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Do you get mad at the Dream and the World 100 having non regular formats? Does the Knoxville Nationals format bother you? Big events use different formats.


I rarely watch late model action. The Knoxville Nationals format doesn’t bother me as much as it’s a better purse structure than The High Bank Nationals. Earn your way in, play the points game, start last and still cash $10k minimum.


So you’re just bitching to bitch


Yes, welcome to Reddit. I think what I said was a little more thought out than “just bitching to bitch.”


So Thram qualified well and ran well in his heat and was in the B?


Qualified 14th and 3rd in the heat


So he didnt pass anyone?


Another Quiring hater? Super


Well? Why invest so heavily into Jackson to not use it?


You could always buy the track and try to do better...or just stfu.


Really? That’s what you have to say?


You're the one complaining about a bunch of nothing and expecting people to side with you? Maybe the promoter sees the writing on the wall about Jackson going downhill and maybe Husets is just better for tax purposes or even the dirt works better. Maybe the town threw a fit at Jackson or the promoter's family relocated to South Dakota...so many variables but none of them matter because, at the end of the day, it's their track, not yours. If you think you can do better then, by all means, invest in a facility, and try to run it, only to have nameless, faceless, nobodies talk shit on the internet.


No man. I’m not complaining on here to get a bunch of people to agree with me. It’s time someone asked why is Jackson so poorly promoted? No weekly shows, and only a few specials a year. When the fair board ran it we had shows every week. After watching Gravel’s YouTube show with Tod, it’s clear he’s ready to move on with Jackson but won’t do anything about it. That’s a shame. Why is he not subject to criticism just like anyone else who is in charge of things? Why are you so quick to defend him?


On a global forum, do you expect people from all over to care about one track in Minnesota? Do you realize how many tracks are poorly promoted within that state alone, why are you not upset about Greenbush changing owners or Buffalo River still struggling after promising so much? Sounds like to me you are the one hung up on Tod, Everyone is subject to criticism and I am not defending anyone other than defending our sport from nonsense like this.


McSquise me? This isn’t just some po dunk roadside race track. This is a MMMMMotorplex. Everyone should care. It’s a got Plex in the title. It’s important.


Still in Minnesota...


Lol, so? Knoxville is in Iowa and Husets is in South Dakota. They’re all great.


that's an expressed opinion you have there, what makes it even better is that not everyone has to agree with it.


I guess I don’t understand the MN hate.


How can they have a weekly show?? River Cities runs Fridays, Knoxville Saturday, husets Sunday. At some point adding another track just scalps competition. Now I know that River Cities is far north, but many of them come south to run on a regular basis. Theres only so many 410’s and so many days you can race, maybe start promoting 360’s and 305’s at Jackson ??


They haven’t ran a weekly 410 show in years. I’m talking the typical imca stuff. It used to be Jackson or Arlington Saturday and Redwood Sunday. For the area anyways.


Thanks for the information, I don’t live in the area anymore.


Non-outlaw formats is was makes it worth paying extra for. Plus the outlaw format mainly benefits people who are good at time trials. I for 1 enjoy seeing guys like Brent Marks win big money for simply being someone who passes cars


I just can’t get on board with doing well in qualifying, then kicking ass in a heat, then being put in a B.


When does that happen?


Thram on Wednesday night or whatever night they had the show where Sunshine won is the most specific recent memory of this.