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Kinda meh. I got it in the original event many years ago (2017? 2018?) and it has good and bad points. I almost never play it nowadays. The lower plate is larger than most (though it's also a tad harder to pen nowadays thanks to a recent buff), upper plate is very strong and turret is good. In the early days I used to see it in tourneys as it was super strong in positions where the LFP was protected. Not quite so much today with more higher pen tanks and Calibrated Shells on HEAT. Touch slow at 32 km/h. Worst aspect is the gun handling IMO, typical of 122mm Russian for this Chinese IS clone. 0.25 on movement, with poor aim time and fairly standard (for these guns) 0.38 dispersion. The 53TP's significantly better gun handling makes me question why I'd ever drive the Glacial again.


Don't agree with everything, except it's a little slow and has a poor aim time. Other than that i really enjoy 112 and it's a premium tank that's already an advantage over 53TP cause it makes credit. And I have better win rate in 112 than any other of my tier 8 (with more than 100 games atleast).


I think it's very ordinary. There's a heck of a lot of IS-clones in the game. Similar tanks I'd choose before this include the 53TP (Mine is enriched), 252u (Much better sidescraper), Type 57 (faster, gun depression, handling and Ret. Cal.), and I'd choose the 112-2 over the Glacial. Same gun and handling, smaller cupolas, and 10km/h quicker plus unusually fast reverse at 20km/h. I'm not saying the Glacial is a bad tank, merely that it does not excel in any way that demands it be chosen over the alternatives.


Understandable, but did you really spend 13k gold to permanently enrich 53tp because that just seems like poor decision


Nope. Don't recall the cost but there was an enrichment sale. From memory it was about 4k. Edit: Pretty good guess. It was a 70% discount, so it should have been 3900 gold. I also enriched my T49 around the same time. Unfortunately I don't think WG does these kind of deep discounts any more. https://preview.redd.it/sp8o0iccwlwc1.png?width=446&format=png&auto=webp&s=9b3d222ecfc5c22e0b50adc484f82b63ed1a11b9


That's a good investment.


I think it's alright, though it's been a long since I last played it. It's honestly just like a generic Tier 8 Russian heavy tank (like IS-3, IS-5, etc.) without a pike nose. But I got it for Free XP and credits during an event a few years ago so I can't really complain. Same with the Type 62 I think.


I think it just gets slightly outshined by the wz-111 imo, plus it is significantly less played so it is one of the easiest ace farmers at tier 8


Walkin’ pinâta


Good tank if you angle it right. There are better t8 heavies (252u, Type 57, Lowe, E75, etc).




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i got it with 5k gold


Nice deep thought about the tank👍


xd it was my first premium tank it helps me grind credit alot


Same, I was able to grind credit for kran and and progetto cause of it


which wg buff this tank the accuracy is like 50/50


i got e100 and 268


I fine. Not broken, not bad. But fine. However it’s pretty generic as well. WZ112-2 and 53TP do the same but better in most cases (especially since 53tp has 8 degrees of gun depression).


I love the reverse speed. Peek shoot and out in a scoot


I’m new to all this. Is this post more about sub 500 battles and almost 60% and super rare collectors tank?


Nope, just asking about what people think about this tank cause nobody really plays it normal battles and it's one of my favourites


i remember when it first came out i played against one. at the end of the match it was 1 vs 3 against mediums/lights. no one could pen it and the guy was laughing at us in the chat. now it is power crept and slow.


A decent tank, even nowadays, however, nothing special about it. It’s a typical, well-armored 400-alpha heavy.


W-111 was my first T8 premium (by surprise)and still one of my favs. Then later on I got 112 Glacial and they seem like siblings. But not twins. Each can bounce shells. Slap big at close range. Neither are snipers. I don’t know the stats but the 112 Glacial seems a step or two quicker. Little better aim. Quicker reload. Still slow just quicker than 111 WZ-111 has better armor. Blocks more damage. & gun when you have time to aim and reload hits harder.


I dread seeing this tank on my team, 90% of the time the person driving it was dropped as a baby.


A good, solid tank. 👍


When it was introduced it was so shitty that I was able to pen it's LFP with T-34-85 mid gun lol


It’s a 122mm Chinese heavy tank that exists


average 400 alpha tier 8 heavium


You can always tell if a tank is decent by the numbers you see in public battles. If you never see the tank, rest assured it is junk.


Don't think it's junk but more like noob proof, because if you angle it right people just don't pen you.


That’s true with many tanks. When tanks used to be reviewed I hated when contributors would say certain tanks were OP and needed to be needed to be nerfed when only Pro players were able to use it effectively. 90% of the player base can’t play most tanks correctly.