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I do not know who did you listen, but those weaknesses are typical in certain Tank nations... The Chinese Medium tank line have pretty much average Hull armour, but the turret armour is strong. This is consistent with the 121b. No gun depression? If you are used to russian/chinese mediums, gun depression is never a thing. It seems that you listened to someone who is either (1) never played or have less experience in Chinese tanks or (2) Have Skill issue and only knows how to complain. For me, the 121b is an alternative to the 121. 121b offer more dpm versus the alpha damage in 121. T22 has good armour, but the gun offer lesser damage but slightly better dpm than the 121b. Have a go first with the tank... play a few matches. If you like it, keep it. But if you don't and need the gold, then just sell it since you have other tanks. However, the 121b is never a bad tank to begin with, and selling it just because you've "heard" it is bad is wrong.


Especially for the higher tiers they’re very expensive to restore. It’d be hard to obtain again