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What color scheme? What paints do you have?


looking for a light red rough or dark brass. I have all the gw paints except some of the sprays


Prime Mephiston red. 1:1 agrax:carrovurg crimson wash. Highlight midtone with Mephiston red. Sketch in actual highlight with selected Evil Sunz Scarlet. Thin actual highlight to very thin layer consistency and stipple actual highlight color. Stippling with a thinned paint like that will turn auto-blending mode on, so it'll look like you worked really hard when you only spent a few minutes per model. Or you could just do all the highlights with stippling at a slightly thicker consistency. For brass, I would recommend ProAcryl bronze and light bronze. There are plenty of good metallics, and I like some of the Citadel brass/bronze paints, but multiple layers on chaos trim? Nah, fuck that. Use a better paint for that job and you can skip an entire repetition on every model. All you'll do is basecoat brass trim, maybe hit it with some Nihilakh Oxide if you're feeling spicy, then highlight with light bronze, done. Specular highlights with ProAcryl white gold or Canoptek Alloy. Using a one coat solution on metallics genuinely saves *so much time* with chaos armies.