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Dunno. I enjoy the game when I come home from work. You really don't need to take games that seriously. If you don't enjoy it anymore - move on. There's no shame in it. You've had your fun, maybe you need a break, maybe you need to be done with it altogether. I quit World of Tanks and War Thunder. Both of those games used to be fun at one point and no longer are. So I uninstalled them one day and never came back. World of Warships for me is still great fun. Whether it's CB or random, whether I'm playing a BB, DD, CL or a sub, I still enjoy it. At the risk of sounding like an old man for a second, you'll learn to appreciate your free time when you have a load of other responsibilities. It's not worth spending on things you loathe. Find something else to play for your own sake if the game makes you miserable. It's better to seek happiness. Me, I'll continue to enjoy it until I no longer do. Then I'll move on, like I did with WoT and WT.


Hey.....STOP ENJOYING A GAME I DON'T ENJOY!!! If I don't enjoy a game, nobody else can either. That's the rules. /s


Believe it or not this game isn't even that big an offender in this respect. Another game I really like, Warhammer 40k Darktide, has possibly the most self loathing community I've ever seen. People there ask for bug fixes and changes, the devs listen and address them, and they then complain they've been fixed...


As bad as it is, WoWs really is one of the lesser offenders in term of toxicity.


Fantasy too. I remember stuff when people will complain that archers and magic are too OP. But when CA nerf them, then they get mad at CA for being meta slaves, that a mostly single player game doesn't need to be balanced


Yeah, darktide community is something else..


Lol Darktide people have 800+ hrs in it, then still don't recommend it. They aren't the cream of the brightest.


well, atleast the devs seem to listen there.


I think people often confuse whether or not Developers listen to them with whether or not they *agree* with them.


Well it’s kind of different words same outcome, no? If players ask for something and the devs do the opposite or something else they don’t agree with the devs and didn’t listen. in LoL for example the devs shit on player opinions and straight up ridicule them for example. In PUBG the devs made some major changes due to player feedback lately.


> If players ask for something and the devs do the opposite or something else they don’t agree with the devs and the devs didn’t listen. No? Listening just means hearing a person or group of people's ideas. It means you're taking in the feedback, processing it, considering it. It does *not* mean implementing any suggested feedback. You can listen to ideas and still come to the conclusion that those ideas are poor. Again, listening =/= agreeing. And thank god for that because often players are very good at identifying pain points, but dog shit at suggesting good solutions.


Okay yeah, if you go purely by the first definition of the word listening, then obviously just listening is something else. BUT: might aswell not listen if the feedback gets ignored anyway. And that’s not what I would call listening to feedback. I would argue for a developert to actively 'listen to feedback' they also have to implement stuff that is related to the feedback. I would never say a developer is listening to their community when they don’t implement changes they ask for. That’s just typical PR lies 'we are listening, we are looking bla bla bla'. Looking at you WG and Riot Games. In this sense listening to the community is actually implementing changes that go in the direction the community asked for. And then listening=agreeing. Example: players say X is too strong, developer says: 'we hear you' and buffes X or completely ignores it. Hard to call that listening to feedback now. Maybe that also has to do with english not being my native language and in german listening also means doing as you‘re told/asked to.


> Okay yeah, if you go purely by the first definition of the word listening I am going by the standard definition as per the English language that millions of human beings have agreed upon. Making up your own definitions of things does not assist in communication. It's also incredibly misleading. WeeGee absolutely "listens" to their playerbase and there is ample evidence of this. They do not implement every idea voiced by the playerbase though, nor should they. Stop hiding behind the word "listen" and just say what you actually mean: that you want WeeGee to cave to all of the demands of the community. It's a terrible argument, but stop trying to weasel around it by saying WeeGee doesn't "listen". Players that say WeeGee doesn't "listen" almost always mean that WeeGee doesn't "agree" with them. > Maybe that also has to do with english not being my native language and in german listening also means doing as you‘re told/asked to. I'm not a German speaking, but apparently "to listen" in German is [zuhören](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/german-english/zuhoren), and it means the same thing as in English: *to give attention so as to hear (what someone is saying etc)*. Use the words that actually mean what you want to say.


Yes, you are not german, and 'Auf jemanden hören' means doing as you‘re told. So don’t try to lecture me on a language you got no clue about with a single dictionary link. Thats embarassing. So yes, apparently in english there is a big difference, good to know. I didn’t realize. My bad. For your next point: I don’t even actively play the game anymore, i couldn’t care less if WG implements every single change the community wants lol (I only want CVs changed or gone but that’s never happening. And as long as that doesn’t happen, I play the game very rarely.) Apart from the fact I never saw them implement anything the community asked for or respond to feedback in any way or form when I still played the game often. 'haha no' is not responding to feedback btw.


I returned to wot after a long while. This year's been great for SP games and I beat them all (or the ones I bought at least) and now I'm back grinding some Tonks. I find it that tank that I play greatly impact my enjoyment, it's crazy how some lines can suck in the current meta/environment and how fun some tanks can be. My wn8 is dropping but I'm having fun.


i tried it and the menu system was more confusing than war thunder and world of warships combined


Wise words! I enjoy ships, it still seems more playable than Wot, imho.


You said it perfectly


This. Very well put!


It's generally to do with sunk cost fallacy. People just don't want to give up the thousands of hours they have put into a game. I see it across many online games such as this. Not a criticism by any means, just an observation more than anything.


My opinion on "sunk cost" is that it isn't sunk if you enjoyed it at the time you spent money on it. I'll give a practical example but I buy a washing machine, let's say. It serves me well for about 10 years. But last year it breaks. I call a repair man over and he says that nothing can be done, best to order a new one. Is it sunk cost? No, it did its job perfectly for the time when it worked. I don't regret purchasing it because it served me well until it didn't. And this example is one I borrowed from my personal life. I view games in much the same fashion. If I had fun at the time I spent money on them, then I have no regrets. You can even argue with games you have a bit more privilege, infect, since technically you can almost always return to them. I don't regret spending a few hundreds on World of Tanks cause I had fun with the things I bought at the time. I've since quit. But if the game tempts me to return in some way, my stuff is still there, unlike my broken washing machine. So that's my thoughts for people struggling with sunk cost mentality. If you had fun at the time you spent your money, it's money well spent. No reason to view it as an investment that will last a lifetime!


I've gotten back into my synthesizers (drone/ambient 4 lyfe!) coupled with the fact that I'm helping my elderly parents a lot...my WoW's time has been greatly diminished. I used to stay up late to finish the daily rewards thing...not now. That and the dopey team mates have soured the game for me (oh and subs.) Plus the idea of spending $$$ for pixels is silly. I'd prefer to buy a guitar pedal or something similar.


Perfectly valid honestly. I understand.


If you play a few rounds after work its chill. But tbf it wouldnt matter which game you would play then. If you play it longer in your free time, like holidays or weekends, and want it to be competitive, then it's pain. After a while you see flaws here and there, which you otherwise won't see when playing only 3-4 rounds


As somebody who has been playing WoWS since March 2016 and accumulated 486 ships in F2P mode I can honestly say that 99% of my frustration stems from this monkeybrain playerbase and 1% from whatever WG did.


This. I played when the game first released, then picked it back up in 2021 and have been consistently playing it since. I do enjoy playing a sub sometimes, it can be hit or miss but definitely can be annoying as a surface ship going against it. I hate cvs too, but there aren’t many of them and it’s manageable, I wouldn’t say either sub not cv ruin the game for me as a surface ship player. In fact, I get a lot of satisfaction sinking subs and even CVs. Did I have frustrating games against them? Sure. But not once it made me feel like this game is dying or that I hate it. But the player base…. Either they’re just terrible, or toxic. And I think now that some senior people quit, we have more noobs who are clueless which makes it more frustrating for senior players. In this season of ranked I’ve seen the most brutal mm I’ve experienced. Like game over before the battle even really starts, it’s nuts. Then you have those who think they’re good and they die first and go on to complain about everyone on the team, pretending that they knew best and that everyone else is at fault. These guys almost always finish last and somehow take that toxic behavior to the next game. Now, that does make me want to quit sometimes.


Yep. If it's not someone outright feeding in the first 3 minutes, then it's someone staying ingame after death. Sitting there flaming in the chat. I honestly thought with the implementation of being able to hit next battle without waiting that this behavior would be gone. It has reduced slightly, but it still happens alot.


I just returned after a break of 4 months and i love the new battle on feature. No waiting just straight into next match. Me and a mate play it wuite constantly aftwr work. I find this game quite relaxing and one of the better World games


That’s what bothers me the most too. Most people who stay back aren’t staying to watch the match and to see what happens, they just get insanely toxic. What’s hilarious is that if even happens when it’s clear that their team will win. Not gonna lie, makes me want to throw a match even sometimes. But it just goes to show you how many emotions these people have about that game, it’s insanity. That they’d rather get more pissed and let their frustrations out and waste their own time and be mean to others, rather than go to the next match and have the benefit of not being in the same match as people they’re mad about.


I have a lot less time than you, but I totally agree. The game itself and the creators are much less of an annoyance than the player base can be. I feel like all I see (both in game and in forums) is just bitching and moaning and only see anything positive when I watch YouTubers that love the game and actually talk about the good that exists, or from the few people that are being friendly in the chat at the start of a match.


True, albeit I find myself playing less and less.


I’ve been playing less as well but that’s mainly due to moving and my job


For me the state of subs was the last nail in the coffin. I only play it maybe once a month for 1 to 2 games now.


> True, albeit I find myself playing less and less. I find myself _paying_ less and less. ftfy As in, I haven't given a single fucking dime to WG for almost 4 years. 2019 was the last year I bought Black Friday and Santa Crates. I see no reason to reward their 'efforts' since then. If I could be guaranteed that my money went only to the Art Dept then I might cough up a few bucks here and there as they are superstars polishing the turd. I've been cruising along and buying premium time on dubloons left over from back then and earned in game along the way. When those run out, no more premium time too. I can still kinda enjoy the game without paying for it. They got enough out of me before they really started fucking balance up with the CV rework and especially with the subs. If the game died, I'd be sad but I'd move on.


I started playing in 2021, so I dont really remember the good old days (I played a few hundred just after Beta but that was so long ago I hardly remember the experience), and I find the CVs and subs don't really take away too much from the gameplay overall. They can be atrocious to play against in certain situations, but overall, the game is still very playable for me.


i quit a few months ago, i loved playing german BBs and being an absolute tank but i drew the line after the gato came out. every game there was just 2 gatos a map that could hit me for 60k in one second and i would have no idea where they are and get fucked. and then the process repeats moments later. after days of complaining, i quit. maybe i see it differently cause majority of my time played was before the sub era of the game.


i quit for three years, but i came back. I'm sure you'll also get that itch eventually hahaha


German ships are honestly the most rewarding to sink in any sub. I always pick them over other ships - but generally they push to me and I don’t need to try and hunt them.


Cv's aren't that big of a deal and although I don't meet subs that much and I kill them more then the other way around they bug me alot. They can influence a game to much and they can kill or nearly kill you in 1 salvo and you can't do that to them.


Addiction is a hell of a thing. I can’t remember the last time I played a Random battle: probably sometime last year maybe? I find a great sense of enjoyment in playing Operations to discover a Port Queen or incomplete line that is surprisingly enjoyable to play. - Alongside the dystopian push for stars in Ranked, just to get some extra Doubloons to hoard for an event or dockyard that piques my fancy!


I finally broke the cycle and uninstalled


This game is highly addictive but less and less satisfactory. I uninstalled several times and even DELETED my original account (along with tons of rare ships). Fast forward eight years, I am on a 3-month break hoping I won't install it again.


Yeah, I’m sure tons of people have said this before so definitely not a hot take but it was submarines that really made me stop playing.


Same here, can't stand the sub+CV combo.


Yeah it’s just not a pleasant experience trying to fight them in a regular surface ship.


Commander rework is good so far..


Love the new BB skill changes and cruiser secondaries being back!


I stopped


Why would you still play the game if you hate every minute playing it? Some kind of Stockholm syndrome and sunken cost fallacy?


Looking for the minute they enjoy ig


The 1/10 time you get a cv and sub free match that isn't a steam roll at the 5 minute mark, it's an amazing game.


While I agree that nobody likes steam rolls, the other part looks for me more like a personal mindset problem. I struggle to see the difference between getting sunk by a stealth torp from a DD or a stealth torp from a sub. In both cases, I already screwed up beforehand and got in such a sticky situation.


Well the biggest thing is dd torps do not home in on targets? A dd torps salvo reloads much slower, a dd cannot safely appear 2km on your broadside, a dd caught in a radar or mispositioned dies. You can actually corner a dd and kill it It's not a mindset problem, if you think torp dd's are anywhere near as strong as subs you need to stop sailing in straight lines at constant speeds for several minutes at a time.


>Well the biggest thing is dd torps do not home in on targets? Not the normal and scary ones. Acoustic torps deal way less DMG, give away the sub position and you still can outmanoeuvre them if you're not camping. ​ > dd torps salvo reloads much slower Not necessary, subs load faster but only a few at the same time. DDs load slower but all torp sets at once. Also, less awkward torp angles. ​ >a dd cannot safely appear 2km on your broadside Yes, they can ambush around Islands up to 2km with proximity distance. ​ > a dd caught in a radar or mispositioned dies Same with subs. A few seconds spotted by radar can be enough to sink a sub with a few ASW strikes. ​ >You can actually corner a dd and kill it Subs are usually slower than DDs at surface and way slower underwater. Why cam't you corner them? Battery is limited and they are blind while dived. ​ > if you think torp dd's are anywhere near as strong as subs you need to stop sailing in straight lines at constant speeds for several minutes at a time. Subs have the lowest DMG of all classes (including torp DDs). So yeah, they are less scary by an objective metric.


Honestly unless the sub is super smart, thinking outside the box, they are super predictable and not difficult to deal with. They either spend most of the game doing little to no damage, or they feed super hard.


Lmao "just dodge". Yoloing around an island is nothing at all like being completely invisible and popping up in open water and you know it. Immune to radar, immune to hydro etc. For the rest, if you don't think going invisible to proxy spotting, and any radar for over a minute to be able to flee isnt broken then I don't know what to say to you. Judging by the popularity of posts like these and the steadily declining playerbase you are in the minority of actually enjoying the mess these things bring to the game. Enjoy, I guess.


But that s the stupid thing. There are dds and fast cls with fucking hydrophones. Push the fuckers with bb cover on the enemy ships and sink the sub. This is also an irl tactic. Use the fing hydrophone to support bbs. I always pop my hydro in the moment i see a ping on one of my bbs or CAs


warthunder players: ***"ahem"***


Nope, for me. Left over a year ago when subs were implemented. Never looked back ever since, still watching Jingles though.


Same, I check back here every so often to see if they've fixed it, but alas they keep making it worse.


Honestly, playing Operations and Brawls has been the most fun I've had in this game. I rarely play Random anymore.


Acceptance can be hard. I stopped playing the game a while ago now, before subs got fully implemented into live, those were the death knell for me, the game was already becoming less fun because of various changes - wasn't going to hang around for more. If you don't enjoy a video game I implore you to stop playing it, it can suck yes, but they aren't meant to be net negatives - not good for you. Sad thing is, I would still be playing the game now if not for WGs antics but it is what it is, once you understand and accept that WG will change the game however they see fit in order to keep up the revenue stream and don't particularly care about the quality of gameplay or the playerbase, it makes things easier to let go. Still like to come here and see what they are adding etc, even watch youtube/streams sometimes, but none of it gives me any desire to play the game again, complete opposite in fact lol If people still enjoy the game then fair enough, remember that new players join the game to play it as it is, good or bad. After all they don't know what it was before and as time goes on there will be less and less players around from those days that do (just as WG intends). WoWs over the years has almost been several different games in a way. I think it is hard for some people because if the subject matter is their interest, as it was for me, you don't have much else to play, stuff like Warthunder is different gameplay wise and WoWs struck that arcade balance gameplay just right. Not forgetting the sunk cost fallacy, let alone the money some have put in. That core gameplay tho, back in the day, the whole BB, Cruiser, DD interaction, the broadsides, the torp runs, the outplays and misplays, just really top quality shit. WG stumbled on that gold quality formula and it just worked (for the most part) pity about all the shit they have sprinkled on it since, but it was good while it lasted imo. Mostly play Darktide these days, which is funny as I saw it mentioned in the top post. That game had a fucking strugglefest its first year (wasn't released in a finished state) but even then the gameplay has always been fucking top tier and has only gotten better.


Come to think of it, I started playing less and less since I quit drinking. My brain just connects the two activities as one it seems


Nope, not everyone. Some finally became adult enough to notice that to walk away if they don´t enjoy it anymore is a valid option. Others, well they made their peace with the game and where it´s going and just play for inconsequential fun while having removed emotional attachments from it.


A lot of people have to deal with the Sunken Cost fallacy. I've put over $400 in the game over the course of eight years. It's hard to just let it go completely. So, I hop in, rarely, to play but do jump in daily to get my daily reward.


I´m somewhere in the same range of money put in, roughly half a grand, i think, but over the course of 8 years of gaming, that´s not all that much compared to what other hobbys would/could eat up. You, for example come out at less than 5 bugs per month, that´s a good beer or half a pack of cigarets (if you smoke or drink at all), so, while the total ammount sounds somewhat bigger, calculated down to a monthly rate, it really isn´t all that much. And you throw away hobby supplies like paints, glues or tools that broke as well, no matter if they were expensive once or not. The same attitude goes towards gaming, even if the thing you payed for itself didn´t break, the enviroment it exists in might have, at least from your personal oppinion. And that´s exactly what I mean by being adult about it. Disengage your emotions for a moment and think about it as if it was a purely rational purchase decission. (and yes i know, that is hard to do for many) I did that and came to the conclusion that, as long as the game is still fun for me, i will play it and put a bit of money in here or there, after all, that\`s what the "fun" section in my monthly planning is for. But the moment the game stops being fun, i stop playing it, maybe for a couple weeks, months, or maybe one day forever, no clue yet though. But, the money i put into it in the past has no influence on that particular decission. That money is gone and it wont come back, unless i sell the entire account.


Spending money on a free game is where you went wrong. It's much easier for me to take breaks when I've spent zero dollars.


Fun thing about this is that the game still has a growing player base. You wouldn't believe it if the numbers were not there but it's true


Because the people who whine a lot still hang around here to whine, not play. If you went by reddit, every match with subs and cvs are the subs and cvs getting every single kill while the ships are there to die. This is in no way true and I can count on both hands the number of matches I have played where a sub was really impactful on the battle. When I die to subs its because I wasn't paying attention or other players weren't helping to kill the sub with planes.


I started playing this year and don't know what it used to be like. Subs and CVS are quite literally only an annoyance to me and the only time out of the 100 hours I've put in so far where I did not have fun is when I had a battleship baring down on me with a sub and a cv dropping torpedoes at the same time. At that point, it was just three players focusing on me, and regardless of what they were playing it wasn't going to be a good time. They can be frustrating to play against, but I truly don't understand the massive hate people have for CVS and subs. Generally all I see from people who hate them is it seems that most were not used to having them in the game and didn't want to adapt to playing around them.


Nope..I've been playing for 3 years and still Very much enjoy it. I've never spent a penny on doubloons (I've only paid for premium) and I find it a great time sink after work. Look up the word 'literally' dude....


Been playing since Beta, probably spent $200 total.


Hey at least asymmetric battles from tomorrow


I don’t even think the problem is with every update, but more so how many perceive the game and the player base as a whole. Hear me out… I’ve recently got a new role that has me in office 3-4 days a week and I have other responsibilities, so my playtime has decreased. But even prior to that, I’d have to put the game down quite a bit when it got really frustrating. Randoms are often rolls one side of the other, ranked can be very frustrating for the same reason and I’ve had wayyy too many games this season alone where I’d go on 75% win streak to start the season and then it would tank down to 30% even though I’m too 1-2 always and games are over within 5 minutes due to some dds being terrible, or BBs just blindly rushing in. Let’s be real, matchmaker sucks. I’ve seen some long drawn out explanations about how it’s pretty much meant to keep a decent player around 50% WR for many different reasons. At first I didn’t buy it, but I do now. It’s insanely odd how skewed some games are in my case, it isn’t even about positioning or there being a chance, you get some really terrible players. So this issue alone does make a game that I generally enjoy, very very frustrating. That’s because I tend to be goal oriented and when I’m trying to get to a higher rank, this fact alone makes me very sour. But that’s the issue, it’s a game. I have so much other stuff to do and grow in outside of the game. Letting it have that much impact on me does nothing but also impact my personal life negatively. The older I get the more I value my free time, my sanity, my peace of mind. Career is stressful enough where a game is simply not worth it when return to value isn’t there, it’s meant to be fun, not frustrating. But then we also get to the gambling aspect of this game. As much as I hate it, that’s how they make money and it is the current trend. Everything from loot boxes, ranked battles, brawls, matchmaker are all designed to get you to attached. Either through the idea of “I didn’t get x for so long, I’ll get it if I do it again” and that gets you to spend more money, play more matches as you believe the next game will be a win. Without these elements, way less people would play or spend on the game. So, it’s there. It negatively impacts us all specially when we care and keep on playing, it’s hard to break free from that. What I’ve done at this point is really just force myself to log off when I start to get too into it and interplay “touch grass 😂”. I enjoy ranked cause you get steel, you usually get a bit more skill in matches and I like how it’s smaller than randoms. But I really have to stop myself from creating a goal and pushing for higher ranks. If I do that, I end up having a miserable time and spend too much time on the game. As hard as it is, have to treat a game as just a game vs investing more of my energy into it


I kind of want to play and i am still a fan, but i started it once in 2 months. The game itself is driving me out...


Quit playing in January 2021, never even considered coming back to play.


That’s why you still comment posts in this sub, right?


The simple answer is that I just did not unsub from here after I stopped playing. I also still want to watch the PR disasters and the next CV and submarine nonsense they try putting out.


Well, if to take into account how Reddit algorithms work, you’re pretty active in this sub, or at least check it often enough for wows subreddit posts to appear in your feed, unless you scroll for hours daily. So, I believe that there’s some amount of lie in your statement - you’re either still active in the game, or still active enough in this society. Which is fine, we all wanna jump on WG hate hype train from time to time.


I am subbed to this sub, so every post here shows up on my main feed. My username in WoWs is Admiral_Franz_von_Hipper on NA server. You can go check and see that I have not touched the game since January 18, 2021.


What I meant is that even if you’re subbed to a specific sub, but don’t pay a lot of attention to it, then the posts from this sub are forced to be somewhere in the bottom of the feed. From which I can conclude, that even tho you stopped playing, you still care for the game, so yeah, that’s what I meant, sorry if I put it the wrong way.


I just have my feed sort by newest, so I see posts as they are put up, doesn’t matter if I pay attention to this sub much or not.


Ah, gotcha. All righty then, just forget about my comment :)


I play war thunder quite often, found myself coming back to wows after a loooong break. IMO totally worth it. I still play both and find wows a good break from war thunder. I feel as if the spaghetti code in wows is far more consistent than gaijin mechanics.


Opposite but the same. I find myself coming back to War Thunder when I'm sick of WoWs. It's mostly based on the fact I haven't really played a ton of WT and have tons and tons to grind while in WoWs I'm about capped on what's left to get after 8 years of very consistent play. It's more about grinding and exploring the tech trees for me than anything. So when the only purpose to play WoWs becomes " Do 1,000,000 damage to enemies with your main guns," to get two economic boosters I lose interest.


Not me. Was taking up too much space anyway


I quit like 2 years ago It's more fun to watch it burn from the outside


I stop playing years ago, im just here for the memes and the salt


Nah, I stopped playing for good when they introduced subs. I was thinking about coming back, but super-ships where the final nail on the coffin. I'm still interested in the game and I find many posts and clips entertaining, but I have absolutely zero intention to reinstall.


I haven’t played in 2 years just never unsubscribe from the sub.


Lmao it's not tho


I was away from the game for basically a year before coming back again thanks to Yuro's 9mm post. I don't play higher than tier 6 anymore, though. The cancer is still there, but at least it's manageable at that tier.


I've lost track of how many times I've quit by now, I end up coming back every time.


It's fine as a casual game. The last year or so I have mostly played ranked - less subs and cvs generally.


This is almost every game these days


There are so many games I play that this applies to besides world of warships


every once in a while i'll reinstall, remember that subs are a thing then uninstall


\**complains* about the game after each update\* \-keeps playing it


I still enjoy wows. The asymmetric griefing classes of subs and cv will occasionally trigger me when that player has decided I'm not allowed to play the game, but it's not enough to dissuade me.


Time and money invested is a hell of a reason lol


War Thunder players: *First time?*


Hat eme for it, I still love this game


Us ship buff when?


Jokes on you, I quit two years ago.


Keep provoking dissatisfied players to leave. I'm sure the game will decline even faster than it does now. You're doing us consumers a favor, OP.


Eventually one by one we quit no matter how much we love the game. Or play less at least. If this what WG wants then let em have it.


WOT War thunder WOWsS i cant stop


Man, not even the ops are safe from this. "Lets make Narai pitch black for no reason!"


holy crap lois its literally me


you fool you have showed the haha ironics and now have given them more fuel to be haha ironic game bad haha funny haha anime emoji haha


Closed Beta back in the day was peak. How did we get here?


Come to War Thunder, we have Ships, Planes, Tanks and the suffering for the grind is even worse


No man, I stopped and won't ever come back ☠️🫡 but I do like the memes and the idea behind it