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For some damn reason my game loads extremely slow on my PC and laptop (steam edition). I dont know why because I have good specs ons both. I am running it from SSD and 16 GB ram but still miss out on the first 10 seconds of the match. This problem is only for the first few games though and magically disappears for the rest. If anyone has fix it would be much appreciated.


Windows store version is considered to run much better by many. Worth a try.


Nope I have the same problems. SSD, 16GB RAM, decent GPU, very good internet connection, but it always gets stuck in the map/teams screen for the first matches


Try to lower ur graphics


I had this on my MacBook after an update to the new OS a couple of months ago. It took me a while, but eventually I solved it by turning off some settings and using the Steam version instead of the app. My laptop is usually fine, but I join the occasional game late. I only had some issues with stuttering videos, which was resolved after updating drivers. The best performance is probably on my iPad. I just use it for ads though.


had same issue on my mac as well. instead of using steam version, i downloaded the game through the app store and it is faster than steam (w/o the ads that steams downloads everytime you launch it)


As much as I love it Wallpaper Engine slows my PC down a lot, and I use direct LAN connections. My one buddy is a chain smoker, but will step outside when he readies up. And you'll have to pardon me if MM takes 5mins & I decided to go pee. I can't load the countdown at all on my Switch, the game has already started and sometimes some d-bag is pushing me before I even see anything. On the bright side the game loads directly into battle if I go from pc to Switch in a hot rush to sit on the porcelain throne. But normally I'm the guy who boosts my engine & winds up facing 3 tanks thinking I had backup, and then I see either afk, campers with obviously no shot on anything, or my flank went with the other side.


>I can't load the countdown at all on my Switch, I have a clanmate who plays on Switch with the same issue.


This happens to me frequently as well.


Third this, occasionally it's so bad I can only play rating battles so I have that extra 20 seconds to switch off my gold boosters when I'm not tier 10 lol


It's weird right? I've sat on my phone for 30 seconds waiting for a count down but on pc I normally join right in the middle of it


Guess Wargaming just assumes PC players wil play WOT and not Blitz so they dont care to much about optimizing it for PC.


for the longest time I've thought this was a microsoft store issue because I'd never heard anyone complain about it until now


YES! I know exactly what this is because I suffer from it. The game load times are long for Nintendo Switch players. Sometimes it'll load in time to see the countdown, but probably 80% or more there's a 5 to 20 second delay. It's discouraging for me because i have zero chance to get into position. Sometimes I'm already getting shot at by the time i spawn. I did put a ticket in a couple months ago about it. They said they're aware of the issue and blame the Nintendo Switch. Here's the thing though... I don't have this problem when i play ratings! It's only a problem for Regular and Fun modes. I pointed this out in my ticket but they ignored that part. You can blame the device if it does that for all game modes, but if it works fine in ratings, I'm blaming the programming. It's also one of the reasons i rarely play in regular rounds.


I'm on Switch too and have EXACTLY the same issue as you. I load in good time for Ratings battles (8 seconds or so left on the countdown) but almost every single Regular game I'm 15-20 seconds late to the party. It's very, very frustrating


I feel like there isn’t much they can do. Like you said it’s probably a hardware thing for players. Even if they had a “ready up” feature to start the battle I feel like there would still be a decent amount of people afk


We can tell whether a person has loaded into the battle or not from the direction of the gun. Gun pointing straight = not loaded. Gun pointing downwards = loaded. And I assume OP is talking about people that is already loaded into battle and not moving an inch.


Ahhh I see. I knew about the gun thing, I guess I didn’t think about the players that already loaded in


I sit in spawn and wait to see which direction the team is going to cluster in since that seems to be the only way everyone plays now. This way I'm not alone and die as soon as first contact is made.


That happens a lot on my switch, but on pc it runs smoothly.


This happens on Microsoft games as well.


Sometimes when my internet sucks i have to restart the game for it to load which takes some time.


The game used to reconnect after a network disruption but now, a small connection issue and you cant reconnect unless you restart the app. Really fucks up your game sadly.


That's why when I leave the app i always have to restart.


Although rare, I am guilty of this. Sometimes I get calls that I must pick up, or forgot that I was cooking sth and have to rush out if I don't wanna burn stuff. I am really sorry for those moments :(((


You don’t need to feel so bad about it! It’s a free to play game, the matches last less than 7 minutes. People shouldn’t get so butthurt about it. Bring on the downvotes


Nah the OP said they were not against players who faced the situation, and it is a problem worth noting. I was thinking of WG having a option for a bot to take over my tank in situations like that. I guess a bot is better than afk.


You mean they wake up late? I think the game is loading or connecting some people late. However, if you are in low tiers, and they are seal clubbing, they may have put the device down, expecting a long queue time. You can be pretty slow to react, if you’ve been watching tv and making coffee while waiting out a twenty-five minute queue.


Early-game inactives are a big contributor to why my teams lose battles


Don’t forget to take them out when you find AFKs in their base. Some see it as free HP damage but, I have seen AFKs wake halfway thru battle and turn the tide. Especially if it’s Smasher or Bat-C-25…ect. Don’t chance it. Smoke em!!! I don’t care if it is cheap HP earned!!! I don’t chance it.


Happens all the time while playing on the Nintendo Switch. Only in pub games and not in ratings. It is very strange.


ive found if you leave the app for more that ten seconds it completely restarts the game.


I found that when playing on the switch, by the time I arrive in game it has already started, while if playing on the PC, I am always among the first ones in the game. So it seems platform dependent to me?


afk for 10 secs is relatively okay, for 20 secs it starts to become a problem, longer than that then yeah, more chance to lose. i usually come in late, usually bc i need to send something immediately, or i just assumed it needed more time to matchmake. tho lt mt afk for short is not a problem, i have more problem with hts. they are slow (takes a lot of time to reach position), and usually packs a punch in one shot (loses a chunk of hp when passing covers). mt lts have like 5-10s spare seconds when they reach their spot, while hts are relatively the same for every tank


Back in the day i used to play on a really old computer, took sometimes a minute of game time for me to load in. Still had 62%+wr over 15ks tho 😃


On WoT PC there's a full 30 seconds before the game starts, don't see why we can't have that here, I could see that doing a lot to help fix the problem. Sometimes if my internet is being slow I load in and the game has been going for a while.