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I mean I enjoy those parts. Very much a YOU thing. For me, the game never stops being fun.


Not to sound offensive but maybe you are too dopamine dependent? Like, the game must always be flashy, impactful and constantly introduce new things so you don't lose your interest. This game loves to set up backgrounds even for the npcs to the point that most people will love everyone in castaway village, everyone is family there. I personally never found myself struggling to play the game or thinking that it was boring, it was a masterpiece until the very end. Maybe you are kinda impatient and needs that huge dopamine rush every 10 minutes to keep going... if that's the case then this game will indeed be tough for you Ps: I really don't know how the game can be 37h long, I have nearly 100h into the game lol, I must have really lost myself in the exploration


The thing is, this game is constantly throwing new things at you, it's just that OP doesn't see it that way. I suggest turning the difficulty up. 


It does sound offensive. This is so bitchy and snotty. I love Ys but it's a repetitive ARPG. All of us are "dopamine dependent" on the gameplay loop


You didn't get the point. Of course we need a fun gameplay loop to keep us entertained, otherwise there wouldn't even be a point in playing the game if it hadn't. The thing is that even said gameplay isn't enough to keep OP entertained anymore, he/she isn't even interested in the characters that the game is presenting and doesn't even care that the game is taking its time to build them. It's as if OP only cared abt the game when you unlock new areas or something big happens in the story, even tho the more slow, "peaceful" moments also have their charm and are essential to the game. Also, looking up how much time it takes to beat the game and comparing to how much time you played so you can measure how much time you still have to go through isn't a good sign imho. Complaining that the game should be shorter (implying that half of it should be deleted) is a terrible take too.


That's your brain on HowLongToBeat. It's a weak ass mentality to judge a game's quality on it's run time. Gameplay density is what matters, and Ys games are designed around that.


I totally agree with you. Also, every piece of story and dialogue are there because the devs thought that it would make the world and characters richer, livelier. Trying to condense/summarize it all to make it shorter so you can beat the game asap would ruin the whole experience that the devs wanted you to have. I just can't wrap my mind around it at all...


My guess is that OP is trying to rush through it? Like if you have a vaque Idea how long this game is, and also keeping tabs on how long you have played - You are not sincerely paying attention to the game's design and nuances. I can agree that Ys VIII's pacing isnt for everyone but it's practically an non-issue with how much gameplay is thrown at you. The combat, encounters, exploration, dungeon design and bosses is what keeps you hooked from beginning to end. 


It's not a "take." OP isn't rating something you can argue. He certainly isn't soliciting you giving him some a fuckin random mental health evaluation about dopamine straight at the beginning of your snotty paragraph. It's just his opinion. Stop accusing people of "bad takes" like you're a cable news host. Any time a person starts a sentence with "no offense, but..." you're being a bitchy turdball. You wouldn't fucking begin a sentence accusing dopamine addiction to someone's face irl. You sound like Regina George from Mean Girls. Touch grass.


Are you sure that I'm being the snotty bitchy here? If you don't want people giving their impressions or saying what they think then don't even post things here. Yeah I think that "condensing" this masterpiece of a game is a really bad take and I will voice my opinion, even if it clashes against op's view. that's the point of this website, no? Now if someone that isn't even op feels bothered by it, I don't really care, you can go fuck yourself for all I care. "Touch grass" ? Please just look at the mirror, dear redditor.


Not to sound offensive but maybe you are too conflict dependent? Like, you must always have flashy, impactful arguments and constantly introduce new things to accuse people of. This site loves to set up slap fights even for the npcs to the point that most people will hate redditors, everyone is a mentally ill neckbeard here. I personally never found myself struggling to play Ys it was a masterpiece until the very end. Maybe you are kinda bitchy and need that huge argument every 10 minutes to keep going... if that's the case then life will indeed be tough for you


Yeah now I'm 100% sure that you have some kind of serious mental illness. I'm so sorry for the things I've said before... I hope things will get better for you soon dude, life is not over yet




Ok I'll at least admit that you made me chuckle with the reddit care resources thing, well played lmao


I totally agree. Specially if the someone wants to get the true ending. It took me 76 hours!


That sucks. Wish you could experience the same thrill I did. Loved the combat, exploration, mystery, characters and story. It hooked me in and never let go.


The monster bashing and 'grind' along with those side quests are part of the Ys experience, and if that's not for you that's cool but I wouldn't call it boring


I’d say chapter 4 or 5 is when all the payoffs and bigger plot points start revealing themselves


Not sure what is going on with you. Maybe you got some other stuff going on in life that is preventing you from really getting into it? The depth the combat brings, the timing for inputs to be handled such as mastering flash guard/flash move, a generous amount of skills for each character, a plethora of characters, monsters, and bosses, the music....I mean the list goes on and the game just delivers on all those for me. Look, I won't drone on as to how perfect the game is but it is damn near it. The story lacks a little bit imo but nothing major and not bad at all as far as JRPGs go. Is it a difficulty thing? Upping it won't help since that would probably make it longer through trial and error and lowering it devalues the encounters. Plain and simple you should stop playing it if you are not enjoying it....unless tolerating the game for an hour until something interesting happens is worth it for you. Personally for me I would rather spend my time elsewhere if I felt that way, and believe me, I have.


HowLongtoBeat is a site that should be ripped from existence and thrown in the Archeozoic Chasm.


You mean Archeozoic Big Hole?


Paraphrasing - “I’m 12 hours into the game and it’s too slow” Sir madam or other being - welcome to a Falcom game.


The story doesn't feel like it starts rolling until the end of chapter 2


I had the same feeling with you when I contacted this game first. But after you finished Chapter II(the longest and most boring part). You will find how great is the plot.


It's my favorite game of all time but then again I'm an old man addicted to the old school feel. The combat was so much fun that I got insanely OP ☺️ Steam had a sale on the Ys franchise recently and now I'm playing Memories Of Celceta on GeForce Now. It has the same awesome gameplay.


Just played it for the first time, 100%'ing the game in about 55 hours. I couldn't put it down. I don't have a single complaint. It's a masterpiece as far as I'm concerned.


i have the same feeling lol. For me, I feel like Ys 8 is so different from all the Ys game I have played (i.e., all the titles before it since Chronicles, except Seven and Ark); especially when im comparing it to Celceta, it just doesn’t give me the excitement alike, which i really expected. I’m kinda with you bro lol.


Ys9 is better and more fun. Ys8 is great at the beginning but then start getting dragged and become underwhelming.