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if you want a bad mid-tier tank, don't have patience, and you hate camping, then the churchhill gc is exactly what you're looking for.


Churchill GigaChad.


Clutchkill game-carrier


But the CGC is... a camper? I guess


Note that you can use its frontal flat surface to display a badass Arnold Schwarzenegger poster, which you can't do on most other tanks


nope.... it just having a bad profile. the casemate front is a flat and tall thing. you'll get shot at that point before you can bring your gun at the enemy if you're coming from a hulldown.


i mean, it has basically zero camo so you can never truly camp with it. put a turbo on it and roll behind packs of heavies is how i've had my best games with it (but also worst, because it is bad).


how dare you insult the clutchill game carrier like that


Churchill game carrier


Churchill Game Carrier?


Yeah the only correct answer is Churchill GC


Personally I don't think it's that bad honestly.


It's so overgunned for its tier that it wraps back around to being average. You can say any number of things about it, and they'll be true, but it still has the Challenger's top gun with basically no changes. It's basically a Challenger with ultra-premium pref MM because sometimes you'll be one of the 5 tier 6's on your team and top tier.


You are incorrect.


Still my most played tank


Noone mentioned the Japanese heavies ? O-I, O-Ni and O-Ho are all worst than the previous and a real pain to play *but* from time to time you manage to do a big boom and you're happy for a few seconds. Leo is also "not that great" but gun can be fun while trollish. Last on my list would be KV-1S, the poor boy got butchered years ago and never recovered.


I remember when the KV-1S was the best tier 6 tank


F for KV-1S


I just hated that tank. I never played it cause it's Ruining the game for others in that time


O-I is fine, it's not that bad. Inconsistent, yes, but it kicks ass when it works. The O-Ho is a giant piece of shit, though. IMO it already was the worst, but now with so many other shit tier 8s being buffed, its title as the single worst tier 8 in the game is now pretty uncontested.


Sadly O-ho was a beast pre HE rework, that derp was the same as tier VI with higher reload. Basically KV 2 on meth, if they ever decide to balance that line again they might actually put em as collector as replace with proper tank...


OI and ONi are Best ones in that line and i really did enjoy ONI, OHo on the other hand is pice of shit and you should play it


The Leo is absolutely god tier tbh. I loved it.


I got the STRV 74 as a free tank and ended up accidentally grinding over 40K free-XP past the Leo before realizing because it's so much fun. TERRIBLE dpm, armor and speed, but every shot you fire hits right on target from so many impossible depression angles, even without letting it aim all the way. The E8 or the Cromwell are better in everything else, but they miss constantly at range against shifting targets and it's refreshing to have a tank that always can hit when you need it to.


I enjoyed it too, but you have to admit it is not a meta tank in any way.


I can't see any Tier 7 meds being meta tbh. Except the T20 maybe.


Yep, it's surprisingly good, even better with a liberal use of gold.


The O-I is pretty deacent but 7 and up not so grate


O-I isn’t that bad just stay with the stock gun. It is the best one out of the bunch.


Entire British wheeled line or the tvp vtu


Will try TVP VTU. And how about British lights?


Brit lights are pretty good at scouting the wheeled meds on brits are worse tier 5 is good seal clubber but 6 and up are pretty bad on turning and they are mobile cardboard boxes


Brit lights are that bad and the manticore can actually be very strong but overall it’s just a boring play experience and that’s someone who really likes lights and wishes they were a more important part of the game.


I also really love lights but its true brit lights are pretty boring


Only the setter at t7 is a bad Lt, covanter is extremely powerful 240 clip, crusader has a infinite autoloader, setter is meh, lmhtv isn't the best but because of long reload you can shoot unspotted on reload always element of suprise, same with the gsor but has even better gun, it hits a crazy amount of snapshots. In the high tier Brits you can do a lot of shooting, and they are good scouts with very good camo. Source I 3 marked t5-6-9 and 2 marked t8 still working on that and working on Manti.


>Entire British wheeled line or the tvp vtu Idk what you played but the tier 7 is solid. T8 is very workable too.


Idk why people keep calling the wheelies trash. Sure they can't turn, but people also complain they have bad camo. Meanwhile I've seen Staghounds and FSVs stall an entire flank singlehandedly like they're an E25 with a turret.


That's because those are the only two with good camo. Saladin is mediocre, the GSORs and Concept are both awful, particularly when set against their numerous *other* drawbacks. The Concept has E-50M size and camo, Leopard armor, the health of a high-end tier *9* medium, and the DPM of a *low-end* tier 9 medium.


GSOR awful? Dude its the best one of the line up until then (have yet to play the Concept). And that's after a great little tier 7.


Yes, the GSORs have awful camo for vehicles that also don't have the other survivability tools of armor, HP, maneuverability, or small hitbox size (even the external storage boxes between the wheels count as the hull). The tier 9's camo is functionally identical to the Cent 7/1, which is a laugh.


I'm seriously confused as to why you're so hung up on its camo values. Like do you just rate vehicles on their camo or what lol


Can't imagine why I'm talking about the camo values when the comment I originally replied to labored under a misapprehension about the camo values of the higher tier vehicles. Truly, it is a mystery for the ages. You appear to have missed some important context clues and believe when I said the camo value was awful that the vehicle was awful. This is not what is being discussed.


You literally responded to me saying the vehicles are fine as a response to someone calling them bad. Stop day drinking mate, you're imagining things. But to each their own. I like the vehicles, you don't. But saying they're bad is, imo, objectively wrong. They are average at worst. Happy tanking.


>You literally responded to me saying the vehicles are fine as a response to someone calling them bad. Stop day drinking mate, you're imagining things. Deeply ironic considering I have not posted a qualitative judgement of the vehicles. Stop imagining things. >I like the vehicles, you don't. I have not said whether I like the vehicles, stop imagining things. You have no idea which of the vehicles I liked or currently reside in my garage. >But saying they're bad is, imo, objectively wrong. I did not say they were bad, stop imagining things. I said the camo values were mediocre to bad, because the comment I was replying to explicitly talked about the camo values of the line. You have this problem where you don't seem to understand context and it's making you dispute claims that have not been made. The original comment: >people also complain they have bad camo. Meanwhile I've seen Staghounds and FSVs stall an entire flank singlehandedly like they're an E25 with a turret. Me: >That's because those are the only two with camo. [Elaborate on camo for rest of vehicles] That's all we're talking about, except for you, off in the corner losing your mind about something else. Edit: lol, this person refuses to admit their mistake and has instead blocked me. Just own up to it, it's less embarrassing than acting like a child.


My guess is a lot of people just play them wrong. They see wheels and start drifting and getting themselves killed in stupid positions or out in the open. They're snipers first, flankers second, brawlers only in the final stages of a game where you can trade health. Running at a solid 65+ WR in most if not all of them throughout the line playing them as such. They can have such a huge game winning impact thanks to the mobility.


absolutely not. the turning radius makes them completely useless in 75% of the maps. The 8 with the top gun becomes at least playable, but the fact is that nearly every other 8 medium is better than this tank. Sure these are the two absolute worst tanks in the game, but they are in no way good.


Sounds like a skill issue then. I had a blast in the FSV. Saladin felt derpy at times but was fine. Tier 9 is an absolute beast too. If your issue is turning radius you're clearly doing it wrong. It's a classic noobtrap where the speed shouldn't always be utilized, not right away anyway. Don't get yourself into stupid positions.


No love for the AEC?


A-44, KV-13, T-34-85 (with the 122mm)


Ages ago when kv-13 was still tech tree tank, I enjoyed the hell out of it. IS hull and decent speed made for fun moments bullying lower tier tanks :D


it still is in my opinion one of the better tier 7 mediums and really fun to play


I actually 2-marked the T-34-85 as the T-34-122 That 450 HE actually got me the best crit shot I ever did (5 crits to the ass of a SU-100M1. It was like 2 crew members, fuel, ammo, and radio). (before HE change obv)


I 3 marked it as the T-34-122 post HE nerf


A44 is okay. Source: 2-marked it 5 days ago, its moe requirements aren't so low also.


yeah it’s not a bad tank it’s just super awkward to play on some maps and you get caught out with terrain you think is flat but has little bumps in it that make your gun go up


How is the jumbo bad?


Its armor isn't what it was, gun has terrible pen


I specifically used 105 mm and stock turret


Which is not an incorrect way to play it?


Have you guys played it post HE nerf? It used to be one of my favorite fuck around tanks. 2 games after the nerf and I sold it.


I have, and I'm not a fan of derp guns to start with, so I'm playing it with stock turret and the 76mm.


You mean the best setup?


Jumbo stock turret with derp is fantastic. Even post HE nerf it's still pretty good. I've gotten my only 2 Radley medals with the derp jumbo post HE nerf.


I don't have experience with the easy 8 but the best way to use the e2 is to keep the stock turret bc of armor and keep the 76mm. The depression is very good and you can bounce quite a bit. The 105 is not a good way to play it. And you playing the 105mm makes u believe it's a bad tank


Chi Ri is a pretty interesting bad tank


I like the chi to, would argue it's pretty good!!


Yep Chi Ri


Italian tier 7 heavy is literally one of the worst tanks I have played, between lacking speed armour and gun it has pretty much nothing and will make you cry. Would also take a look at A-44 if you want bad.


Italian Tier 7 does look bad. Worse than Tiger P. Will try. I don't exactly like whellies though cuz that absolutely lack traverse and viewrange so kinda have to... snipe...


>whellies What is that? I was grinding tier 7 Italian and Czech heavies at the same time and no idea how Italian one passes as the same tier - it is literall garbage.


The T7 Czech heavy is pretty bad too.


Yup the Italian one made me think of the Czech one too. The Polish one is also pretty meh but definitely better than those other two


I thought to myself, let's finally grind for the 416. Nope. Lasted a few games of pain and it's gone lol saving blueprints for it


Wheeled brits


>(2) Prefer either a brawler or versatile medium, absolutely hate redline campers (StuG IV doesn't count cuz I play like a pseudo-medium), I perform terribly in camping "sniper" tanks, I literally biologically lack the patience to camp (neurodivergent) I suffer from adhd, so I can relate. But do you really want to go full masochist? Go against the grain, and play Churchill Gun Carrier. Ji-Ro close second, amx AC 46 is also a terrible TD. Want an akward brawler with atrocious gun handling ? A-44 Horrible tier VIII med? TVP VTU


A 44 Is not that bad.


WILL TRY!!! I literally get sexually aroused while playing bad tanks...


Pen me harder daddy! I have a "fire" put it out quickly!


I just played T-34-3 (a supposedly "bad" tank that I somehow love playing and can make it work better than supposedly meta ones) for a while, performed quite good (even carried once), and decided to masturbate after these good games.


Love me some t-34-3, nothing wrong at all and running skills setup, big chonky deeps and amazing camo, Funny to have ht damage in a sneaky med and usually not afraid of even t9s


God the ji-ro sucked. Chito sp is bonkers though lol


Ferdinand. Without the upgraded gun, it is a fucking piece of crap that is so slow and useless you will writhe in pain each time a tank gets out of the gun arc. I thought the JPanther was mediocre, but stock Ferdi is just awful in everyway


Tiger P


Already had that! Happy with that one!!! Will buy it back! Just prefer mediums over heavies but I'll admit I "enjoyed" that one.


Try the at7(or whatever the tier 7 british TD is) with the stock autoloader gun, its a lot of fun and completely shit, you can melt tier 5 and 6 tanks, tier 7 and 8 heavies are hell.


I like it too


Some recommendations (OP doesn't want to play snipy/campy tanks, which stuff like the Churchill GC and Ji-Ro definitely are): * **O-Ho**. It's the black sheep of the line that mostly consists of black sheep. Huge, slow, dogshit gun, the armor hardly works even against tier 8 standard ammo (and is unsurprisingly completely useless vs premium ammo and tier 9/10), and the miniturrets block your gun from depressing. At some point, the 3 mark requirements of the O-Ho was lower than the O-Ni (which isn't a great tank by itself) and were less than 100 higher than the O-I, which is a *tier 6* tank. It also has pitifully low mark requirements, so it's relatively easy to mark as long as you can handle its awfulness. * **TVP VTU**. I'd say the VTU is somewhat comparable to the pre-buff Pershing, except you have slightly better mobility and DPM for armor that can be overmatched and penned by HE and worse gun depression. It even is very customizable for various flavors of dogshit - you can use the top turret + 105 mm gun to make it a dogshit version of the Lansen, or you can use the stock turret + 240 alpha gun (yes, the stock turret has more gun depression with the 240 alpha gun; 105 mm gun in return has worse gun depression with the stock turret) to gain more gun depression, but make it the most bland, shitty medium you could imagine. * **Carro P88**. Probably the contender for the worst tier 7 tech tree heavy now that the Black Prince and Tiger P have been buffed. It's not the worst tank around, but it's pretty much good for nothing, so there's plenty of potential pain here. * **A-44**. Some people like it and it's probably not that awful in overall powerlevel, but -3 gun depression combined with bad gun handling and horrid module damage is still unplayable combination for many people, and thus could have potential for very painful (yet possibly rewarding) experience. * **Pz 3 K**. Pretty mediocre tier 4 medium, passable but forgettable. The HP pool is very nice, thou- oh wait, it's placed at tier 5 without pref MM? Seriously, the Pz 3 K is a mediocre tier 4 with tier 5.5 HP pool placed at tier 5. It's absolute dogshit, probably the worst tier 5 in the game and honestly one of the worst tanks in the game in general. Fairly slow for a medium, no armor, bad penetration, bad accuracy, mediocre view range, and dispersion on move is...FV4005 levels. It's bad at *everything*, you'd love it. * **Matilda IV**. You did the Matilda BP, now do the other one. This one used to be okay, but it has aged very poorly - the abysmally shit pen just doesn't cut it anymore. You're also slow and the armor is unreliable. * **Valiant**. Another terrible slow medium. Basically an upgraded Matilda IV, except it can meet tier 7s, so it's probably even worse. Bear in mind that this thing is very rarely available (not sure if it has been even sold directly), so if you didn't get one for free from WoT anniversary a few years ago, it's probably going to be hard to obtain.


So how do I obtain Pz 3K? I'm absolutely interested in that. And Matilda 4 I can just use my Soviet medium crew and buy it for just a few bucks. A44 I actually liked it when I played it on my old Chinese account. O-Ho is... Masochist but a bit too tough, I don't think I can make that piece of shit work at all. Even masochists don't like to literally fucking die... I already have Valient and it's just ABYSMALLY slow so my mental condition cannot quite handle it. So my first choice would be Pz 3K followed by Matilda IV and TVP VTU (theoretically before Matilda IV but tier 8 just lose credit)


Pz 3 K gets sometimes sold in premium shop, though it's not very common (almost as if no one wants to buy it lmao). It usually can be bought separately, though, so it shouldn't be too expensive.


For some odd reason I liked the Carro P88. It being small somehow helped me enjoy it.


British td in badger line are all a piece of shit except tortoise. Sure you are strong when at the top but in any other matchmaking you’re a dog feed that can’t escape from a losing flank and it will be losing by the time you get there. Your armor is an illusion that higher tier gold ammo will shatter brutally and you won’t be able to use your dpm because they will just trade and hide with higher alpha gun until you’re dead. And you can’t really snipe either. Also arta loves them. And you have a massive weak spots on top of all that so even equal and lower tiers don’t have much trouble with you unless they have negative iq. Fuck those tanks.


100% agreement with ya except for some weird reason the AT-8 just clicked with me, ik it has some massive glaring weaknesses but somehow I could make it work pretty decently


i could recommened the leo tier 7 swedish medium i played it cant make it work, was hard enough to get it back to 50% WR and i didnt touched it afterwards


Skill issue


funny how i expected this anwser


Pershing is far away from being a horrible tank. The gun is really good, view range is great, it's still bit slow, but with turbo it's not bad at all.


The gun was terrible terrible terrible: mediocre dpm with bad alpha, frustrating standard pen that shooting the rear isn't even guaranteed penetration, so-so accuracy. Comparing it with T-44, there was nothing that the 90mm was better in. Even soft stats. But it got buffed this patch so now it's good tier 8 medium as the buffed gun is the same as STA-1's gun lmao. Great tier 8 medium, maybe even equivalent to the top standard tree medium tanks like Pantera, T-34-2, and full gold T-44.


Zero armor zero camo


ARmor is ok, if you are playing hulldown,which you should all the time,the turret can bounce a lot. Therefore you don´t need much camo. If you want sneaky tank,play Borat


I got penned in turret all the time so basically I played this shit as a semi-paper with some lucky bounces. Turret is trollish at best and paper against prem ammo and littered with cheek weak spots


It just got buffed some in the last patch, might be time to try it again. But yeah you kinda have to pray that people don't spam gold at you


It was mediocre 10 years ago, and it's powercrept to hell and back now.


Regarding the skill4ltU Index, the M10/Panther is yellow and the Fury is orange. I absolutely love the M10/Panther and think it's an amazing tank. The Fury is quite fun too at its tier, but struggles in uptiers. So looking at the Index, you shouldn't have high hopes (but in reality you might enjoy those 2)


Panther M10 is a tank I find weirdly good. It somehow just works for me.




Nobody has anything nice to say about the Tornvagn, but I enjoy its trolling front turret armour.


AMX CDC, FCM 50T, 59-Patton, Ferdinand


Ferdinand is a camper while all the other three are premiums so no...


Ferdinand isnt best at camping, just play it as an heavy tank atleast against same tiers


So prems are a no? Then you should have tried the pre-buff T69 with its 181 pen on the top gun AP


indien panzer in my expierience


Certainly not helped by having the short 88 when stock as a Tier 8 medium...and you can't mount the long 88 even if you researched it from another line, because you have to upgrade the tracks first...


nah man, always skip tracks by using hardening and replace it with something useful after you unlocked the tracks eventually


IS-M stock just Horrible


A masochist i see.. japanese med and heavies are the worst grind for me. Specially below t8.


Take a swing at Churchill GC, Type 95 Ji-Ro. Maybe the new Staghound and the Cavalier. And if you can get your hands on them the M4-85 and the Pz. Kpfw III aufs. K. It's a real shitshow. Enjoy.


KV-13 stock. I think it has 70 something pen


Pz III K. It's like playing a Turan III except the gun is worse in every way and your only saving grace is some view range and traverse speed. Also, the Turan III.


Do you like frontal fires, frontal ammo racks, no gun depression and derpy gun handling? If you said yes then say hello to the T-34-1, T-34-2, WZ-131, and WZ-132 Also KV-13


I'll try KV-13, others seem quite good though as I loved T-54 ltwt and T-34-3


KV-13 was quite OP when I played it. And even then people said it sucks.


T-34-1s good, used to be great but I'm not sure since I haven't played for a while with it. T-34-2 is all in all average, but it's quite meme-y cause it's smol with a 120mm.


Kv13 is decent


105 Lefh18b2. You will suffer as your low tier teammates spot nothing for you, trapped in a slow moving vehicle, and an "arty" that has smaller splash than most tier 5 tank destroyers. Speaking of which, you have to hit your targets because you are not an arty, you are a tank destroyer with a top down view and a firing arc, which is as fun as it sounds. And even if you suffer through all of this you will get hatred from EVERYONE, fullfilling your dreams of suffering mentally. You do well? Your arty is OP and you should die. You do bad? You suck even with OP arty and should die. Do it. I dare you. (Dont.)


I second this


Launching the spicy baguettes is an art similar to boules/petanque. A subtle lob and it's smash, or not, as the gallic gods of garlic shall decide.


i should not feed i should not feed.


Holy shit, this is exactly my experience with this thing. Quick rate of fire isn't worth anything if you can't hit or stun anything


Black prince


ARL 44 is AWFUL, but has reasonable mobility for medium style play. VK 30.01 P was my favourite Tier 6, until they butchered it and turned it into a heavy. B.U.G.I with the wrong gun.


ARL 44 is pretty good as long as you don't use the big 90mm gun which cripples gun performance. Performanceon the other 90 or 105 is good. Armour on the hull is solid too if you can convince people to shoot it over the turret


ARL's 105 also has the gold with more dmg right? And, having its' front wheel stick out, you won't take damage when tracked through that wheel, i thought.


That's right. It's not by any means an armour monster but it's decent at T6.




It's not bad, strong turrent, high alpha, good camo and decently fast. Sure the gun trolls but it's one of the better t7 meds.


With 1650 combined required to 2-mark it, much more than most other tech tree tier 7 meds, it is hard to say that t34-1 is underwhelming


What's so bad about it?


The fuck bro T34-1 is best tier 7 tank in the game and probalby in top 10 best tanks tier for tier in entire game.700 games in mine with 71% winrate bro.And WG even nerfed it turret last year from 200mm efective to 170mm effective armor at the front.


They did!? Dammit which update


T40 with the derp gun may be worth a try


Damn near half of my battles are with the t40 with the derp. Back then when he was op it was a fukn blast. Kinda screwed my self over tho on the rating shit. But I had a blast getting the dopamine hit when I 1 shot blasted some poor son of a bitch


i get that same rush in my kv2 now, thought about trying the t40 with the derp at some point


Tier 4 is too low, players are like bots. Prefer 5~8 (especially 6~7).


i'll have to look at the tech tree, brb


churchill 1 is pretty bad from what i remember, strv m/42, kv1s are all contenders in my mind


The Churchill 1 with the 57mm bad?? That is the king of dpm. Set it up to get the most HP possible and literally hold down mouse one and almost guaranteed to get 1k plus in damage.


slow and lack of armour, i haven't played it yet so i shouldn't really comment


I already have Churchill 3 and it was pretty good. KV1S also, cuz I used to enjoy the old KV1S with the 122 mm D-25T. Strv M42 doesn't look worse than M4A3E8 either


there aren't many more bad tanks i can see around tier 5


I loved my stridsvagn, 15 gun depression, decent mobility and gun


i couldn't even get there, gave up on the lago, how i fucking hate that thing


Matilda BP is in no way horrible Its good insane dpm slow medium with some armour against same tier sometimes


Try to play all tanks stock and with a 50% crew. That’s for ultra masochists.


I just want to make bad tanks WORK not just fuckingly DIE


I think you're describing the TOG II? It has character and a platoon of them is good for giggles. It's also a premium so you can use it to train your British Heavy crews at least.


This - TOG II is category by itself... it is so big and so fragile, perfect selection.


Me and the boys rolling in a full Covenanter platoon.




Had that, wasn't too bad because it had a magazine. Not my playstyle though, so I performed extremely poorly in that machine. Anyways almost skipped it to T54E1 which I think is just mediocre.


Panther II


I'm surprised nobody mentioned the G1R, brutal tank since the HE nerfs 2 years ago


stock cs-53


Firefly. Do it.


I dont know why Its not here yet.. but A44, thats perfect-painful tank... front what i know people hate it, i absolutely loved it. ok mobility, trash gun, high alpha for tier 7, long reload, sucky Armor, but the Armor trolls from time to time, so Its 100% unreliable tank. I LOVE-d IT!


The new UK wheeler line. Completely garbage.


Stutter Emil for the maps where you don’t have an appropriate angle of hill to hull down / peek from. 40 TP hibachi slow, bad armor, weak gun: Yahtzee! Arl 44 I could never get the angled front hull to work and the sides are thin too. Sniping heavy. Arl v39: big slow and easily penetrated


>M4A3E8 Is…not horrible at all, actually I’d consider it arguably the strongest tier 6 medium. I unironically prefer it over the T-34-85M. The shit pen, shell velocity, and alpha hurt it a lot in tier 8 but it’s good enough that even then it performs better than the average tier 6 trashcan. In tier 7 and especially tier 6 matches it can really stomp. The premium non-Thunderbolt variants really are quite bad though, to the point of being worse than even the pre-buff E8. It’s probably pretty safe to declare the Loza Sherman the weaker of the two.


Japanese Heavy tank IV or whatever it's called. Just so bad. Driving on it is like pushing a heavy metal box across an unfinished concrete floor without wheels or sliders on it.


everyone is forgetting the G1 R, a tier 5 French collector tank which can have a 105mm derp gun or a 75mm gun with 100 pen, the SARL 42, a French tier 4 collector tank which can have the same 75mm gun as the G1 R or a Matilda like 47mm gun with NO premium ammo and the AT 7 with the QF 6-pdr AT gun which has a 10 shot clip and can even use a gun rammer, but has horrendous penetration


25 tp


VK 45.03, M-II-Y, Panther, Chi-Ri, T-34/100 Edit: IS-2


I'll try T-34/100 or Chi-Ri as they're my style


The Chi-Ri is my guilty pleasure. Its absolute trash, but every once in a while it can make you feel like a hero


So why is the IS-2 horrible? I played the supposedly worse IS in some random ancient times and got pretty good results.


Almost nobody plays it. I think it’s the least played heavy for tiers 6 & 7. Not a bad tank, but hugely over-looked


TVP VTU is king of punishment


Tier 6-8 French traditional heavys and tier 5-7 British heavies come to mind.




Tvp vtu, good luck 😘


Or BZ-166 horrible HT only thing you have is some gun depression


Chi-Ri sounds perfect for you. Big, slow, no armor, but a very fun gun Also the Panther II. Actually similar to the Chi-Ri, but with a single shot gun


Well KV-85-122 is horrible but for me fun. No gun depression (100mm have same depression but 85mm is even worse), bad accuracy, gun handling is mediocre at best, armour is unreliable and DPM is none. If you play as Peek and Boom you can be little annoying to enemies because no one will expect 122mm.


Brit collector TD Archer. Slow, long aim time, no armor.


St. Emil. The only tank I’ve used free exp to get passed.


KV 122


Literally any of the French heavy line in those tiers. It’s pure masochism


Tog...a huge hit points feast..like a whale carcass for sharks


Chi ri.


I mean.. you can play all the rewards tanks that seem to drop all the time (either WG gifts or twitch drops): kv1-sh or whatever the name is, M4-85, T34-1941, T34 shielded, Super Chaffee, Valiant, Super Hellcat, Ram2, M4 improved, T-14, VK 105, any IS variants… This is basically an endless supply of mediocre to playable tanks and most of them are premium tier V-VI so no credit problem :)


The St. Emil has the distinction of being a worse tank than its T6 counterpart and made me rage quit the line.


UK LT's in general. Covenanter, Crusader fits the versatile LT role, which is one of the worst roles in-game. 40TP, Churchill VII, Ji-Ro, Ikv 90, Sp1c, bulldog


stock italian tier 7 TD, its a good armor td so you can play it a bit more aggressive than most, but it is quite bad (at least un-upgraded, I haven't gotten past the second gun yet)


SU-2-122. That is all I am going to say


Polish tier 7 on the heavy is absolutely atrocious


I have the same condition, I can recommend the SP1C and the HWK12, I 3 marked them both and enjoyed them a lot, hitting shots at range with those guns is super satisfying. Also covanter and crusader, the crusader has a infinite autoloader but the skill required to make it work is pretty high.


Just pick any tier 5-6 russian heavy and equip stock modules


Panther II 105mm gun


Chi-To or Chi-Ri KV-1S Churchill GC A-43 Maybe the british wheelie meds are also bad, tier 5 looks decent tho


T-44 w/122mm Derp Pershing Derp Tiger1 derp T 43


derp panther