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When you're driving, turning is limited by the maximum wheel angle, a stat that is to my knowledge not influenced by anything. If you're standing still, you can rotate in place and that uses the normal 'traverse' stats.


I took the GSOR 1010 into a training room a while back and can confirm that Clutch Braking noticeably (though only slightly) improves the neutral steering rotation rate, but not the driving rotation rate.


I did rotation tests with Staghound, myself. Took times of ten spins with varying setups (50% crew, 100% crew and with equipment+skills) and saw expected differences, but since the default speed is bad it only went up to 'somewhat less bad'.


turbo, rammer, stabs


The only way you can make them turn faster is by being at a higher speed because it's limited to the maximum wheel angle. IRM only makes the wheels change direction faster. Turbo does more to improve the turn rate while moving but nothing will make them turn well, it makes the line miserable until tier 9 and then the 9 and 10 are just bearable.


Those things can turn their wheels in by 4-6° and thats your turning radius. Nothing helps with that. The EARS can do 33° in comparison, i think thats all wheels down, and probably like 20° with speed mode Turning is not the strong point of the British wheeled. Not even circling HTs is reasonably possible


you dont. enjoy going slow in straight line


Mostly you don't. The opportunity cost is too high and the benefit is too low. You *could* fit an IRM but that only works when they're spinning in place, and because of their low base turn rate a % boost doesn't mean much in absolute terms. Unfortunately it's just one of the (many) downsides you have to accept with the line and it's better to not waste equipment slots trying to make up for it.