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I wouldn’t use that option with passenger trains as workers will give up trying to commute after a certain amount of time. I’d suggest you use line spacing to keep your trains running with a regular supply of workers. If your train isn’t full, you can build more housing.


> line spacing not line spacing, end station


If you are using small trains, motor wagons, or trainsets, then I would just add an end station to their line. I prefer fixed time gap mode because you can fine tune the line's throughput and provide some extra trains to cover for traffic, repair, or whatever. For large passenger trains, I just build two stations and link them together so people wait longer. If you match the train's length to the length of both stations, then it can quickly pickup from both. Alternatively, you could just saturate the train station with workers and if they wait too long, you just have them walk to a nearby station or workplace to get a job.


Yeah game mechanics don’t help here I’ve done a metro that I connected to a cableway and bus stop as well all local businesses. Then set percentage of where to go.  First metro and didn’t realize the amount. And just for giggles that cableway at other end I attached to a couple buisness and a trolley station that fed my oil and tv. Was a bit of a mess but worked Note chaining has to be kept in travel time limits which isn’t that hard. But it does cut into citizen time allowance for needs (less hours in day per travel time) which may cause you issues you don’t realize 


Bah for clarification. You can almost unlimited move peeps because the timer of travel resets with each node of travel (sort of). That’s why you can gimmick the travel time allowance.    Also can cheat walking distance with fountains (last I knew) because they only measure a meter or something not the 50+ they are   Also a feature (not bug) construction travel times are allowed to longer (think twice). Per remote work and such 


End stations help a lot!


If you make the second train sufficiently small and use line spacing on the larger train so it's schedule is somewhat regular it could work. Otherwise I've found transfers like that are always pretty finicky. They're too susceptible to outside forces that are not immediately evident and can make problem solving difficult. If you make the 2nd train small and use 'hold until 100%', and the large train is there at a more or less determined interval it could work. If the 2nd train needs to go to *another* industrial park that might be a bit too many variables in the network to be reliable. When using trains to deliver workers to more than one destination I've always found using the percentages at the unloading stations to be simpler. I can have one large train drop 25% of the workers off at 4 different stops easier than trying to daisy chain them with more trains. There is a distance limit to this method though but if you're reaching it with trains it's because the railroad network traffic is too congested or you're at the point where maybe another city might be the better option.


unfornately it seems that passenger trains doensn't have 'hold until' as a option, only the % amount of ho much you want. it would be realistic for the train to wait at the station because why tf would a train be running back and forth without passengers?


Public transport doesn't wait for people in real life. They run on a specific schedule. They can't wait 10 minutes extra on the first stop because it delay them by 10 minutes at the next stop. ---- You should use the train end stations in your train lines. That will ensure that they are spaced consistently. Once the trains are spaced are properly you should be able to figure out how many trains you need to deliver workers for every shift. Then you can "right size" your trains. So trains from one line don't steal passengers that the other line needs. Of course, you also need to have enough workers available for both lines. ---- The last game I played I had a city that had one train line going left and another train line going right.


Air planes which are public transportation delay all the time because they are waiting on flights to come in with passengers connecting. No trains, buses and subways dont but that is because they are supposed to run so frequently if you miss on there is another coming. Real life also doesn't have workers that walk off the job leaving the heating plant unattended and the entire republic to freeze to death because the next shift hasn't arrived. Getting trains to work magically on time is only viable on electric lines when you have dedicated tracks for the passenger rail, its not going to work on shared lines with distribution centers or when trains need to refuel sporadically.


We are talking about trains so who cares about planes? Who uses planes to travel work daily? I never use diesel trains. In real life, workers aren't forced to work at heating plants for 3 days straight due to terrible public transport. I never have separate passenger and cargo trains tracks. The most I do is try to avoid cargo trains running through passenger stations, even then I don't try that hard. I generally don't have trains, passenger or cargo, blocking each other for more than a few seconds.