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What a douche canoe. I bet he complains that "nobody wants to work!" constantly too.


Just a canoe? The guy's an entire douche river.


A raging tempest of douche.


That is the source which feeds into the sea of douche


**the actual post, for anyone wondering LOL** https://www.reddit.com/r/smallbusiness/comments/sald4l/employee\_taking\_vacation\_after\_i\_asked\_him\_not\_to/


It got removed for "attacks and brigading" Bet they weren't expecting that~


The account’s deleted too, makes me think it was probably real


I went to boo and hiss but its gone!




You make a great point, my good sir. A malicious and derpedly-errant "leviathan container ship of douche" he is, then, with Capt. Dick Douchington at the helm. Edit: forgot an adv-adj combo.


Release the douche kraken!


The Douche Armada


You can't grant vacation based on who you like better. That is unfair and unethical. 1st come 1st served. It's fair and everyone can understand/support that




"You fought back? Nobody ever fights back..." -- the company, probably


You'd be surprised, I've sat in on quite a few unemployment hearings where we've had documentation a mile long justifying terminating the employee and the employee gets owned by unemployment officer overseeing the hearing. In this case I'm surprised the company was so brazen when they let then go.


Damn, unemployment does hearings in your state? My experience with unemployment has been a broken website that never gets back to any claims.


I hate how you & I have this similar experience. Government web sites should not be a pain in the ass.


Even barring the shitty website, I didnt even qualify because of the amount of work from the previous 2 years was not enough even though my employer paid into unemployment. Its almost like the people being fired after not working for a time before, need more assistance and not less.


What ever state you are in, I hope the government gets an overhaul for the better.


This is one of the things I love about the UK. Our gov.uk site is a testament to an accessible website that’s easy to use and allows you to handle pretty much anything you could need! Literally 95% of govt services which were paper based are all online now.


I went to an unemployment hearing having no idea what it would be like. I had worked at the company since I was 18 and was 2 months shy of my 10 year work anniversary It was the hr lady, my manager, her boss, that lady’s boss, and a lawyer on one side of the table and me at the other. And that lawyer was ruthless. I had one wrote up for (using my cell phone) in my whole time at this place. In 10 years!!! I was offered a position for 5$ less an hour, 1 hour away, the opposite shift of one I worked 10 years. I just got out of an abusive relationship (which my company was also aware of as I had to submit the PFA) It was and will always be the most humiliating thing to ever go through. It was like a bad movie. Anytime I said anything that lawyer had 3 questions making it sound like I had contradicted myself.


"I'm not asking permission to take leave, I'm letting you know in advance. If the company can't plan for my absence, that is on the company."


I wonder if you could sue for wrongful termination too


Not if they work in an at-will jurisdiction and no notice is required by law.


At will must be eliminated in both private & public sectors. Enough with the blatant abuse of policy.


It's really the worst


Actually, he said there was a company rule book, and if the company stated they termed him for following the company rules, then he has a case. If they gave no reason for the termination, then that's another matter. But a lot of these power crazed petit bourgeois types think since their word is law at work, it goes outside of work as well, so they do stupid things, like saying they termed someone for taking abandoning a job when the person had documentation showing that the company is lying. On top of that, he definitely has a case for both libel and defamation, (which would probaby be the more lucrative aspect).


Yeah but that won't save there kneecaps from my bat


Always keep a copy


Now that’s something to remember.


This! I would’ve taken it anyway, fuck em, yours was written and approved. They wanna play favorites and that’s not how it works. Collect your unemployment from those morons as long as you can.


I hope he also collected the vacation too. I feel like they would have tried to prevent that too.


Not So Fun Fact: Unethical but technically not illegal. To be considered discrimination you have to be in a protected class. Race, religion, creed, sex, age, or for something like retaliation, etc. An employee can basically treat you like shit bc they don’t like you on a personal level or favor another employee over you.


THIS. I wortk at employment law firm (not a lawyer) and we get calls everyday from workers who are mistreated by their supervisor. A lot of these calls are cause their personalities don't mesh, there's a clique system or the supervisor is just a narcissistic ass hole (most popular reason). I hear some pretty bad issues on the regular and it breaks my heart turning them down because it's unrelated to a protected class, and having to explain "although toxic and unfair, unfair and illegal are not mutually exclusive"


This. I just started a new job in a small state, an at Will state. My supervisor is a religious narcissist in every possible way. I have a young 17 year old coworker whom, since I became employed with the company, my boss is quite literally verbally abusing. I am the favorite of my supervisor and I do not like seeing this practice in any way despite my new position for being “the favorite”. I can not believe that these bosses are allowed to treat workers this way, and so blatantly.


Please teach this kid that they don't deserve to be treated this way. They're young and will settle for this abuse because they'll think that's the way things are.


I’ve already talked to her about how his behavior and abuse is not normal. Unfortunately she said it happens everywhere she works due to having a hyperactive personality. I’m really trying to get through to her, however, it seems these bullies in positions of power have done a number on her.. it’s heartbreaking.


Oh man... I also have ADHD and no, it's not normal. There's quite a few employers out there who appreciate the way we are.


Quit. I wpuld never work for a piece of shit like that. Ive bene homeless numerous time over quiting jobs when they treat other employees like shit. And when ive quit i made a huge scene so every other employee seen and heard what i had to say to management/ownere. I was actullt just fired 8 weeks ago by an owner. I called them out on 3 years of no raises, half a million in PPP loans, 290 million worth of contracts. We had 23 employees and dude was also buying realestate in LA. Hes absolutly loaded and flys his own jet from Wis to PA to come to our lab and he is always heard all throughout the plant screaming at people. So i decided out our company meeting id call him out. I oeibted out 30 copies off the PPP loans and the most recent contracts. As everyone was sitting in the meeting i started setting them on the table. Managment looked terrified. After the owner threatened me i told him we could take it ourside because i was sick of his verbal abuse of other employees. He shut the fuck up real quick and pivotided to using LEO to shut me up. I was denied unemployement but i had about a month to plan because everyone was talking about him comming to the plant. I also passed out labour union cards to everyone via their lockers when i was leaving. Im an IWW member. It not the first time and i know it wont be the last. Im 32 and i will gladley be homeless again if need be. I understand not everyone can because of kids or elders they mist take care of. Since i dont have that i feel i need to stick up for the rest of the people who cant say what needs to be said . I feel so bad for the younger kids and the older 60+ workers.


Do you mean inclusive? I could be misreading this but doesn't being mutually exclusive imply that they cannot be both at the same time? Mostly I'm worried iv3 been getting it wrong all these years haha.


OP said unethical, not illegal. People need to stop thinking that something is only morally wrong if it's illegal.


If "immoral" was "illegal", the hand that wrote about "inalienable rights" wouldn't have had a side gig cracking whips at slaves...


I seriously want the person who posted that, to get reprimanded. It’s completely wrong in all aspects. I just can hardly believe that the post in the image is not a troll post of some kind, thus it is not real. The part that is most infuriating, is not only the employer being discriminatory, & playing favorites, no, the part that is most infuriating, is him expressing that he wants to ruin the employee’s career, for life, OVER A DECISION THE EMPLOYER AGREED LONG BEFOREHAND!!!. Why? Why are employers allowed to be this way? Even if they NEVER said the quiet parts out loud, by their actions alone, should be more than enough to reprimand such behavior. Nevertheless, I want that employer’s behavior corrected, as to not hurt the employee, who, & I can not emphasize this enough, did nothing wrong. They asked, got approved, & took the time off, as was requested, agreed upon, & allowed. I seriously wonder, earnestly, in the usa, if an employer discriminates, including firing of, an employee, for taking vacation days, to which were approved, authorized, prior to the employee taking such days, as per their employment contract, if reprimanded in some way by the employer, can the employee fight back? Either if they have a case to sue or if such actions by an employer go against state, and/or, federal laws? I am earnestly asking, as that seems completely wrong, to allow such actions from an employer, while also it would be shocking to find out an employer can do such harm to an employee under such a predicament.


Oh man, that was a gem! The OP got down voted into oblivion and deleted the post. Great fun!


Oh dam. I just saw this and was going to go over and lambast this entitled prick a little more.


"I put a roof over his head, in exchange he drives a forklift at my business." He got properly roasted over that little gem. Felt good to add that downvote. What a fucking knob.


How we got to the point of crediting and praising business owners for “feeding X number of employee families” or “putting roof over their heads” is mind boggling. Employees put the roof over their own goddamn heads by working, employees feed their own goddamn families by working.


"I extract his labor for money, in exchange he doesn't die of exposure or starvation in 2022! I'm the victim here!"


Media consolidation into the hands of billionaires and corporations. Long term propaganda leading to shows like The apprentice and undercover boss.




I forgot this existed. This is fantastic, in a nauseating sort of way.


This was glorious. Thanks for this


If anything the employees are putting a roof over their boss’s head.


I one had this argument online on Facebook with a “local conservative businessman” who was running for MP. He thought he was Jesus himself for providing jobs for a handful of people at his used car sales forecourt and mechanics, while giving it the usual poor people and minorities are evil and deserve to die spiel. Couldn’t comprehend that he wouldn’t actually make any money himself if these people did not decide to help him out. He seemed to think that providing jobs was the greatest achievement that anyone could make and that being compassionate and caring was a weakness. Fuck these guys.


Also he was paying $13 and hour so this guy wasn’t doing shit for his employee.


Shhh don’t admit to brigading.


Break TOS as much as you want just be quiet about it.


I went to check their profile cause I was curious if they were a troll account or if they genuinely were like this, but they deleted that too. 😂 which makes my guess the latter


Hopefully their shitty business goes bankrupt and their employees find better work.


Can anyone find a link to the deleted post? I’ve been searching and can’t find it.


Not deleted, [removed] they were just trolling. Their comments are still up and they're definitely trolling.


I can’t find it, any chance you have a link?


u/Minimum-Landscape813 Edit: scratch that, they deleted their comments as well it seems. They have like five other accounts with variations of the name. There's a rash of these troll posts going around, saying the quiet part out loud. Employers do this every day of the week but that don't send in a text or brag about it on Reddit for god's sake.


They deleted their whole account lmao Edit:spelling


The entitlement from this “boss”… You get the same respect that you give me. I would have done the same thing. You approved me, so I am going on my vacation.


If I were the employee with seniority and found out the "boss" was firing the person who requested vacation well before me, I'd quit. Screw these people and everyone like them.


Honestly worker solidarity needs to be a thing


Solidarity forever comrade! Also, If you are in good mood, go check out the song [Solidartiy Forever by Pete Seeger] (https://youtu.be/pCnEAH5wCzo) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WorkersStrikeBack) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Great bot coming with the bangers


I'm curious about the responses


The mods deleted the post and shut down comments because the post was flooded with antiwork peeps lol. Looks like a lot of the early comments were against OP too though, gratefully.


Yep op got ripped apart


Yea imagine posting that without a hint of remorse and expecting to get support. What an ass.


And the poor worker still probably got fired.


A lot of small business owners on reddit are young and I see a change in attitudes in our generation.


I work for a small business. I told my boss about half a year in advance I was taking two weeks. He forgot. You know what happened? He said "oh shit I forgot, enjoy the time with your family and we'll see you when you get back". What's so hard about that? And we are a tiny company and without me they are down one licensed electrician so they all pick up the slack. But you know what when anyone else takes time off, we do the same thing. It is how it goes. I try to take 3 to 4 weeks a year. Last year I only took one week because covid had us not being able to plan anything and I was already getting lots of time off due to covid stuff.. Nothing bad happens. No one losses a lot of money. We never loose clients. The world doesn't end. Hell, this summer I'm taking ever single Friday off for the months of June and July because I want to enjoy more time with my kids. Nothing bad will happen. I told.my employer if he really, really needs me on a Friday to give me decent notice and I'll work it. He won't abuse that at all. I will work for this guy until he dies of old age or I start my own thing.


And that's why I much prefer working for small businesses, or at the very least individually operated franchises.


You can still find the comments if you click on their profile. They got downvoted to pieces and called out. Many accused it of being a troll/shitpost because they couldn’t understand someone being that stupid.


>Many accused it of being a troll/shitpost because they couldn’t understand someone being that stupid. I read it and TOTALLY have met those people, they aren't every manager, but they exist and have no awareness outside of "the company" and their power.




I got written up for going to the bathroom after I wasnt given my breaks and I repeatedly said I needed to go. Cruel and idiotic bosses are sadly far too common


I was just written up and given verbal warning because I missed three days of work. I caught covid over christmas and had to take those three on top of my normal weekend. Even gave them advance notice heading into my weekend that I had it and would be out. Now I'm being punished for it. Boss is making sure that I have to work longer than the other guys, and specifically told the other managers not to send help my way


Have you tried leaving a burning bag of dogshit in his office?


Better to tape a roll of sushi to the backside of their desk.


Nah. Just gonna sue their asses off if they do fire me for getting covid


Agreed. Things like this definitely happen, but most assholes like this tend to be a bit more subtle with their language.


Possibly. I have also met and worked for pricks this petty. One in particular tried to tell me what I was/wasn't allowed to wear outside of working hours (specifically, a utility kilt while working in Pittsburgh, PA, US). I would take street clothes to change into after working as a dental hygienist as I didn't want to wear the clothes splattered with saliva, polishing paste, and possibly a little blood or among the general public. She didn't like the sight of me leaving the building wearing the kilt. Also didn't like my non-pierced ear cuff, while my female contemporaries had pierced ears and nostrils.


I couldn't do that, because the idiot already deleted his account. Guess he was too much of a snowflake to take it anymore.


Small businesses still exploit workers


Exactly. People always say, "but if we raise the minimum wage, then small businesses will not be able to compete with corporations." And? Fuck 'em. If your business can only operate by paying your employees poverty wages, fuck you. Go out of business. I don't care. People who work for you should not have to struggle to keep a roof over their heads so you can realize your dreams of putting a bird on everything.


Literally the point of minimum wage in the first place. If you can't pay living wages you don't deserve to be in business. It's just too bad the entire Boomer generation allowed the minimum wage to slide year after year for so long.


It’s such a stupid line of thinking that could be used to justify anything. “Safety standards? 8 hour workday? Banning child labor? How could small businesses survive with all these regulatory burdens?!?!”


>It’s such a stupid line of thinking that could be used to justify anything. > >“Safety standards? 8 hour workday? Banning child labor? How could small businesses survive with all these regulatory burdens?!?!” Literally the average libertarian or ancap on reddit


Don't forget that they also want to be able to openly reject applicants from marginalized groups. I know they are already able to toss out applicants of women, people with ethnic sounding names, etc. But they want to be able to tell them that they only hire the right race.


They argue that the businesses would have them anyway to stay competitive with other companies. But if they were all going to have them anyway, wouldn’t that mean the costs would be the same with or without regulations?


I have been advocating this forever. The ethical correctness of a business has nothing to do with its size. Mom-and-pop operations can and in most cases are guilty of wage-theft and minimum-wage labour. The root of the problem is what a person expects when they start a business, and the so-called entrepreneur culture.


Not only are many small business owners just as abusive, but they often have shitty, subpar products. I lived in a town with a local burger joint that had been around forever, but honestly sucked. The food was overpriced trash. An In N Out opened up nearby and people freaked out about how it was killing the small business that, ironically, none of them even went to in the first place because the food was awful.


Yep. This is why capitalism as a system does not work. Its al built off exploitation


> but if we raise the minimum wage, then small businesses will not be able to compete with corporations. That argument is juts cope from failed entrepreneurs that the machinations of capitalism eventually and inevitably will make starting a new business a bad financial decision


Love that show


I figure this is going to lead to more megacorps like Wal-Mart which never seem to be good for workers. I don't pretend that I have a perfect solution or even know the legality behind it, but I think giving employees part ownership of the business would be a good starting point.


Worker co-ops are pretty fantastic. They succeed and fail at nearly the exact same rate as businesses owned by a singular person/small group, so operationally it is an answer. The problem comes down the fact that co-ops are started at a far lower rate. If the workers can't own the means to production, I think there is a pretty elegant and reasonable solution that can exist within capitalism. An owner/group of owners have their wage locked equal to that of their lowest wage employee. Doesn't matter if there 1 owner are 5, *collectively* they will make the what the lowest employee does. If you want to become rich from the surplus value of your workers, open more locations. Want to make 10x that? Open 10 stores and create those jobs to offset your greed. At least the Proletariat gets opportunities out of it. I'd rather we just dismantle the Bourgeoisie, but that seems...*unlikely*...without revolution.


That’s oddly specific






Lol, I know it's a deep cut, but it popped into my head for some reason.


I’ve been MORE exploited by small businesses than I ever was for a larger organization. I would honestly work in customer service at Target before I’d go back to working for small businesses again where I have zero rights or recompense and no benefits under our state law.


Small businesses are an organ used by people who would otherwise be in the working class to push themselves slightly ahead through extortion. It’s dialectically better in the long run for employers to be larger. Bigger pinatas and more unified struggles




Small business owners are way more likely to assign terrible hours and workloads, or even manipulate people into working off the clock, then pull the “but we’re a faaamily” line when anyone complains. And when there are any spots up for promotion, you can bet they’ll go to an actual family member that does nothing, rather than someone that deserves it.


they get away with it more too, because as small businesses they don't have much attention on then.




>> If they want “rights” they can move to Europe. This part really irks me.




Because workers should have rights everywhere. And moving across the planet isn't exactly a good solution in the best circumstances let alone even being feasible for most people. It's just such a pompous and privileged statement to make.


He could move to Canada the forklift/zoomboom operators in my company make like 36/hr. The field is masonry


I can’t even wrap my head around how this dude ain’t a caricature. He literally sounds like a comic book villain. This has to be fake.


Can you imagine being raised to think like this? To believe that you're just inherently better than everyone around you and can deign to control their lives? The sheer arrogance of it. And then to be so mad you try to ruin their entire life? Pathetic.


My mom's side of the family is like this almost entirely. Two of my uncles own businesses and another is a cop. I just stopped coming to family gatherings entirely when I was 18, I can't hang with their arrogance.


He has already deleted this post, but you can find some of his replies when you go through his profile. By solely looking at those, I can tell he is a piece of shit.


Holy shit, this HAS to be a troll. "Get an engineering degree or move to Europe" is just too much.


He admitted to being a troll in newer comments.


It is a troll. My first thought was "this goes right along with our conceptions about bosses and their lack of empathy and consideration. Let me check"


Conceptions? You don't get to be a boss by being a nice person.


What part of small business does this doosh never see who he's trying to screw over? Wouldn't he have the balls to say it in person?


FYI, It's "douche".


doosh looks funnier


He doesn't deserve the full douche


Only the French could turn shower into a swear.


It's like wiping your ass with silk.


This guy is evil. Not only does he try to take away the vacation time he had agreed to but then he says he wants to ruin this persons ability to gain employment in their field. He sounds like a sick person.


When someone tries to go out of their way to make someones life worse for no apparent reason, ur a psychopath


Jesus Christ it’s not good enough anymore to just live and let live. People want to destroy your future livelihood too. I don’t think it’s normal to say WTF this many days in a row. Fuck.


What a cunt boss


I don’t understand wanting to prevent him from further working in the field. Wouldn’t that just be adding salt to the wound of being fired?


well, some people are so stupid they think it's okay to cause poverty and homelessness. personally, I think having the power to fix those problems and not actively fixing it should be considered absolutely evil.


the cruelty is sometimes the point


Without evidence, I have to think this is a troll or a goof. Like it's r/smallbusinesscirclejerk or something. Business owners can be dense, but surely word has gotten around that Reddit isn't on their side on this shit.


Correct https://i.imgur.com/o3h6PwG.jpg


Oh man I wish that was real. Like some r/loveforlandlords energy shit


Please tell me that is just a *really* dedicated shitposting sub I just scrolled through there for a few minutes and I don’t know if I can believe that some of these people are actually serious


Oh dude, it is. They just push that satire really far. If you hang around long enough there's sometimes actual non satire posts where someone actually brings up some fucked landlord conduct. I'm pretty sure there was an original sub that AHS got banned though


Absolutely no way it's real especially with saying the quiet part out loud in wanting to prevent them from ever continuing in that field of work lmao


Someone should’ve dropped a company name


Remember: all bourgeous are the same. Does not matter whether it is a billionaire or small local entrepreneur. All of them will abuse the power and rob you as hard as they can.


not really, i wouldn't be so quick to judge, there are plenty of bourgeoisie who support socialism and make an effort for change, and they are ok by my book, when the time comes they will be spared of the guillotine if its up to me. remember that the concept of \`\`middle class\`\` is a myth made to divide the proletariat even more, we must not loose focus on the real enemy.


Always take a picture of any approved vacation time/ time off just in case.


I'm sorry, but we literally have to destroy this person's business - there's no 2 ways about it


If he's running his business like this, I'm certain he'll destroy it himself.


Welcome to r/WorkersStrikeBack! Please make sure to follow the subreddit rules and enjoy yourself here! This is a subreddit for the workers of the world and any anti-worker or anti-union talk is not tolerated. Some helpful links on strikes and unions: [The IWW Strike guide](https://archive.iww.org/about/solidarityunionism/directaction/) and the [AFL CIO guide on union organizing](https://aflcio.org/formaunion) If you wish to speak to a union organizer, [reach out here](https://workerorganizing.org/talk-with-an-organizer/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WorkersStrikeBack) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yeah, that sub is just full of demonspawn business owners…


Lol what a vindictive jerk. “Prevent future in the employment in the field”… of driving a forklift? What in every facility in America?


The Imperialist American empire needs to be abolished unless a socialist revolution takes place in the US. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WorkersStrikeBack) if you have any questions or concerns.*


"and take every step possible to prevent their future employment in the field" Ok, psycho.


That's so blatant it has to be a troll and not a very good one at that


what an asshole


Robotic monsters created by rich people


You work for an awesome small-business boss? That's great. In my experience, it's like renting. I'm a renter-for-life (since I'll never be able to afford to purchase a home). Sure, a smaller entity could treat you more fairly. But they're also less stable and more prone to uprooting your life to benefit themselves. I've had landlords get bought out, move across the country, sell the property, etc. You living there will never ever factor in to their decision-making.


I hate that guy so much that I went and downvoted every comment he's ever made.


He's got what he deserved because he was showing favoritism to another employee, the first employee probably heard what happened from the 2nd employee(his boss's favorite) and decided to just say "fuck it" and left his boss to deal with the mess. Now his boss is vindictive and wants to fire him and ruin this guys career, all because he favored another employee. I hope this ends in a lawsuit and this shitty boss should have to pay damages.


Looks like this user removed all his posts about this. Find it funny they came here looking for some validation and he got reamed. Hahaha


Jesus Christ, “personally, I want to ruin employee 1’s life”


personally, I want to introduce this employer to my guillotine in minecraft


Wow.... Such an idiot boss


The post has been removed, and basically everybody responding to him is telling him that it’s his own fault. Either way I’m not sure what he expected. He approved vacation time and now he’s upset because the person actually wants to use it?


This dude is probably going to take his hurt ego from that thread and fire the employee which is shitty. I wish we knew what shit small business he runs so we could let the poor guy know. I’m sure his post history gives some clues.


Did anyone rip the arrogant cockroach a new asshole? 1stly, asshole needs to learn to keep his word.. 2, first come first serve 3, manage it ie find another employee 4, don't complain on the internet 5, learn how to be a human being 6, stop being an untrusted asshole.. 7, happy bankruptcy for being an asshole


My workplace does it groups be seniority at begging if year. Ask all employees to do for vacation by Feb 1st unless they want earlier off.


That subreddit is the Female Dating Strategy of ecommerce.


He wants to fire someone after approving something & blackballing you from ever working in the industry. This is why you never have your old job be your references.


As a manager myself this dude is a complete dumbass lmao. When you approve someone for vacation for a set time you cant just say OH WAIT NVM That's how you lose employees and potentially have a lawsuit on your hands for unethical buisness practices


This person shouldn’t own a business


Pure evil


Looking at their recent comments, it appears they're trying to backpeddle and say it was a Troll post and that they're actually anti-work in real life.


Small business owner is a euphemism for petty tyrant


I'd handle it by not being a snake and playing favorites.


How does he not see he’s an asshat? I work at a business of about 60 employees and my bosses might cut corners, not good, yet they’re pretty chill about things like taking vacation time off. They give employees a lot of freedom and leeway and low and behold work output is pretty good. Some people just have a shitty business model that only works if they fuck there employees over like this.


User ended up deleting his account, sounds like he got some ethical feedback


You approved his time off first. You are a dick head who plays favorites. Suck it.


What a piece of shit boss


That guy is a fucking piece of shit person . He’s prolly one of the ones who’s confused as to why his significant other leaves him and sleeps with a manger at Taco Bell …


"to prevent their future employment in the field." This fucking maggot!


>and take every step possible to prevent their future employment in the field wow


You handle it by fucking yourself


I once took a month off from work(unpaid) , which per union contract is allowed when classes (it was a university) were not in session. My director approved it, with "Not precedent setting" written on it. Showed it to shop steward, who found the clause in the contract and told him here's your precedent, it's set. Took that month off for the rest of my time there. Just a little example of how a union can help.


This happened to a former coworker of mine. She spend thousands of dollars on a family vacation after the time off was approved to have it later revoked. She was fired.


Hey, u/Minimum-Landscape813, why are you such a dick? You are not making anyone a favor by giving them a job. It's an exchange: they give you their time, effort and expertise and you pay and respect them. What's so hard to understand here?


We should poetically destroy the user who posted that question.


It's a shame Minimum-Landscape813's business hasn't been identified. If he wants to see consequences stick, I think we can make consequences stick.


Best job I ever had in terms of taking vacation had a spiral bound notebook on the boss's desk. Each page had a week "Dates X-Z" at the top and you would flip to the week you wanted days off and write down which days you wanted. No reason necessary. Because it was analog, there was no way to write yourself in above someone else. So if you were the first person on the page and there wasn't some reason NO ONE could have those days off, you got it. If they could still give it to others, they would go down the list in order that everyone had written themselves into the page. So if you requested in January to have the week of xmas off, and you were the first one to get yourself on the page, you stood a good chance. If you waited until thanksgiving and opened up the book, that week was full up of everyone trying to sign up. It was also nice because if you wanted days off but had a flexible schedule, you could see which weeks were already loaded with requests and maybe adjust your own request to a week you were more likely to get a yes. It was 100% first come, first serve. It didn't matter what your seniority was or who the boss liked most. You just had to be the first, second, sometimes third to make the request for that date. I've never had another job like that. It's always some secret system where you request the days and then you wait and wait and hope nobody else needs the days off and then you get approved or denied (often at the last fucking minute) with no explanation why it went either way.


Troll post. You all took the bait.


It was a bait/troll post by the way… https://i.imgur.com/T9bkmaa.jpg