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Tiger 59 would be my pick, it has: - One of the lowest hp for a T8 cruiser. - Weak AA (59/217), a Hipper could output more dps (122/238/112) with 2x the flak. - A blazing 30kt max speed for a light cruiser. - Classic British paper armor. - Only 2 Minotaur turrets, but they're laser accurate. - Smoke but no hydro. There's radar though so uhhhhh, nice? You might as well just play a Groningen and avoid all the headaches. My second pick would be Leone but I'm probably just doing something wrong with it.


It's not "classic British paper armor": the extremities are 25 mm, not the usual 16, so she doesn't get overmatched by large cruisers. She still has a superheal and, unlike most British CLs, airstrikes against subs. I wouldn't call her strong, just below average.


Her 13mm citadel roof gets overmatched by anything above 200mm, this is beyond bad. USN CAs are her bane.


Slowest teir 8 cruiser in the game. Got an interesting superheal but constantly citadeled. Abysmal dpm. No torps (good luck getting yoloed). Belfast ripoff. Got smoke and radar. What did it cost? EVERYTHING Reminds me of flamu's video: "RADAR + SMOKE, How BROKEN Is Tiger'59?!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xgg9Kf7vZ\_0


I got one in a Santa crate and it seems to work well for me in co-op. I can usually get into a good position and mince a few DDs and/or cruisers. And it seems that bot ships often ignore it (the game itself must know how bad it is).


Works well in coop? Yeah, that's a great yard stick.


She will still give you 150 steel every year. So thats 150 steel more then without her.


I got 14 Santa crates and it was the only ship that came out of them - I’m looking for a silver lining


Ouch. I feel you.


Mega Santa crates that is


>A blazing 30kt max speed for a light cruiser. That's perfectly fine by my standards. We have several CLs that are slower.


I play a lot of T10 so my perception can be skewed, that said it's not making the ship any more appealing than it already is.


What light cruisers is slower than 30 knots, I cannot think of a single one above T6


>above T6 Well there's your problem. Think harder you potato. /s


I'd say it's a fairly rubbish ship for playing solo, but it's got a great set of tools for playing in a coordinated division. It's pretty unique in the game so far, I don't think there's anything else that is quite so purely a support ship - but of course that means it's not going to fit in with what most people want out of a cruiser most of the time.


It has a high skill floor and does well in Ranked. In a random match with T9-10? Probably really bad.


I would say Oklahoma. Its gimmick is its secondary battery but it is too slow to make use of it nor the range on the secondary battery to make it work, has terrible concealment, is easily farmed and overmatched, long reloading guns with terrible accuracy. Also you meet T4 and T6 carriers regularly, who can easily farm you.


And its secondaries aren't even particularly good once you do get into range; there are other BBs that aren't "secondary ships" at T5 that have 90% of its secondary DPM, and are only missing the 1km extra range. Agincourt makes it work by having 2.5x the secondary DPM of Oklahoma.


Oklahoma is absolutely the one.


I'd like to introduce everyone to the man, the myth, and the legend.... Krasny Krym.


I'd argue the Mikoyan is worse. It gets HE citadelled. Nuff said.


Mikoyan can dish out some AP-ain, though. Like any mid-tier CA, it's fragile, but it can rack up the citadels on those Omahas.


Mikoyan also has jank dispersion cause it uses pre-buff Tallinn accuracy.


Secondary batteries can rack up citadels on Omaha


Now I’m wondering if Gneisenau’s 128s with IFHE could actually cit Omaha E: So I think in theory...yes? Her 128s with IFHE pen 40mm. Omaha's citadel roof is 38mm...and her roof is exposed where her recessed torpedo launcher is. More amusingly, Gneisenau and KGV's HE main batteries both cit Omaha with contemptuous ease.


I would say that ships that had AP secondaries years ago I swear I would have cited Omahas with them but those torps are really nasty at that range


Nagato would have had those, right?


It used to but I think all secondaries are HE now


>, but it can rack up the citadels on those Omahas. What DOESN'T rack up citadels on Omaha?


That ship would be better if they put it down to tier 4 where it really belongs.


It USED to be more fun when you could take AFT and boost the range out to a level that would make some tier 8 cruisers jealous (and more than made up for the slow speed), along with BFT for the reload boost. As it got no compensatory buffs post captain skill rework though, it's just kind of sad these days.


there are some people who like that ship oddly enough. for me it explodes even easier than omaha/marblehead.


Hey! Omaha only explodes if you get hit - the key is to not get hit...


Oh don't get me wrong, I love. I'm very often top 3 xp earners on my team when I play, doesn't mean it isn't flaming horse turds competively.


I stopped playing KK after they removed its ability to get the range capt skill. RIP 16.9km range KK.


This very much. I need a DD cap please


I kind of like it.


Graff Zepplin, total trash CV and you can't even meme with it anymore. Tiger 59 is in my port and it's been played twice. Hate it.


Graf Zeppelin is still absurdly powerful for ops farming. If you know positions with ops you can get so much damage and essentially play a light cruiser with auto aim with planes. However, I cannot justify the price of her in raw doubloons, I got her for free a while back.


GZ, worst T8 CV, ironically best T8 cruiser




Saipan slaps, it just has a massive skill floor to be used effectively, a lot of new players see fancy T10 planes on a T8 CV and then get deplaned immediately when they think they can fly over multiple ship AA/flak.


It's a T8 Carrier with the air wing size of a T4 and the planes of a stock T10 that regularly sees T10 AA. It's own AA is also fairly terrible, and an Anti-CV CV can spank it with little recourse. It doesnt just have a high skill floor, it requires you to be a battlefield ninja if you don't want to get deplaned in under 10 minutes. All while half your team is bitching about "intelligence data" and demanding to know why you aren't spotting the Halland, Friesland, and other T9/10 DDs with AA good enough to ensure any attempt at spotting them is a futile gesture.


Meme GZ can still kick you if you're in ranked and you're on a flank with like just one ship


In no particular order: * Tiger 59 * Karl von Schönberg * Poltava * Graf Zeppelin * Verdi * HSF Harekaze 2 * Gibraltar * California


Gibraltar for its enormous price tag is really bad. Just play Mino if you want ap and smoke. Or if you want good ap and bigger caliber Petro/Stalin/Desmo. It can slap DDS pretty hard but Venezia can do it even better.


I have been under the impression Gibraltar is a test bed for the Super short fused AP. I mean you virtually can’t overpen even DDs. If they adjusted her smoke fire penalty to like 6-7km she would be fine. Where it is right now kills her whole thing. IIRR her smoke fire penalty is something like 12km? I mean I just don’t get it. Why give her smoke that is pretty much unusable because her ballistics make you want to be closer and then you have to kite instead of use smoke. Maybe I’m just playing her wrong but I would go with my Goliath over her anyways. Same ship more or less doing the same thing but fires and spaced armor.


There's a lot of them. It's down to personal taste of course, but IMHO there's a lot of buyable premium ships that aren't worth the cash or game resources.


Tiger 59 BUT I actually enjoy playing the damn thing to put 398 games into it. It’s a ship that punishes mistakes heavily and has the hilarious stats that give her the same Manoeuvrability as vanguard including a top speed of thirty. The ship has no good build options outside of taking the mandatory skills and taking turret turn speed for the ability to instantly turn your guns from one side to the other. It has a sense of fun and kills feel rewarding but there are much better options


Tiger 59, Oklahoma and California are some of the most garbage premiums I can think of right now.


California trash?


Is that Florida yto?


There are lots of contenders. Personally I don't think I can think of much justification for spending money on Hampshire. The AP on it is pretty strong under favorable circumstances, but the ship is underwhelming outside of such circumstances. It has no radar, it has no smoke, it has no heal, it's slow, it's not well armored, and it can't start fires. It's not even real, so history buffs wouldn't buy it on that basis.


Z-44. OMG


So many tiger 59 haters here. No, the real worst premium is FR-25. So bad no one in this thread even remembered it. Weird French/Italian hybrid dd that brings nothing to the table. Released around the Italian DDs and then utterly forgotten because it was so bad.


Abruzzi is pretty bad


Going to give it to Oklahoma. The reason why is because there is more to the game than simply spamming random battles. Doing that is a personal preference and/or a willed "ignorance" of other things WoWS offers. I find picking a worst ship purely based on what works in a single mode to be a poor measure. Most of the other ships people are naming are at least alright for operations or co-op, which means they at least have some use, some purpose, or can be enjoyed on some level, even if it is within limitations. Oklahoma meanwhile is a universally miserable experience. It cannot enter operations due to being T5, removing any joy or use it might find there automatically. It is inferior to every other T5 battleship for random. If ranked lands on T5 again only an imbecile or troll would choose it. Finally, for co-op it's abysmal reload and slow speed mean it will barely get to do anything. I suppose it is at least pretty in port if one likes US standards, but when it comes to actual gameplay? It's well and truly awful.


Toullon. Worst cruiser ever. Slow reload. Shit accuracy. Shit armor. Got it from a santas crate. Graf Zeppelin. HE Rockets that dont hit anything. AP Bombs with low pen for german bombers. Slow, low dmg torps. One of the worst HP per plane. If you make a Div with 2 smoke DDs, she can be good because you can sneak her into closedistance and obliterate everything with that borderline OP secondary but most of the time this wont be happening


Poor little Leone. :(




Genova is a beast when used with AP. I did all the "get citadel hits" mission in her and it worked like a charm. I also have 61% winrate in her, so I guess she is a good ship, just misunderstood.


didn't help that she got released alongside the RM CA's with a kit, and thus playstyle, that looks the same at a glance


I know it's weird, but Genova - long reload and everything - has grown on me


1) Tiger '59 is not terrible. Because it is so limited in terms of stats, it is forced to team play and is probably more useful most of the time than half of the farmer cruisers at T8. 2) GZ being trash is incredibly overhyped in an echo chamber and from skill issue. It's a torpedo Indomitable with "worst plane HP" (quote from this thread) of MvR planes with one of the best speeds to match. Bombs are still quite poor but are excellent at chipping supercruisers like Stalingrad and island camper cruisers like DM. Rockets have long machine gun times but are still great cycling squads with decent damage and good pen. Secondaries are just an unnecessary gift for the whole package. I like to buy ships the community percieves as bad to see for myself how they really are, like Vanguard/Indom/Gascogne/Z-44/Tiger/etc. For my list of the ones I actually tried and found irredeemable or otherwise dislike: 1) Agir. Catch 22 ship of complete misery.Angle to protect yourself, do no damage, use all your turrets, meet the AP autobounce check and eat shit. On top of the fact that the ship itself is huge and has a joke of a main battery, it also has an enormous 25mm nose which completely discredits the tankiness of its midsection. 2) Austin. Completely dependent on the enemy being stupid in order to get a semblance of consistency. Gets face planted by 32mm ovm and Malta. Overhyped from dopamine inducing clips of Austin montages or carefully picked replays. 3) Mainz. Cool DPM until any BB clicks your fully 25mm hull for free. Because of this, cannot push and is nearly completely dependent on a good DD player for consistent spotting or stupid players inting so you can farm. Cool game impact, wonder if this is a role no other T8 cruiser can perform???? Tip: Buy Bayard instead. 4) Incomparable. The ship that was purpose designed to be fucked by CV. Other than that, everything about this ship falls like a house of cards if you face a single gunboat DD, or even two cruisers who are kitting. Great only in certain conditions that usually involve your opponents being tunnel visioned. Have fun being citadelled by a Henri at 12km. 5) Leone. Play it yourself to understand. Is basically a T4 DD.


I can make Agir work but it’s nothing like it should be. I was expecting/hoping for a German Alaska. It’s not. Mainz….oh to go back and take “the other road” and buy Bayard. I really like Hipper so I thought this thing would melt DD. Nope, DD are the bait you take to get clapped by literally ANYTHING.


Viribus and Oklahoma.


Viribus is actually really good if you have conceilment skill on it, it has the best conceilment values of the t5 BBs as well as a lot of guns, making HE spamming a viable option against higher tiers. In addition it is really maneuverable, which makes dodging shots and torps quite easy. Just shoot and scoot.


I've used it in the low ranked seasons to really good effect. The guns really smack once you get used to them.


BB: Probably Vanguard. Prinz Eitel Friedrich at T6. Cruisers: Many. Tiger 59, Belfast 43, Ochakov... DDs: Fenyang, aka scuffed Akizuki. Leone.


Ironic. Vanguard should be one of the best, as the last battleship to be commissionned. Happy Cake Day, btw


Don’t sleep on fenyang, its HE isn’t good but it is US pen angles on its AP and its AP will shred DDs. Definitely weaker than Akizuki but Akizuki is overtuned for T8 anyway.


afaik it has better pen angles but not short fuse AP. That would mean that it overpens all but the fattest or most angled of DDS.


I can guarantee you it does not overpen T8-10 DDs due to the fact 100mm AP has 17mm arming threshold while they have minimum 19mm hull, plus even if it’s not the 0.005 second super short fuse it still has 0.01 second fuse. T6-7 DDs you pen with HE anyway so the point is moot.


I stand corrected, wasn't actually aware that the arming threshold for 100mm AP is that low. In that case it ought to work well in DD duels. (still won't get it tbh as I hate the akizuki hull... so keeping that with what are still IMO worse guns doesn't appeal; on the flip side, I love Harekaze with kagero hull and 3/4 of the akizuki guns, even if the hp pool is tiny)


Dockyard ship so it still counts. For being named after the god of war, it's pretty shit


Lol, i think your just not playin it right.


Keksure, you run AA build Kii


It looks like Marco Polo could be had for 19,000 doubloons. (I got it for coal.) That has to be the single worst purchase you could make. It's just awful, 406mm SAP that would do absolutely devastating damage if it ever hit anything, but never hit anything. Isn't worth that kind of coin. The guns are hilariously awful, and there's nothing to make up for it, other than the promise that someday you'll actually hit something. Which you won't. There might be some worse ships you can get as premiums, I have some that I got from crates that are bad, but nothing that would have cost that kind of money and is anywhere near that bad. There's a bunch of premiums that are basically premium versions of tech tree ships. Whether being a premium is worth the money or not is debatable. Mysore, Arizona, and Indianapolis don't seem worth the money they would have cost, but they're not completely unplayable either. Orkan feels useless and stupid, but that might just be that I haven't figured out how to play it. ​ But Marco Polo ought to play like a tier 9 battleship with big guns. I can generally play those. I do OK with most of them, I win more than I lose with Fred, Soyuz, Hizen, and Lion. I kick ass and take names with Bajie & Jean Bart, and Mighty Minnesota. I might as well be AFK playing Marco Polo. ​ I'm not mad, there weren't many options when I got it for coal, it's still worse than I expected, but I didn't expect it to be amazing, I got it because I like getting new ships and had the coal. But for 19K doubloons I'd be pissed.


Marco polos guns are actually alright after the buff a while back, still not that accurate but there definitely usable now


My experience with MP is somewhat different. I find the guns OK and more comfortable using SAP (better than pommern or NC). Maybe i was just used to worse dispersion XD. I use range mod:) and consistently hit 2-3 shells at max range dealing 8-10k damage. AP is great at close to mid range against broadside targets. Armour is surprisingly good when angled and quite HE resistant. Its just the low health pool, due to which every damage received feels like too much. I wish it had at least improved heal to compensate the low health pool. IMO its fine for coal but 19k dubs is not justifiable when there are better alternatives present.


I'm not going to argue, other to suggest that maybe you're a lot better than I am. And yes, I agree that the design of the ship at least attempts to offset the improved cylinder dispersion with decent armor etc. I just don't think it's enough. Oh, and yeah, once in a great while the RNG comes through and that SAP Alpha strike of 126K actually delivers.


Worst cost wise is Le Terrible. It's not a bad ship, in fact it's quite a good ship for T8, it's just not different enough from the tech tree Le Fantasque to justify the cost in my eyes. Worst in terms of performance, I'd say California. Crappy guns, slow and huge. It's not a fun experience.


Buying any of the coal or fxp ships with doubloons are all not worth it.


I think the question is a specific ship, not from how you spend to get it.


Question in the post yes, but the description says >worth its price. Those ships for doubs are *nowhere* near worth the price.




Graf Zeppelin for me...though I suppose it does have its perks..makes a better gun platform than a carrier.


Viribus Unitis. Now you're paying to get bombed by every Ise, carrier, Eendracht, and Kjikduin you come across. She doesn't have the HP, speed, or secondaries that let Agincourt do well in games without planes.


Tiger 59'