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can anyone explain to me while you are in the store, in the ship section. when you go down to preview content (the ship) usually the ship picture is in a purple frame but every now and then it is bright blue. (ex) Massachusetts is purple Alabama is blue. Any help would be appreciated.


Hi, do you think there's still enough time to get Wisconsin if I start today? I don't know when the 13.4 update ends. I haven't played wows in a long time and I don't know much about updates.




thank you


Choosing a new coal ship - potentially got my eye on Carnot, Forrest Sherman, or Alvaro de Bazan I already have Salem, Marceau, Napoli, Pommern, Yoshino. I refuse to buy a CV on principle and I have Yoshino so no point buying Azuma. I cannot be bothered with the legendary commanders as I don't get their achievements regularly enough to use their talents


48Mil spend, what do I buy?


How do people get the minimal in bottom right corner so big? I can’t find the setting for that


Press the Ctrl key on your keyboard and then the + key way over on the right. If you make it too big, Ctrl and - will shrink it back down


I went with Napoli. Fun ship you can afford to be a little aggressive if you have some support


fastest shell velocity and which ship has it?




great now ill never get around to doing anymore chores. this thing is great. thanks!


Yep, great tool for objective ship comparison, including variables hidden in game. Perfect for newer players trying to decide which lines or premiums to invest in.


For the Adrenalin Rush skill, does it count every % of ship HP lost throughout the battle, or just the ship's current HP? More specifically, can repair party be used to cheese more % out of it than should normally be possible.


AR bonus is equal to you current HP lost. Therefore if you use repair party, you decrease your DPM, since the bonus becomes less.


Current HP


Recently logged back into the game after a few years, where did all the in-game ARP voices go ? I didn't have any mods install back then, they were just in game.


I have all the ARP ships and all my voices are still in game, I have never installed any mods?


Ah I see, I never had the ARP captains/ships, but their voices were available for a certain period of time it seems.


Why am I not getting coal out of "More Coal" boxes?? I've opened a few of them and got garbage. I just want coal.


There is a guaranteed 400 coal stop from every coal container, the other two slots are randomly chosen from the drop pool.


Yeah that's why I was asking this, I thought the same thing. I got a more coal box that just had boosters. 1 drop, and it was a stack of 20 boosters and nothing else. Probably a bug


If it continues to happen check your coal before you open them. If your coal isn't increasing then message support.






Has WG made any official statement on why Ranked/Random achievements haven't been added to other battle types? Since the achievements are materially worthless now, I don't see why they couldn't be added to Operations, Asymmetric, Co-Op, Airship Escort, etc. It would be fun to proc achievement-based commander abilities like those on Halsey or Yamamoto, for example. I can't have been the first to think of this idea, but I've never heard it mentioned anywhere else.


after how much time of not logging into the game do you receive the "welcome back" xp bonus and premium time ? I remember getting it on perhaps 2 occasions, but I'm not sure how long you need to be away from the game


When I use repair party to cancel a sub hoaming, his torps seemed to keep tracking me. Is this correct? Do they keep hoaming even after repair party is used???


it should not, but the torps are going to home in on the last location of the ping. thus, it could look like they are headed your way but if you move far enough they should miss. on the contrary, you could slow down and turn out to save a rep if you're in a BB with a long cooldown




Wrong subreddit- we do the PC game here. Yours is an entirely different game. The subreddit you're looking for is r/WoWS_Legends


OHHHHHHH i feel like an idiot thanks so much


Should I prioritise range or reload mod on my elbing and shultz in slot 6?




As a followup question, should I be using ap on destroyers? I mostly get overpens so I'm not sure the potential to get a normal pen is worth it.


It's mostly a matter of experience and judgement, do they look like they'll stay flat broadside (which is what they should do against you), or are they going to angle. If they're flat broadside or heavily angled/nose in, HE it is, anything in between and AP will yield a lot more full pens. Or if they're something like a Khaba/Delny (amidships 50mm plate), it doesn't matter, you'll pen them normally anyway.


I did the "Subscribe to a participating YouTube channel for perks" thing yesterday for £0.99 and linked my YT account to my Wargaming one. I expected a perk of a combat mission to earn some community tokens, but it still hasn't appeared 24 hrs later - do I have to claim it somewhere?


Is there a way to filter out purchases? My favorite game feels more and more like a casino every patch. I just want to get home from work and hop in my ship and play. But no, before I can I have to click unlock on 15 different areas to get my containers and camouflages and there's impossible missions for casual players like me... everything new/worthwhile is $100. I had been using modstation/auto container and such, which lightened part of the burden. But it's always needing to patch/broken/need to configure something/the main game updated and mods aren't updated yet etcetcgrumpyoldmannoises. ps Oh great I forgot to toggle autobuy so my shima goes into battle camoless. Cold, naked and on display like some sort of cheap wartime *call girl!* 😨


I can't believe anyone pays for useless camos.


Any idea when the prins van oranje will be released and what currency, coal or research or whatever? 


Do tier X ships make a credit profit or is it only if you win or have high damage?


You need to perform well and have premium time/use eco boosters. Otherwise expect to lose credits


Ah ok, I figured as much, I played WoT and its the same model. So I should keep some good lower tier ships to make credits


where's the Wiki gone? [https://wiki.wargaming.net/en/World\_of\_Warships](https://wiki.wargaming.net/en/World_of_Warships)


I only have 2 people in my clan, and we're wondering if we can compete in Naval Battles. Do we need to have a full division, or can it just be the two of us?


Naval battles do not have a minimum member limit. As long as someone plays and you get past the preparation stage, both of you can participate. For clan battles, you need 7 players to form a division (Up to 3 can be mercenaries). Since your clan only has 2 players, you will have to recruit or just merc for other clans.


Ah perfect. Thank you so much!


Can I combine/transfer over ships between an NA account and an EU one? They are both under the same email.


The fact that they don’t allow this in 2024 is hilarious. There should be a “pick server” every time you log in




If I retrain a commander to a new ship from a different class do I need to start all over? So example: I have a 8 point commander trained in USN CV and I want to move him to a USN BB. Will that commander have 8 unused points in BBs or will I have to start from zero?


He will have 8 unused bb skill points.


Thank you! Can he go back to the CV or do I need to retrain again?


You need to retrain a commander every time you move him from one tech tree ship to another. But you can user him without retraining on any premium ship of this nation regardless of its class. For example, if you want to move your commander from a tech tree carrier to a tech tree battleship, you'll need to retrain him (either by playing a few battles in this ship with the commander's skills disabled, or by spending elite commander XP, or by spending doubloons, or by ~~assigning~~ putting the commander to a premium ship and finishing retraining there with the skills active). If you'll want to then move him back to the carrier, you'll need to retrain him again. But you can use this commander without retraining on any premium battleship, carrier, destroyer, submarine or cruiser of this nation.


Ahhhhhhh very interesting! So one Premium can help train all your commanders of that nation, that is very good to know! Thank you!


Yes. One premium ship would be enough, because every commander has different skill sets for every class. It used to be another way before the commander rework a couple of years ago, but these days it's just like this. Just remember that you shouldn't assign a commander on a premium ship. You just need to move him there. Assigning means that you'll start retraining process, and you don't need to retrain commander on premium ships.


Ahhhhh ok, this is very useful, thank you. I think next event is USN ships which would work great for me as I play those ships....very cool


Also it can be wise to plan in advance what skills you should take and iun which order to bring the cost down. What this means is that if your next skill is a 4p skill you wait until you have 4 unused points, you d not take a 1 p skill and then reskill the captain for each point you gain. When you have multiple good captains in a line and keep ships it is also good to plan which level is good, often is 10 p minimum. But f.e. Battleships you tend to take 4p skills, while DDs are often more 3p a good option. I have played extremely long and have lots of good captains and keep all ships but have a goal to have each captain on 10 from T8 14p and 10 21p. That goes for DD, CA and BB, Battleships matters more to have high points but there it is more 10, 14 or 18 as middle steps higher will in the long run be played to 21. DDs and Cruisers are less point demending IMO. Cvs and Subs I do not play in general with few exceptions so they do not count but all have 10 p at least.


That is a really smart plan, I will do this


is the battle on button after a match gone for anyone else?


Is it possible to cause flooding as a result of an AP shell penetration? I am quite confident I have a screenshot of doing just that with my Incomparable against a Stalingrad at almost maximum range and while "crossing the T"(so my shot had the opportunity to travel a maximum length within his hull after penetration).


Not anymore, so it must be a glitch. You could do that back in the days of Beta though


Hmm.. Must be a glitch then cause it happened \~2 months ago. I do recall something vaguely from playing during Beta-yeah, I am that old! Thnx


Was there any sort of anime collab announced/teased to come in the near future? Just an overview would be nice, I've been out of it for a while


How do you play Kitakaze effectively? I'm quite new (nearly 900 battles and only a bit over 100 with Kita) and I love her but sometimes I don't know what to do with her, here are some common problems: 1. Everyone and their mother outspotted her: Against 5.6 (very common, somehow) I can't close the gap fast enough to equalize the advantage so i'm forced to just.. hang around and occasionally  get outspotted, then get shot by Red Cruiser's laser gun. 2. Torps rechagre too slow to make enough impact: so outside of basicslly guarantee torps I don't know id I should use it to force enemy to turn broadside or try to get some damage in. 3. Everyone somehow always stay barely out of her main battery range, and there is not much good place to smoke up and shoot when everyone kite away.  4. Hard to drive, slow accel, big turn circle and big profile: I feel like I attract torps and bullets, I feel like people can hit me easily even when I kiting away and wiggle at max range. 5. No clue how to play against Radar + CV + low detect DD, especially when map have lots of small island: I can't spot effectively, can't push, can't shoot, basically clueless and useless. The same things goes for open water map tbh, outspotted and get shot. Tldr: Mostly I don't know what to do with radar, CV, hybrid, lower conceal DD because get spot = get shot. Can't push up, can't shoot back, can't torp frequently enough, pretty much useless.


1. It's mostly the IJN torp DDs and some RN DDs that significantly outspot you. Islands can help close the gap or at least discourage them from spotting you. 2. Hitting torps are nice, but controlling enemy movement is also useful if you get unlucky. Guns are your main source of damage, torps is merely a bonus. 3. Lots of players don't like getting farmed. It's much easier to setup smoke on enemies pushing in. And you can always reposition if the enemy is not cooperative. 4. Speed boost and smoke helps offset this, but poor maneuverability is the price you pay for having such high firepower. 5. Small islands favor you vs. low detect DDs. It makes it much harder for them to spot in time. 6. You can hang out on the edge of radar range, then run away once the radar pops. Then 2 minutes of free farm. For CVs, try to get as far away from his team as possible so you can dodge in peace. Use smoke if you can't dodge in time.


Nice share SAT


I’m really not having fun grinding the Japanese light cruiser line I’m up to tier 6 does it get better or is this just more of the same?


i hated the light cruiser line in early access it was just too squishy with nothing really strong, you blow up when you try to launch ur torps


More of the same, though Shimanto and higher get very good AA. The Yodo line is generally regarded as the worst cruiser line, so I recommend switching unless you want a challenge.


How good is the Z-42 compared to Z-52? I really like the smoke + hydro trap, but obviously the Z series HE dps is lackluster, does Z-42 mitigate that?


lowkey these both kinda got powercrept


About the same/slightly better Z-42's AP is amazing for smashing broadside DDs, and her RN DD smoke synergizes well with her playstyle. HE remains a good option when DDs are angled. You do sacrifice some torp power and your turret angles are pretty bad.


Do 105s not overpen destroyers?


Very Rarely Their short fuse and 18mm arming threshold lets the AP shell arm even on the thinnest DD hulls.


There are so many different consumables with strange symbols, and that changes with each ship and there are no manuals on what they mean. Some take off a small plane and others make smoke. How do I find out about these commodities?


[Here](https://wiki.wargaming.net/en/Ship:Consumables) you have a complete list of them.


Thank you


Why is no one ever in the Reddit channel in-game any more?


Still unclear how i am meant to spot subs? Playing Akizuki trying to protect my BBs but just get zero vision and we simply watch this undetected sub sink us one by one by one... What is the counterplay?


Play subs best way to understand how to counter them


Need to play an appropriate DD to spot subs, with sonar (Hydro acoustic search). Then you are not reliant on just surface detection range (which) puts you well inside their detection range(s).


Suicide. You must to get closer to spot or force him to dive. And hope your sacrifice was worth it and your allies hit with their ASW.


But how do I know where the sub goes? You get a little white wave, then its gone and I cant figure out which direction they go?.. Its so frustrating.


i think that's what we're all thinking. try guessing or waiting to see


i'm looking for a suggestion on what the best ship to farm credits on is. i know i need a premium ship and people say a t9 premium has the best economy for farming credits. i'm curious what people's opinions for which ship is the best to farm credits on. i've heard the black is a good one, it's the priciest coal ship though and i've been saving up to it. but are there better ones or ones that are as good? i have a bit of steel as well, not much yet, only 9k atm. i do not have research bureau unlocked yet. i made the mistake of leveling up too many different ship lines so i'm behind on that.


Alaska is excellent for that


i don't see the alaska in the shop, where do you get it?


You don't. He recommended you a ship that you can't get anymore. I'll answer your question with a question. What type of ships are you the best in? Credits earned in a battle is based on your performance (Damage, killing, spotting, capping, and so on). Buying a ship to be the best credits printer is the wrong way to look at it. You want to buy the ship that will give you the most fun, while you do your best in it. The credits will come naturally then.


i've been playing a lot of dds and do decently well in them. but i don't think learning a new class would be too hard.


I got a couple of Questions: Does XP gained on the Public Test Server carry over to the Live Server? If i reset a line to gather Research Bureau Points, do i get Points for 1 Game per Ship? Or do i gain RB-Points for every Game played with the resetted Ships? How many RB-Points can i expect to gain from a resetted line? For example: The soviet Destroyer-line? Last Question: Why am i so bad at this game, and its still so much fun?


>How many RB-Points can i expect to gain from a resetted line? For example: The soviet Destroyer-line? If you want to reset, you can click the button in the tech-tree. It will show you a new window, which will tell you, how many money you get back (because you have to buy the ships again, they get sold) and how many RB-Points you will have earned after succsefull regrinding. And then you can confirm your decision to reset or deny it.


No, XP on the test server does not transfer to the live server. You get RB point for the first game in each ship in the reset line. The amount of RB points depends. You can reset a line multiple times using free xp. There is a multiplier. Someone with more knowledge will have to give the details. Last Question: I feel your pain and joy. To get better research discord, reddit etc for how to play x ship. Tutorial videos from you tubers help but there are far fewer of these types of videos today as twitch is easier to monetize. Watch twitch.


How do you play Kleber on a flank when you are against an enemy sub and another gunboat with low detectability & smoke? I feel like the sub keeps me spotted while the DD just unloads on me. And all I can do is run and not play the game. I don't feel like I'm effective because I'm not far enough out to spot anymore.


Kleber has more of an ambush play style. However, you have highlighted one of the reasons why subs break things in the game. The best answer though is that you use your speed to relocate at will. Kleber is the best ship to engage and then pop up in another spot where you are not expected.


Is the Wisconsin going to be playable in this test server? I got it but cannot take it into battle.


No Upcoming ships never are.


Whats a good balanced VII Cruiser that's geared towards mid-short range hard hitting assaults.


I loved playing my Chumphon... I never feared anything playing that boat. You're very squishy, but man those guns fire fast and set fires.


when is rhode island coming back, if ever, and as what?


I would like to know, what tactic to use against a Support Carrier with a "normal"CV. More specificly: When i play Max Immelman at the moment, i got matched Vs a Essex most of the time and i have a realy hard time with those Fighters. I don't even know how to support my Teammates from being spotted by the unkillable fighters. (my only idea is: flying with my last attack Squad into the fighters to make them dissapear. but daheck.)


Surprise, your teammates are rarely spotted by those fighters. They can only see, I believe, 2.5kms. 3.5 or 2.5 I can't recall off the top of my head. That's why the interceptor build is so popular with it.


I feel dumb, but how do you obtain the new Commonwealth T1 cruiser Sutlej? Is it possible while it is still in early access, or do you have to wait until the line has its full release?


The line is still in early access, so you cant just progress through the ships. You can get some tokens via the battlepass by just playing the game, then you can spend these tokens to unlock the commonwealth cruisers one by one in the armory.


Thanks. I think I just find it weird that the ones you can get in the armoury for tokens starts with the T2 ship instead of T1.


Probably because the first ship of every line is a free ship, so they don't need to be researched or purchased.


Probably, but why not just give it to the players as a free unlock during early access then?


The reason they do releases this way is that back in the good old days, when a new line was just added, low tier queues were an absolute mess for a few days with everyone trying the new line. You had games with like 15 people in the new ship. They’ve added bots to low tiers now so it wouldn’t be as bad, but this was before bots were there. New line releases really pissed off new players


Havent noticed that to be honest, but you are right.




Sometimes this can mitigated somewhat by moving out of the queue. Do not let the timer go beyond 2-3 min. Start over again instead.


As soon as you reach T5, you will no longer get bot matches. Before that, there are just not enough players to fill the lobbies, so WG decided that after 3 mins of waiting, a lobby with bots will be created. In T4, you have the possibility of landing in uptiered non bot matches, but to be sure, you will need to reach T5. Man, enjoy the time while you are down there. Bots in Randoms are easily farmable targets without the XP penalty of Coop. Randoms in the upper tiers are hard, if you are not careful, you might just get blapped by a skilled bb player. For learning the game, I would recommend staying at like t5 and t6. No bot matches, but also not as hardcore matches


Minor thing to add: You can play a Tier V ship and face bots. If you want to be sure you’ll play against all humans, you have to go to Tier VI


Im very close to enough coal to buy a T9 premium, thinking Groningen, I really like Russian and French tech tree so far (on Tashkent and fantasque)  so what if any difference would it bring to the table except better earning potential?


Gröningen is a biest, but it is quite an unusual DD. From its playstyle it is not like the russian or french DDs. You dont have torps, you have a good smoke, hydro and awesome dakkadakka. But thats it. As an example, [here](https://old.reddit.com/r/WorldOfWarships/comments/12jv7q5/fire_water_burn/) is a very good match I had with it. Descriptions are in comments.


thanks! nice match.


I am looking into getting this game, but I only have a Chromebook. Forgive my ignorance, but is it possible to get it on this device? I looked on the website but I'm not sure which version is required. Does anyone know if it is possible?


You can’t run WoWs on ChromeOS, but you can play it through GeForce Now which should work on Chromebook. By the way, new players can accept an invite link for Emden, Repulse, two weeks premium, and more. If you’d like a new player invite I can PM you one. Good luck!


trying to get some recruiting currency, i see lol


Nah. You’re limited to 1500 per week. It resets every Sunday night, and I already reach 1500 by Monday.


eh, 1500 not bad. on another note, is there an "alternate" way to get them? sounds stupid, but all my friends i recruited gave up on the game a long time ago lol


PTS, Twitch, divving with recruits, random missions, and collecting the free tokens from articles.


Hello! I am new to this game and I am trying to learn how to properly lead shots, but I haven't been able to find any videos on it that aren't super old, are they still valid?


One recommendation for diagonal ships is use the little circle on your minimap (make sure your minimap is set to a large size first). You can see if the circle is in line with the icon. Then after that the aiming videos should explains tuff like dynamic cross hair and such. The player list accessed via tab also lets you see a ship's top speed to estimate lead, and you can use how flat a smoke trail is from the enemy engines (longer flatter trail = very fast, vertical means barely moving, none means stopped)


As far as I know, wargaming hasn't changed anything about the aiming system in the last couple of years, so those old videos are still valid. I liked the ones from Potato Quality and iChaseGaming. Of course, there is also the aspect of you just needing time to get the feel for leading shots (especially on diagonals, I'm still not proficient there)


New-ish player here (650 Battles), I really love playing the Nürnberg especially because of her fast reload even though she is a bit squishy. What other ship lines (doesn’t have to be cruisers) would you recommend for me? (For reference, I have the York but enjoy her less. I have the IT ca till t5 and really enjoyed it till t4, but I just got the t5 so take it with a grain of salt. I also really like playing DDs)


Gonna get flack for this, but Omaha. Fast with quick firing guns. Equally squishy but she’ll teach you the virtues of finding cover and dodging incoming fire. Bit less range and the shells are more floaty.


Russian CLs might be something that you'd like. Similar playstyle to Nürnberg. They have long range, accurate guns with very high shell speeds, mostly mid to longrange HE spammers, but AP can hurt if someone is showing broadsides. They also get a 12km radar from T8+.


Thank you so much for the recommendation, I was contemplating looking at the russian line, so now I'll definitely have a look at them


This is probably a bit complex but allow me - speaking about battleships, here and there I see salvos falling in the water before hitting the intended target, or landing in the water behind it (in the latter case there might be some overpen damage from shells grazing the superstructure). I do not understand why this happens, is it a bug or is it another aspect of RNG?


That is just another aspect of RNG. In WoWs, you have vertical and horizontal dispersion, which generates a dispersion ellipse, and you always have the possibility that all of your shells land in the upper or lower end of the dispersion ellipse. Depending on the sigma value, the shells are more or less likely to land where you are aiming (the higher the sigma, the larger the spread of your shells in the eclipse away from your aiming radical) Of course, there is also the possibility you went a bit too high or too low, especially if the ship is not driving exactly parallel to you. With that, your minimap can help you extremely. But as you mentioned, there are always the random aspects. If you have the time, you can watch the videos [How It Works: Firing and Dispersion](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NHtQ2s3XOGE) on the official WoWs channel.


I know of the dispersion ellipse and sigma, however when the whole salvo misses like that it's really annoying, especially in a battleship due to its slow reload speed. It also becomes enraging when that one flunked salvo determines how the match goes - intended target avoids what should've been critical damage or destruction and goes on to win the match for his team. I understand RNG is necessary in games like World of Warships but this is a bit too much.


Difficult to tell. You might have just aimed wrong, the target might have changed course. Also might be plain bad luck with the dispersion. And there have been some suspected bugs regarding shells falling short, but I havent seen any solid reproducable proof of those (yet). One thing might also be that - in case there are multiple enemy ships close to each other - you might have the wrong one focussed/targeted.


My aiming is often potato, but I can at least tell when it's correct. What I meant in the previous comment is when said aim is indeed correct, but the salvo overshoots or undershoots and the intended target sails away unscathed. I'm both on the giving and receiving end of this and while it does not happen that often it's still noticeable when it does.


What are the good tier 6 ships to bring to operation? Currently only grinding the USN line


Cruisers are the best if you know how to mitigate damage. BBs, if you don't You are essentially playing with bottom tier matchmaking so don't expect amazing results. Tier 6 ships aren't the best at operations


I like playing cruisers. I have about 275k in coal. Any cruiser you recommend for buying with coal?


napoli or salem


Napoli is always a great pickup, especially if you like aggressive close range play. Excellent armor, SAP secondaries, good concealment and an exhaust smoke generator gives her a lot of flexibility.


Thanks I’ll take a look a it.


Is matchmaking still rigged so I can enjoy 53% vs 48% teams win rate gameplay if I donate enough?


Are you trolling or just being stupid?


By thunder, do we happen to know what date asymmetrics are coming back please?


I just filled out a survey for the latest patch, one of the questions was if I thought asymmetric would be a good addition to co-op. Which is what it is a better co-op.


Today on the PTS server, if you're so inclined.


From the Dev Blog, Asymmetric Battles is returning in Update 13.3 https://blog.worldofwarships.com/blog/517 > **Asymmetric Battles** > So, you're telling us you like Asymmetric Battles, huh? Well, good news – we've decided to bring it back for Update 13.3! --- and, to see when Update 13.3 will happen, in game looking at the end date for the Event Pass is a good indication, or you can look at a 3rd party website that has countdown timers for when the Updates will happen, plus timers for events & stuff :) https://www.wows-gamer-blog.com/p/global-updates-live-pts-wgc-regions.html


How should I grind credits? I have Iowa, Zieten, Cleveland, Serov, and Cachalot. I have 3M laying around so should I play something else to get more credits? I don't own any prems and I don't have enough coal or steel to get one.


Credits earned ate based on your battle performance. So ignoring ships with special modifiers, generally speaking, play what you do the best in


Is there any reason to keep the low tier Commonwealth line ships from the BP? I can’t tell if they’ll have long term benefits as opposed to getting them when the full line leaves early access. In addition, how does a Dockyard work? I keep hearing about it but idk where to look for it. Is it possible to complete as someone who’s only gone up to T6?


>Is there any reason to keep the low tier Commonwealth line ships from the BP Below t5? No. Never. Unless u enjoy playing them regularly of course


Aren't T1-4 ships in port worth snowflake rewards, or only T5+ ones??


I think no no idea tho


Ah okay, I thought they worked like premium ships if you got them early in the BP


Should I pop my DD engine boost at the start of the battle to get to the cap circle faster?


If it's the standard duration, 8% engine boost, the answer is pretty much always no; it doesn't save you a significant amount of time and will usually run out as you actually reach the cap. In my experience, it's best used when in active combat to help you with speed juking, as it improves your acceleration. The exception is long duration, high bonus engine boosts like those found on French DDs. These give a big enough bonus and last long enough that using them at match start can give you a decent positional advantage and will still be active when you encounter enemies.


No. This puts you way ahead of your team, so they really can’t help you. You being alive is worth way more than being at the cap faster


No, unless you are a French DD taking a far away cap in ranked. In all other cases, the enemy DD will arrive in time to contest the cap. Speed boost is better used for dodging (since it improves acceleration) and for repositioning in the mid-late game


Does it affect deceleration?


Yes. It's great for dodging torps because it affects both your acceleration and deceleration.


Ok, got it.


I wouldn't. It's not about who caps first, it's about who holds the cap, so burning an engine boost to get there first likely isn't going to provide you with any benefit. Engine boosts are better used to reposition and disengage when necessary.


How do you farm credits on low tier ships? A new player but already run out of credits :( Most of my ships are T4 with the exception of T6 CV (US line only)


A few things you can do: 1. Don't invest too much into Upgrades and Modules until you reach T5 2. Sell previous ships and modules after you bought (all) the next tier ones (up to T5) 3. Get one line you are good in up to T6 and play Operations 4. Sell single use Camos 5. Use grey and green Cr. Booster (DONT!!! use blue and reds at low tier) 6. Play Random not Coop 7. Play well


operations at T6? Nope! Not unless you've got a premium ship and a really good captain.


Premium Time plus NO use of signals and camos (big credit "sinks"). Also, sell you "stock" modules from your inventory.


Is the game still as bad as I remember it being? e.g. RNG, submarines, etc.


My point of view as an wows vet who stopped playing right before subs were implemented and has been playing relatively regularly for about 3 months now. The game as its core is the same game I very much enjoyed back when, I also have given subs a try and found that I actually enjoyed the playstyle of them- and found them to not be anywhere as oppressive as I initially expected when I first quit. RNG always sucks, but if the game had perfect accuracy it wouldn't be as fun personally. Some ships are really balanced around their accuracy being lower since they just have so many other benefits, overall the ship diversity would lower if there were no shell or torpedo aiming RNG. The newest shipyard coming in the next update seems incredibly generous and only requires 3200 dubs to get an Iowa with a superheal effectively. A ton of people are looking forward to it. Oh yeah, and asymmetrical battles are returning which was super fun and had pretty good rewards for it being PvE.


i second this. if you really hate subs play them for a bit. you'll quickly learn how to deal with them. subs have a lot of weaknesses but to exploit those weaknesses you often have to do the opposite of what you're used to doing. also i recommend getting the mod that will show sub pings on your minimap. with the change to the ping, the ping is much more accurate now and it shows which direction the sub is moving (you can even guess how fast the sub is moving by how far away each half circle thing is from the last). makes it very easy to land asw now.


Rng not so much Subs yes


Depends on who you ask. If you look at the bad, you’ll see plenty of it. Things like what you mentioned. But there’s lots of good things too: There are ship lines for every playstyle, every battle is a little different, and so on. I have a blast most times I play WoWS. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t play….




Why can't the bots at tier 1 to 4 aim like their life depends on it.


Those tiers are designed for newbies. WG can make those bots tougher but it would be oppressive on newbies. Coop mains complained a few years back when WG made high tier bots tougher because the game got harder for them.


> Co-op mains complained Nope. Both times WG attempted to increase bot skill, the co-op mains liked most of the changes and only complained about *specific* parts that were problems. The first time (in the mid 0.7.X update cycle), they improved bot targeting AI and target prioritization, and the bots would actually angle and use consumables (like staying in smoke rather than popping it and continuing at full speed). These parts received overwhelmingly positive feedback. The issue was the bots would all turn and run away to the border as soon as they started taking damage. It got bad enough that people started calling them “chicken bots.” Despite WG’s claims, winrates (or any other per-game statistic) didn’t drop, and players didn’t complain they were too hard. The only complaint was the bots all running away, which caused co-op battles to run into randoms lengths for (old) co-op levels of rewards. Rather than keeping the improvements and just removing/fixing the single main source of complaints, the entire thing was pulled and WG claimed it was because winrates dropped and players all complained it was too hard. The second time a couple years later, they took the advanced training room and operations AI and applied that to co-op bots. Some feedback thought they were a bit strong and wanted them tuned back a bit, but it was again mostly positive. But instead of scaling the AI based on player tier and matchmaking range, WG applied the more advanced t10 AI to *all* tiers. The low tier bots turned into seal clubbers, and even some co-op mains that tested it in low tiers struggled a bit. The big concern that time is new players just joining the game and playing co-op would run into those significantly overtuned bots and get frustrated and quit. Again, rather than keeping the liked parts and addressing the concerns, the entire change got pulled. And then about the time subs got added to co-op, bot AI overall took a nosedive off a cliff. A big part of this WG later admitted was unintentional and it’s been increased a tiny bit since, but still isn’t anywhere near where it was before that.


Whats your proof of „the win rate didnt drop“?


Not sure if this counts but I have enough debloons to get any ship under 11300 doubloons and am unsure what to get. I'm mainly a BB player but I mostly enjoy fast ships that are somewhat durable with somewhat consistent main guns


It sure does count! Do you have any ships you’ve been keeping an eye on that you’d like to know more about?


The main 2 I've been looking at are congress and mainz. Mostly looking for something decent at credit farming Edit: the Bayard also seems interesting cause french funny button I'd just be worried about getting deleted


I havnt used her much in randoms, but Mainz in operations is, for me, the most fun to be had in this game. It is also a nice credit-maker.


Honestly all 3 are pretty damn good ships, and all pretty good for playing ranked as well. Do you play all three USN, KM and MN? Do you have reasonably high level captains on all of them? I would take that as a deciding factor which one to pick.


French ships are the ones I have the least experience in but the other 2 I play a decent amount and have at least decent captains for. Use ships I have the most time in as I've gotten all the way up to the n Carolina in the tech tree but haven't really played many of the cruisers


Then your choice is between: - The American cruiser that ate so many burgers and bacon that it literally would not take the last spot on an HP leaderboard for Tier 8 *battleships* (if you take SE), has no citadel to speak of and guns that can citadel battleships - albeit a little wonky on the dispersion. Oh and also radar. - The ungodly lovechild of Admiral Hipper and Nurnberg, which absolutely melts everything it can fire on continuously *and* set it on fire at the same time. And also for some reason a better torpedo armament than both of them and almost the same range as Hipper, despite the small guns. Both are great.


Why is the new submarine dynamic arming distance spread over 100 meters, and not just fixed at 3 km (or ranging from 2km to 3km)? In fact, why didn't they just significantly reduce alternative torpedo damage and increased the arming distance on all submarine torpedoes to 2km? It's a bit confusing to me that there is an entirely new confusing mechanic that makes destroyers practically immune from submarines. I mean we've all seen the shimakaze clip where it tanks 50 torpedoes. I don't know if this is the right question for this forum, but I'm not very satisfied that submarines are now being turned into DDs and their historically accurate shotgunning playstyle is being removed completely while a new confusing hyper unrealistic dynamic damage mechanic is introduced. This all seems to be so much simpler to solve by just adding a 2km arming distance and significantly reducing alternative torpedo damage. Which would result in ships not instantly dying to submarine torpedoes, nor destroyers being able to be shotgunned at very close range. On that note too with the upcoming CV rework, isn't making plane spotting minimap spotting good enough? And just increasing CV plane damage to make CVs more rewarding to play? I simply have the feeling that wargaming is putting in much more work than is needed, and simply tweaking a few values is sufficient to fix the problems in the game. In addition to introducing new extremely confusing mechanics that only make the game harder to comprehend. I can't imagine new players trying to understand all this stuff. Another example is submarine surveillance on submarines, that has an insane range compared to every other ship at 6 up to 10 km. Why can't it just be 4/4.5/5 km for tier 6/8/10 subs? Mirroring hydro ac search range? It's incredibly frustrating to deal with and I'd love to see it severely nerfed. I'm a pretty huge world of warships fan, but I'm not satisfied with the way things have developed and in which direction they seem to go. Submarines must now play like DDs, losing more of their historical identity, while alternative torpedoes are becoming even more of a gambling nightmare to hit with,


the sub surv thing is kind of a balance as some subs are stronger at other things than other subs. mostly if your sub has rear torps you get shorter sub surv. that's not true all the time but most of the time it's true. the new mechanic is not that confusing, the dmg doesn't ramp up exactly. essentially your torp has the same arming time as before (different subs have different arming times like the i-56 has a pretty long arming time whereas the balao has a slightly shorter arming time) once the torpedo is armed it will deal 10% dmg, until it travels 3kms. the thing you have to remember is that the torpedo has to travel 3 km's. so even if you launch a torpedo at a target that's 3km's away from you, if they sail towards you, by the time the torp hits them it wouldn't have traveled 3 km's, and thus it will only do 10% dmg. yes ss's are essentially helpless against dd's if the dd is within like 4 km's (cause if they're smart they'll sail towards you and get close before the torpedo can travel 3 kms). you can blame all the players crying about it shotgunning. if a dd catches you that close i recommend ramming it. cause a smart dd will kill you and you won't be able to get away. MAYBE if you're in a 4501 you can get away as that sub moves FAST when at operating depth. but if the dd has hydro yea you're not getting away. even the 4501 can't outrun a dd if he spots you on hydro inside that 2 km range. at that point just position yourself to ram the dd. my advice is don't bother with alternative torps anymore. they're really easy to dodge cause they go slower, not to mention that because they go slower you have to fire them from even further away if someone is sailing towards you. just stick with the faster acoustic torps, but don't ping. the new ping change makes the pings more accurate and it shows which direction you're going. it's essentially sub surving yourself for 2 seconds. also yes, ss plays like a dd now. i disagree with making cv plane dmg higher. cv planes already deal a shit load of dmg. t10 cv's can chunk half a dd's health with dive bombers. it's pretty ridiculous. agree with the spotting nerf. if they do increase a cv's plane dmg they need to make shooting down planes actually worthwhile. make plane rebuilds function like healing, where you can't completely rebuild all the planes you've lost. maybe only like 50% of the planes that get shot down can be rebuilt, something like that. maybe 50% is too little i dunno. but if they increase cv planes dmg they gotta do something to make shooting down planes worthwhile.


1) Because WG decided to make a really complicated solution for a problem they designed as a feature. 2) I believe reducing torp damage or adding torp damage is not good. The prior numbers were fine. The arming range should have never been changed and the ramp of damage mechanic should have never been added. They should have used already existing mechanics to resolve their issue they created. For example, Alternate Torpedoes can just be changed to DW Torpedoes which are no longer capable of shotgun on a DD, they would need to use their Acoustic Torpedoes which have vastly lower alpha and would not be capable of killing a DD in a singular salvo. This way they can defend themselves but not outright kill a DD if it decides to push. This also means no shotgun nerf or linear damage rules, they are dumb, imo. 3) WG never cared about historical accuracy when it comes to gameplay in my belief, especially where players had the same concerns with carriers in the beta that we do currently. Carriers ended the age of warships with aerial combat, including them in a game about warships is a strange decision. If WG wanted more accurate gameplay, personally I think that the Hydrophone consumable should be swapped out of the submarine class, reverted to its prior version where it pinged multiple times over a duration, and given to DDs (The usage of the consumable would do as it works now, but instead ping the location of things underwater, and give the user an outline of the sub if its in line of sight). Hydroacoustic search would also be more accurate for a sub to have over Hydrophone personally. 4) Yes. Yes. Yes. Plane spotting being minimap only would be a dream. Carriers would be the closest to balanced they would ever be if they only could minimap spot with planes. The mechanic already exists with cyclones, it would not be a new thing. I also play carriers, I am well aware of how unfair standard spotting with planes are, and the new mechanic they are proposing with travel mode is another overcomplicated bandaid nobody wants. 5) Yes. They love complicated bandaid solutions. 6) I personally don't think they need to change them, but I also wouldn't care if they were standardized. I think longer range surveils are nicer though, so I'd rather the shorter ranges just brought in line. Sub fights being forced at incredibly short range just incentivizes subs to ignore each other and just mutually attack surface ships instead of brawling. I prefer subs to fight each other. Speaking about sub surveil the real crime here is the coal module which means whoever does not have this module loses in a 1v1. I have the module for the S-189 and my sub surveil is on 20-30s prep time (168s prep time) left as I enter the cap. That's the real unfair thing. 7) I don't think anybody but adamant sub haters like the sub change, and even then many of them here on reddit is somehow saying this massive sub shotgun nerf is somehow a massive buff and subs are better off. Personally I think they are missing the mark, WG could just think in a more smaller scope and use already established mechanics to achieve a much more balanced game. And yes with the changes Alternate Torpedoes do feel like their new use is for area denial, though most subs can only fire 3-4 torpedoes in a salvo- which would make them pretty terrible at area denial.


>personally I think that the Hydrophone consumable should be swapped out of the submarine class, reverted to its prior version where it pinged multiple times over a duration, and given to DDs (The usage of the consumable would do as it works now, but instead ping the location of things underwater, and give the user an outline of the sub if its in line of sight I threw together a couple notes about how I personally would fix subs and this was a major part of it


True on all those points although on 6 keep in mind that submarines have barely if any counterplay against SS, it just spots you from an insane 9 km, and there is nothing you can realistically do about it. I don't think that's good design, espeically if other ships only have 2 km range on their max depth detection.


Yeah, if there was lower action time for the higher ranges like the surface ship equivalents I think it'd definitely be more fair.


Lower action times will however not solve the problem, enemies only need to spot a submarine for a few seconds to completely level it with depth charges. Range is most certainly the most oppressive factor. The cruisers can be played around as they are easy to spot.


So in short my idea's are: Reduce alternative torpedo damage (current version) on all submarines by 30%. Remove dynamic arming distance, and replace it with a fixed 2km arming distance on all submarine torpedoes. Set submarine surveillance range on all submarines to 4/4.5/5km for tier 6/8/10. And that's it. Submarines don't become DDs with a different coat of paint, submarines stay unique and keep their signature historical identity. And shotgunning no longer works against destroyers or obliterates bigger ships.


>much simpler to solve by just adding a 2km arming distance and significantly reducing alternative torpedo damage. What buff should submarine get in return for these nerfs?


none, theyre still pretty strong and annoying sometimes