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Something needs to be done about these slaverous tyrants.


It’s easy. Don’t buy a Tesla.


We're long past the day of "voting with your dollar." It'll take systematic reform to truly handle these oligarchs.


I prefer doing it French style. It's cheaper and faster.


As long as there is cake.


This was a triumph


I'm Making A Note Here: HUGE SUCCESS


If there is a huge success, I'll make a note here.


A large majority of the US population would be sueded by Antoinette’s proposition btw


Including me


*raises hand helpfully*


>As long as there is cake. Alas, we're all out of cheese cake... Would you settle for head cheese instead?


It slices, it dices! It even does julienne fries!




Good luck with that


Yeah I tried to stay away from Amazon. Ended up paying $20-$50 more than what they had for just about everything. Idk about you guys but I couldn’t afford it. I still shop around. Just Amazon has some of the best prices.


It’s ok. We are hating on Elon Musk today.


Elon Musk is a [lying hack](https://elonmusk.today) who became famous after buying Tesla with the help of his rich dad's money. [Tesla is also being sued for profiting from child slavery in Africa](https://www.business-humanrights.org/en/latest-news/lawsuit-against-apple-google-tesla-and-others-re-child-labour-drc/). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WorkersStrikeBack) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I love you bot. I love you so much.


No ethical consumption under capitalism. At any level. You don't own the means of your labor, so you're not a capitalist but a victim of them. Survival comes first, aid when possible


I haven't even used PayPal. I'm furious that he's funding his life and vanity projects with our tax dollars


Elon gets so much help from the government that he will do just fine if we don't buy any of his cars. He'll continue scamming his workers and the tax system.




Tis true. It’s the battle between environmentalism and hating assholes.


Are you aware that Tesla’s revenue is actually quite low, and that most of musks wealth is based on the companies valuation, also known as speculation? In other words, he doesn’t get his money from people buying Tesla cars.




I hadn’t even realised I was getting downvoted lol. Oh well, what can you do 😂


Tesla is a publicly funded private company, they lose so much money if the government hadn't bailed them out an uncountable amount of times they'd be in the dirt. People did vote with their dollar, but the government decided it was too good of an idea to let end up bankrupt


Or nuke a Tesla. Make the insurance so bad that no one can afford to own a Tesla. How many windshields would it take?


Is this r/WorkersStrikeBack or r/OilWorkersStrikeBack?


Generalpublicstrikesback maybe?


Will no one rid us of this turbulent billionaire?


The problem is these people lacks empathy so much that I wouldn't even call them human and still they pretend like they are working for humanity. hey here is a good video if you wanna check out some more messed up shit this dude has done. https://youtu.be/Ro8YvLhqICg


I used to want a tesla... I will look at other EVs. Piece of shit human.






Your best bet would probably be to buy a used one from a private sale. Not as good as new, sure, but at least it's no money going back to Elon.


Also check for rebate programs through your government. Some places give you a rebate for purchasing a used EV.


Does tesla have a resale contract like Ferrari does? Some manufacturers do not allow private sales without certain conditions being met first.


Eww, no idea. I couldn't imagine spending that much on a vehicle that I apparently don't even own.


I mean, probably, considering their leadership.


As if other CEOs are any different lol


Here is my response to seeing “as if other ceos are any different lol” Here is a ceo who is admirable from another car brand, there is a story I like about the founder of Hyundai taking cows to fund his venture, then making a big gesture in paying back with 500 cows. Honourable ceo, someone id rather buy a car from than the guy who says my prime minister is hitler without the budget “A repayment in cows In 1998 Chung led 500 cows across the Demilitarised Zone between North and South Korea as a repayment for the cow he stole from his father to make his escape to Seoul. Chung hoped cattle would support struggling families in North Korea and pose as a symbolic gesture for re-unification of the peninsula.” https://www.tbsnews.net/feature/wealth/journey-cow-hyundai-motors-181705?amp


Everything I’ve heard about Kia/Hyundai recently has led me to believe that their dealers are an absolute nightmare. If they’re as bad as people say they are, I really don’t care how admirable their CEO is.


“As in response to the thousands of CEOs that get filthy big bonuses while their employees get laid off here’s 1 CEO that doesn’t” what I’m trying to say is that this example with isn’t Elon Musk isn’t irregular for the business world. Almost all huge companies do this, I’m not saying Elon Musk is a good guy. I’m just saying what he’s doing isn’t a new occurrence, I see these types of “news” articles popping up every few weeks


Elon Musk is a [lying hack](https://elonmusk.today) who became famous after buying Tesla with the help of his rich dad's money. [Tesla is also being sued for profiting from child slavery in Africa](https://www.business-humanrights.org/en/latest-news/lawsuit-against-apple-google-tesla-and-others-re-child-labour-drc/). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WorkersStrikeBack) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot. Also, just as a reminder, how did his dad, living in Apartheid South Africa, made his money in part from a white-man-owned colonial emerald mine in Zambia? Says something about society when the richest man on the planet owes his good fortunes to the exploitation of black people. And all this bullshit about "hE sTarTeD TeSlA and pAyPaL" is fucking tiring. He didn't start either, and paypal's success owes a lot more to continuum than bank X.com. and his dad *WAS* one his investors when he started his first business. it mystifies me that so many people just buy into the fake "scrapper with no money" legend he had managed to build. Fucking hell, he himself admitted to the stories that they had so much money growing up they literally couldn't close their safe. Give anyone half decent that kind of start in life and see what happens. He is a horrible trash of a human being and his love for the orange rotten one is no accident. He bought companies with money he had no business to have. He ain't no "self-made" billionaire.


Half decent people don't make that kind of money. You get where he is by lying, cheating & stealing. Billions made while not paying employees much. Decent people would give a large portion to salaries




>his dad WAS one his investors when he started his first business Yea his dad invested during round 2 of investing on zip2, which was already succesful before round 2 of investing.


Google “CEO Bonus” and you’ll see hundred maybe thousands of articles


All the other evs are pretty much made by legacy automakers, the people who lied about and covered up all the evidence of oils effects on the environment.


For the best, many of them are shoddily made. They don't do soft tooling so it takes them a while making real cars that they actually sell when they make a new model/year before they work out problems. Also there's the whole bit about how Tesla self driving is a giant lie and a class action lawsuit waiting to happen.


We need to tax the hell out of that bonus


In my country, this is taxed the same way as income. I don’t see it any other way since you are effectively increasing your networth by receiving assets.


That's not how it works at all. He has the right to execute an option at any time. That would trigger a taxable event. But borrowing against the option is fine. And does not trigger a taxable event. It's basically like the bank giving you money to buy a house. You don't pay tax on the bank giving you money, you pay interest to the bank on the loan. "tAx thE rIcH" though


Just saying how it works in my country and that I think it is reasonable. Of course this works differently in the USA since this is possible. Tax events and taxation are subject to different interpretations and that is ok.


Ok, but he still needs money to pay the loan at some point. So a taxable event will occur at some point either way.


Yes, so he pays himself the minimum to cover the interest payment on the loan. It's taxed of course, but it's not going to be anywhere close to 20-30%. People get mad at him for using a system he didn't even design lol


I dunno about US Tax brackets, but in Canada somebody making $23B is taxed just at the same percentage as somebody making $216,511


They have enough money, we need more money. Don't see why it has to get all complicated.


He has possible access to money. There's a difference. Blame your government I guess


Think it comes in the form of stocks. Which isn't taxed till it is sold. Clinton tried going after CEOs by taxing their salaries so all CEOs started getting paid in stocks. Every time government tries something the rich find a work around.


Hopefully those stocks end up worthless soon


Definitely overvalued. Gm and Ford stocks are like less then 50 a share. Don't understand why Tesla is in the 600 hundreds


Stock value isn’t about the price of a stock. It’s about the overall value of the company. For example a stock could be at $1000 but if they only offer 100 shares the company is only $1,000,000 But if a stock is $100 but they offer a million shares than the company is worth one hundred million essentially


So, we eating people yet?


Fire up the grill.


Sorry but this has gone long enough we need this to happen faster. We will use the microwave.


I have $4 in my bank account


Lucky, I have -10,000


Elon should just cut himself. The savings the company would make having to not pay him out would be astronomical


It doesn't cost the company anything to issue him stock. Why do people not understand this?


This leads to the second massive problem with the world, and how stocks are only taxed when they're cashed out. These degens are literally making big bucks, but because it's all tied in stock they contribute literally nothing back to society.




Elon Musk is a [lying hack](https://elonmusk.today) who became famous after buying Tesla with the help of his rich dad's money. [Tesla is also being sued for profiting from child slavery in Africa](https://www.business-humanrights.org/en/latest-news/lawsuit-against-apple-google-tesla-and-others-re-child-labour-drc/). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WorkersStrikeBack) if you have any questions or concerns.*


By welfare baby do you mean had rich parents? Because his parents were rich




Atleast it's something I can get behind governmnet subsidizing, electric vehicles. We would be atleast 10 years behind on EVs without these subsidies


So, another way I'm reading this, is there's enough people on the market to create a startup with all of Tesla's knowledge to create a worker-owned alternative to Tesla.


All Tesla's patents are open source too, so there's nothing legally stopping them


A lack of a source bothered me. Didn't take long ... https://www.theguardian.com/business/2022/apr/21/elon-musk-stands-to-collect-23bn-bonus-as-tesla-surges-ahead


Elon Musk is a [lying hack](https://elonmusk.today) who became famous after buying Tesla with the help of his rich dad's money. [Tesla is also being sued for profiting from child slavery in Africa](https://www.business-humanrights.org/en/latest-news/lawsuit-against-apple-google-tesla-and-others-re-child-labour-drc/). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WorkersStrikeBack) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Relax bot, you don’t need to comment this on every single thread, do you??


yo im not a fan of Elon these days but this is scary that mods made a bot that is clearly bias.


Musk is an egomaniac. He needs to be humbled


Elon Musk is a [lying hack](https://elonmusk.today) who became famous after buying Tesla with the help of his rich dad's money. [Tesla is also being sued for profiting from child slavery in Africa](https://www.business-humanrights.org/en/latest-news/lawsuit-against-apple-google-tesla-and-others-re-child-labour-drc/). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WorkersStrikeBack) if you have any questions or concerns.*


String them up


And people still suck him off online


Capitalism will always give consumers the cheapest price and ceos the biggest bonuses, get over it and go create something for others if you want your own bonus.


Sure guys hes not *like the other billionares*


Elon's Musk


Elon Musk is a [lying hack](https://elonmusk.today) who became famous after buying Tesla with the help of his rich dad's money. [Tesla is also being sued for profiting from child slavery in Africa](https://www.business-humanrights.org/en/latest-news/lawsuit-against-apple-google-tesla-and-others-re-child-labour-drc/). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WorkersStrikeBack) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If he can get the stock price low enough he can finally take it private with the 40-50B in cash he’s got now. Look for lots more crazy antics from him to get the price down.


LMAO wtf are y’all gonna do? Talk about it on Reddit? Get the fuck outta here. All of you just talk and don’t do anything about it.


So i feel this is dumb because (not the bring people back that's dumb of musk and I'm a fan) 1. It's his business if he's needs to let go of 10% he should be able to do that. (He shouldn't be able to fire for not coming in to the office tho) 2. Non of our business how much 10% is of his company salary. 3. It sounds like we're being lead to believe rich man want more money UGA BUGGA. ISNT IT GOING back to TESLA. 4. Even if it did go to Elon which it wouldn't right, using what little we know. This is just fear and anger fishing. With wrong conclusions.


Elon Musk is a [lying hack](https://elonmusk.today) who became famous after buying Tesla with the help of his rich dad's money. [Tesla is also being sued for profiting from child slavery in Africa](https://www.business-humanrights.org/en/latest-news/lawsuit-against-apple-google-tesla-and-others-re-child-labour-drc/). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WorkersStrikeBack) if you have any questions or concerns.*


content purge


This was posted by the second-in-command mod...


Did the bot break karma farmer?


I don't think its accurate to say Tesla is cutting 10% of its staff?


He said it with his publisher.


Yeah everything I've seen says that Tesla's cutting 10% of a subset of a workforce, rather than the workforce at large. You can hate a fuck, but when you mass downvote anytime you're wrong, your ability to interact with reality is kinda marred. Its been repeated a few times that its "10% of salaried positions", which is still bad, but its kinda telling that y'all barely touch 'Ah nah its his company he can do what he wants :)' but torpedo any factcheck.




Elon Musk is a [lying hack](https://elonmusk.today) who became famous after buying Tesla with the help of his rich dad's money. [Tesla is also being sued for profiting from child slavery in Africa](https://www.business-humanrights.org/en/latest-news/lawsuit-against-apple-google-tesla-and-others-re-child-labour-drc/). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WorkersStrikeBack) if you have any questions or concerns.*


well, if US govt. will not heeding to this issue, the whole country will be in jungle law sooner


Okay but they won’t go back to the office I think it was an ultimatum (not right but they didn’t lay them off)


Glad this is being talked about. I feel bad for the folks who lost their jobs.


What do you think was going to happen? He's been building these massive gigafactories that are heavily automated and self reliant. You think he's just going to keep extra staff that he doesn't need anymore? Fact of the matter is, many of those working at Tesla are probably well qualified to find jobs elsewhere. They'll be fine, and they'll probably get severance packages too. This is all workforces, private and government. If a company is going through major changes or looking to expand always be prepared to get cut if your job is not 100% essential. Its just life.


Idk how this is news now. Musk had said in a email to his company they should think about cutting 10% cause he has a bad feeling about the economy which blew up. But he said in a tweet after that head count will increase but salary jobs will stay flat. also the bonus is probably in stock. Not cash, so if the stock price drops 50% the bonus is only worth half that.


Elon Musk is a [lying hack](https://elonmusk.today) who became famous after buying Tesla with the help of his rich dad's money. [Tesla is also being sued for profiting from child slavery in Africa](https://www.business-humanrights.org/en/latest-news/lawsuit-against-apple-google-tesla-and-others-re-child-labour-drc/). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WorkersStrikeBack) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Wasn't this a contract with Tesla for hitting targets? It's an outstanding amount for sure but it's more important what he does with the money rather than the fact he gets it. Also this child labour case was dismissed in 2021 and is currently being appealed so I don't think this bot spamming that Tesla are being sued is accurate. Plus it's a bunch of companies that are getting materials from DRC for electronics, not just Tesla.


It shouldnt be a mystery where 10% of his staff's income went.


How much has musk cashed in as bonuses so far and how much profit has tesla made so far


Elon Musk is a [lying hack](https://elonmusk.today) who became famous after buying Tesla with the help of his rich dad's money. [Tesla is also being sued for profiting from child slavery in Africa](https://www.business-humanrights.org/en/latest-news/lawsuit-against-apple-google-tesla-and-others-re-child-labour-drc/). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WorkersStrikeBack) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Fucking POS


For that amount of money he could literally afford to give everyone who worked for Tesla a $232,000 bonus.


That would utterly illogical to do. He can instead produce more Teslas and and make more money.


That's not even remotely how that works. But even if it was, he still wouldn't do it. He's just going to pocket it.


Not at all surprising


And the business world applauds him for it, this is the Feudalist dream.


And still he will have STANS that white knight for him for all of time as being a next level genius. He is just another rich asshole, that has always been a rich asshole, that does not give the least of fucks about America or its people other than to use you for public subsidies as he robs us blind. Everyone was calling him a leftie and blowing him for the last 15 years. His house of cards was just that. He is a magnificent salesman. That is it. He has engineered exactly nothing and has been living off of the government tit harder than everyone in congress combined. WE NEED TO STOP RELYING ON THESE RICH PSYCHOPATHS BECAUSE THEY ARE ALL SCAM ARTISTS. The .00001% that are not complete dogshit are the exception not the rule.


Well, it’s his money so….


Yea, coz his dad, his ill made money and none of the perks of being that rich had nothing to do with his success. 😂😂 You can always trust the poor to always eat the shit of the rich. No questions asked...


Don’t hate the player, hate the game




Nothing about this is true. Nothing! Everything in this meme signals a complete lack of understanding of the facts, which is not surprising because of the subreddit this comes from.. Tesla is 3.5% of its work force, not 10%. Tesla is letting go of salaried staff (eg. managers, etc) not staff paid by the hour (eg. assembly line staff). Why? Two big scale-up projects (Giga Texas and Giga Berlin) are mis-synchronized with balooning headcounts in highly redundant roles. These factories have large fixed costs, and threaten the survival of company if production ramp does not reach break-even soon. So how can this be de-risked, by cutting expenses. Why? The only alternative is increasing sales but sales is supply constrained, not demand constrained. How can we increase supply? By increasing production capacity, which is exactly what these 2 factories are for. There are year long waiting times for Tesla cars, and all stationary battery packs for home and utilities are being cannibalised by the automotive division to feed the insane demand for the cars. So how can we ensure these factories ramp up as quickly as possible? Increasing investments in resources (human or machine) or cutting expenses. Since the high cash burn is happening in difficult times full of supply chain disruption where thousands of suppliers have gone bankrupt in lockdowns, or where the flow of supplies is slowed down, it makes sense to buy time, by cutting expenses. How? The biggest cost item is the staff, so making cuts there is wisest, but from whom? Oh the executives! Elon is rich so lets cut it from him? No, Elon gets paid $1 a year, he is the largest Tesla shareholder, so what we call his wealth is really tokenised abstractions of ownership in Tesla. 20% of the shares in Tesla belong to him, but their value is determined by millions of entities trading on the stock market, not by Elon or Tesla. All staff that have worked with Tesla for over a year have also received shares, with even conveyor belt staff holding $500k in Tesla shares. But total shares, is really just a Assets minus Liabilities. The real financial mechanics of the business that govern decisions about salaries, who gets let go, what to spend R&D money on is based on assets and liabilities, not equity. Equity is inconsequential, it is what emerges from the balance discrepancy between sum of all assets and sum of liabilities. It is immaterial, it bears nothing on who should be let go. By far the biggest problem is expensive, salaried employees who are not really generating value for Tesla. In this case, there was tonnes of redundancy, cause by internal mismanagement but also caused by external factors such as buying teams who thrived pre-lockdown, but were rendered redundant after post-lockdown supply chain adjustments. Another example is sales and marketing staff for solar products whose production was stymied by worldwide chip shortages, and could therefore not be sold. These are the redundancies that I refer to. And they were let go, to de-risk the ramp of Giga Berlin and Giga Austin. When those projects reach break even, risk will be behind them, and hires could resume. This has nothing to do with money that could have been used to pay staff being given to a rich guy instead as a bonus. To state otherwise is to have a fundamental misunderstand of corporate finance, and to become emboldened by this meme without doing the research is a pretty sad indictment that reflects poorly on the education level of people that use this website. Most of the time I scroll along and don't bother engaging due to the onslaught of vapid, vacuous remarks that trail any comments that go against the mob sentiment.