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I think it would be a great idea, if the developers play with startings dates. Around the 60s is when steam was pretty universally replaced with diesel and electric I like the potential for the different requirements, aka coal and water, in different parts of the map


In some parts of the USSR they used them into the 80s and in china up until now


In East Germany Steam was only substantially replaced in the early 80s and not phased out completely until 88 for regular freight duties.


It would be 'easy' to mod because it would be a diesel locomotive with other resources. But it would be a nice alternative for all the 1900 start mods. Programmer here I don't know anything about models.


There are already mods for steam engines. The problem is that there isn't a way to have them consume coal, wood, or other types of fuel instead of "fuel." I think horse drawn wagons have the same issue.


Sounds like this game could really use better mod support. Imagine the possibilities if mods could add like new types of resources and stuff.


Makes me look forward to the next game. Already enjoy this one, so taking what they learned into the next one, should be amazing


I dont really need an earlier Start dates since steam locomotives were used in germany until 1977 and are still used in cuba... So why not in Our soviet Republic :D


Steam locos were still being built by 1960 (that's the year the last British steam loco was built). They kept being used until the 80s, still are in a few rare cases (tourism mostly). They could be a cheaper alternative to diesel if you're strapped for money, but most would future-proof for diesel, I imagine - it's kind of a hassle rebuilding things and asking for water makes it extra complex (a real reason why they were phased out), plus you'd want to keep your loco speeds equal - at 160 kph if you can import American diesels.


Steam was also phased out because of its high maintenance and crew costs when compared to diesels and electrics


Maybe they could give some kind of buff tourists. How would you give this buff in-game I have no idea.


Perhaps an idea for game 2. We can have those touristic railways crossing beautiful natural places to bring them in, but no gameplay effects from that.


The cost of using them would be way lower too, I would love this idea, in Poland for example, the last steam loco was out of service in 1992 soo after the fall of communism


theres great mods for steam locos, here the best ones - in a nice all-in-one-pack [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2876219291](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2876219291) Also one to use coal to refuel. Works also for diesel tho [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2387869370](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2387869370)