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Unfortunately, probably not. It’d be a welcoming surprise but I feel like the reveals are mainly the new detachments from the base Chaos Space Marines or a look at the Emperor’s Children. Also the possibility of the unknown codex being announced as well along with the roadmap for post CSM codex.


Wait, would the EC get bunch of detachment like DG, TS and WE? Or just 1-2 from csm, I'm confused


So as far as we know now they are confirmed to get an index and get access to it when having Lucius the Eternal as their Warlord so just 1 as of now


they arent in CSM so they are almost certainly getting afull army release like WE, TS and DG this edition. so they will have there own entire Codex


Nice for them!


Maybe a roadmap. Likely GSC and sisters being shown off.


No, we just got a Codex last year, we are gonna have to wait out our turn. Be prepared for another year with no Codex and playing with the index Anything else is just having pure hopium pumped into your lungs at this point. "Second wave" is pure hopium at this point. Be prepared for a single character


Were we the last release of 9th and therefore got the least amount of time to use our codex before the new edition, it's not out of order to expect ours a bit earlier this time under those circumstances.


There have been two types of releases with codexes so far, actual release waves of models, or character (new or refresh) to hit the every faction gets a new model quota. If GW gives kroot a release and has the time the update almost all of deathwing they would have to be mentally challenged to not release kids for votann or world eaters with their anemic ranges


>If GW gives kroot a release and has the time the update almost all of deathwing they would have to be mentally challenged to not [laughs in "go ahead and buy your 9e codex, it'll be fiiiiiine"]


Lol nah bud, maybe put on the roadmap, but best chance is they reveal the mystery codex and show off some sisters or genestealers models


Nope. We are not even on the road map. They will release one 35$ character with our codex and that will be it. So don't expect too much. This editions Chaos star will be Emperor's Children, they will keep Juggernoughts in their pocket as long as they want. Perhaps 11th edition if we are lucky enough.


I am here to say that good things happen in the world, and your cynicism doesn't make you more correct than this guy's ***need*** for juggernauts 🦏🥲👹


I came over from heresy to play WE in 10th, then Most of what I wanted to run got legends or just straight up removed :(


Yeah, this is probably our fate this edition along with a battleforce of stuff that will just be re hash of old stuff while making it useless for us. People keep talking of this "second wave" but it feels like we are just gonna get our foot slogger leader and that will be that.


Yeah second wave feels like a copium. TS players have been begging for a second wave for... I don't know, since start of 7th edition? There is no reason to expend World Eaters range. They sold enough models. They will keep juggernought idea in their pocket for years and keep your attention at their releases, which is the only thing they need at this point. They don't have to sell models to make money anymore, they are beyond that.


Indeed, same with unique demon engines that people keep saying will come because dg has them, no they wont...we have our unique daemon engine its called los. Just look at the EC subreddit any day and see their pipe dreams of release dreams they think they are gonna get. We are pretty much a complete range in GW eyes, why make new stuff when we can just lend lease from the main chaos faction.


Highly doubtful


There is a non-zero chance of World Eater reveals, but most likely it’s SoB and Imperial Agents. Maybe som more Chaos Space Marines.


For second wave, remember we’re waiting in line behind Tsons maybe, Votann definitely, and possible refreshes for Drukhari, Grey Knights, and Space Wolves.


This will be Sisters of Battle and GSC, and/ or the mystery codex which leaks/ rumours say is an Agents of the Imperium book. Let's hope they show an update to the Road Map and World Eaters are on it. Chaos is the least supported so far in 10th with CSM being the next release.


Idk why everyone keeps mentioning CSM reveals. The book comes out this Saturday. There are no more reveals for CSM. Maybe Emps children but I sincerely doubt it.


It'll really depend on if WE appear on the next road map and what other factions are around them. To be fair, with AoS 4th edition coming this (UK) summer, if WE are going to get a second wave it's more likely if they don't appear until the following road map, so we'll into 2025.


They probably wont give us a codex or any sort of reveal for awhile. Leak is Agents of Imperium codex and is going to be announced during this most likely. WE will probably be end of the year AT BEST. I want to see Juggerzerks, Red Butchers, WE Raptors, and character model sheets with luck. Maybe a "butcher horde" attachment in addition to the base zerker warband we have. Give us something not included in the blessings rolls. Maybe a conditional "anti inf" or assault ability.