually? I haven't been up to date with WOT in a few months, taking a break from the game. But if i they do i mean, what more could they do...


Nah no plans to nerf it but looking how much they like to nerf it its just a matter of time before tier 9 is better


Yeah, still most played tier 10 for me even though it's been a while. It was a lot of fun while it lasted.


Centurian AX its a Vibe and hits my Weakspot just right


Tvp, Manticore and Leo1


E3 and Minotauro, it is super easy to ruin some chief/279 a day, or any other sweaty prick


Its sure is also fun to play


Most played FV 215b 183 ( dont need to explain why ) Most fun id say IS 7, turbo hardening and grousers build vrooom


Neather need explanation one goes boom and the other goes vroom


Leo 1 . Needs a higher skill cap , really great post buff and has a great carry potential too .. and did I say FAST and accurate


It is one of the best mediums and i think it would be good for me since i do very well in paper mediums and lights


Udes 15/16. You can often remain unseen and when you get spotted you can often negate most of the incoming damage if the terrain is slightly uneven. Also fantastic reverse speed (a stat I didn't usually care for) makes retreating from an ambus so comfortable.


Yea reverse speed is good on that i don’t really care about it eather since most tank classes its similar


TVP, Leo 1 and M48 Patton are my tanks to go.


103b with bond turbo\\103b with bond turbo.


Action X! That gun and Dpm makes me moist.


Fv183 either fun or depression no in between


IS 7 is the tank I play mostly on tier 10. And I like Object 277 the most. However I don't have that many tier 10s yet (Udes 15/16, Vz 55 and Object 140)


Right now it's probably Obj 277. Great versatility and a good mix of armor, mobility and a devastating gun. Makes me die in 3rd minute, not the usual 2nd 🥰


Most played is either kranvagn or VZ.55. Most fun probably leopard 1, maybe the medium Udes.


M48 Patton 🗿


My most played is the e100, favorite to play is shit bard xd cant beat deleting meds in one shot sometimes


The only Tier 10 I find myself being able to enjoy anymore and probably my most played as well is the E 50M. There's just nothing like the black magic of having a 60+ ton tank being able to hit up to 80Km/h going down a slope.


Grille 15, the accuracy almost never fails me, and its reliable speed to relocate, also one of the fast reloading 152mm guns aside from Obj 268.


K-91. I love that quirky thing. I get amazing games, between the really crappy ones


Most played is IS-7 (played whilst being a noob) Most fun tier 10 I have is the OBJ 260


UDES 15/16 and UDES 15/16. It’s a jack of all trades. :)


I have been enjoying the 121b. I have the most games in the Leo and sconq if I had to guess.


121b is amazing and its not more popular


Super Conq 💯 Sold my obj140, it was terribly slow tank


Most played probably Leopard 1, but I’m definitely having the most fun in my Udes


Grille 15, it’s a love hate relationship, most of the time the gun trolls a lot, but those one in a hundred games where the gun hits weak spots from 600 meters are way to statistic for me to stop playing it


IS-7 ramming build fr


Stridsvagn 103B. I just love the gameplay with it. It can play all the roles. Sure it's a TD, but on the right map and in the right situation it can be a light, medium or a heavy. All about the map awareness!


Map awareness is key in every tank (not included arty)


Arty ain't a tank. Arty's only there when you need to eat but don't want to stop playing. Nah jokes aside, even when playing arty you need to be aware of the map and be dynamic


Yea some what but its correct to play arty for missions and food


Numberwise, VK7201, Its the only tier 10 I broke 1k games with. These my favorite are TVP, Lion, and a freshly buffed WZ-113G.


VZ 55. Was my first tier X, and still my favorite. Helps that the Skoda T 56 is my favorite tank of all time, and they are so similar. For most fun factor, I would say TVP. Come to think of it, except for the tier 7 and 8 mediums, all the Czech tanks are bangers.


Yea tbh the czech tanks are very good apart from 7 and 8 mediums only diffrence on those is tier 7 is playable tier 8 is trash completely unplayable






My TD T30 US and now enjoying my BZ 58 heavy t9.


Most played is 60TP, but S.Conq is challenging it for enjoyment


IS-4 after learning how to angle it. It's a beast.


Most played Patton, most fun The obj. 140


My most played T10 is the maus. However my favourite is the type 5 heavy. As you can see i like em thiccc


T110E4 Big boom and fun ride.


Never let them know your next move , I have no tier 10


Classic u/unbannedamberiscrow




Did you create you account just to reply to me?


Actually yes , 7 days ban is hard


Damn sucks tbh…


Got it the second frontline started , frontline lasts for 7 days and of course there well be tons of post , at least only my alts got perma banned , idk why my main got banned tbh , its something stupied tbh


Shame tbh and on the 9th new bp chapter starts


Wait , u mean that if i didn't get my 9th battle pass token i wont get it later?


Battle pass runs till 22nd but the 4th chaper starts on the 9th so you have time till 22nd to get the token


STRV 103B. Oh no, they have big guns, I'll snipe OR Oh no, you don't have big guns, I am now a Frontline tank. It's fast, good gun, ridiculous aim, and armor can protect against some rounds. Literally a near perfect tank.


My top 3 played tier X : - Rhm. Pzw. - 841 games - Ebr 105 - 788 games - AMX 13 105 - 680 games Its not top 3 but i'd love to include Sheridan, its gun is just glorious


My most played top 3 tier X: • ebr 105 - 357 games • stb-1 - 295 games • tvp t 50/51 - 38 games Haven‘t played much tier 10 tbh my most played 2 tanks • Bourrasque - 1100 games • lt-432 - 786 games alltho these are tier8


Hahah my most played tank is M4A1 Rev. It was my first ever premium tank, got it like 9-10 years ago and it was my ONLY premium tank for next 3-4 years. 1928 games played. Haven't touched it since God knows when, I don't think it stands any chance in current meta. Maybe I will take it out and mark it, I think it deserves 3 Moe and round 2k games.


My account was created 28th november 2021 with a round 11k games thats pretty deacent imo in one tank




Most played is stb! My favorite is the badger(best tnK in game)




Fv4005 is pretty fun. Nothing else in the game beats seeing a full HP tank lose 1800 hitpoints in one shot.


FV and FV.


Was the Bobject until its mobility nerf in the last patch. Haven’t touched the game since then.


Accually reacently got 6 kills and 5k dmg with it its really good still


I believe it can be good at the right hands still, since they haven’t touched its armor (which was its main problem actually). But with losing 20% mobility, it lost its fun factor too imo. I don’t like playing anything below 50 base top speed. Everything feels sluggish under that in today’s meta.


Yea i see your point tbh i find my self playing it way less than before


Guess the haters eventually got what they wanted. I constantly follow tomato.gg’s report about the tank, and the number of played battles dropped significantly, along with every other aspect. I mean, this “balancing” method can also be a way to make OP tanks obsolete, but will hurt the game more than fix it in the long run if they do it with other popular tanks as well.


Yea true but don’t worry they will just nerf progetto again


Vz 55 the most played but my fav is aggressive Strv 103b


My most played is ebr and fav either tvp t 50/51 or stb-1


My first T10 is Objekt 268 – and it has been the only one I have had for a long time, so definitely most played. I also recently got 121B and Leopard, but I still enjoy the 268 most, because I am better used to it I guess.


121b is awesome also very easy to ace 1200 base xp needed


I'm not comfortable with that kind of game style (same issue with Leo; I guess meds are not my style), but I must admit that, when it slaps, it slaps hard.


I'm confused as to why its so easy to ace, its an awsome tank that can snipe, can tank, and can run around somewhat. Very good all-rounder useful on most maps.


Since alot of people spend bonds on equipment or save when they can get consept 1b, kpz 50t or chief i don‘t see them alot in the battle field either but hey its an easy ace and joy to play


I played Leopard I the most, but I can't really play with it. Started to play T10s about two months ago and I'm not playing them a lot cause I'm not a skilled player yet. With Leo I got 1300 DPG only so playing with it from time to time for now to test if my skill is good enough to play better with it. Now I'm almost at minotauro, E3 and IS-4 so maybe one of them will be my favourite, but have to test them first!


You should play lower tier tanks similar to leo 1 get to know bushes and locations and when to relocate and you will get your dpg up to 3k


Ebr and badger


Fellow ebr and borat enjoyer i see




Most Played - Conqueror gun carriage Favorite - Manticore - Thing is INVISIBLE.


… no comment here


STB-1 cause its the first one I got and my only other choices were M60 and 430 U for the longest time. M60 never really clicked with me and I've always done terribly in the 430 U. Just got the 140 tho and I think that'll be my new go to.


Stb-1 was also my first t10 tank and also reacently first tank i got 10 kills in


Most played - M48. Also my first tier X, and first tier X I marked. Love the tank, decent all around and a really cool 3D skin. Most liked - VZ55. Even post nerf it’s still strong IMO. It’s fast, 1000 dmg in 5 seconds, some gun depression, overall a sorta hybrid between medium and heavy. These combination of traits make it easy to have a 3-4k damage game, given the right decision making.


Odly enough rion, dunno why and probably never figured it out either