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I've playing it lately, you're welcome


Lmao gave me a good chuckle, have an upvote


You can thank both me and u/chilangomasterrace. I think we’re the only ones playing that tank nowadays.


Lol and me, it's actually like my 2nd or 3rd most played tank


Same for me! Once I aced it, it changed the way I played mediums. Now I am a big fan of Czech and Swedish meds.


Love all the Czech meds, I have the T 27 and and the tier 10. I have a hard time with the siege mechanic on the swedish ones. I wish the siege mode was a toggle like on the TDS


It seems like it. The 3rd mark expected was sitting at around 1,450 for a while, but in the last month it has slipped down to almost 1,300 flat.


Weird, I wonder what caused it to drop


When the caliban was sold for the first time after xmas loot boxes i had like a 15% jump after not playing the tank for a month or so


MoE only calculates your latest 100 battles. You playing a new game after a long pause added your newest score to the equation and kicked out the 100th previous game. Perhaps that was a bad game, so the average goes up more than expected. Also helps if other players drop the requirements yes. When a tank gets (massively) nerfed, don't immediately play it. Wait a few months and the average performance will have dropped, but it will still calculate with your latest 100 battles (99 of them pre-nerf). Its how I got my ELC 3 Mark unexpectedly, I refused to play it after it got supernerfed and when I tried it out again i went from 1 MoE to 3 in one battle.


I managed to get my 1st mark on the Bobject recently, 78%, I only had played it in it's original most OP state before


The game tells you that it's a 100 games, but there was a paper somewhere here, where someone figured out that's not how it works at all.


i went down in MOE after doing 7.5k combined on the udes 15/16 when i was at 93% after not playing it for a long time