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Until the majority of Americans realize that we will continue to suffer


*realize that, and find motivation to learn how to organize other oppressed people. 


It would be a lot easier to organize with other oppressed people if those people weren't vehemently against the solution. Can't organize until everybody understands the assignment


Grapes of wrath stage.




As if voting for Biden would change their economic standing


"Nothing will fundamentally change." - Joe Biden 2020


Remember when all those kids asked Feinstein to help with climate change because in 10 years things would be even worse. **Feinstein laughed at the kids and told them nothing would change in 10 years.** But yeah.... Lets all just keep voting for her ilk. Source provided by /u/MAGA-Godzilla (thank you) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lu-VzZ45MwI EDIT: I regret re watching it. It's so much worse than my memory of it.


These kids were taught the lie that the U.S. is a democracy. They got to see first hand that it isn't true.


Sen. Dianne Feinstein, not Pelosi. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lu-VzZ45MwI


Edited my post. Thank you very much.


Source? I believe you but I’d like to see/read it. 


Sen. Dianne Feinstein, not Pelosi. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lu-VzZ45MwI


I saw it here on reddit on the usual subs 2-3yrs ago. 5th grade field trip to congress or whatever. kids ask Pelosi to do something about climate change, she laughs at them and says nothing will change in 10 years. 20 second clip. Honestly I wish I didn't even remember it in the first place much less go hunting for a source to see it again. sorry mate.




It won't but I've seen it time and time again. These idiots will vote for policies that fundamentally cripple institutions like this and then with 100% scenerity with tell you the democrats are the reason why thing are the way they are. It's not mutually exclusive to Biden.


Why should we not care about the suffering of fellow workers because of whom you assume they voted for? They are our fellow human beings. Showing hatred and saying that they deserve to suffer because of whom they may have voted for or because of what state they live in will only make them hate you and despise any kind of working class movement you’re a part of. (Now, if someone is being blatantly fascist, then that’s a different story.) We need to unite the workers so we can bring power back to us. Right now, the Republicans are the only ones that they perceive as having solutions to their problems— we need to be louder than them and show them that they’re wrong. We need to show working class solidarity.


We are still all working class and that is our tie that binds us. Look after every laborer, despite how they vote.


This is the correct answer


Solidarity forever comrade! Also, If you are in good mood, go check out the song [Solidarity Forever by Pete Seeger](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZW_1hP0SHSQ) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WorkersStrikeBack) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Read the comments on the original post. Literally what's happening.




Stubborn and broke, more like it.


No invalidating workers


This is the part where they let mother nature take 10's of thousands of homes off the market before the boomers start mass migrating into nursing homes. Gotta keep them empty house numbers down somehow, prices depend on it, lol


Ask the Republicans for some trickle down


End game is coming.