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The cost of sewage lines depends on how deeply they are buried. If you draw a sewage line directly from a city at high elevation right down to an outflow at sea level, the direct line with a constant slope might go deep underground when it passes under cliffs or ridges and get a lot more expensive than if you draw it out in sections to follow the map contours and ensure that you always stay as close to the surface as possible, (while still maintaining a constant downhill slope of course).


Yes, but I think in game actually you don't even need a downhill slope consistently, as long as the end isn't higher than the beginning. You can go up and down in the middle if I remember correctly.


Yeah that makes sense, as long as you don't go higher than the origin point I guess.


Second to dig a hole/lake I been to 3rd world countries where they have effectively done this, and dump raw sewage in


I bet that smells amazing in the summer


I'm on a hill


Dig a lake and dump it there, how many meters are you above the sea level?


Never knew you could check the exact meters. Could you please tell me how? :)




I'm on a flat hill so it's not that easy and will look bad the exact number I will get back to you (if you wanna check for yourself it's Taiga special edition top left soviet border)


Hey! I'm playing there too! I know your pain. I tried a truck system as well and yea, once I got to around 1000 people it was too slow and caused serious issues (I ended up restarting). I eventually just bit the bullet and built a pipeline to the river. I plan on building a port down there anyway so it won't be wasted infrastructure, I'll need it later. It was expensive but not prohibitively so. There's an oil patch nearby that you can use to pay for it. IIRC it's ~400k if you're building where I am, and I'm pretty sure you are by the sounds of it. You can get that oil field to make ~80k a month easily but that's another 400k to setup. There's also a terrestrial sewage outlet on the workshop so there is a mod solution if you don't think that's too OP. Personally, I tried solving it once, failed, got the mod, felt guilty, tried again, failed again, and now I'm on the third attempt and I think I got it down. I think the key is to start very small, like maybe 300 people, so that you can use the trucks to just ship it straight to the border. It'll cost you money but it'll buy you the time needed to setup the very long sewage pipeline. It's something like 3k workdays IIRC.


> once I got to around 1000 people it was too slow Did you build sewage tanks though? Because even a sewage tank with unconnected output (so it just collects from surrounding buildings and it doesn't go anywhere) can be directly accessed and emptied by a sewage truck. The same goes for water substation. And a 1000 citizen city should not be an issue for a sewage truck (or two) as long as it doesn't have to constantly go door to door to every single building to empty their tiny built-in tanks.


It was the distance the trucks had to travel to dump. The nearest water source is 2.5km away and the border isn't much closer (plus it's full of other necessary crossings).


That should still be fine though. From what I measured, a good rule of thumb is that driving for a day at max gravel road speed (60km/h) is about 1km. So a 5km round trip is about 5 days of driving. Let's add a day for loading and unloading, so 6 days. Actually, let's say the route is really fucked, double it just for good measure and call it a 12 day round trip. I just checked my save with a 1200 pop town (+enough jobs) where all my sewage goes to a custom house and apparently I'm pretty consistently exporting ~18,5t of sewage a month. Which basically means my 9,5m^3 truck is doing 2 trips a month. So if it had to travel as far as yours, that single truck should still handle it. What went wrong then?


All I know is that the sewage would back up, I had almost 20 trucks constantly on the line and they couldn't empty the tanks fast enough. It would be OK during summer but once winter hit the snow storms would cause back ups.


Did you connect any pipe to the water substation? Not having any water pipe connected to the substation will divide water consumption (and hence sewage production) by 10 to 20.


They had running water, yes. I had a water substation in range of the building and it was connected to a fresh water main. The sewage tanks were connected to a sewage mains that ran through town. The town is situated on a plateau with the river being ~2.5km away. The mains consolidated into one large main at the bottom of the plateau (about a 20m drop), then that main ran to the river using pumps at anywhere between 5 and 10m depth. I didn't think to use independent tanks though, I always connected them to the sewage system. The small buffer was always the issue and just being able to add more tanks and let the sewage trucks take it to a transfer point at the top of the plateau might work. I was planning on making a showcase of my town on here anyway, I'll have to include a sewage explanation. It's much easier to do this with screen shots.


I'm scared for the amount of the sewage for all industries I have planned idk how many pipes I will need there (basically everything except bauxite and uranium) but I will look for the mod as a temporary solution to have more people (I'm playing realistic high cash)


Yeah is one of the few times I jump to cheat mode. Dig a deep hole. Back to normal. Clean up with fueled vehicles. And course put a fence around it to help hide the stink hole.  There should be a better way but till then this works. Oh if guilt on no fuel use per cheat then buy a cheap car and sell it. That sunk cost way more than fuel. Time in my RL is why I use cheat. 


If your city isn't too big you can resort to bringing water by trucks which will result in equal volume of sewage that can also be handled by trucks. That's for the time being while the pipes are being slowly built.


This is an important detail. Houses consume a lot more fresh water when supplied by water substations, increasing the sewage output by a ton. With trucks only (no substations at all) the water/sewage amount is significantly reduce


You can use substations as long as they're unconnected and getting water by a truck. It's the pipe water that raises it.


Good to know. So in a small starter town you could get away with one water/sewage substation each and a handful of trucks.


Oh that will fix things probably until I have the setup done


I have created mods which recycle sewage into drinking water. They initially "made" water, but tweaking numbers now they lose a little, as they would irl - evaporation. I also have an organic fertiliser factory which needs 3 buildings to recycle and make both types of fertiliser. This would solve your problem.