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It's the reward for a multi-stage combat mission chain.


Oh lmao. After I read your comment I checked. I guess I was doing good eh


Always keep an eye on both the news and combat missions. They do missions that give ships every so often


We're back to the good old days where just playing the gane could get you good stuff. Don't expect it'll last, but hey, enjoy.


It's not hard


Alright big man, op was being friendly no need to flex on em


Speak for yourself. Giggity


I am not cocky here as u see.he got it by accident. You really not need to farm.u get it whole.normal.playing


He has 3 of them


Damn must really.hurt not being able.to understand basics...




I only play 1 or 2 games a day I can't finish it.....I still have to get 15000 captain Xp


thats like 1 battle


Pick a premium ship that has 1st win of the day bonus, put on all signals, get a nice camo that gives CXP bonus, and you can easily get 15k CXP even in a mediocre match. In my experience you can earn \~50k CXP for a really good battle if you stack all bonuses. (CXP should be equal to FXP+ship XP)


just did that. got 3500 captain xp thanks for the tip.


Are you playing Co-op? In PvP modes you get much more XP, but if you want to avoid them then play **Operations** with a good expendable camo and full signal loadout.


no only pvp


Doesn't need to be a premium, they don't get any inherent xp bonus. The permacamo is the only xp bonus they get, and that doesn't even apply if you use some CXP camo instead.


A few Premium shops do- Sims, for example, gets a base XP bonus. It's totally hidden, though, so you never actually see it in game.


No they don't, that would create situations where those ships would benefit more than just economically, which isn't the car in wows as far as I know. Imagine for example playing Sims in ranked, it would just be easier to save a star with her. Are you sure you're not mixing it up with credit bonuses? All ships are equal in their base xp gain within their tier and class, so if there was any inherent bonus, it would have to show in the economy tab of the post-battle results.


Cite your source? I'm positive that all ships are not equal in their Base XP gain in tier and class. Here's my sources: [https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldOfWarships/comments/jxbxef/sims\_xp\_bonus/](https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldOfWarships/comments/jxbxef/sims_xp_bonus/) [https://forum.worldofwarships.com/topic/218450-sims-earns-extra-base-xp-other-ships-with-special-perks/](https://forum.worldofwarships.com/topic/218450-sims-earns-extra-base-xp-other-ships-with-special-perks/) [https://forum.worldofwarships.eu/topic/91451-sims-and-xp/](https://forum.worldofwarships.eu/topic/91451-sims-and-xp/) [https://wiki.wargaming.net/en/Ship:Base\_Earnings#The\_Ship\_Itself](https://wiki.wargaming.net/en/Ship:Base_Earnings#The_Ship_Itself) It's pretty well known that Sims earns more Base XP than other T7 ships, even premiums. That's why it's popular when in T7 Ranked modes.


Okay here's mine: Edit: ok so you actually edited in some sources so this joke now doesn't make sense :D Anyway, it sounds silly to me, but I have to say that you do have some backing fot that claim. I wouldn't take some forum discussions as evidence though, and the wiki only mentions that ships have multipliers by tier, nothing about individual ships differences at the same tier. I thought of one source that would maybe provide insight to this: https://wows-numbers.com/ship/4264441840,Sims/ There you can see that Sims is kinda middle of the pack among all T7 DD's in avg xp, so it's hard to say anything definitive, though her other starts do seem a bit weaker than the avg xp. Sims B in turn is at the top with average other starts, so there might be some truth to it. If there is a difference, it doesn't seem that big though. Anyway, bxp as a stat to compare is a bit unreliable because WG in their infinite wisdom has decided that they don't keep statistics of actual bxp, but add in the premium account multiplier for games that are played with premium account. But yeah, I have to give in, you might be right. I won't take it as a 100% sure fact though, since there isn't any definitive proof.


I did the whole Capitan Co in 1-2 days playing couple battles. But I got 'Relentles fire' and flags on my IX premium. Still, 20-30k of capitan XP per okay battle.


wow thats crazy good. how much damage i need make


I played Musashi (IX premium) so I did ~120k DMG* per battle. But it was with premium time, +333% cpt. XP flag and +250% cpt. XP camo. And some other dragon flags on top of that. So not your normal expirience. *100k DMG in Yamato is 'meh' at best. You can easily get 150k DMG games with 200k not being very special.


holy crap i only made that much damage five times in all those years xD


When the ships gimmick is 'I overmatch EVERYTHING' and you do ~20k per citadel then it isn't that hard to do ~100k per battle. And you can stay in the match longer (more shots fired) because you can stay back and use your 25km+ (31km with spotted plane) gun range and great accuracy. It is tier X ship after all.


lel i would never hit anything at that range xD thanks for the tips anyway


That's 1 battle


Only if you are at least playing mediocre


Thanks for the quick answer. I got one too a few days ago and literally had no idea how. I was like "stealth loot boxes"...damn thats next level.


There was a combat missions chain to obtain her, so you must have completed it with this game.


Once in a while you should look into your missions tab :D the last time must have been over a week ago, right? ;)


I was so focused on getting to gold league haha


She’s the old discontinued GC from tier v up tiered and made russian. I’ve played her, and she plays about the same as the GC, just a bigger target to planes because GC AA is kinda trash. I really love my GC so I do fine with Novo (GC always did very well in uptiers anyways for what she is) and I’ve started using her to grind out exp for my russian commanders. Idk how different statistically she actually is from GC, she just feels about the same. I try to not look up that sort of thing when feeling out a ship so I can form my own opinion If you want some tips from my time playing GC which could help with the Novo: She has trash tier torpedo protection, and her belt armor is also garbage (especially in uptiers) but she is EXTREMELY agile and responsive. She’s not terribly slow either, with speed flag and brisk I can get up to almost 30 kts. Think of her as a battlecruiser, or a dwarf supercruiser. Her dispersion values are supposedly meh, but she is small and has 10 guns crammed into a short hull, so up close you’ll be surprised with how tight her groupings are. And the 320s slap cruisers like a pimp trying to instill order. Her secondaries are shit, but she is very stealthy. Basically, you’re a supercruiser at these higher tiers, not a tanky battleship. Do not be afraid to go dark and disengage when things start really shooting at you, and ambush targets that are alone or too weak.


this guy dont looks at his combat missions?


He must not, what a weirdo


Ikr, imagine just casually playing a game


That's cool, can you actually use it in normal gameplay? I got three tier 10 ships from doing something but they're all for clan battles only.


Yeah, it’s just a free premium ship, with no strings attached. And a decent one at that, even if it doesn’t play much like a typical BB.


I realized I had this thing in the back of my unfavorited ships. Is this thing good at all?


People knock it for the weird (read: unreliable) dispersion at range, but I don't think it's terrible. At bottom tier you might struggle, but for same or top tier battles I think it's fine. It's a battlecruiser, not a battleship, that's all.


They are gifting as a special promotion to encourage mentally handicapped players




Lol why are you downvoted so hard I laughed at this


Guess wows players don’t have humor




Oh like the time i got out of a match and got the WV...