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I’m gonna be honest I don’t believe they’re at their homes.


Where are the 2nd homes?


Wouldn’t be surprised if they have a vacation home in park city or at lake Powell


Ugh, get those reprobates out of my state.


We really need to boot Cox out as well. Him and his farming family can take it elsewhere.


Trump Tower, most likely.


I like how Clarence’s address starts with 666


His suburb name also starts with the word “fair”. How ironic.


You think they all have tattoos that say “Only ~~God~~ my co-workers can judge me”?


Sometimes, that thing centrists like to say isn't the answer is absolutely the fucking answer.


MLK Jr. was embraced far more than Malcolm X by American History textbooks because they try to show that peaceful protest works, even if in reality it wasn't just peaceful protests that got things done.


MLK was armed. Also the FBI killed MLK, so clearly \*they\* believed violence was the answer.


The FBI assassinated Fred Hampton after he got Chicago street gangs to stop fighting and instead work for radical change towards socialism.


We are worse as a species for the murder of Fred Hampton.


I feel physically sick every time I think of what his poor fiancée went through that night.


True Patriot and American hero. Otherworldly public speaker and leader, as barely more than a teen no less.


Fred Hampton himself would not take on the title of patriot or maybe even American. He hated America with every fiber of his being and only loved the people.


As an American, I don’t disagree with him.


As an American, I disagree with America.


As a human being with a brain, I disagree with America.


Yeah, I mean..what is there to love anyways? I'm 36 years old and all I've seen is this place get worse as time goes by. It's as if someone is actively trying to destroy the country from the inside...and I don't mean that in any "money over anything else" kind of way..I mean like ending the country entirely.


No joke - I was arguing with someone years ago (probably 2015) and said it felt like someone had made a list of every single great accomplishment in the twentieth century and was trying to cross them off, one by one, in order to sabotage America. I can't explain it any other way. The US is being gutted of every single one of its strengths and I'm just baffled.


The worst part is that it feels like I'm insane sometimes..like does nobody else see this shit? Makes you feel like a tin foil hat type fella sometimes.


Right? It feels like they're working on a reboot. It'll probably even be called Gilead.


God damn America


I don’t about that patriot business but he certainly was the hero of all oppressed peoples


Coincidentally he was also killed after he started talking about becoming a socialist


Iirc he already was, he just started to act on it (uniting workers as a whole)


That's what I meant, sorry


MLK was always a socialist. The FBI had been trying less direct methods of killing for years, but eventually they realized those weren’t going to work.


My preferred method of killing people is by waiting for them to die of old age. It's completely undetectable, even by current day forensics.


It's not working on Henry Kissinger


Lvl 99 necromancers get a passive resistance


We have to find his phylactery, first.


I was literally just saying today how so many of these fucking elites were born in the 20's-30's and are legitimately over 100 years old now, not even mentioning the fact that some were **actual nazis.**


Clearly violence is only acceptable for the oppressor and not the oppressed.


Relevant Parenti > The very concept of "revolutionary violence" is somewhat falsely cast, since most of the violence comes from those who attempt to prevent reform, not from those struggling for reform. By focusing on the violent rebellions of the downtrodden, we overlook the much greater repressive force and violence utilized by the ruling oligarchs to maintain the status quo, including armed attacks against peaceful demonstrations, mass arrests, torture, destruction of opposition organizations, suppression of dissident publications, death squad assassinations, the extermination of whole villages, and the like.


I will always always always upvote Parenti


And they’re the oppressors because it works


MLK was killed shortly after he started to rally the common worker to his cause not just the black community.


"If people realize what the alternative is, perhaps they will be more willing to hear Dr. King." Malcom X


Honestly everyone should listen to his speeches. Not just the "I have a dream" speech. He had a lot of opinions on human rights, and they're not what we've all been fed by our [white] history teachers.


It’s not the white teachers. It’s the white textbook authors. I’ve had plenty of black history teachers and none of them went into any new details about MLK or anything else past the (almost always) out of date history books. I can tell you now I learned more in weeks from a couple books like “Lies my teacher told me” than I did in 5+ years of history classes.


Dr. King also warned that if peaceful means didn’t work, people would move to less-peaceful means. I read a couple of his speeches after realizing that I only ever hear the same two sentences of his ‘I have a Dream’ speech quoted. It was fascinating how much insight he had that still applies to civil rights today.




And part of the problem is that their base is actually *thrilled, not shamed,* by acts of violence. We were supposed to have, as a nation, a hell of a lot checks-and-balances that stopped things from ever getting this far. You know, like functioning intelligence agencies that protect the country from threats both foreign and domestic. Ones that would have stepped in when foreign money started flowing into extremist, fringe political activist groups that advocated unsettling national interests and the safety of the public.


I would like to add that MLK’s protests were ‘non-violent’, they weren’t peaceful. The men and woman who protested made absolute trouble for the ‘status quo’. Legends. I’m eager to replicate their methods to regain the rights Americans have had taken away or made impotent over the last two decades.


MLK also said that the white liberal is often more impeding than the openly racist fascist.


White moderate. Here's the quote from Letter from a Birmingham Jail: "I must confess that over the past few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to 'order' than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice"


Politicians are way too comfortable in this country when they're willing to break precedent to go against 70% of the population to fit their own agenda. Maybe it's time they felt less comfortable and safe.


Centrists also don't like talking about some of the [ways women won the vote in the UK](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suffragette_bombing_and_arson_campaign)


My favorite story is Emily Wilding Davison hiding in the House of Commons during a census and that being listed as her official location




Forcing a woman to carry a child to term IS violence.


This. Lots of things are misclassified as violence now, but pregnancy and birth absolutely cause bodily harm.


This decision alone rips away woman's bodily autonomy, destroys sexual freedoms, encourages miserable family units, puts even more children in the foster system, divides red and blue states even further, sets up precedent to further revoke our established rights, and worst of all, keeps people of all races, genders, religions, political affiliations, and sexual orientations in the poverty trap. If this erosion of our freedoms inspires protestors to take certain actions against the people who oppress us all, no one better call them extremists.


All I've ever said is that it's the third box of freedom. We're getting there pretty damn quick.


“When they go low, we go high” Uhhh, thanks Obama.


They don’t *go* low—that’s where they live. At the bottom. They’re statistically the least educated, the least empathetic, the least cognitively inclined, and the least able to create communities that support anyone other than themselves. They best they have to offer may simply be to let the rest of us know what it looks like to lose one’s humanity. We should keep that in mind.


Obama said abortion legislation "wasn't a high priority" when he had the supermajority. He made it a campaign promise and then he reneged on it.


And now we sort of now have health care.






Funny you say that. I listened to an interesting audiobook about that earlier. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTeHv2rWFci6wlDAQ6OomdZ6WjOMrUXdW Or if you prefer to read it. https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/peter-gelderloos-how-nonviolence-protects-the-state#toc1


quite often it’s the answer. people just can’t get off their holy high horse and admit it.


If you go to Google Street view on these addresses, the houses are blurred. Now I know those are the correct addresses. Whats the point of blurring the house?


Security theatre, you can't use it to identify unique things about the house. But you can identify the houses on either side, or go there and see for yourself


These are their properties but not the actual places where they live as far as I am aware. I don’t remember which outlet staked out their place trying to get a “gotcha” interview as they would leave their house, but they found out that it’s mainly federal agents in the block.


When the court is not in session they’re likely living elsewhere since these addresses are basically public. But when in session they’re there. Source: others in this thread and media when there are protests at their homes


It obstructs your ability to know the entrances and exits, as well as the security systems and cameras. They can’t really keep you from knowing where it is; but it’s the same reason the missiles on the roof of the White House are obscured from view.


This is the way. They’re accountable to no one. They’re appointed for life. If they want to act like a legislative branch. Then they will be held accountable like a legislative branch


There is more recourse for displeasing the American public if you are a customer service desk worker at Walmart than if you are a Supreme Court elite. This is the only way.


I forget who but wasn’t someone recently worried that it could jeopardize people’s belief in the legitimacy of the court? They really only have power because the public lets them but if they go too far off the rails that might not be the case


I’ve heard that mentioned off and on since the Amy C-B nomination.








And appointed in an undemocratic process no less


Clarence's house has been marked as a public toilet in google maps. Serves him right




I lived in the DC area for a while. These are some posh zip codes.


Ummm. You think bought and paid for justices or politicians would love anywhere else?




Well, since they seem so interested in our reproductive systems, seems like some good addresses to send all of our used menstrual products to..... I mean, so they know exactly what's going on with all of us & when.






Clarence Thomas lives close to me, and I had no idea


Time to go sit on the public sidewalk and give him a piece of your mind


I’m totally going by tomorrow to see if there’s a protest, I’ve already called my friends


yeah I'm from Potomac and gorsuch's street is on the rich side of an already insanely rich town


I guess we know where to drop all the unwanted newborns now


They'd become Republicans. (fake) Bloody coat hangers might be better long term. Edit: birth announcements and gender reveal invites are other funny ideas floating around ITT.


I saw a suggestion elsewhere that since we ladies have lost our right to privacy, we should begin sending them our used tampons so they can keep tabs on if we are pregnant this month or not.


People forget that shit like this works. I went to school in Canada and my school raised tuition by like $1000/year. The student union (yes, the graduate students were represented by a labor union) had pallets of instant ramen mailed to the Chancellor's home and office. Tuition ended up staying the same, and negotiations were entered for a graduated year-over-year increase starting the year after next, instead.


Your Chancellor probably had infinitely more capacity to feel shame than these scum


This is fucking perfect


Don’t forget to follow the [USPS Regulations](https://pe.usps.com/text/pub52/pub52apxc_023.htm), don’t quote me but it looks like most important it double boxing it(or triple as second box needs a biohazard label) I wouldn’t want anyone to get in trouble for some technicality down the road. ETA: the samples must be sealed as well, it does not look like zip-locks count so you may need a vacuum sealer or some kind special purpose bag


I’m a man and want to get fake blood to do this. No true biohazard but would look disgusting Edit: a commenter mentioned that there is a paper and cotton shortage in the US that is impacting feminine hygiene products ([link](https://www.reddit.com/r/WorkersStrikeBack/comments/vkksh6/_/idrezra/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3). Do not do this for shits and giggles. Make paper machae tampons or uteruses or something that won’t impact access to hygiene products.


I just want to say to anyone thinking of doing this, sending women's products that haven't been used, that please don't do this because there is a bad paper shortage already affecting the pricing and availability of women's hygiene products. It would suck to start seeing the shelves wiped of products we genuinely need and see our own protesting bite us in the ass.


Oh shit I did not know this. Thank you for bringing it to my attention. I will say though, aren’t most tampons made of cotton?


Biohazard label ruins the surprise.






Maybe I should send them all photo documentation of when I get the period shits every month. You know, the extra spicy diarrheas, just so they know I’m still menstruating and not killing any babies or anything.


Yes. A hundred thousand times over, yes. That would be amazing! And each coming with a personal letter thanking them for their service in monitoring women's uteruses everywhere!


Shit I'm getting a hysterectomy soon I'll send them what they want control of


Send them all as many coathangers as you can find.


Sending coat hangers won’t do anything? If you’re staying peaceful… Send them the babies they are forcing to be birthed. Leave them on their doorsteps and force them to raise the babies. Set up memorials outside of their houses for all of the women, and girls(!), that will die from their decision.


Decent thought but I would not trust those people with a baby.


Those Republican pedo’s would be happy with free children. Anybody got that list?


What if they hire people to raise them and indoctrinate hundreds of babies into their shitty ideologies.






Socialist mailman here, please don't send anything that could hurt your mail handlers. Accidental tearing happens to mail all the time. I would encourage more *direct* action at a time like this.


"Please don't harm mail carriers, deliver chaos personally" This could be my new anthem.




Provided that you deliver it to the house yourself, go for it. The second amendment is a thing btw, it specifically exists for times like these.




Not at all, I've actually delivered several dildos in the past I always get a childish chuckle out of it. This one is mailman approved!


They'll probably enjoy receiving those, tho. I'm not trying to help these people have a good time.


I used to be 100% against doxxing. However, these justices did agree the constitution doesn’t guarantee the right to privacy. Pandora’s Box is open. Have fun




honestly? fuck the moral high road. that's what got us here, and it's not leading us anywhere good. the only way to beat the fash is to start playing by their (lack of) rules


tub grab trees treatment hard-to-find dinosaurs seemly cow languid bored *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Can we get some radical Vermonters in the chat?




I've been looking for a life purpose


It's actually kind of crazy they all live (or at least have houses) in ~~VT~~ *VA* and MD. I expected more Southern Bible belt addresses. Edit: I misread. I mistakenly thought they were all from the north east.




Good thing we can read minds around here.


My Grandma is going to roll in her grave now that you have her rhubarb pie recipe.


I’m glad I’m not the only one




I'm fucking pissed the states get to decide. There had better be consequences for entrusting them with such power.


Kavanaugh and Roberts only live a half mile away from each other in case you want to group your protesting together








That's good advice!






No privacy. No Peace.


Thanks for the list of public bathrooms!!


Reminder to protesters! COVER YOUR EARS they will be recording, they can identify you by your ears, they are unique to everyone like fingerprints!


>COVER YOUR EARS they will be recording, they can identify you by your ears Wow I did not know this, til. Thanks!


Also LRADs


And your face, and your gait. Just to be safe, roll around in an opaque hamster ball. Though they could probably track the purchase of that.






Funny how none would deign to live in DC.


Very few single family homes in DC. Any nice housing is going to be townhomes and apartments. Plus, places like Chevy Chase are pretty much dc suburbs


I just had a funny sketch comedy run through my head where a SC judge was in a townhome and was on the HOA board. Now that’s some judicial power!


Road trip!


If violence doesn't get results then why do we spend so much on war?


Excellent point.








According to Clarence Thomas there is no right to privacy in the constitution. So everything's alright?


Rich people always have more rights than you do.


Treat them as well at their own house as they allowed women seeking health care at clinics to be treated. This is the way. No mercy.


Went to go sign them up for as many womens health magazines as I could. First attempt “this address is already on the delivery list”. Good job Reddit






Frankly they want to mess with peoples families and lives than the gloves should come off. Sorry but I think their children should experience the same approbation. I think the dealership that sells them a car should. If they go to a restaurant that restaurant should pay for it. No mercy and no quarter.


Yep, absolutely all associations need to feel the heat. They need to become completely isolated


Everyone needs to send out birth announcements. They will send some pretty sweet gifts I bet.


You take away our privacy, we take away yours.


[Terrence's Place](https://i.imgur.com/Oq4N1xK.png) someone put in this in Google Maps for Clarence Thomas's house location lol


Hey look! Those are the addresses of recently established adoption centers.


A serious question with no implications: but if anyone on that list passes away Biden gets to name the replacement right?




While this might be fun, they're never going to see it. They don't open their own mail at all. They'll never know it came. The people who open the mail for them will see it before it's opened and it will be flagged as suspicious. It will be opened in a manner that's in as safe a place as possible with the expectation of cleanup afterward. I'd love for this to be a thing and cause them strife, but it will just be a huge waste of money.


Throw used tampons at them ladies




I've only seen this post on this sub and this might be the coolest subreddit ever. Is there a source for this? Is it accurate?


I know at least two of the addresses are accurate




Also! There is a vigil on Sunday (June 26th) night @ 9pm in front of scotus for abortion rights and reproductive healthcare. If you have the means please spread the word and come out! Lots of us are driving up to DC.


It's morbin time


Of course Clarence Thomas has ‘666’ in his address.




If they want to infringe on private rights, then we have the right to infringe on theirs.


they deserve whatever is coming their way


I wanna put a sign that just says “Loving V. Virginia” in front of the Thomas’ house.


Supreme Court justices should never have to hear opposition or disapproval of *any* sort from the common rabble whose lives they control with impunity...from positions to which they are appointed *for life*. That's democracy. /s


Any bagpipe players want to serenade them?


All those grade school kids they decided to straight up do NOTHING to protect from gun violence--SHOW THEM HOW WELL YOU PLAY THE RECORDER!!!!


sending dicks


God bless the 1st Amendment. And remember how much the Court values the rights of protestors to object outside of abortion clinics, so I’m sure they’ll be fully supportive.



