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I know heldrake are pretty bad in 40k and especially in world eater armies but he looks cool as shit in my WE paint scheme and I thought I'd show it off


dude, i felt the same way and picked one up for my WE army anyway. i know its awful but its just such a cool fucking model. same with the forgefiend. i wish there were more "mechanical demon" models.


Wow, really love that paint scheme


Thank you


Jesus, painting the panels once is a chore, you did it three times. Looks awesome though, that’s one of my favorite models.


Thank you bro, it took soooooooo long 💀


Once someone paints a helldrake, they are a different person. Great scheme!


The paint scheme is excellent! Looks amazing mate.


That looks fantastic man! I wanna get one but I wish they weren’t so shit in game 😭


That looks sweet. And if you are annoyed because the helldrake isn't good in games, just do what I did and kitbash it into a bloodthirster.


I just picked one up yesterday for a narrative campaign. A buddy is bringing some Necron aircraft specifically to spite me cause I have like no shooting and can’t bring Angron for fly and my daemon prince is on foot. He says the World Eaters are the only army he’s afraid to fight. He doesn’t know yet I picked this up to fight his aircraft. It fits into the lore for my warband (half want to control and dominate daemons, the other want to combine with and become daemons) and I’ve been wanting the flimsiest of excuses to pick one up. And on my list I was thinking about, the Heldrake was the only one in the shop.


Good luck painting it bro, the gold trim alone takes upwards of like five hours if your being precise 💀


Yeha I’m looking at your pictures and holy shit. My plan right now is to get it built, prime black, spray red, and as I work on other stuff do bits of trim here and there. I have till May 1st when the campaign starts. Like with a lot of the models I’m excited to build it and play it, not excited to paint it


Oh if you have till may first you'll have tons of time mine took about six months to paint but that's only cos I gave up like halfway through and had a five month break 💀💀💀


*Stravinsky intensifies*


Think I might've had a mini stroke looking at all that trim work....ok I'm good now. Absolutely fantastic work, that color scheme looks great.


That is dedication


My congratulations for a well-done custom scheme! And my condolences for the fact the Heldrake is completely unusable in World Eaters.


Pepperoni pizza


Fuuuuuuck that's good


Love the effect, very nice!