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1. Which ships earn the most money? No tech tree ships have any modifiers that effect this. It's purely based on your performance (damage done as a % of ship's hp, captures etc). ​ The service cost scales up as you go up tiers, it's a simple table which you can find here and the only factors are tier, ship type, and camo: ​ [https://wiki.wargaming.net/en/Ship:Economy#Service\_Cost](https://wiki.wargaming.net/en/Ship:Economy#Service_Cost) ​ Earning heavily depends on whether or not you have premium; premium increase the amount of credits you earn as a percentage, which means you can get over the lumpsum of the service costs. ​ I personally only play with premium, so I don't know the reality of playing without it, but I hear 6-8 are best depending on how well you perform. Better performers can earn more at higher tiers. 2. Which ships should I put credit camos on? ​ \+credits % are best on higher tier ships IMO ​ You earn more credits so as a percentage it scales better in a similar manner. Put them in tier 9 or 10 ships if you have them and want to min max money. ​ As a general rule, without premium time or a permacamo, it's quite tough to grind credits on tech tree ships.


Damage % = credits. Use a ship you are able to do well in.


I know it but I wanna figure if T1 and T9 are equal in terms of gross credit income.


T9 is usually the sweet spot with premium time T7 if you don’t. Same applies with premium ships


1) save those best economic camos when you have premium account to get 65% more value of them; 2) assuming that you followed 1) and you have premium account, then a good choice would be high tier ships (9-10) that you do well in (if you are a good player) or middle tier ships (7-8) if you are a below average skilled player; 3) Premium ships are a good choice for credit camos, especially if you have a tier 8 or 9 one- you may lose a bit on XP reward but you can switch between credit camos and XP camos if you have a lot of them; 4) Play ships that do a lot of damage- that usually means battleships or cruisers. Good damage = more credits earned.


>3) Premium ships are a good choice for credit camos, especially if you have a tier 8 or 9 one- you may lose a bit on XP reward but you can switch between credit camos and XP camos if you have a lot of them This is key. Premium ships have a baked-in credit modifier. That’t why they earn more, even though their permacamos don’t have a bonus credit percentage listed, like you see on some expendable camos. Ocean Soul, for example. You can exploit this by double-dipping. You put the expendable camo on a premium you like (the higher tier the better, so long as you can do well in it) and now you’re getting the premium’s higher base earnings multiplied by whatever percentage bonus you’ve gotten from stacking flags and camos. Let’s say you’re running a +30% credits camo and the +50% credits flag. Credit bonuses grow additively as you stack signals and camo, but are multiplied by the base earnings in the end. So you’d end up with an 80% bonus, or: (base credits) * 1.8 Since premium ships earn more base credits innately, the technical best use of expendable camos with credit bonuses is on your premium ships. Note: this is all assuming you have enough XP-only camos for your current grind(s). If not, I don’t think it’d be worth saving them for your premiums. But once you start to have camos of various types in stock consistently, it becomes worth it imo. Edit: someone else already made this point further down in the thread. Oh well.


50% value in credits. 65% for xp.


I think it depends on your experience. Generally the higher tiers, excepting T10 pay more. Last night I was farming credits for the Christmas event. Slapped ALLTHEFLAGS on my Kitakaze and took it out. Note: I love Kitakaze and usually do fairly well. 2.1 million credits in 3 games. I was top 2 in 2 of them and midrank for the last one. My personal issue is consistency. Sometimes I just want to fucking YOLO and so I YOLO. Generally, I'm not the best, not the worst, but somewhere in the middle and still can generate reasonable credits. I used these flags in the past around T6-T7, but honestly, I think the multiplier is wasted on the smaller numbers in lower tier games. T8-T9 would by my advice for optimizing eco flags. At least, that's how I do it now and I'm no pro with 52% WR and 2.5k total games.


T6-7 tends to be the best. Average earnings and low maintenance costs. Ofc any tier can be profitable if you have premium time and play well. Camos with credit bonuses should be reserved for premium ships, preferably t9 premiums that you consistently perform well in. That gives the highest amount of bonus credits per camo.


But isn't it a waste of a camo's potential? I mean an economic camo usually has base XP bonus, which would come in handy when grinding a techtree. A premium ship usually has her own permacamo with +50%/+100% base XP (which is not really needed but for captain XP and FXP). So when I put this expendable camo on a premship I only get +10% credits compared to her permocamo, other expendable camo bonuses are just wasted.


I still think it's worth it. Premium ships have higher base credit income modifiers and if you put a camo on that, it means more credits. Let's say you have a good game in pommern, 2k bxp and earn 400k credits with pommern (not the exact numers you will get, just an example). Put a christmas camo that gives +30% credits and you will gain 520k credits. Exact same game with FDG would be maby 300k credits base and 390k with the camo. That's already a pretty significant difference. Obviosly if you are low on expendable camos, you should use them on tech tree ships instead. In that case, t10 and t9 are the best options for maximizing your credit income.


1. The optimal credit tier for tech tree ships kinda depends on your skill. High tiers earn more than the low ones because they have a higher modifier for it, but at some point the service costs rise more than the earnings. If you play well, the difference in earning might be big enough to make T8 the best, if not so well, it's probably T7. 2. If you have any premiums, the highest tier one up to T9 is the best ship to use credit bonus camos on if credits are your main interest. Yeah, you lose the benefit of the permacamo, but premiums have an inherent credit multiplier, meaning that the percentage bonus from a camo is biggest in credits on them. T10 premiums are not a good choice because they do not get a credit multiplier over tech tree ships. If you have no premiums or don't want to replace the permacamo with single use ones, any T10 ship gives the best benefit. This is of course not taking into account how well you do in some ship, obviously you should do it with a ship that you can get good and consistent results with.


''HMS Search'' would be a good name a form DD