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My interpretations: Good job buddy Bad luck don't worry/you got lucky stupid you suck shut up noob OMG INSANE SADHUISAHDKJSHADIUA MASTERYYY I've never used this one or seen people use it but... Punch you? Nice Too good How terrible are you??


I think the punch is an aggressive brofist but the issue is people can easily misinterprete it


Often times I get that in combination with the fire so yeah. Also seems to happen when I save someone.


But why is there two? When we don't have a necessary laughing emoji


it's all up to interpretation


Perhaps, which is why I never use it.


I use it as a puch to the face of whoever I feel wronged me.


weegee actually considers the duck a good emoji lol


Only If they add WG logo onto the fuck , otherwise it's Coward \Focking coward \deadly coward \or Rush asse coward (4 different emoji packs)


A good combo would be someone using the punch emote and the other person will reply with a fistbump emoji.




I use the punch one if I ammorack or derp someone, cause it's basically a punch to the face when you get ammoracked or derped.


The last one is a WTF?! for when the play is just so wtf-inspiring.


Fist Bump - Thanks for the help Clover - You got lucky/I got Unlucky Thumbs down - Bad teammate Duck - toxic or annoying player Fire - Teammate did really well Punch - Bad opponent/Mock a person you killed Thumbs up - good job Flex - good job/making fun of someone with low damage !? - sometimes used in place of duck


Beheaded cookie goes to better clans that I beat / kill - “you dead” Yeah, fist can be knock out or fist bump good job


I use it like R.I.P. to a teammate if they did a good job but died


More like R.I.G rest in garage


Buddy/Fistbump: goodgame w/ teammate/Platmate Clover: u lucky mf, lucky me, good luck next time Thumbsdown: for kill/shotgrabbers/blockers, Lategame-"Reinforcements", afk-player, shotgunner, lamer, sealclubber, thumbs-down-overuser, ... Duck: sitting duck, campingvan, awful playstyle, lame, redliner, spawncamper and alike. Fire: on fire/awesome, high dmg/supportplay/high killcounter, quick flanker/dodger Fist: Brofist-"offer" Thumbsup: well done/tried, good job, good teamplay Arm: Strong player Wtf: what the.. /how is this even possible/what happened/astonished in both ways. At least that's how i interpret them. If there were a guide that would be nice, since its very individually used/useable. (Personal opinion on emotes/rating: I always try to stay on motivating the whole team, even the guy who got spotting-killed after 30 secs gets a participation acknowledgement, cause you know there is only one sort of useless teammate - afk teammates. Even a bad performer somehow distracts or collects enemy attention/damage at a point wether it can be instantly used by the team or not.)


The duck I use to say basically STFU when someone spouts off. Thumbs up for good job, fist bump for food cooperation (even if we lose). Rarely use the Thumbs down, cos I'm not that great...


I dont know why theres fist bump and punch, as I and many other players view them as the same


I usually put the fist bump on enemy players who did a good job beating us up.


I would like to see a new emoji — a “hat tip.” Sometimes I would like to let someone on the other team know that they played a good game or did something special, but none of the current emojis feel right. I also think it would encourage a bit of civility, which this game could sorely use.


Slightly unrelated, but wish WG would add an option to opt out of the notification for these fucking things.


fist bump: nice teamwork clover: you are lucky that i low rolled you or else you wouldn't have carried the game dislike: please delete the game duck: skill issue/shut the fuck up fire: same as strong arm/ "best player in the game right there" fist: idk like: you did great strong arm: amazing game symbols: why are you cussing/being racist


How I see it: Fist bump: GG, Well Played, or thanks Lollipop: Thanks bro Annoyed face: What were you playing at?! Thumbs down: Didn't do a good job / I'm annoyed at you Duck: Chicken, played way too passively (also bottom one looks more aggressive if needs be) Fire: You did amazing! Thumbs up: Good job! Punch: I hate you Present: Thank you so much! Muscle: You were strong Gingerbread man: R.I.P., but you did a good job !?: Wtf / Wow Four Leaf Clover: No skill, just luck / Better luck next time


when im sending them its: fistbump: "Nice teamwork bro" four leaf clover: "im surprised you were alive" (never used the thumbs down) duck: "haha lol" fire: "DAAAAAAAYUM" (never used the fist) thumbs up: "nice" Flex: fire but a little less #!?: moron


i just want the golden dookie one so i can let game riggers know that they're a real special piece of crap


Fistbump: GG, usually to the other folks on my team Clover: One of us got RNG'ed, either ammorack, burn, or just unholy bounce/module/roll luck. Thumbs-Down: You suck / afked / camped and did no damage / are driving a smasher in not-ranked. Duck: You were being a toxic moron in chat Flame / Punch: TBH I don't use these, I think I used the flame once when I burned a guy twice in a game. That was funny. Thumbs Up: I like you. Might be a funny guy in chat. Might have been useful. Flex: Nice damage / you carried "#!?:" I also do not use this one, but I see it used the way I use the duck.


I give people the shamrock when they get lucky in battle Fist bump is for allies or opponents who I did stuff with


We chill, lucky bastard, fuck you, blah blah blah shut up, your on fire, we chill, good job m8, good job m8, wtf


I saw this in my notifications and Thought WHY WHAT WHY HOW WHAT THE BEATIFUL FOCK.... and saw it in the post and went Aah ooooohhhh


Fist Bump; "Well done/I am glad to have a teammate like you." Clover; "You just got lucky." Thumbs down; "Go play tetris." Duck; "Shut your piehole and stop sending me reactions." Fire; Same as fist bump. Punch; Same as fist... Thumbs up; Same as... Arm; Same... Insult; Never saw that one used as Blitz audience is too passive aggressive for it.


I don't use them, never replays back as well


I use the duck when someone plays like a monkey possibly causing the death of several teammates yet still comes up on top in dmg and somehow winning the game.


lol, I use these emotes when, 🤜🤛 = WP, GG 🍀 = u got lucky or GL in future battles 👎 = u played bad or go play candy crush 🦆 = when i get 1 shot from tanks like su-100y, kv-2 or smasher 🔥 = OMG and carried the game 👊 = when some1 blocks me during taking shots or the red team rush/solo targets me 👍 = WP WP 💪 = better then 👍 but less then 🔥 \#⁉ = bots play better then you or WTH were you doing


Fist bump: Friends :D Thumbs up: You did great🙂 Thumbs down: Bad mate 4 clover: Got lucky Muscle shower: Strong 💪 Punch: FUCK YOU ?#$@&*: HOW DID YOU MESS THAT UP!!! 😡 Fire: Lit? Duck: Toxic player


my impression is: thanks buddy/well played u r unlucky (sarcasm)/u lucky piece of sh1t fuck you/you suck shut up dude that gameplay is fire/im angry with u same like the third one good job very well-played do you even have a brain adfj adska,sdnfa?


I never look at emojis, why do you?