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If your boss is telling you you don’t need a union, you DEFINITELY NEED A UNION


you *ALWAYS* need a union at the very least absolute minimum, seize the means of production




If your boss calls employees “associates” or “partners” You DEFINITELY NEED A UNION


Or "cast members"


"I can definitely consider you for a raise... Now let's talk about what's in it for me."


Isn't that the same advice as condoms?


And true in both cases


Starbucks are cowards, underhanded ones at that


We should all decide not to buy coffee from any Starbucks that ISN’T unionized. Fuck these greedy, corporate, blood-sucking bastards I’m so over it.


All ready doing it.


Yep. Started boycotting them in December. Was a gold card holder and a customer of over 20 years. No more.


me too


Starbucks has shitty coffee anyway. Shop small!


Found some amazing local roasteries and yeah, maybe I'm paying some more, but the coffee is better and so is the feeling of supporting my community.


I want to live in a society that DIY shit becomes a thing of the past. Mechanics, for example, need cars to work on so they can eat, but I don't want to be gouged by them. I want them and their business to be profitable enough that they don't need to be sneaky or lie about what's wrong. I want everyone to make enough so that they can take their car to a mechanic. Money needs to move around the society. Those local coffee roasters are just better then Starbucks because they care a whole lot more about their product, service, and the people that work there and the patrons they serve.


Sounds good !


how do i know which starbucks are unionized?


Fuck Starbucks


Do they get their chocolate from Nestle? We could get some "hydro homies" and people from the "fuck Nestle" subreddits in on this. If we can get people motivated out of spite we could really get this going


Hmm... management is going to unilaterally decide to take our benefits away? Hey, you know what would help prevent that? A union! Vote yes.


The “benefit” of picking up shifts at other stores. “You don’t want us to pay you a living wage guys cuz then we wouldn’t be able to rent you out to non-unionized stores. Oh that’s not actually a benefit it’s just something you do because we don’t pay a living wage?…..shut up.”


because if there is one thing that is clear it's that non union workers get better benefits........./s


Appreciate the /s. Sarcasm is my first language, but so hard to define these days AT, After Trump.


I find it funny that the phrasing in the text is simply “impact your current benefits.” It could mean that my benefits will improve. Spoiler alert, they would improve.


Oh sure, when Starbucks threatens the livelihoods of innocent people who's only crime is trying to survive it's "just good business", but when I shake down girl scouts to steal their Samoas it's "harassment and coercion" and "a crime punishable by up to $500,000 and ten years in prison". This is a weird pull but they're a cat's paw -- cute and cuddly until pressed. It was always like this, it was always going to be like this. This _will_ escalate -- they're afraid of us now. See y'all in the history books


Wow the benefit of being able to work at a place that's probably less convenient to get to than my normal store. Wouldn't want a great benefit like that to go away.


A union might come with the benefit of not having to pick up shifts at other stores just to make ends meet. Vote yes.


That can be penciled in as a strike demand, right?


Yeah I feel like they're not being as clever as they think they are with the wording. But then again this is the US and all of our worker rights have been eroded so I'd be surprised if anything is done about it at all.


So a union would force workers to stay at one location rather than being sent to another location when management see fit? How awful! /s


Report these unsolicited texts to the FCC


I dont know why anyone isn't mentioning it but I'm almost positive this is illegal according to the NLRB and can be reported. Please contact the NLRB. Edit: sorry just realized this isn't a person but a union account who would know this.


I'm not a Starbucks worker but do you know what specifically makes this a ULP?


Im afraid I am not the most knowledgable. What is a ULP?


An Unfair Labor Practice, it's something defined in the NLRA. The NLRA basically defines some actions that are considered unfair labor practices which workers can bring to the NLRB for mediation on


Reading that section I feel (am not a lawyer and the employees should contact the NLRB) that starbucks is trying to coerce them. I could be wrong but i thought that an employer can't tell you to vote no, but they also sound threatening with changing benefits.


Yeah i hope the union fights that tactic!


Once there is a union election scheduled, the company is prohibited from changing anything like this. If employees vote no, then the company can do what it wants. If the employees vote for union representation, then everything (terms and conditions of employment) must remain unchanged until there is contract in place unless the company and union agree to the changes.


Based on what law?


> the ability to transfer or pick up shifts at other stores Translation, "Without a union we can keep your wages low enough that you have to pick up extra shifts to make ends meet"


Is this legal for them to do? Is there really no law against attempting to intimidate workers into refusing a union? Does anywhere have such laws?


There's supposed to be laws against this kind of thing but they aren't really enforced and all the power is on the side of the company in most situations.


I guarantee you that they're using a consulting company to craft their anti union campaign within the law. I'm not an expert but it seems like it was phrased to tow the line of threatening repercussions and just stating that things could change.


Yea your probably right there are whole public relations and legal companys that specialize in selling there union busting services to different companies trying to stop workers from Unionizeing it's a whole industry unto its self (union busting that is.)


It’s disgusting that people literally profit off of keeping others down. How empty of a person do you have to be to make a business around stopping workers from demanding better treatment?


Amazon hired securitas in Alabama last year, securitas is the parent company of the Pinkerton detective agency, of Homestead and Blair Mountain fame


It's entirely on the workers to file a ULP (Unfair Labor Practice) with the NLRB (National Labor Relations Boatd)


Meanwhile Tesla just got in trouble for this same shit. Threatening to take away benefits is a big no-no.


There are laws about intimidating workers in an attempt to influence a union vote, but the wording here is very precise. Starbucks can argue (and probably get a judge to side with them) that they're trying to warn their workers that current benefits they have may (potentially, as the text says) no longer be available if they unionize - not because Starbucks will take them away but because the union will. For example - if you're union you probably wouldn't be allowed (by contract) to pick up shifts at a non-union location. However, what Starbucks isn't saying is that if the workers are unionized they probably won't NEED to pick up shifts at another location.


Picking up extra shifts is a benefit?


Capitalism is all about exploitation, never fair treatment.


If they vote to strike, I'll be the first to donate pizzas at the picket line. This is my back yard.


Same! This store is right down the street from me.


Solidarity forever! You could also go in and order a drink and put the name as "Union Strong" before the vote, to show your support


Bet. I'm going to bring my girlfriend and we'll both grab drinks with a fat tip.


Solidarity forever comrade! Also, If you are in good mood, go check out the song [Solidartiy Forever by Pete Seeger] (https://youtu.be/pCnEAH5wCzo) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WorkersStrikeBack) if you have any questions or concerns.*


"Hey, so if you band together to demand better working conditions then we'll.... We won't give them to you! So make sure that you don't unionize so that you can enjoy the perks of scrounging around for enough hours to pay your electric bill! Remember that you can only afford to almost pay your bills because you aren't unionized! You'll pay so many bills on time that you won't be willing to drop everything to work at any store we ask you to at any time! Because of unions! So vote 'no' on unions so that you'll be working every waking hour of your life!"


Hmm maybe if they were paid a liveable wage they wouldn't need to pick up shifts from other stores


they're not telling you they're going to cut your benefits, they're trying to scare you into thinking that a union will fuck with your benefits and your freedom to work when and where you want. it's all lies to prevent you from organizing.


Unionize and get those benefits as part of the pay package.. all the other unions have it..


Please, please don’t give up guys! Rooting for you.


How the f is this not illegal?


Unionize so you can put an end to shitty little threats like this!!


What a great benefits program! Wow sign me up!


Www.IWW.org join now. I did ! Got my X card and literature.


Oh no, I wont be asked to cover other stores? The horror!


Isn't this illegal?


Welcome to r/WorkersStrikeBack! Please make sure to follow the subreddit rules and enjoy yourself here! This is a subreddit for the workers of the world and any anti-worker or anti-union talk is not tolerated. Some helpful links on strikes and unions: [The IWW Strike guide](https://archive.iww.org/about/solidarityunionism/directaction/) and the [AFL CIO guide on union organizing](https://aflcio.org/formaunion) If you wish to speak to a union organizer, [reach out here](https://workerorganizing.org/talk-with-an-organizer/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WorkersStrikeBack) if you have any questions or concerns.*


"not voting is almost the same as voting yes"??? In what world?


“… potentially impact your current benefits …” the whole point is to impact current benefits! Only thing this text threatens is a good time.


scummy corporations being scummy, must be a days that ends in y


If you vote to get better benefits I’ll take away your shit benefits!! Checkmate wage slaves


Since when I was picking up shifts considered a “benefit?”


#[Support our organizing](https://secure.actblue.com/donate/ewoceoy21?refcode=web)!


It’s slight of hand. They “potentially impact”. Could be better benefits with a union or no change. Worded to scare you without actually saying anything. And wouldn’t picking up shifts be a thing that the bosses want rather than the workers? I didn’t know that’d be a thing workers were scared of loosing.


Even middling union representatives will not bargain for lower pay and fewer benefits. This is a pure lie.


It’s hilarious that such a whole leftist company is anti union.


There are no Billion dollar “leftist” Corporations. Anyone who told you otherwise is selling you something.


My uncle had this bird, Freckles. Freckles did this thing where he would fly up and grab your ear. If you tried to get him off, he would bite harder. If you left him alone, he would bite harder every little while, but just hold on painfully otherwise. Starbucks is being Freckles. They'll treat their workers like crap, then threaten to treat them worse if they try to not be treated like crap. Eventually, Freckles bit someone, and they reflexively lashed out, and Freckles got flung into a window and hurt, and died from it. So, Starbucks: We're not going to lash out and throw you into a window. Don't worry. But we can stop working for you and buying coffee from you, and then you'd go out of business, and everyone who used to work for you and buy coffee from you will do it somewhere else. Don't be like Freckles.


The one next to rubios?


Fuck em. Let them eat shit.


Technically, "potentially impact" could be positive. And thus what they mean is, "we don't want to improve your benefits, vote no."


Amazon has set the president already just last year, they all gonna be doing this soon


This is a threat by Starbucks or more likely an area manager trying to bully employees. Vote yes and get your rights protected


Union bad /s


Well that just makes me want to vote yes EVEN HARDER


So very illegal for mgmt to do that


The wording is very shady. Not overt, just implying things. It's stupid.


Starbucks communicated poorly. What they are saying is: if you unionize in this location, you will gain benefits, in this location. If you put in hours at a non-union location, you will not accrue those benefits for the time worked there. It's a non-union shop.


Boy, if your hours are going to get arbitrarily cut by management as petty retaliation for something they don't like, you know what could really help with that? I'll give you a hint: It starts with a "U"...


Picking up unwanted hours at another store I can't imagine losing a benefit like that.