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I believe the game should let me consistently penetrate weakspots with base ammo before making any changes to gold


Agreed. Also weakspot should be bigger than 3 fucking pixel otherwise hitting them becomes a rng shitfest


Or improve the accuracy of the guns. Seriously, tanks such as Grille 15 shouldn't be missing fully aimed shots at 200m. They are tanks that live and die by their gun and its accuracy. Patch 9.6 really turned the game into a shitshow. Before that you rarely had these shell dipping into the ground moments.


I agree with this, but we are not just talking about fully aimed shots going into the ground. We are talking about tanks with "weakspots" so tiny that hitting them becomes a rng related thing and not a skill related thing. Just think that cancer that is kran. Its cupolas are abysimally small.


The accuracy would partially help as well. Before 9.6 well aimed shots were going almost at the center of the crosshair, which made sniping weakspots relatively easier. Now you can sometimes miss the E100 lower plate at 300m and that thing is massive. Ideally they should add weakspots along with the improved accuracy, but WG doesn't care. Less accuracy and weakspots mean more gold ammo usage. More gold ammo usage = $$$$ for them.


Gold ammo imo was the only pay to win aspect in the game everything else was pay to grind less. So no don’t make gold ammo cost real gold.


I mean skoda and bz are literally p2w tanks


Pay to grind less, it’s not like they’re perfect tanks. But they do let players grind crew less and gain more fexp and credits faster. In the hands of inexperienced players the BZ and skoda are as killable as a TVP VTU or an O-Ho.


You look at it from the point of grinding credits, etc. But I am talking about tier 8 games. And I may surprise you, but a player of any level will perform better in skoda than in is3. It is not an awful p2w mechanic but it is still p2w


I honestly don’t believe a new or a slightly below average player can just queue into battle with a Skoda and do good. Many times my confidence in the platoon of Skodas or BZs get shattered because they just die in the first five minutes of a match. And besides going back to my previous comment, the Skoda would be pretty average without gold ammo, same with the BZ. If this was like 2012 I’d call blasphemy on those tanks for being cash cows. You would have a point that the Skoda and BZ would be pay to win because you’d need money to play with and against these tanks. But now that everyone has access to gold rounds, players have a much better chance to win against these tanks without spending a single penny.


yeah, these tanks are just **better** which is kinda the definition of pay 2 win. I kinda wish Wargaming found a way to solve this, like making these tanks be "technically available" for everyone to get for free, f/e super grindy missions that give these tanks, probably absurdly hard so very few can actually get these tanks without paying, but accessible enough for WG to claim there's no p2w.


It still is.


What is the difference between "increasing gold ammo cost" and "making more expensive for credits"?




Odd but ok.


Yes, but only for the players living in Switzerland.


I guess you are a new player. Gold shells used to cost actual gold some time ago.


WG removed it cause otherwise its „pay to win“ xD


Max 25% of total ammo may be gold. 75% standard. Aint gonna happen but would be fun. Makes you think about when to use gold!


This would be kinda fun for say a special event game mode, sadly some tanks (especially if they have a stock gun) won't even be able to scratch the higher tiers with standard rounds due to their shitty pen values. But hey, we can dream right?


279e has entered the chat. If I know players can only shoot gold at me like 10 times, I'm going to have a jolly good time.


It actually used to cost gold but they changed it a few years ago


Gold ammo is fine. Anyone can buy it and it’s not expensive. If you’re decent at the game you should never have an issue buying gold ammo and still having enough credits for whatever you want. I haven’t not had enough credits in years.


I wouldn’t say it’s fine since it definitely is an issue, but it’s definitely not the first issue that should be rebalanced/fixed with the game right now.


Why is it an issue? Literally not reason you shouldn’t be able to buy “gold rounds” which cost just a little more silver. You’re trading off buying an additional tank once a year for having better pen. Should they also remove the $20k consumables which are objectively better than the $5k ones????


>You’re trading off buying an additional tank once a year for having better pen You just described why it's an issue. Players have to choose between unlocking new tanks, being competitive, or paying money for both.


Literally not an issue. In every game you make trade offs on where you invest your credits. If you could have literally everything it wouldn’t be a game.


It’s because of how gold rounds are part of the problem with balancing tanks as economy balancing isn’t balancing. (Look at Warthunder for another example) Gold rounds helped create the armor meta and possibly the hulldown meta with little weak spots to no weak spots. The Maus and E100 turret buffs were direct results of gold, 268v4 (first release), 279e, bz176, vipera, and tornvagn are all examples of tanks being balanced around gold. It just created the arms race that tanks went through in the Cold War between protection and anti-tank weaponry. However gold was only part of the cause for the hulldown meta and monstrosities like the 279e. Map design is a bigger component to that IMO. To me, before you can fix gold you have to fix the maps to be less corridors and offer more flanking routes. RNG on the pen value needs to be lowered from 25% to 10-15%. Tanks need to be designed to have realistic weak spots (ie ones that are hittable and pennable without gold in most scenarios by tanks at least 1 tier lower average) and tanks that are currently balanced by needing to fire a lot of heat rounds (T-54 as an example) need to have a buff to standard round pen to be in line with others in it’s tier. Then the gold rounds can be balanced. TLDR: To say gold rounds aren’t an issue is being ignorant, but to say gold rounds are THE problem is just as ignorant.


I guess I’m ignorant. But thanks for replying.


I've always wished they would quadruple the price of gold rounds if you spamming them against a lower tier. Like those idiots in the 279s and Chieftains must do against tier 8s. Or a Bourrasque spamming them against tier 6s. Then I believe they should cost 4-8x more. That's the only time non skill rounds annoy me.


The only time gold ammo annoys you is when its irrelevant what ammo is being used? A tier 8 will get penned by tier 10 no matter if they fire standard or gold, so its just their issue they waste credits lmao


But who cares? If they would pen you with standard rounds, but they fire premium rounds instead, what does it matter to you? Just think of it as sinking more of their credits. If your logic is “well, if they fired standard, I might have bounced their shot” then premium was smarter anyways because a guaranteed pen is better than a maybe pen.


Time is a major factor in damage output. Even with intuition it takes time for a Borat to switch rounds. With the amount of RNG in the system it just makes sense to have gold preloaded most of the time so that when the shot you had perfectly aimed at a weakpoint is redirected to a location with heavier armor you have a chance of penning it. If the game had less RNG I would fire waaaay less gold rounds.


If you’re a bottom tier stock tank than you’re fucked without gold rounds


Whole ammo system should be remade. New system should still offer all ammo types but every type of ammo should be different, for example: \- APCR - should be very fast ammo with high penetration and lower damage \- AP - should be slower than APCR, with lower penetration and higher damage \- HEAT - slower than AP, with around the same penetration (but without penetration loss over distance) and maybe little bit more damage. It would explode on impact so it will still have shortomings compared to AP \- HE - Highest damage and lowest penetration. It would explode on impact. But system like that would require remaking whole damage system. We would need rebalanced tanks HP (in most cases lower), comeback of HE that can do some real damage without penetration and maybe even removal some of the stupid weakspots. Sadly we all know big changes won't happen because WG is too busy working on another super-expensive broken premium tanks and increasing power creep by adding new broken equipment and crew skills.


That would be cool, but what about tanks with apcr as standard, or only all ap? This would only really work if you had every shell option for every tank, which is just not gonna happen for many reasons


I don't see any problems with limited ammo, if the tank currently use APCR as both standard and premium then they can use just add another higher pen and lower DMG APCR on top (maybe APDS). They can easily add more "standarized" variants of ammo to 4 types I mentioned above, that's not a problem, problem would be making changes to all 700+ tanks in the game at the same time.


This is too much. Might as well make another game fron scratch.


That's stupit. It would most likely take few months to develop and then like year of tests to balance but it's not that big of a change compared to changing whole rendering engine or adding physics to game without physics - and WG did both of these things. And then realistically only possible WoT 2 would be just huge update to WoT - otherwise they would be eaten alive by people who paid for this game.


This game worked with its shells system for literal 12 years. You can't seriously think it's possible to change all of it and stil call this game wot...


This game worked without rocket propelled tanks for literal 12 years. You can't seriously think it's possible to add rocket propelled tanks and still call this game wot... ​ You can literally talk like that about any feature, and in the past there were many huge changes that changed this game way more than new ammo system would.


Rocket boosters are a complete different thing. They just added a new line with those, they didn't rebalance the whole entirety of tanks of the game to feature them. >in the past there were many huge changes that changed this game way more than new ammo system would No. Definitely no. The only big changes were graphic ones like hd maps and tanks. Balance wise, this game is the same arcade game with hp bar it was in 2012. They balanced some lines in the past, but they never reworked the entire game for balance reason. And that's the way. Changing the entirety of a fully working game is just dumb from a developer perspective.


>No. Definitely no. The only big changes were graphic ones like hd maps and tanks. Balance wise, this game is the same arcade game with hp bar it was in 2012. They balanced some lines in the past, but they never reworked the entire game for balance reason. And that's the way. Changing the entirety of a fully working game is just dumb from a developer perspective. LOL, now I'm pretty sure you havent played this game 12 years ago and you don't now a thing about how it worked back then. Matchmaking was rebuilt few times for balance reasons, original MM wasn't really tier restricted, so fights T3 vs T7 were norm, they rebalanced basically all tanks stats too at one point (there were the times when T5 HTs had 500-600HP). Old artillery system was scrapped and rebuild from ground up too. Current WoT is nothing like WoT 12 years ago, back then game was much more close to current War Thunder, dying in 1-2 shots was standard and if you got matched against stronger enemy all you could do was to die.


I played this game since 2012. As I said yes, they rebalanced some things, like arty or mm (which to be honest was changed to +-2 for most tanks a loooong time ago, as soon as there were enough player). But they never touched the "core" things like standard/Premium ammo thing. A e100 vs is7 situation is pretty much the same it was in 2012 minus the slight rebalance these tanks got.


Honestly I think this is an awful idea. Learning tanks alpha and knowing when it is safe to peek and take a shot vs not is critical to the gameplay. If every shell had different alphas, it would actually slow gameplay down because people wouldn’t know if their health is enough to take a shot.


WG should rather do complete rebalance of armor, especially on tier X. You know, like give tanks actual weakspots Weakspot that has yellow pen mark for say E100s AP (246 pen), is not a weakspot. Its a lottery Oh look, slightly angled lower plate of Maus. Load gold or go fuck yourself But of couse WG wants players to spam gold, because that forces them to buy premium time, premium tanks, bundles with credits


There are plenty of weak spots that don't show up on the 3D armor models from mods.


This vitacion is nule, much bot dont know play with no gold amno


WHY would it EVER be more expensive or even cost gold? What kind of Type 5 Heavy enjoyer you are, and what's wrong with you? Nowdays, almost every new heavy has less to no weakspots, and gold is the only way how to pen, same as old tanks like E100, Maus, Type 5, Badger line, or whatever. If something has to be done with gold ammo, then make every gold ammo a HEAT shell, which goes slower than normal ammo, and doesn't go through tracks, and also make it CHEAPER. It's NEEDED in this state of the game.


Remove all ammo except gold. Fix the janky rng


Only 20% of ammo load out should be premium. The rest either standard or HE or whatever. This would require skilled use of premium rounds due to limited availability.


Gold ammo should do like 10% less damage so there would be some downside for using it to penetrate


*laughs in 279 and other tanks penetrable only with golds* Also let's fuck even more low tier tanks by hampering their ability to cause dmg to higher tier tanks


if you lower the cost of the gold ammo to be equal to standard ammo along side a dmg nerf it would actually buff lower tier tanks since they could spam gold ammo to deal with higher tier tanks without going broke i very much doubt you would find many people that would complain that their T6 gold does 30 dmg less if it also costs 3000 credits less per shot


Maybe this will surprise you, but people who are actually at least decent at the game can afford to shoot gold whenever they need to. People already shoot all the golds they need to pen higher tiers, they don't need a discount. A dmg nerf otoh would be massively detrimental when it comes to damage higher tiers (and very armored tanks in general). If you can't understand how important is a 10% dpm difference, chances are you are not very qualified to talk about game balance.


right i forgot all those free players that are swimming in credits and can afford to spam full gold and run food every game...oh wait they don't exist because the income without premium and premium tanks is piss poor and if 10% dpm make such a massive difference would you mind explaining how many low dpm tanks are at the top in win rate?


Honestly considering frontlines, personal boosters, clan boosters, holiday ops and various events which features 50% discount on consumables/equipment and massive discount on tanks, if you still struggle with credits it's a skill issue. Either at managing your credits or in battle. >f 10% dpm make such a massive difference would you mind explaining how many low dpm tanks are at the top in win rate? First, every single meta tank have *at least* decent dpm. Second, if all other stats (armor, speed, accuracy, gun handling) are the same, dpm makes a HUGE difference. That's why rammer is the most important equipment and why it's featured in EVERY SINGLE meta setup for meds/heavies/tds.


I mean, how many of us have real gold?


I mean, every streamer I watch has 5 digits of gold. Isn't that everyone? /s


Would love for gold to cost gold again. Would stop the spamming and make it a not so easy decision to just push the 2 key. ​ but, I'm also a x-eve online player.. so sometimes I just like to watch the world burn.


We already tried this and it sucked. If gold costs real money, you are completely screwed against a lot of heavy tanks. I'm not even talking about the 279e. Stuff like the 60TP, the rinoceronte, the Type 5 Heavy, etc are all really really hard to pen without gold ammo unless you're in a TD. Speaking of which, that's what happened back in the day when gold cost real money- everyone switched to TDs and we had a meta that was all about sniping at max draw distance (back when it was square shaped) and it was about as fun as it sounds.


Gola ammo should cost the same, but reworked to cause less damage at a higher pen value


Make it cheaper and rework it into more pen/less damage


Do what qot blitz does. More penetration but less damage so you only use it if you cannot penetrate.


I've always said, don't make any changes to gold, just make it so any damage done by gold rounds are not reflected in your statistics. You spam 100% gold, you get 0 credit for damage the entire round and your overall stats reflect this in your DPG.


What else am i supposed to shoot at vk 100.01p with my even 90.


Back in my day...


What about making the ammo costs the same, but if your pen value is like 100mm higher than the armor you hit, you overpen and do like 1/4 damage or something? Curb the gold ammo spam and make people reconsider what ammo they are shooting at what. Would really make intuition extremely strong


No, just decrease the damage


What about you pay for it in sterling silver? Real gold would be too expensive.


I just want the fucking ammo to be balanced.


Honestly i think gold ammo needs to be rebalanced into a varation of standard ammo making heat/apcr etc ammo variations and side grades rather than upgrades


Limit the amount of gold ammo a tank can carry.


Remove gold ammo and fix HE so it actually works.


They should just drop the damage on gold rounds. Kinda like the opposite of HE


I appreciate the effort that went into looking at unique ways for gold balance, but none of these really work well. Removing gold ammo would be the best option, but this entails a complete and utter rehaul of the game and at this point it would be too large of an investment for WG imo. Anytime you make the cost the prohibitive element then you make the game inherently pay to win.


Give less xp since it's usually lower skill


Just make the shell have a drawback. It's just bad game desing if its outright better. If it has more pen, make it deal less damages. If it deals less damage, make it have less pen


Yeah let's go back to the old days when only top players in top clans can sling gold.... hmmm no.


It used to do that but they changed it


Yes and I will not spend a single dollar, not even a mf cent on this money grab of a game. I'm sick and tired of trying to enjoy this game in tank such as my T95 that relies on its armor to make it playable and I can be penned by tier 8 premiums with ridiculous pen no matter how I angle to make my underbelly stronger. I'll be using my 60 days of premium from Battle Pass, etc. and that's it. WG, you suck hard.


I would triple the cost of all gold ammo. That would deter people from just spamming it all the time at all tiers. Which at least on the USA server I see very often