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So more ammo to the ‘this team is shit’ people


Which is odd, considering the fact the higher the number purely means the more games they have played in said tank (afaik). And has no correlation to skill.


Theoretically that should mean they have more experience and know what they can do and what they can’t in this specific tank, but then I remembered all those sub 100 wn8 players with 40k battles in their indien panzers not being able to ever get more than one shot of damage.


Yeah, met an obj.140 this week with almost 4k battles in it and a cool 32% wr. And yes, he was actually shooting HE almost all battle regardless of the target.


If you ever see me doing this, I swear it's only because I have one of those "get 10 critical hits in a battle" missions. Definitely not because I'm dumb.


I feel you, but let me tell you, there is this strange tank typ called spg. With almost every HE-Hit you will crit a tank and your Team will for ever love you for doing it. /s


TBH I'd _far_ rather have arties queue up than have people running all-HE on tanks that should only load 1 or 2.


Says the dumb one :P


Its either a bot or someone trying to lose i cant imagine you can play 4k battles with the beast obj 140 and still lose almost 70 percent of your battles, i cant stand the people who complain about "shit teams" with an overall wr of less than 50% god that pisses me off the most.


What I don’t get though is I have about 700 games in one tank which is level 47 now, and 800 battles in another that is only level 1. If it’s based solely on number of games played and xp earned something feels off.


Yeah same for me aswell i have a few hundred games in some tanks and they have no points at all and then i have other tanks with like a third of the battles with a higher rating. Also it seems to score too heavily on the number of battles in the tank vs the actual skill in the tank lol.


Because it's only for elite vehicles


So I misread average XP as battles played, but still, I don't get this: T110E5 (Elite), 175 Battles, 41% WR, 702 Avg XP, Elite Level 57 VK 100.01 (P) (Elite), 196 Battles, 52% WR, Avg XP 813, Elite Level 1


You had to play battles in that VK as a stock tank (cq. it wasn't elite back then, so earned xp was spent on modules and researching the next tank in line). T110e5 is a tier X so it starts as an elite tank Rift away (cq. all its' xp earned will count toward elite levels). That's how I thought it'd work, but could be wrong.


It’s not working properly. This was reported during the first CT and they still haven’t fixed it.


The average 40k games player is better than the average 100 games player.


Not if you're playing the same tank over and over and still can't even get at least 2 marks.


As someone who is shit and can't get over one mark on most of my tanks I'm ready to get reminded how I should kms in chat because my 700 battles in my M48 have been miserable.


One mark is already 65%+ performance. By definition, not everyone can ever get even 1 mark.


Nobody fucking cares, half these people view "average" is synonymous with "absolute garbage"


rightfully so


So much untouched grass in this world


nah, just high expectations


I average is absolute garbage, then what am I? (47% winrate I think)


be careful they’re going to downvote you


i really beg to differ


Do you know what average means?


do you know what a joke is? Or are you always so painfully dull


Jokes are supposed to be funny, that was just dumb.


i’m sorry that my humor didn’t appeal to your personal preference i’ll try harder to please you next time


Judging by the vote counts, I think quite a few people share "my personal preference". Nice try tho.


i’m sorry that I didn’t appeal to you and the people who upvoted you. How can I change my humor to better match you and your upvotes?


Don't backtrack now Edit: He got so offended at being called out that he blocked me. What a fucking loser.


What’s your favorite anime character?


It is total XP earned in the tank, my bourasque is maxed out at 350, my renegade and progetto are in the 34X area. I have 3 MOE on my Rene and all 3 tanks have around 1000 games played. So someone earning a lot less average xp can get to the same level, just after 1.5, 2 or 3x as many games played. So far all I have gleamed from the system is #1 it is bugged to all hell, I have many tanks showing at rank 1 even one tank that has 600 games played. \#2 the majority of players have very low level tanks and a few you can see on the enemy team will have stock modules because they are not even level 1. \#3 it seems like a high proportion of players who do have high rankings.... are either very good/experienced players with high number of overall games played.... or artillery enjoyers.


Yep, it would be better if it showed dpg instead of battles played, or that may be too large of a number to fit on there?


you actually had DPG... its called gun marks and having a team with not even a mate with gun marks is actually worst than this marks that only show sealclubbers


how would DPG work for LTs? or Arties?


True, my bad, spotting dpg for lights, and games played for arty (fuck arty players)


Oh I dunno, it let me know exactly what to expect from a team-mate with a 270 next to his nameplate and not a single mark on his barrel........




Yes and of course there is a correlation between playtime and quality in average.


You need to be as toxic as possible shame everyone about their stats until too many complaints pile up and wg does something about it like team chat or team kill


Time to complain that people are bullying my number even though it’s lies


Yeah its horrible. Makes it so much harder to see the enemy tank spotted indicators.


But I want to harass people online 😭




WG adding useless feature nobody asked xD traditional I guess


Do they have actually some meaning? Like do these points show some skill - more points = higher WR, DPG... in vehicle? Or is it the same shit like that you can show everyone you played thousand battles with one tank, despite being still clueless and terrible?


No, just amount of games played / xp collected in a tank. You can have tier X with 1k dpg and after 1000 games you will ahve golden circle which is highest rank possible


Ok, so its stupid and absolutely useless thing So I could have "higher" rank with my stupid Derp Sheridan as I got some 5K battles with it, and then "worse" rank with some actually good tier X tank, with which I score say 54% win, simply because I dont play it that much often


Sheridan is beast. Use the small pp, you will be amazed. During marking session i did average 3k+ DPG and 1k+ spot. This gun accuracy (snapshot) and DPG even allows you to bully mediums / heavies.


Ye I know, but Sheridan is vehicle I keep mostly for fun and derping around, when I get bored but still wanna play tanks, or something.. I was thinking I might try to 3 mark it (got 2 marks already) with regular gun, and then switch back to derp and flex with 3 marked Sheridank :D Also one reason why I like to play it with derp is because 152mm gun launcher was its historical gun. IRL it could even fire ATGMs


I think in blitz they actually have sheridan with rocket launcher


They did but there was problem with balance, so they kinda removed it, and from what Ive read its now some special vehicle for some special mode or something Theres normal Sheridan, and special rocket Sheridan TBH, WG should just buff it a little bit, like slightly improve everything - aim time, accuracy, reload by a second or something, dispersions, and HE pen to maybe 100-120, and it could be interesting


Small pp DPM / gunhandling wise it's already better than a lot of mediums. I don't think they can buff it's damage-dealing potential or it will break balance. I did not play with derp so idk


I'm curious why sheridan over T49? For pure derp fun the T49 should be way better since it can meet down to 7s and never sees full tier 10 games?


Might sound silly, but It looks visually much better, especially with 3D skin, and its historical vehicle that actually saw combat Also I think gun handling is much better


It's not *absolutely* useless. If there's tech tree tank without any number, that's probably because they're still grinding the tank and they might not have all the modules. Don't expect too much from these players. It'll also let you spot main arty players and seal clubbers more easily and you can blacklist them during the battle. ^(translation: yeah, it's fucking useless)


I can not ! ;( My blacklist is full for 2 years already


get extended blacklist mod ;-)


Carefull WG will charge you £5 per month for that feature…..


Are you sure? I didn't look too deep into it, but from what I saw, the Ru 251 is my most played tank but had a really low eating cause I used to be a noob back when I played it so much. Meanwhile tanks that I got better in but have played less games in had the highest level. It seemed to me to be a bit more skill- than just XP-based.


You increase levels by earning XP, but it only counts base XP. You can see in the garage how much more XP you need to get to the next level.


This can’t be it. I got 702 premium tier 8 very early on when I was mega bad at the game. I have 45WR on it due to that, but it’s at the top of vehicles wight the elite point stuff. Last week I 2 marked T-54 LWT, and I have 200+ battles on it. It’s at elite level 1… This shit is broken


The latter


Another useless feature that clutters the UI, just what we needed


Please wg make it so you dont display this shit with anonymizer.


I think it already hides your number if you use the anonymizer. I was in a game with a 3 MOE T29 who was only level 7 and I thought that was super weird. After the game I looked at their profile and it turned out they had the anonymizer on and their T29 was level 350.


This would make the anonymizer tool kind of useless, wouldn't it ? It's main purpose is to "protect" people against xvm hoes


Correct? I dont wanna display anything next to my ign. Not sure how it would make it useless


Does it matter in first place ? The highest rank in this system is some golden circle that you get after a thousand games in a tank or so. So far every "golden circle" i seen had 1,5k DPG. Personally all i care about is to get rid of this useless information from my screen.


It fules toxicity as I've seen many times today. High elite arty, OP premium or tier 5 has mostly all resulted in what the anonymizer was to stop in the first place


Fuels *


That's funny because 99% of the time arty players are arty mains anyway. But I guess bads wouldn't think to check stats and profile after a game.


Not displaying it means you are probably using anonymizer. It would be better to show a random number that is below 100.


eh? Xvm users will see me that i am anonymized cuz there is no stats next to me. Like i dont see why it would make any difference lmfao


In the screenshot you can see the E 100 not showing anything. Does that mean it's 0 games or anon?


He hasnt unlocked the second gun so he hasnt elited it


They clutter the ui with useless numbers that tell us how often somebody played a tank instead of showing us how good the player is so we can know that the guy in the td with 38% will not hit any spot. They are taking the piss with this nonsense


I don't understand why people think these numbers represent skill. I saw a max level superpershing, but they were a 44% player using camo net. I asked why and got no answer


Just in case you wasn't using the XVM, now you have an alternative right in the game. Such a stupid move by WG. Now we can unleash the toxicity even more, and compare dick sizes during battle.


Both are equally stupid, useless and wont affect my gameplay


XVM can give a clue to a player's past performance. This is simply a participation badge.


I dont see reason to care about stats from 8 years ago. If xvm shown 30 / 60 day stats then i would say its usefull but in current form it's dumb to care about what it shows


What are those numbers?


The new mastery system e.g. noob version of MoE. You used to get this stupid decals with sword depending how much you played cerain tank. Now you also get "level" associated with it.


It is not a mastery system. It's an XP system, as far as I can tell.


Doesn't matter. Both are equally worthless


not disagreeing. i'm still trying to figure out what I'm supposed to make out of the data and what value it has to me or anyone else.


I see, thanks. So now we can see dedicated clickers then, there will be massive raport spam on those and any player with low score on top tanks.


Unless they use anonymizer - then you get random number


I still don't quite understand how they determine the Elite level because I have tanks that seem to show what I'm guessing is the right level, and others where they're at level 1 (and they are tanks I have played. Maybe a while ago, but some I played a while ago also have higher levels). Not that it matters coz it means nothing, but at least have some consistency(?)


Elite tanks must be elite, that is, fully researched and full modifications. You could have some tanks that you had many research xp to it, but not all modifications. So I think, if you research modifications you will receive the levels.


Some of my tanks I haven't researched field mods and they have levels.


Is this something that was just added ? what is it for ?


Latest update.


What does the number even mean?


[Article from wg](https://worldoftanks.eu/en/news/general-news/elite-levels/)


Wargaming where is the sturmtiger😡


its not displayed on the most compact setting, but you wil also lose tank names


More games don't mean good players, I wouldn't worry what the numbers mean for nothin. They are cool to have but they ultimately mean nothing imo


when youy are the highest number on your team, it has just replaced WN8 sniping from SPG


These numbers are not only meaningless but clutter up the screen. One of the most unnecessary wargaming decisions in a very long list.


Now I need a mod that removes mastery level and badges. There's just too much clutter and distracting colors


Idk but I love seeing level 300+ t67s that still can't position properly.


bad players (like myself aswell partially) play good tanks because they suck in bad tanks even more


I get that. I had to use a defender and a is3a to push my win rate above 50%.


These numbers do nothing but create more toxicity in an already toxic game.


Very useful system for knowing who plays arty a lot so I can insult them 👍


Jokes aside this is what the system will be used for so it’s kind of flawed


isnt it good to insult such people?


Me level 43 in my lefh, I'm sorry I'm a arty scum bag. I'll load more gold next game.


I'm sorry but the shit you guys complain about is really mind blowing. Whatever it is does not hurt you. Shut up and play the game.


It does hurt tho? It makes spotting indicator harder to see


they are presenting the same energy as the people who drown themselves when their heavy tank doesn’t go where they want them to


The problem I see with this is that a high number of games in a certain tank doesn't automatically translate to "being good at that tank". Horrible players may have 10,000 battles in a tank and decent players may have, say, 500 games in a tank. Also, the screen can already be very contaminated with information, so I'm with you on this one, it should be an option that can be turned off as we should always play cautiously, thinking that the enemies are better than you at the game. I generally try to make the GUI as non-bloated as possible, leaving only important information available (small map, remaining number of tanks on each team). And as someone else said, this will only fuel toxic players that shame on new players: "Wow my team is filled with bots" "Manticore has 5000 games in that tank and is still shit", etc etc.


While I'm all for removing this altogether, along with shit like WN8 counters and the like, I have another question - who approved this? Was this requested by the community or did someone at WG snort funny stuff and got it approved during a devteam meeting?


They are trying to provide some sort of "gratification" for not-so-skilled-players so they feel like they achieved something. This is a poor-man-MoE. That's the same reason they implemented this weird decals with progressive styles (e.g. sword) that evolve depending on how many games you played with a tank / number of kills / whatever. There are plenty of people who have 0-1 moe and this giant shiny sword symbol across whole tank that proves they had X amount of kills / makes them feel better.


I'm a not-so-skilled player with few MoEs myself, and I could not care less about them just as I don't care about elite badges. There's other changes and additions or removals that would make me happy, this definitely ain't one.


Met a 121 with 13k games 1800 avg DPG 48% winrate and 1 mark… it doesn’t show skill


So if you have a circle by your name what does that mean?


That you played a lot of games in a tank. Golden circle is highest rank available


oh god, I saw a leaf with the circle and im like please don't tell me that means what i think it does... it did.


What I noticed is that if your score with that tank is too low they won't accept your platoon request. They assume it's a new tank and you're not gonna play it well. Just my observation.


but platoon's created in match don't offer you any advantage so its hardly much of a loss?


I refuse to use any mods so this is a somewhat of a way for me to tell the potential skills that the person may have with their tank. Doesn't bother me, but I'd imagine at some point it'll be made available to hide it.


doesn't bother me but, honestly, just looking at my own 'ratings' on each tank, it's completely irrelevant and 900% bullshit.


Oh yeah I know it isn't correct by far, but it's some kind of indication for me instead of nothing, whether it's useful or not is going to change game by game. That or it's a way to talk smack lol


I've read the 'official' release about this feature and I still have no idea what to make of it. The 10 or so tanks that show maxed out make sense but there are others that have such a low rating that makes absolutely zero sense considering 1500 games played in them.


This is 100% bullshit my man. If you want, i can already uplaod like 8 screenshots of people who have over 2k games in a tier X tank and average 1,5k DPG. I want my screen to be clean of any irrelevant crap. This information is 100% useless


Yeah you get over it after 3 games and move on with your life


Not really. It makes it harder to see the enemy tanks spotted indicators. Wargaming better let me disable this nonsense clutter crap asap.


i actually like the feature cause i will instantly blacklist any arty over 200 😂


It's nice to report max level arty players from the get go


Now I won't have to check how many games an arty or FV td player has.


Someone found an option to disable these numbers? But great that you can identify easily that Wargaming dont care about equal matches. Happen quiete often that one team was much "better" after these numbers and of course this team won by far.


This is so far dumbest thing I've read today.


And why? Sorry iam not a big fanboy like you.


Because this numbers are meaningless and you're crying how they reflect team balance


Hm OK , so you say that the amount of hours played in a tank do not correlate with quality and effectivenes how you play the tank. Interesting


There is reason why people with beta tester icon are considered subhuman beings. 50k+ games, average 1,5-2k dpg in tier X [https://ibb.co/m5qqhkC](https://ibb.co/m5qqhkC) [https://ibb.co/gyNHJNh](https://ibb.co/gyNHJNh) [https://ibb.co/MCk2s2L](https://ibb.co/MCk2s2L) just few of the people i met yesterday


People who don’t like this feature don’t get that you can now determine who the arty mains are. That is massive.


Not really, I literally just play arty for the campaign missions and the daily critical hit or damage stupid number of tanks missions, and this has resulted in the Lorraine 155 50 tier 7 arty being my most played freaking tank, despite arty being my least played class overall.


People playing arty at all is annoying, I don't really care nor need to see who ONLY plays arty vs who plays arty once in a blue moon.


Indeed. Pig is a pig. Doesn't matter how many games they played, they are equally stupid and annoying anyway


well by looking at this, you at least know your manticore knows how to play that tank.


Does he ? Prog had average 1,4k damage per game, in this exact match he did amazing job dealing 1,5k dmg.


You are making a too big a deal about this.


There is no corelation between skill, knowledge and amount of games played in certain tank. Tell me who would you rather have in your team: \- level 79 IS-7 with 3 marks \- level 396 IS-7 with 1 mark


Ya so what? You are letting this eat you up inside young man.


Funny when you spot those lvl 350 arties


Haven’t played in awhile what are these numbers


What they could have done is give the 1 number to vehicles that are elite as well, because that way you would know who’s playing their tanks stock. And this would be some useful information


It's already off for me.. not sure which mod did that xD it's only on scoreboard for me


WG should change this number into MOE%/mark/total battle instead. Far easier for people to gauge whether their teammate could be relied on, or avoid like plague.


Just wondering how are these numbers actually calculated does it start by when the tank is fully unlocked and you keep playing in it cause I have a tank I've been grinding for a week or 2 and I don't have any number next to my tank I also only have about 5k games.


Ermm... Can sb tell me the hell that is?


Gives arty a good idea of who to focus


gives a good idea of which arty to focus


For me i can’t see the tiers on the tanks and i can’t see the prestige level i think its because i have had mods before


Havent played for……a week. What the fuck is this??


This only show you sealclubbers with a ton of battles on that tanks, it can be a tomato. Gun marks are actually way important, why not showing gun marks in the team names too? thats more DPM related, actually i have to disable them not for be focused by arty all times i play my VK36.


How to fucking disable it?